搜索【庄园】 Something horrible has happened in the Manor. Fight through the madness and find Count Geonor. Area: 钢铁庄园
Find your way down You have spotted the Mad Wolf. Find your way into the pit below the Manor. Area: 钢铁庄园
Face the Mad Wolf You have found the diseased heart of the Manor. Face Count Geonor. Area: 钢铁庄园
Kill the Mad Wolf You have finally come face to face with Count Geonor. Slay him and free Ogham. Area: 钢铁庄园
和【兜帽密师】对话 You have slain the Mad Wolf and freed Ogham, but Oriana has escaped with the Beast. Return to town and speak to the Hooded one. Area: 克里费尔营地
艾斯柯特 追踪腐化之迹: [DNT] Now that the darkness has been driven back, we can reach Ogham's boats. They'll get you across the water to the shores of the Vastiri Plains.