Act: 2
奖励: 专精之书, 2 点天赋重置点数
An abandoned rhoa you passed on the way into Deshar indicates that someone Maraketh may have run into trouble here.
Tradition's Toll
An abandoned rhoa you passed on the way into Deshar indicates that someone Maraketh may have run into trouble here.
Area: Deshar
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. Deshar is our most sacred monument... I myself will soon make the journey there, once I train a replacement. Most do wait for their bodies to fail, but I would prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. It might not look like it now, but I was a rather powerful Sorceress in my time.
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. I will soon make the journey to Deshar myself, once I train a replacement. I could wait, but I prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. I might not look the part now, but when I was younger, you would have found me to be a formidable rival!
  • 2返回【商队】
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 向艾萨拉出示遗书: 你为什么要给我看这个?蠢货!只因为信上没有名字,所以才没人需要为这种愚行付出代价。不然,我就不得不依照传统履行一些令人不快的职责了。我重视手下的每一名{德卡拉},所以我才会说:别让我看见这个。
  • 扎卡 向扎卡出示遗书: 啊。我明白了。孩子,你最好不要把那封信给任何其他的人看。如果有人问我它的内容,我就会假装老年痴呆。我建议你……把它处理掉……只要交给无法阅读它的人就行了,我说清楚了吗?
  • 岑柏琳 将遗书交给岑柏琳: 你找到了一封信?为了你自己好,别和别人提起里面的内容,我会把它烧掉的。等我有机会,我就会回到墓塔去,在莱鲁玛的遗体上做个标记。也许找块石头,或其他不显眼的东西。别人不会知道,但我会记住她的。
  • 岑柏琳 将遗书交给岑柏琳: 你找到了一封信?为了你自己好,别和别人提起里面的内容,我会把它烧掉的。等我有机会,我就会回到墓塔去,在莱鲁玛的遗体上做个标记。也许找块石头,或其他不显眼的东西。别人不会知道,但我会记住她的。
  • 3Travel to Deshar
    Shambrin has asked you to travel to Deshar and search for the possible corpse of someone she cared about.
    Area: Deshar
  • 岑柏琳 莱露玛的失踪: 那些生前证明了自己的马拉克斯人可以获得葬于天空的权力,但弱者和下民则有自己的传统:他们不被允许在墓塔上安息,所以当患病或日渐虚弱时,他们会从烈风阵阵的高塔上一跃而下。 沙漠仍旧会吞噬他们的躯体——我们最怕这个——但能在充满荣耀的地点脚下安歇,也算是仅次于葬于墓塔之上了。这样你可以理解我为什么会担心莱露玛选择独自前往那里了吧……
  • 岑柏琳 莱露玛的失踪: 我不知道你们的{阿卡拉}是怎么做的,但在这里,无法葬于天空的人都有自己的传统。他们不被允许在墓塔上安息,所以当患病或日渐虚弱时,他们会从烈风阵阵的高塔上一跃而下。沙漠仍旧会吞噬他们的躯体,但能在充满荣耀的地点脚下安歇,也算是仅次于葬于墓塔之上了。想必你能够明白我为什么会担心独自前去的莱露玛……
  • 岑柏琳 将遗书交给岑柏琳: 你找到了一封信?为了你自己好,别和别人提起里面的内容,我会把它烧掉的。等我有机会,我就会回到墓塔去,在莱鲁玛的遗体上做个标记。也许找块石头,或其他不显眼的东西。别人不会知道,但我会记住她的。
  • 4搜寻有关【莱露玛】命运的线索
    Area: Deshar
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    你将【遗书】交还给岑柏琳后,她给了你 1 本专精之书
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    Quest Complete - You searched Deshar and found a final letter. Shambrin burned it without reading it, but intends to secretly remember the person that wrote it.