The Halani Gates

The Halani Gates
Id: G2_3
Act: 2
Area Level: 20
Maws of stone threaten to snap shut on the unwary.
The Halani Gates Attr /7
NameShow Full Descriptions
Monster Level20
Connected AreaTraitor's Passage, The Ardura Caravan
BossJamanra, the Risen King
  • The Hooded One Shambrin: I am accustomed to others shivering and turning away when my gaze falls upon them, but I must confess, for once the feeling is reversed. Although she is blind, I sometimes have the strangest notion that she is looking at me - even at night.
  • The Hooded One Zarka: You have no idea how much restraint it requires to listen to tales of peoples and places I knew, yet {not} correct her. She's close, I shall grant her that. Often startlingly so, in certain details or sequences of events, but the spirit of what happened thousands of years ago, the {essence} of that life... it has been embellished. Yet other times, the stories convey only a pale shadow, and the true magnificence is lost. Or is it my memories that have drifted with time? I suppose we shall never know, because those days are gone, never to return... all that I once loved has been dust hundreds of years longer than you have even been alive.
  • Zarka Risu: Each young one is much like another. Faridun, Maraketh, what does it matter to an old woman? Others may scowl for letting Risu sit and listen to my stories, but none may order me silent.
  • Shambrin The Hooded One: When I face his direction, there is a faint... impression. Even the sun does not intrude upon my blindness, so this is a new sensation for me. What am I seeing from your strange companion?
  • LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
    20Jamanra, the Risen King13,239891.61724,07012786015-15150
    20Faridun Swordsman748451.3953981278600000
    20Faridun Spearman748451.3953981278600000
    20Faridun Heavy Infantry748451.53981278600000
    20Faridun Spearwoman685411.53651278600000
    20Faridun Bladedancer685411.53651278600000
    20Faridun Wind-slicer654391.53491278600000
    20Faridun Javelineer654391.53491278600000
    20Faridun Infantry685411.53651278600000
    20Faridun Neophyte498301.322661278600000
    20Faridun Fledgling498301.52661278600000
    20Boulder Ant467281.5249127860151500

    The Halani Gates

    The Halani Gates
    Id: G2_3a
    Act: 2
    Area Level: 20
    The flow of trade is gone, but the gates remain.
    The Halani Gates Attr /4
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level20
    Connected AreaThe Ardura Caravan

    The Halani Gates

    The Halani Gates
    Id: G2_3s
    Act: 2
    Area Level: 20
    The Halani Gates Attr /3
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level20
    Connected AreaThe Ardura Caravan

    The Halani Gates

    The Halani Gates
    Id: C_G2_3
    Act: 8
    Area Level: 53
    Maws of stone threaten to snap shut on the unwary.
    The Halani Gates Attr /7
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level53
    Connected AreaTraitor's Passage, The Ardura Caravan
    BossJamanra, the Risen King
  • The Hooded One Shambrin: I am accustomed to others shivering and turning away when my gaze falls upon them, but I must confess, for once the feeling is reversed. Although she is blind, I sometimes have the strangest notion that she is looking at me - even at night.
  • The Hooded One Zarka: You have no idea how much restraint it requires to listen to tales of peoples and places I knew, yet {not} correct her. She's close, I shall grant her that. Often startlingly so, in certain details or sequences of events, but the spirit of what happened thousands of years ago, the {essence} of that life... it has been embellished. Yet other times, the stories convey only a pale shadow, and the true magnificence is lost. Or is it my memories that have drifted with time? I suppose we shall never know, because those days are gone, never to return... all that I once loved has been dust hundreds of years longer than you have even been alive.
  • Zarka Risu: Each young one is much like another. Faridun, Maraketh, what does it matter to an old woman? Others may scowl for letting Risu sit and listen to my stories, but none may order me silent.
  • Shambrin The Hooded One: When I face his direction, there is a faint... impression. Even the sun does not intrude upon my blindness, so this is a new sensation for me. What am I seeing from your strange companion?
  • LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
    53Jamanra, the Risen King218,8753431.617262,9581,396314030-30300
    53Faridun Swordsman12,3601721.3954,3521,39631400000
    53Faridun Spearman12,3601721.3954,3521,39631400000
    53Faridun Heavy Infantry12,3601721.54,3521,39631400000
    53Faridun Spearwoman11,3301581.53,9901,39631400000
    53Faridun Bladedancer11,3301581.53,9901,39631400000
    53Faridun Wind-slicer10,8151511.53,8081,39631400000
    53Faridun Javelineer10,8151511.53,8081,39631400000
    53Faridun Infantry11,3301581.53,9901,39631400000
    53Faridun Neophyte8,2401151.322,9021,39631400000
    53Faridun Fledgling8,2401151.52,9021,39631400000
    53Boulder Ant7,7251081.52,7201,3963140303000

    The Halani Gates

    The Halani Gates
    Id: C_G2_3a
    Act: 8
    Area Level: 53
    The flow of trade is gone, but the gates remain.
    The Halani Gates Attr /4
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level53
    Connected AreaThe Ardura Caravan

    The Halani Gates

    The Halani Gates
    Id: C_G2_3s
    Act: 8
    Area Level: 53
    The Halani Gates Attr /3
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level53
    Connected AreaThe Ardura Caravan

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