Ekbab, monture antique
Zone : Les Fosses à ossements
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
Ekbab, Ancient Steed
Spectre | N |
Area | Les Fosses à ossements, Les Fosses à ossements |
Tags | beast, construct, medium_movement, melee, MonsterBlunt_onhit_audio, physical_affinity, undead |

Touches critiques Chance
Bonus de Dégâts critiques
Attack Distance
6 ~ 25
Temps d'attaque
2.145 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
Score d'Évasion
Dégâts des sorts
Temps d'attaque
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Attaque de base
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]

Attack, Melee, MeleeSingleTarget, Movement, Travel
Charge au bouclier
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
Temps de recharge: 10 sec.
Une charge qui percute un ennemi avec le bouclier du personnage. L'ennemi est également repoussé et étourdi. Les ennemis sur votre chemin sont projetés sur le côté. Les dégâts et l'étourdissement sont proportionnels à la distance parcourue. Ne peut pas être modifié par Multifrappe.
75% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse de déplacement
base deal no damage [1]
ignores proximity shield [1]
shield charge continue past target [1]
shield charge extra distance [100]

Temps de recharge: 3 sec.
70% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
+25 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
Temps de recharge: 4.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+20 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
active skill base area of effect radius [100]
brutus ground slam effect step [400]
brutus ground slam number of effects at max [4]
brutus ground slam number of effects at min [2]
ground slam cone angle override [45]
ground slam wave duration override ms [1400]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action do not face target [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action do not face target [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 170%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
70% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [50]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 321–481
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 170%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
70% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" Positioned { blocking = false } StateMachine { define_shared_state = " spawnritual; mastodondeath; necromancerdeath; epks; shieldcharge; " } //need to trigger aura for enrage on partners deaths Actor { basic_action = "Emerge" on_event_contact_for_Emerge = " SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); summoners.SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); summonerboss.SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); " } Transitionable {} ControlZone { } Functions { fix_orientation = " /* arg1 doesn't exist by the time AddOnActionEnd happens so needs to be put somewhere */ this.temp_anim_orientation = arg1; AddOnActionEnd( { SetOrientation( GetOrientation() + temp_anim_orientation, false, true ); PlayAnimationType( Idle, 1.0, 0, 0 ); this.temp_anim_orientation = null; }, true ); " } Stats { set_monster_delay_item_drops_millis = 750 set_base_heavy_stun_duration_ms = 4933 } BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = "globals.MastodonBoss = this;" } Brackets { }
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" StateMachine { create_state_spawnritual_0 = "DisableTargetable();" on_state_spawnritual_1 = " EnableTargetable(); SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( True ); AddAttachedObjectToBones( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', root ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', fadein ); QueueAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', idle ); " create_state_spawnritual_1 = " AddAttachedObjectToBones( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', root ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', idle ); Delay( 0.1, { SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( True ); } ); " on_or_create_state_epks_2 = "/* RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastadon_idle.epk );*/ /* IfAlive( { AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk ); } );*/ " on_or_create_state_epks_1 = "AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' );" on_state_epks_0 = " PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', fadeout ); AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastadon_death.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' ); DetachAllOfType( 'Metadata/Monsters/MastodonBoss/attachments/EngravedConstructDanglesHeld.ao' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_0 = " RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_end.epk' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_1 = "AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' );" on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_2 = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_3 = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_end.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); " } BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = " HideMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); HideMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); " } Animated { on_event_show_segment_for_emerge_01 = " ShowMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); ShowMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); " on_event_hide_segment_for_death_01 = " HideMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); HideMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); ShowMeshSegments( Tentacles_split1Shape, Tentacles_split2Shape ); " } Actor { on_event_footstep1_for_ShieldCharge = "PlayEffect( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_stomp.ao', default, 1.0, inherit, 0.0, inherit, 165, -60, 0, SelfLocation );" on_event_footstep2_for_ShieldCharge = "PlayEffect( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_stomp.ao', default, 1.0, inherit, 0.0, inherit, 165, 60, 0, SelfLocation );" } Transitionable { create_untransitioned = " IfAlive( () { PlayAnimation( emerge_01 ); PauseAnimation(); } ); " } Life { on_death = " SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( false ); IfState( necromancerdeath, 1, { TriggerBracket( arena_sector_destruction, GetState( arena_sector_id ) ); } ); " } Preload { preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/prefight.ao" preload_environment = "G2_5_boss" } Render { use_ao_lights = true } GlobalAudioParamEvents { player_in_range_param = "MastodonInRange" life_percent_param = "MastodonLifePercentage" range = 130 }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/MastodonBoss/MastodonBoss"] = { name = "Ekbab, Ancient Steed", life = 1.5, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 2.7, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 2.145, attackRange = 25, accuracy = 1, skillList = { "Melee", "GAMastodonSlamImpact", "MastodonCharge", "MastodonSlam", "MastodonAttackLeftTurn", "MastodonAttackRightTurn", "MastodonSlamBackTurn", "MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn", "MastodonSlamComboRightTurn", "MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf", "MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf", "MastodonDualSwipe", "MastodonCreateSpike", "GTMastodonSpikes", "MastodonLeftTurn", "MastodonRightTurn", "MastodonSlamTriggered", "GAMastodonLeftShape", "GAMastodonRightShape", "GAMastodonChargeShape", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["Melee"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonSlamImpact"] = { name = "GAMastodonSlamImpact", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {150, baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonCharge"] = { name = "Shield Charge", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Charges at an enemy, bashing it with the character's shield and striking it. This knocks it back and stuns it. Enemies in the way are pushed to the side. Damage and stun are proportional to distance travelled. Cannot be supported by Multistrike.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Travel] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_movement_velocity_+%", "shield_charge_extra_distance", "ignores_proximity_shield", "shield_charge_continue_past_target", "base_deal_no_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {75, 100, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlam"] = { name = "MastodonSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2, baseFlags = { area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "is_area_damage", "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {25, 150, baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonAttackLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonAttackRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamBackTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamBackTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "active_skill_base_area_of_effect_radius", "ground_slam_cone_angle_override", "ground_slam_wave_duration_override_ms", "brutus_ground_slam_effect_step", "brutus_ground_slam_number_of_effects_at_max", "brutus_ground_slam_number_of_effects_at_min", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {20, 100, 45, 1400, 400, 4, 2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamComboRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamComboRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf"] = { name = "MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf"] = { name = "MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonDualSwipe"] = { name = "MastodonDualSwipe", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.2, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonCreateSpike"] = { name = "MastodonCreateSpike", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GTMastodonSpikes"] = { name = "GTMastodonSpikes", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamTriggered"] = { name = "MastodonSlamTriggered", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonLeftShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonLeftShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {150, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonRightShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonRightShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {150, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonChargeShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonChargeShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {50, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Id | MonsterUniqueT2Boss |
Family | MonsterActBoss |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
Id | MonsterReducedFlaskCharges50Percent |
Family | MonsterSlainFlaskCharges |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask |
Ekbab, monture antique
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
Ekbab, Ancient Steed
Spectre | N |
Tags | beast, construct, medium_movement, melee, MonsterBlunt_onhit_audio, physical_affinity, undead |

Touches critiques Chance
Bonus de Dégâts critiques
Attack Distance
6 ~ 25
Temps d'attaque
2.145 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
Score d'Évasion
Dégâts des sorts
Temps d'attaque
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Attaque de base
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]

Attack, Melee, MeleeSingleTarget, Movement, Travel
Charge au bouclier
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
Temps de recharge: 10 sec.
Une charge qui percute un ennemi avec le bouclier du personnage. L'ennemi est également repoussé et étourdi. Les ennemis sur votre chemin sont projetés sur le côté. Les dégâts et l'étourdissement sont proportionnels à la distance parcourue. Ne peut pas être modifié par Multifrappe.
75% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse de déplacement
base deal no damage [1]
ignores proximity shield [1]
shield charge continue past target [1]
shield charge extra distance [100]

Temps de recharge: 3 sec.
70% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
+25 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
is area damage [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
Temps de recharge: 4.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+20 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
active skill base area of effect radius [100]
brutus ground slam effect step [400]
brutus ground slam number of effects at max [4]
brutus ground slam number of effects at min [2]
ground slam cone angle override [45]
ground slam wave duration override ms [1400]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action do not face target [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action do not face target [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 170%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
70% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [150]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Temps de recharge: 3.25 sec.
Vous ne pouvez pas être Repoussé(e)
Vous ne pouvez pas Étourdir les Ennemis au Toucher
+10 à l'Allonge de Mêlée
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
action do not face target [1]
melee defer damage prediction [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 504–755
Chances de Touche critique: 5%
Dégâts d'Attaque: 140%
Temps d'attaque: 2.145 sec.
40% Davantage de Dégâts d'Attaque
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [50]
Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" Positioned { blocking = false } StateMachine { define_shared_state = " spawnritual; mastodondeath; necromancerdeath; epks; shieldcharge; " } //need to trigger aura for enrage on partners deaths Actor { basic_action = "Emerge" on_event_contact_for_Emerge = " SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); summoners.SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); summonerboss.SetStateTo( spawnritual, 1 ); " } Transitionable {} ControlZone { } Functions { fix_orientation = " /* arg1 doesn't exist by the time AddOnActionEnd happens so needs to be put somewhere */ this.temp_anim_orientation = arg1; AddOnActionEnd( { SetOrientation( GetOrientation() + temp_anim_orientation, false, true ); PlayAnimationType( Idle, 1.0, 0, 0 ); this.temp_anim_orientation = null; }, true ); " } Stats { set_monster_delay_item_drops_millis = 750 set_base_heavy_stun_duration_ms = 4933 } BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = "globals.MastodonBoss = this;" } Brackets { }
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" StateMachine { create_state_spawnritual_0 = "DisableTargetable();" on_state_spawnritual_1 = " EnableTargetable(); SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( True ); AddAttachedObjectToBones( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', root ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', fadein ); QueueAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', idle ); " create_state_spawnritual_1 = " AddAttachedObjectToBones( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', root ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', idle ); Delay( 0.1, { SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( True ); } ); " on_or_create_state_epks_2 = "/* RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastadon_idle.epk );*/ /* IfAlive( { AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk ); } );*/ " on_or_create_state_epks_1 = "AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' );" on_state_epks_0 = " PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_light.ao', fadeout ); AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastadon_death.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/mastaton_idle_02.epk' ); DetachAllOfType( 'Metadata/Monsters/MastodonBoss/attachments/EngravedConstructDanglesHeld.ao' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_0 = " RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_end.epk' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_1 = "AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' );" on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_2 = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_start.epk' ); " on_or_create_state_shieldcharge_3 = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_end.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/epk/charge_idle.epk' ); " } BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = " HideMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); HideMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); " } Animated { on_event_show_segment_for_emerge_01 = " ShowMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); ShowMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); " on_event_hide_segment_for_death_01 = " HideMeshSegment( bandagesShape ); HideMeshSegment( TentaclesShape ); ShowMeshSegments( Tentacles_split1Shape, Tentacles_split2Shape ); " } Actor { on_event_footstep1_for_ShieldCharge = "PlayEffect( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_stomp.ao', default, 1.0, inherit, 0.0, inherit, 165, -60, 0, SelfLocation );" on_event_footstep2_for_ShieldCharge = "PlayEffect( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/mastadon_stomp.ao', default, 1.0, inherit, 0.0, inherit, 165, 60, 0, SelfLocation );" } Transitionable { create_untransitioned = " IfAlive( () { PlayAnimation( emerge_01 ); PauseAnimation(); } ); " } Life { on_death = " SetStaticLifeBarVisibilty( false ); IfState( necromancerdeath, 1, { TriggerBracket( arena_sector_destruction, GetState( arena_sector_id ) ); } ); " } Preload { preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/Act2_FOUR/MastadonBoss/ao/prefight.ao" preload_environment = "G2_5_boss" } Render { use_ao_lights = true } GlobalAudioParamEvents { player_in_range_param = "MastodonInRange" life_percent_param = "MastodonLifePercentage" range = 130 }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/MastodonBoss/MastodonBossCorrupted"] = { name = "Ekbab, Ancient Steed", life = 1.5, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 2.7, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 2.145, attackRange = 25, accuracy = 1, skillList = { "Melee", "MastodonCharge", "MastodonSlam", "MastodonAttackLeftTurn", "MastodonAttackRightTurn", "MastodonSlamBackTurn", "MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn", "MastodonSlamComboRightTurn", "MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf", "MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf", "MastodonDualSwipe", "MastodonCreateSpike", "GTMastodonSpikes", "MastodonLeftTurn", "MastodonRightTurn", "MastodonSlamTriggered", "GAMastodonLeftShape", "GAMastodonRightShape", "GAMastodonChargeShape", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["Melee"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonCharge"] = { name = "Shield Charge", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Charges at an enemy, bashing it with the character's shield and striking it. This knocks it back and stuns it. Enemies in the way are pushed to the side. Damage and stun are proportional to distance travelled. Cannot be supported by Multistrike.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Travel] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_movement_velocity_+%", "shield_charge_extra_distance", "ignores_proximity_shield", "shield_charge_continue_past_target", "base_deal_no_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {75, 100, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlam"] = { name = "MastodonSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2, baseFlags = { area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "is_area_damage", "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {25, 150, baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonAttackLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonAttackRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamBackTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamBackTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "active_skill_base_area_of_effect_radius", "ground_slam_cone_angle_override", "ground_slam_wave_duration_override_ms", "brutus_ground_slam_effect_step", "brutus_ground_slam_number_of_effects_at_max", "brutus_ground_slam_number_of_effects_at_min", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {20, 100, 45, 1400, 400, 4, 2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamComboLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamComboRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonSlamComboRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf"] = { name = "MastodonAttackLeftTurnHalf", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf"] = { name = "MastodonAttackRightTurnHalf", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", "cannot_stun", "cannot_be_knocked_back", }, levels = { [1] = {10, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonDualSwipe"] = { name = "MastodonDualSwipe", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.2, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_defer_damage_prediction", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonCreateSpike"] = { name = "MastodonCreateSpike", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GTMastodonSpikes"] = { name = "GTMastodonSpikes", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonLeftTurn"] = { name = "MastodonLeftTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonRightTurn"] = { name = "MastodonRightTurn", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.6, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "action_do_not_face_target", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MastodonSlamTriggered"] = { name = "MastodonSlamTriggered", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonLeftShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonLeftShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {150, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonRightShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonRightShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {150, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["GAMastodonChargeShape"] = { name = "GAMastodonChargeShape", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", }, levels = { [1] = {50, baseMultiplier = 1.4, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Id | MonsterUniqueT2Boss |
Family | MonsterActBoss |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
monster slain flask charges granted +% [-50]
Id | MonsterReducedFlaskCharges50Percent |
Family | MonsterSlainFlaskCharges |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | flask |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.