Ezomyte Topic /9
Ezomyte FlavourText /83
name | flavour |
锈蚀的猎魔圣甲虫 BaseItemTypes | 你的亲族全部葬身在与艾兹麦人的冲突中,年轻的阿格纳,是我们 将你从烈焰中救了出来。现在,巨灵教就是你的族人了。 |
流浪者炖菜 BaseItemTypes | “一点艾兹麦的学问,一点本地的药草…… 不是神秘的维拉克斯,但能维系你的性命。” |
Int4_Gameplay_A1_41 CharacterTextAudio | 你掌控着力量,艾兹麦人。你本可与我平起平坐。 |
Int4_A4_17 CharacterTextAudio | These spikes... The Ezomytes had something so very similar... |
DexInt4b_A1_05 CharacterTextAudio | 艾兹麦人怎么会堕落至此? |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A1_25 CharacterTextAudio | 让葬在此地的艾兹麦人永享安息吧。 |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A1_29 CharacterTextAudio | 这是凶兆。我应该向艾兹麦人打听祭坛的情况。 |
StrInt4b_Gameplay_A4_19 CharacterTextAudio | These runes. They are similar to Ezomyte script... how is this possible? |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A1_08 CharacterTextAudio | 艾兹麦人不会放弃战斗,如我所料。 |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A1_31 CharacterTextAudio | 艾兹麦符文,呃……好吧,怎么都行。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A1_15 CharacterTextAudio | 不论生死,艾兹麦人都不会放弃土地。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A1_26 CharacterTextAudio | 和你的家人在苍穹中团聚吧,艾兹麦人。直到最后,直到死后,你都一直在坚持。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A1_56 CharacterTextAudio | 啊,我明白了!她就是艾兹麦人中的说书人。 |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A1_60 CharacterTextAudio | Let the Ezomytes buried here finally know peace. |
Str4b_Gameplay_A2_92 CharacterTextAudio | Slaves? This goes against everything the Ezomytes stand for. |
RigwaldGlyph1 NPCTextAudio | 你可以抓住一只狼, 将它套上项圈, 上锁炼. 你可以让它饥饿, 殴打他直到他趴下. 但他会臣服吗? 绝不. 一个人只有在他的心灵被征服时才会成为奴隶. 当他相信他的生命已经不属于他自己. 像是一个国王决定去亲吻一个君王的脚, 当这个国王看着他的饥饿人民时享受着他的盛宴. 有些人说我背负着谋杀阿兹莫国王的罪名. 我给了斯科提国王最后的一餐, 但在餐桌上我没有看到国王. 我只看到了一条狗. 狼王瑞佛 |
RigwaldGlyph3 NPCTextAudio | 各种颜色的部落旗帜, 像春天的野花般散布在格拉格林草地. 成千上万饥饿, 贫穷, 武装着生锈铁斧和猎弓的男男女女, 以绝望般的勇气与地国军团对抗着. 受过精良训的士兵, 身着精良的装备有纪律的形成一道人墙. "我高唱, 我咆啸, 我嘶吼"我告诉他们, "但今天, 族人们, 我的剑代替我的声音! " 我们一波一波的冲击着在山坡上军队. 他们不断的将我们挡下. 绿色的草皮混着鲜血和泥土而成为暗红色. 一个奴隶能做什么? 忍受着在磨坊和矿坑中工作至死的道路, 或是以你的生命换取你同胞们的希望. 对于跟随着我上战场的男女来说, 这是个很简单的决定. 最终我的人民击溃了高墙, 以绣斧击败了帝国. 盖厄斯. 山特带着他的小命逃跑了. 我呼唤了伟大巨狼的帮助, 让我找到这个逃之夭夭的狐狸. 虽然这是个迅速的狩猎, 我花了些时间确定在我饶恕了盖厄斯. 山特而给予他致命一击之前受到了足够的苦痛. 狼王瑞佛 |
RigwaldGlyph4 NPCTextAudio | 我和净化军团站在一起看着伟大的萨恩城城墙, 我和切特斯战斗. 我眼看着我最强大的军队, 阿兹莫特, 玛拉克斯, 卡鲁, 圣堂武僧被那宝石奇术创造出来的生物击溃. 击败切特斯将需要不只是最强的战士. 我们面对着怪物, 必需要创造出属于我们的怪物才能击败它. 我站在石阵旁边, 献上鲜血和歌曲. 在此呼唤传说的野兽, 我们恐惧的梦魇. 在此我呼唤伟大的巨狼. 若他有所回应, 我已准备好付出代价. 这是一个男人, 一个国王应该为他的人民所付出的. 狼王瑞佛 |
RigwaldGlyph5 NPCTextAudio | 伟大的巨狼响应了我的呼唤, 他野兽的心脏在我的胸膛, 他的舌头在我的嘴中卷动. 我的下颚冠上了他的利牙冠, 他的眼睛驻入我的眼眶. 我看不见阿兹莫特, 国王及平民, 奴隶及主人. 我只看到了猎物. 在街道和原野, 帝王已被击溃. 奴隶已经自由. 在森林和高山, 那一群依旧在狩猎着猎物. 我不在带领我的人民, 我不会饮用他们的鲜血, 我不在是他们的国王. 我现在是狼王 瑞佛 |
HelenaOnEinhar NPCTextAudio | 在第一次会面的时候,我低估了伊恩哈尔。他来自最贫穷的艾兹麦人,他们自己就已经是这个地区在世界上破败不堪的民族了,伊恩哈尔给我的印象就是个可以为我的事业助上一臂之力的人,但没有更多了。 我错得真离谱。如果有人能破解折磨着瓦尔克拉斯生物的黑暗设计,那就是他了。我一直在寻找这一切的根源,一个公式,或者全部模型,但他仅凭借经验就不知不觉走到了那里。通过研究和理解每一个单独的腐化动物,以及蕴含在他们血液中的能量,他极大地提高了我们对这个问题的理解,比我自己过去取得的任何成果都走得更远。 总有一天,他甚至可以在没有找到根源的情况下解决腐化的症状。绝不会失手,流放者,那简直……令人惊叹。用人类的野蛮手段来解决一个宇宙级难题。 |
JorginDefeatedEleven NPCTextAudio | 艾兹麦,你的初生之子现在在哪呢? |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | 艾兹麦,测试你的实力对抗你的伙伴吧! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | 艾兹麦,他们不在意你的准则。 |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | 艾兹麦,我们会对你的力量进行测试,并超越你。 |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | 现在不是对力量的真正考验,对吧,艾兹麦? |
JorginReplyToBetrayalAcceptedSeven NPCTextAudio | 艾兹麦,真勇敢。勇敢和愚蠢。 |
SelectionBanterIslaVinderiReplyTwo NPCTextAudio | 拜德魏斯·尼姆斯?还是艾泽迈特?我得写下来免得忘了。就记在温德利下面。这应该是那个大个子。 |
CadiroOnFarrulsFur NPCTextAudio | 受一位艾兹麦女神祝福的皮毛?穿上之前,最好还是先洗一洗。艾兹曼人颇为原始,却自诩是心怀浪漫的诗人。别搞错了:他们在修辞辩术上有多缺乏,他们的残暴无情就有多可怖。 |
CadiroNewOnEinhar NPCTextAudio | 你对漫游者艾兹麦了解多少?那个怪人在普兰德斯庄园里偷猎了几头奇珍异兽。我们的士兵一直没法找到他的踪迹。最后,我只好放弃,把损失记在了账上。他居然还在捕猎,真是让我惊讶。 |
UnaGraveyard NPCTextAudio | The graves of our people lie beneath the Eternals' tombs. Despite their best efforts to bury our legacy, we remain. Now they are gone, and we live on. |
RenlyCountDead NPCTextAudio | 乔诺尔伯爵已死,真没想到这样的消息竟会令人感到释然。 |
RenlyClearfellVillage NPCTextAudio | 这里是我们的新起点。克里费尔营地只是一个伐木场,但现在它是欧甘的艾兹麦人的希望之种。我们要击退黑暗,重建家园。为此必须竭尽全力,也许还要付出更多,但我相信我们能做到。 |
RenlyOgham NPCTextAudio | 法瑞欧的这个地带世世代代都是艾兹麦人的家园。各个部族并不总是和睦相处,但是当永恒之民的把我们野蛮地踩在脚下时,我们不得不先放下旧日恩怨。 |
RenlyFatherhoodSon NPCTextAudio | I know I'm not your father, lad, but I've tried hard to raise you the best I can. I don't know how the Karui might have taught you, but I imagine you'd still be the man you are today. |
RenlyGraveyard NPCTextAudio | 你想怎么踩就怎么踩。永恒之民征服这里时,把他们的陵墓压在了我们的上面。现在如果你正巧发现了他们的坟墓,还放出了其中的死者,那就请替我们向他们复仇吧。 |
IronCountManorJournal1Glyph NPCTextAudio | Outsiders can never understand the Ezomyte struggle. Our folklore goes back to the very Winter of the World, when we were but savages clawing grubs from the dirt. The Eternal Empire tried to crush us. They failed. Not even the event that destroyed the Vaal could end us. We strengthened in the wake of their Cataclysm, harnessing runes, mastering the world around us. We have always fought for survival, for home, for hearth. That is the bloodline I am proud of, stretching back thousands of years... That is what I must defend... To keep pure. |
LachlannOnOgham NPCTextAudio | 欧甘?哦,是的,欧甘……这是我们所知的艾兹麦人最古老的家园。过去几代人从此地出发,定居于艾兹麦和斯科提岛。 |
LachlannOnPhaaryl NPCTextAudio | 在法瑞欧……之前……?啊……时过境迁,歌谣已变得模糊不清。许多代人以前,我们被迫从他地流亡至此。那里的腐化太深、黑暗太浓……那是一个充满混乱和恐怖的时代,许多东西都在那时消逝了。 |
LachlannGraveyardGlyph NPCTextAudio | 遭野蛮的永恒之民杀害,欧甘的拉赫兰伯爵家族,永远地安眠于此。 艾兹麦人必将复仇! 1215 I.C. |
EinharFourLocals NPCTextAudio | 这里的艾兹麦人与伊恩哈尔截然不同。他们将自己与森林隔绝开来,拒绝了初生之子的赠礼!我认为这就是腐化回归的原因。 这是末日来临的征兆。这一点,我很肯定。 |
CountsStudySecretJournalText NPCTextAudio | ……我相信暮光会所宣称的事业,我只是不相信他们。外来者无法理解艾兹麦人的困境。我们的歌曲和传说可以追溯到世界之冬,那些卑微如尘土的野蛮爬虫最终变成了现在的艾兹麦人。我们一直为生存、为家园、为炉边的一丝温暖而拼搏奋斗。这传承千年的血脉令我无比光荣。 但面对这颗古怪的种子,坐在它猩红的光芒之中,我开始怀疑自己的选择了。我们接受了暮光会的恳求,诱骗并吊起了那个漆黑的影子,它似乎就是这个古怪活体的照看者。我对种子并无了解,它现在就放在庄园的核心地带。我是合适的人选吗?我的血脉强大到能够制服这头畸兽吗?要是我能知道的话…… |
MysticOnEzomytes NPCTextAudio | 我们确实派了一名{德卡拉}去欧甘岛收集关于腐化的线索。她证实了你的影子告诉我们的许多事情,还带回了一些故事。 |
UnaNewRedValeUnexplored NPCTextAudio | There is a battlefield not far from here that runs red with rust, where the weapons and armour of countless Ezomytes still remain... We call it the Red Vale. You should search the area. There may still be power in some of those centuries old relics. |
UnaNewTreeGossip NPCTextAudio | My mother's mother told me tales of this Tree. Our ancestors used it to attract fey spirits, until it was given a darker purpose under the Eternals. |
WifeBoss_Emerge_Ezomyte NPCTextAudio | Vile dog! Now you shall meet your end! |
WifeBoss_PlayerDeath_Ezomyte_Random NPCTextAudio | Long live the Eternal Empire! |
WifeBoss_PlayerDeath_Ezomyte_2 NPCTextAudio | Long live the Eternal Empire! |
WifeBoss_PlayerDeath_Ezomyte_3 NPCTextAudio | Long live the Eternal Empire! |
WifeBoss_PlayerDeath_Ezomyte_4 NPCTextAudio | We will always win... Ezomyte... |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_Draven_2 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte filth! Yet you bested my husband? Your kind knows only suffering, and I shall ensure you suffer most of all! |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_Draven_3 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte filth! Yet you bested my husband? Your kind knows only suffering, and I shall ensure you suffer most of all! |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_Random NPCTextAudio | You dare trespass in my halls after what your people have done to mine, Ezomyte? You disgust me! |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_2 NPCTextAudio | You dare trespass in my halls after what your people have done to mine, Ezomyte? You disgust me! |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_3 NPCTextAudio | An Ezomyte trespassing in my halls? Disgusting... This land belongs to the immortal souls of the Eternal Empire! |
WifeBoss_Area1_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | An Ezomyte trespassing in my halls? Disgusting... This land belongs to the immortal souls of the Eternal Empire! |
WifeBoss_Area2_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | Hmm... aiding that decrepit Ezomyte fool, are you? |
WifeBoss_Area2_Ezo_5 NPCTextAudio | Hmm... aiding that decrepit Ezomyte fool, are you? |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_Random NPCTextAudio | Arise! Cut down this Ezomyte! |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_2 NPCTextAudio | Arise! Cut down this Ezomyte! |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_3 NPCTextAudio | Arise! Cut down this Ezomyte! |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | Arise! Cut down this Ezomyte! |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_Dead_Random NPCTextAudio | It appears I must sully my hands with you... Ezomyte vermin. |
WifeBoss_Area3_Ezo_Dead_2 NPCTextAudio | It appears I must sully my hands with you... Ezomyte vermin. |
HusbandBoss_Emerge_Ezo_3 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte filth.... Your people will rot for eternity beneath my feet! |
HusbandBoss_Emerge_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte filth.... Your people will rot for eternity beneath my feet! |
HusbandBoss_Area1_AsiniaDead_Ezo_3 NPCTextAudio | You defile this place with your very presence, Ezomyte! |
HusbandBoss_Area1_AsiniaDead_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | You defile this place with your very presence, Ezomyte! |
HusbandBoss_Area1_Ezo_Random NPCTextAudio | Come to carry on your useless rebellion, Ezomyte? How pathetic. |
HusbandBoss_Area1_Ezo_2 NPCTextAudio | Come to carry on your useless rebellion, Ezomyte? How pathetic. |
HusbandBoss_Area1_Ezo_3 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte dog! You dare enter this place after what you did to Asinia? I will rip your soul from your very flesh! |
HusbandBoss_Area1_Ezo_4 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte dog! You dare enter this place after what you did to Asinia? I will rip your soul from your very flesh! |
HusbandBoss_Area1_Ezo_5 NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte dog! You dare enter this place after what you did to Asinia? I will rip your soul from your very flesh! |
HusbandBoss_Area2_Treasure_Ezo_5 NPCTextAudio | How expected. An Ezomyte that defiles our graves and steals what is ours. You are a testament to your kind. |
HusbandBoss_Area2_Treasure_Ezo_6 NPCTextAudio | How expected. An Ezomyte that defiles our graves and steals what is ours. You are a testament to your kind. |
HusbandBoss_Area3_Ezo_Random NPCTextAudio | Your path is one of inevitable ruin... Embrace your death, and in darkness, learn to submit, as countless Ezomytes have before you. |
HusbandBoss_Area3_Ezo_2 NPCTextAudio | Your path is one of inevitable ruin... Embrace your death, and in darkness, learn to submit, as countless Ezomytes have before you. |
HusbandBoss_Glyph1 NPCTextAudio | Our victory is never complete, so long as the Ezomytes resist us. Let this graveyard erase their stain on the land. |
WifeBoss_Glyph2_Random NPCTextAudio | My beloved daughter, we shall never forget what the Ezomytes did to you. We will have our revenge! |
WifeBoss_Glyph2_2 NPCTextAudio | My beloved daughter, we shall never forget what the Ezomytes did to you. We will have our revenge! |
AtaluiOnEzomyteWarrior NPCTextAudio | What is an 'Ezomyte?' I have never heard of such a people. You claim to be an Ezomyte, yet you appear, to my eyes, to be Karui. I suppose I should avoid... assumptions. |
AtaluiOnEzomyte NPCTextAudio | What is an 'Ezomyte?' I have never heard of such a people. You don't mean the Caaltu, do you? No, no, that wouldn't make sense... |
骤雨之弦 UniqueItems | “万矢齐发,战事皆往,生者皆亡。” ——艾兹麦人瑞佛 |
Hoghunt UniqueItems | There was a very clear and delicious reason why the Ezomytes chose to stop their flight and settle in Phaaryl. |