Jamanra Topic /10
NPC | 名字 |
兜帽密师 | I was asleep during the era of Jamanra. I cannot attest to the truth of Risu's tale... though I cannot say it is outside the realm of possibility. The Maraketh have strict traditions, erring on the side of brutal. |
扎卡 | Jamanra? That's a tale I rarely tell. Every few generations, the Faridun stir up trouble. Jamanra was their most successful attempt at causing problems. A very long time ago, he spread dangerous ideas among the outcasts, and spoke to the Maraketh as if they were equals. |
扎卡 | I must confess that my knowledge of Jamanra seems rather tainted by historical... biases. I am honour-bound to do more research before I tell his tale again. |
岑柏琳 | Jamanra has risen... It is... Almost unthinkable. To resort to necromancy and corruption... The Faridun's desperation knows no limits. In a way, it is rather sad. In another, it is harrowing. Either way, this King of theirs, must return to his death. |
岑柏琳 | Now the sandstorm is cleared, we have a chance to chase down Jamanra. Though I am not gifted with sight, I clearly see the dangers ahead of us. You must keep your wits about you. |
岑柏琳 | The risen {King} is dead once again. Another tale of the harsh desert. This time, his death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. |
岑柏琳 | The risen {King} is dead once again. His tale is yet another tragic outcome of the harsh desert. At least this time, the death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. |
契约:亚曼拉之书 | |
亚曼拉之书 | “只要能证明亚曼拉存在,那马拉克斯人就有可能重新接纳法里顿人。 我也很想见见我的父母。我心中有很多疑问。” |
传奇武士亚曼拉 |
伟人亚曼拉 Text Audio /9
名字 |
瓦斯提里之灾必将再起。不降即亡! — JamanraIntro |
我辈一无所有,亦无所求。 — JamanraPhaseOne |
我辈一无所求,尽享万有! — JamanraPhaseTwo |
天下咸服! — JamanraAllShallServe |
忘却! — JamanraBeForgotten |
消亡! — JamanraBeUndone |
在亚曼拉面前颤抖! — JamanraCower |
我辈选择力量! — JamanraWeChoose |
我辈必将……再起…… — JamanraDeath |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.