Secrets in the Dark
Act 1
Reward: Runed Spikes
Travel through Clearfell to the Grelwood and search for any clues about the night the Count took his men out there.
1Travel to the Grelwood
Travel through Clearfell to the Grelwood and search for any clues about the night the Count took his men out there.
Area: The Grelwood
  • Renly The Grelwood: That place used to be a kind and warm wood. I even played there when I was young.
    It's a dark well now, with no way out for most. I'd go with you, but I've got people to protect here.
  • Renly The Grelwood: That place used to be a kind and warm wood. I even took you to play there when you were younger, if you remember.
    It's a dark well now, with no way out for most. If you go there, be on guard, and remember the skills I taught you.
  • Una The Grelwood: The First Ones ran wild through the Grelwood of old, hunting and brawling as they saw fit. It is said that the spirits of the forest would watch them and be... entertained. Over time, the forest became abundant with the joy of those spirits and their old magicks. It was a haven for the unity of life and spirit. That place of beauty has now become shadowed and deadly. The curse upon this land has made the known paths of the Grelwood twisted and treacherous, so much so, that we can no longer even reach our home.
  • Una The Grelwood: The First Ones ran wild through the Grelwood of old, hunting and brawling as they saw fit. It is said that the spirits of the forest would watch them and be... entertained. Over time, the forest became abundant with the joy of those spirits and their old magicks. It was a haven for the unity of life and spirit. That place of beauty has now become shadowed and deadly. The curse upon this land has made the known paths of the Grelwood twisted and treacherous, so much so, that we can no longer even reach our home.
  • 2Search the Grelwood
    Search the Grelwood for any hint of what might have happened to the Count and his men that fateful night.
    Area: The Grelwood
    3Ask Una for help
    You have found the Tree of Souls. An ancient entity hangs upon it. Summon Una and ask her for advice.
    Area: The Grelwood
    4Find the Red Vale
    To release the Hooded One, you must find the 3 runes in the Red Vale. Look for the Red Vale in the Grelwood.
    Area: The Red Vale
  • Finn Home: As an esteemed member of no clan at all, I had the distinct honour of wandering through the lovely sights of all four seasons. Summer heat, winter chill, take your pick. For company, it was my pleasure to sup with the outlaws, the deranged, and the unwanted. It's simply unthinkable that I never met a nice girl to settle down with, isn't it? It won't be like this forever. I'm going to build my palace someday. Been planning it since I was small and found myself on my own. Imagine with me, if you will, a vast span of wood above you in the trees. That's the foundation you're looking at. You ascend a tremendous spiral staircase around an ancient trunk, and find yourself approaching a treehouse worthy of the First Ones. Dozens of lavish bedrooms, two—{two!}—stocked kitchens, tall spires, a tower that looks out over all of Ogham, and half of Phaaryl for good measure. Isn't it glorious? {That's} where I really live. This cold, damp, hungry world is just an illusion.
  • Una Finn: He wears an eloquent mask of words. I doubt anyone here has seen what lies beneath. For many summers, I watched him cut smooth circles around the village square, moving from partner to partner, as if he was attending one of those famed Eternal masquerades. Always masked, always pretending to be something he wasn't, never serious. It's a shame, because when a masquerade ends, everybody that is real goes home, but he'll still be dancing, masked and alone.
  • Una Finn: He wears an eloquent mask of words. I doubt anyone here has seen what lies beneath. For many summers, I watched him cut smooth circles around the village square, moving from partner to partner, as if he was attending one of those famed Eternal masquerades. Always masked, always pretending to be something he wasn't, never serious. It's a shame, because when a masquerade ends, everybody that is real goes home, but he'll still be dancing, masked and alone.
  • 5Find the Red Vale
    To release the Hooded One, you must find the 3 runes in the Red Vale. Look for the Vale in the Grelwood.
    Area: The Red Vale
    6Search for Runes of Power
    The runes you need to release the Hooded One are somewhere in the Red Vale. Look for them.
    Area: The Red Vale
    7Search the Red Vale
    This vale is littered with the debris of countless battles. Search it for anything that may still be useful.
    Area: The Red Vale
    8Investigate the Obelisks of Rust
    Residual magic clearly still resides in the Red Vale. Investigate the Obelisks of Rust for the Runes of Power.
    Area: The Red Vale
    9Loot the Runes of Power
    The Runes of Power are clearly powerful. Collect all that the Red Vale has to offer.
    Area: The Red Vale
    10Activate the Obelisk of Rust
    Activate the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale to collect the Runes of Power for the Hooded One.
    Area: The Red Vale
    11Collect Runes of Power
    Collect all the Runes of Power in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
    12Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the 2 remaining Runes of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
  • Finn The Red Vale: Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. How rusted is the gear? Any of it salvageable? Worth anything? Just... uh... thinking out loud.
  • Finn The Red Vale: Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. Oh, shite—no offense. I was talking about me, not you... Although, I guess we do have that in common. How rusted is the gear? Any of it salvageable? Worth anything? Just... uh... thinking out loud.
  • Renly Runed Spikes: Here are your spikes but... be cautious. They stayed warm after forging no matter how many times I quenched them.
    I would ask what you need these for, but I'm putting my trust in you.
  • 13Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the 2 remaining Runes of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
  • Renly Runed Spikes: Here are your spikes but... be cautious. They stayed warm after forging no matter how many times I quenched them.
    I would ask what you need these for, but I'm putting my trust in you.
  • 14Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the 2 remaining Runes of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
  • Renly Runed Spikes: Here are your spikes but... be cautious. They stayed warm after forging no matter how many times I quenched them.
    I would ask what you need these for, but I'm putting my trust in you.
  • 15Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the last Rune of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
    16Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the last Rune of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
    17Collect Runes of Power
    Collect the last Rune of Power from the Obelisks of Rust in the Red Vale.
    Area: The Red Vale
    18Defeat the Monsters
    Destroy the monsters guarding the Rune of Power.
    Area: The Red Vale
    19Defeat the Rust King
    Destroy the Rust King guarding the final Rune of Power.
    Area: The Red Vale
    20Bring the Runes to Renly
    You have found the Runes of Power in the Red Vale. Take them to Renly for forging.
    Area: Clearfell Encampment
    21Take the Rune Spikes from Renly
    Renly has forged the Runes of Power from the Red Vale into spikes. Take them from him.
    Area: Clearfell Encampment
  • Una Secrets in the Dark: Renly's done a fine job forging those spikes. Meet me at the Tree of Souls.
  • Una The Tree of Souls: You have them! Stab them into the runewood sites.
  • Una The Tree of Souls: You have them! Stab them into the runewood sites.
  • 22Return to the Grelwood
    You have taken the forged Rune Spikes from Renly. Return to the Grelwood with them.
    Area: The Grelwood
    23Use the Rune Spikes
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    24Use the Rune Spikes
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    25Use the Rune Spikes
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    26Use the Rune Spikes
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    27Use the Last Rune Spike
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    28Use the Last Rune Spike
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    29Use the Last Rune Spike
    Stab each Rune Spike into the Ancient Runes on the Tree of Souls to ask it to release the Hooded One.
    Area: The Grelwood
    30Speak to Una
    You have released a dark entity called the Hooded One from the Tree of Souls. Speak to Una for more information.
    Area: The Grelwood
  • Renly Renly's Tools: I heard you're heading for the village. When I fled for my life, there was no time for me to grab my smithing tools. If you do manage to reach my forge, you should find them, and bring them here. I'll set up a bench, and we can see about working on your equipment.
  • Renly Renly's Tools: So you're going back to the village, Lad? You've probably been thinking this already, but we could do some proper smithing if you manage to bring back our tools. They should still be near the forge, right where I left them. Bring them here, and we'll set up a bench. Some honest work might do wonders to lift our spirits.
  • Una The Wound: He's unconscious, but he's breathing. Though... this wound... We should take him back to Clearfell. He may be the only one who knows what truly happened out here.
  • Una The Wound: He's unconscious, but he's breathing. Though... this wound... We should take him back to Clearfell. He may be the only one who knows what truly happened out here.
  • 31Meet Una in Clearfell
    You have released a dark entity called the Hooded One from the Tree of Souls. Return to Clearfell Encampment and speak to Una.
    Area: Clearfell Encampment
  • Finn The Hooded One: So, you found a shadow in the forest, and you brought it {here}. Good. Great. Superb.
  • 32Quest Complete
    You have released a dark entity called the Hooded One from the Tree of Souls.
  • Una Cemetery of the Eternals: The graves of our people lie beneath the Eternals' tombs. Despite their best efforts to bury our legacy, we remain. Now they are gone, and we live on. This is the cycle of life as we have always known it. Everyone dies, but the clan endures, and the greatest glory an Ezomyte can attain is to live on in a song or a poem. That is why we do not fight the wood and stone to reclaim our buried graves, and it is something the Eternals never understood: we don't need the graves. We still have the songs and the stories that matter. They could never take those from us.
  • Una Cemetery of the Eternals: The graves of our people lie beneath the Eternals' tombs. Despite their best efforts to bury our legacy, we remain. Now they are gone, and we live on. This is the cycle of life as we have always known it. Everyone dies, but the clan endures, and the greatest glory an Ezomyte can attain is to live on in a song or a poem. That is why we do not fight the wood and stone to reclaim our buried graves, and it is something the Eternals never understood: we don't need the graves. We still have the songs and the stories that matter. They could never take those from us.
  • Una Fey Spirits: If the fey spirits are still watching, I believe they will help us. Please, wait a moment.
  • Una The Grim Tangle: My mother and I would come here to gather mushrooms when I was young. Ervig the Druid, one of the Grelwood's resident mystics, would meet us and allow us entry. He was well versed in the tongue of the old magicks. But now... Well times have certainly changed. Please, don't eat any of the mushrooms. We need you alive!
  • Secrets in the Dark
    Act 1

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