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# 第 1 章 [[include:Act_1_Map]] ## 河岸 * 傳送點: 無 * 頭目:[[浮腫米勒]] * 任務:[[抵達皆伐]]([[Uncut Skill Gem]]等級 1) 遊戲就從這裡開始。選擇移動類型,向前走並與受傷的人說話。打敗殭屍以掠奪起始武器,然後裝備好再繼續前進。 在區域中間,會發現一個大箱子,裡面有第一個技能寶石。 按照教學提示來做: * 將您的技能寶石插入技能寶石面板(預設熱鍵:G) * 左鍵按一下技能圖示,並將其放置在您的技能欄上繼續前進,直到找到 [[浮腫米勒]]。 打敗 [[浮腫米勒]],收集戰利品,然後前往 [[皆伐營地]]。 ## 皆伐營地 NPCs: [[Renly]]; [[Una]]; [[Finn]] 皆伐營地是第一座城鎮。城鎮是安全區,也是中心樞紐,具有以下特色: * 一個傳送點 * 倉庫頁 * 治療井 * 與 NPC NPC 充當賣家、推進各種任務線路或提供任務獎勵。 皆伐營地預設有 3 位 NPC: * [[Renly]]: 售賣武器、護甲、頭盔、手套、盾牌、箭筒和腰帶。 * [[Una]]: 賣權杖、ES 盾牌、魔杖、魔杖、生命瓶、法力瓶、智慧卷軸、戒指、護身符和符飾。Una 也可以對魔法物品和稀有物品進行分解,以獲得轉換或 [[富豪碎片]]。 * [[Finn]]: 允許您用黃金賭未知稀有度的物品。 關於 NPC 的聲明: 僅列出每個城鎮預設可找到的 NPC。臨時聯盟可能會增加您可以與之互動的其他 NPC,作為該聯盟獨特機制的一部分。 ## 皆伐 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[Beira of the Rotten Pack]] ([[Head of the Winter Wolf]]: 賦予 +10% 冰冷抗性) * 任務: 無 皆伐是第二個怪物居住的區域,沒有直接的任務目標。 在這個區域的中央,玩家可以找到以冰為主題的獨特頭目「[[Beira of the Rotten Pack]]」。打敗 貝伊拉會獲得「[[Head of the Winter Wolf]]」,這是一個永久消耗的 BUFF,可賦予 +10% 冰冷抗性。 在區域的右邊,玩家可以找到 [[泥沼陋居]] 的入口,以及一個 傳送點。在右上方附近,可以找到 [[赤谷]] 的出口。 ## 泥沼陋居 * 傳送點: 沒有 * 頭目: [[吞噬獸]] (可選) * 任務: [[Treacherous Ground]] ([[Uncut Support Gem]] 等級1,黃金) 泥沼陋居是一個狹窄蜿蜒的區域,其中有一個打敗[[吞噬獸]]的任選任務。吞噬獸是一個以物理和混沌為主題的 BOSS。吞噬獸的能力是穿透地面,只要小心走位和移動就能避開。尤其是吞噬獸的混沌射彈砲彈,可以利用閃避無敵來躲避。 ## 葛瑞爾林 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Brambleghast]] (可選), [[Areagne, Forgotten Witch]] (可選), [[狼人竊賊]] (可選) * 任務: [[Secrets in the Dark]] 景點: 攝魂之樹, 赤谷 葛瑞爾林 是一個開放的森林區域,並擁有多個區域的任務線。 玩家可以選擇 先在葛瑞爾林搜尋攝魂之樹,再前往 赤谷。或是先前往 赤谷,然後再尋找攝魂之樹。 [[Areagne, Forgotten Witch]] 是一個可選的迷你 Boss,由於她經常使用傳送、寒冷degens 和詛咒,因此對於低階角色來說很難擊敗她。第一次打敗 阿瑞涅 會獲得 1 級未切割的輔助寶石。在她的小屋裡有一個 大鍋,會掉落一個 [[中型生命藥劑]] & [[中型魔力藥劑]]。注意:您可以在不打敗 阿瑞涅 的情況下打開熔爐。 作者註:建議您先尋找 赤谷,但如果您先遇到 攝魂之樹,那就幸運了! ## 赤谷 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Rust King]] * 任務: [[Secrets in the Dark]] 興趣點: 3 個鐵銹方尖碑 赤谷是一個開放區域,裡面有 3 個鐵銹方尖碑。與鏽蝕方尖石互動時,會產生一波怪獸,必須打敗這些怪獸才能獲得 3 件 [[Runed Girdle]] 任務物品。 與第三座也是最後一座鏽蝕方尖石互動時,會出現[[The Rust King]],而不是怪物。打敗鏽蝕國王會掉落最後一個 [[Runed Girdle]]。 取得所有三個 [[Runed Girdle]] 後,前往鎮上與 [[Renly]] 對話,取得 [[Runed Spikes]] 任務物品。之後回到 葛瑞爾林 尋找靈魂之樹。 ## 返回 葛瑞爾林 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Brambleghast]] (Optional) * 任務: [[Secrets in the Dark]] 興趣點: 攝魂之樹, [[The Grim Tangle]] 取得 [[Runed Spikes]] 後,回到 葛瑞爾林 尋找 攝魂之樹,召喚 [[Una]] (如果還沒有的話),然後將[[Runed Spikes]]刺入三個符文封印中。 與 [[Una]] 對話後前往城鎮,再次與 [[Una]] 對話即可完成[[Secrets in the Dark]]。之後回到 葛瑞爾林,尋找 [[The Grim Tangle]]。 ## 纏縛陰林 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Rotten Druid]] (可選) * 任務: [[The Mysterious Shade]] 纏縛陰林 是另一個狹窄蜿蜒的區域,沒有直接的任務目標。玩家應該穿過這個區域,尋找「[[不朽帝國之墓]]」。 ## 不朽帝國之墓 * 傳送點: 有 * NPCs: [[Lachlann the Lost]] * 任務: [[Sorrow Among Stones]] 興趣點: [[Tomb of the Consort]], [[Mausoleum of the Praetor]] 不朽帝國之墓 是一個開放的區域,也是另一個多區域任務線的所在地。玩家需要尋找 [[Tomb of the Consort]] & [[Mausoleum of the Praetor]],擊敗裡面的頭目後,再回到 [[Cemetery of the Eternals]] 和 [[Lachlann the Lost]] 對話。 作者註:先完成哪個區域並無意義。建議依序完成區域! ## 配偶的墓室 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[Asinia, the Praetor's Consort]] * 任務: [[Sorrow Among Stones]] 配偶的墓室 是另一個地下區域,也是 [[Asinia, the Praetor's Consort]] 的家。 尋找並擊敗 阿席妮雅,取得 [[阿席妮雅的回憶之鑰碎片]]。 ## 政務官陵墓 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[Draven, the Eternal Praetor]] * 任務: [[Sorrow Among Stones]] 政務官陵墓 是另一個地下區域,也是 [[Draven, the Eternal Praetor]] 的家。 尋找並擊敗 德雷文,即可獲得 [[德雷文的回憶之鑰碎片]]。 ## 返回 不朽帝國之墓 * 傳送點: 有 * NPCs: [[Lachlann the Lost]] * 頭目: [[Lachlann of Endless Lament]] * 任務: [[Sorrow Among Stones]], [[The Mysterious Shade]] 興趣點: 紀念之門 取得兩個回憶之鑰碎片後,回到 [[Cemetery of the Eternals]] 並打開 [[Lachlann the Lost]] 附近的 紀念之門。跟著 [[Lachlann the Lost]] 到他家人的墳墓,在那裡他會變身為 [[Lachlann of Endless Lament]]。 打敗 [[Lachlann of Endless Lament]] 並拿起 [[Count Lachlann's Ring]]。前往前方的 獵場,從傳送點前往城鎮,與 [[Una]] 對話,並見證 [[The Hooded One]] 的復活。 ## 獵場 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Crowbell]] (可選) (2 天賦點) * 任務: 無 興趣點: [[Freythorn]], [[Ogham Farmlands]] 獵場 是一個開放區域,居住著極其危險的怪物,需要格外小心才能安全前進。[[The Crowbell]]是一個可選的 BOSS,打敗後會提供 2 個天賦點。 連接到狩獵場的是 [[Freythorn]] 和 [[Ogham Farmlands]]。建議先找到 [[Freythorn]] 再繼續前進,因為裡面的可選頭目會提供 +30 精魂值和[[精魂寶石]]。 ## 弗雷索恩 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The King in the Mists]] ([[Gembloom Skull]]: +30 精魂, [[Uncut Spirit Gem]] 等級 4: Creates a Persistent Buff Skill Gem at Level 4) * 任務: [[Ominous Altars]] (可選) (普通稀有度 [[Ruby Charm]], [[Sapphire Charm]] 或 [[Topaz Charm]]) Points of Interest: 3 Ritual Altars Freythorn is hoisted above the Hunting Grounds, it is composed of narrow wooden walkways and filled with dangerous ritual enemies. This is home to the King in the Mists. Search for the three Ritual Altars, interact with them, and defeat the newly spawned enemies to cleanse the Ritual. After cleansing three Ritual Altars, head to the top of the zone, in search of a much larger Ritual Altar. Clear the enemies surrounding it and interact with the larger Ritual Altar to begin the final Ritual, spawning another wave of monsters. Defeat the monsters and the King in the Mists spawns. The King in the Mists is a multi-phase, physical, and chaos themed boss, with both ranged and melee abilities. During the fight, the King in the Mists will cast either a purple or red debuff on you. If the debuff is purple: keep moving to avoid being frozen. If the debuff is red: stand still to avoid being frozen. Standing still can be dangerous, so either maintain distance before the red debuff is cast, or, build up the boss's stagger bar and stun them when afflicted by the red debuff. After defeating the King in the Mists. Loot the Gembloom Skull and consume it for a +30 Spirit buff. Consuming the Gembloom Skull will also create an Uncut Spirit Gem Level 4, allowing you to create your first Persistent Buff Skill Gem. Head to town and speak to Finn, who will offer you a normal rarity Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz Charm. Select one and progress further. ## 奧格姆農地 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: 無 * 任務: [[The Lost Lute]] (可選) (2 天賦點) Ogham Farmlands is an open zone with an optional quest: The Lost Lute. To complete the Lost Lute: search for a hut containing Una’s Lute, Loot Una’s Lute, and speak to Una in Town to acquire 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points. ## 奧格姆村 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[The Executioner]] Quests: The Trail of Corruption (Uncut Skill Gem Level 5), Finding the Forge (Optional) (Unlocks the Salvage Bench) Ogham Village is a fiery village and contains the Executioner, a required boss to progress forward; and an optional but recommended quest, Finding the Forge which unlocks the Salvage Bench. To complete Finding the Forge: search for Renly’s Smithing Tools and bring them back to Renly in town. To complete the Trail of Corruption, search for and defeat The Executioner. The Executioner is a physical and fire themed boss, with extremely lethal slam abilities. Pay careful attention to the Executioner's animations to either walk out of or Dodge Roll away from his abilities. After defeating the Executioner, free the prisoner at the top of the platform, travel forward to the Courtyard, and take the Waypoint to town to speak to Leitis for an Uncut Skill Gem Level 5. ## 宅第壁壘 * 傳送點: 有 * 任務: 無 * 頭目: 無 The Manor Ramparts is an open zone with no quests or bosses. Progress forward and search for the Oghman Manor. ## 奧格姆宅第 * 傳送點: 有 * 頭目: [[Count Geonor]] (Unlock Act 2), [[Candlemass, the Living Rite]] ([[Candlemass' Essence]]: 賦予 +20 最大生命) * 任務: [[The Mad Wolf of Ogham]] The Oghman Manor is a multi-floor indoor zone that contains Count Geonor, a required boss to progress forward; and an optional but recommended boss, Candlemass, that grants a +20 to Maximum Life buff. Candlemass is located on the first floor and is a fire themed boss, with both ranged and melee attacks. Count Geonor, is found on the final floor and is a multi-phase, physical and cold themed boss. During the first phase, Count Geonor fights you in both human and wolf form. Upon lowering Count Geonor to below half health, he permanently transitions to wolf form and disappears into an arena-wide fog. During the fog phase normal monsters spawn to provide flask charges. As the fog phase progresses, Count Geonor speaks various voice lines; and at the end of each voice line lunges at you from the fog. After the fog dissipates, Count Geonor returns in wolf form, with extra abilities. Carefully watch his animations and pay attention to arena-wide AoE abilities. After defeating Count Geonor, return to town and speak to the Hooded One, selecting the “Follow the Beast’s trail” dialogue option to progress to Act 2.
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