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# 第 2 章 [[include:Act_2_Map]] ## Vastiri Outskirts (Combat Town) <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * NPCs: [[The Hooded One]]; [[Zarka]] * 頭目: [[Rathbreaker]] * 任務: [[Earning Passage]] ([[Uncut Skill Gem]] Level 5) [[Vastiri Outskirts]] 是第 2 章的第一個城鎮。會發現 Hyenic Raiders 在鎮子邊緣攻擊,進入戰鬥區。 在 瓦斯提里郊區 的戰鬥區搜尋 [[Rathbreaker]];一個以物理為主題的 Boss。在劇情過程中擊敗 Rathbreaker 會相當具有挑戰性。 擊敗 [[Rathbreaker]] 和最後一群敵人之後,回到 瓦斯提里郊區 並與 [[Zarka]] 對話,就可以解鎖 [[The Ardura Caravan]] 和獲得 [[技能寶石]] 等級 5。 ## 阿杜拉車隊 (城鎮) <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpaneltownpinicon.webp" height="32"> * NPCs: [[The Hooded One]]; [[Shambrin]]; [[Zarka]]; [[Sekhema Asala]] [[The Ardura Caravan]] 是第 2 幕的第 2 個城鎮。 與 [[the Hooded One]] 和 [[Sekhema Asala]] 對話,解鎖沙漠地圖。與沙漠地圖互動後前往 [[Mawdun Quarry]],調查腐敗的痕跡。 注意:任務地點的區域圖示上方有一個金色鑿子,可以幫助找到下一個要前往的區域。 阿杜拉車隊預設有 4 個 NPC,隨著任務的進行,還有 1 個 NPC 可以解鎖: * [[The Hooded One]]: 免費鑑定物品,並使用金幣重置將天賦點數。 * [[Shambrin]]: 出售武器、護甲、頭盔、手套、圓盾、盾牌、箭筒和腰帶。 * [[Zarka]]: 出售權杖、ES 盾牌、魔杖、石杖、生命瓶、法力瓶、智慧卷軸、戒指、護身符和符飾。也可以對魔法物品和稀有物品進行變拆解,以獲得[[Transmutation Shard]]或[[Regal Shard]]。 * [[Sekhema Asala]]:經常說話以進行各種任務。 * [[Risu]]: 可以用金幣來賭未知稀有度的物品。她一開始並不會出現在預設畫面中,而是在擊敗[[Rudja, the Dread Engineer]] 之後解鎖。 ## 法里登挖石場 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Plague Harvester]] (Optional) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] [[Mawdun Quarry]] 既有狹窄的通道,也有開闊的區域。這裡也沒有直接的任務目標。玩家應該在這個區域中穿梭,尋找 [[Mawdun Mine]]。 ## 法里登鑄造廠 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Rudja, the Dread Engineer]] * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] [[Mawdun Mine]]是一個狹窄蜿蜒的區域,也是[[Rudja, the Dread Engineer]]的家。打敗 魯賈 需要小心走位和及時的躲避。建議您配備 [[Ruby Charm]] 或具備額外火抗的裝備。 擊敗 魯賈 後,從囚籠中釋放 [[Risu, Faridun Defector]] 並與他們交談。回到鎮上,前往[[the Ardura Caravan]],與 [[Risu]] 和 [[Sekhema Asala]] 說話。然後使用沙漠地圖前往 [[the Halani Gates]]。 ## 哈拉妮關口 * 傳送點: 無 * NPCs: [[Sekhema Asala]] * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] 法拉頓人關閉了 [[the Halani Gates]]!跟 [[Sekhema Asala]] 說話,然後回到 [[the Ardura Caravan]]。 前往[[哈拉妮關口]]的另一個入口[[Traitor's Passage]]。 ## 叛徒之路 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Balbala, The Traitor]] (可選: [[Djinn Barya]]) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] [[Traitor's Passage]]是一個黑暗的洞穴區域,主要目標是尋找通往[[the Halani Gates]]的入口。 在探索這個區域時,玩家可能會遇到 [[Balbala, the Traitor]]。打敗 [[Balbala, The Traitor]] 會掉落一個 [[Djinn Barya]],並解鎖 [[Trial of the Sekhemas]];這是第一個可用的昇華方法。在劇情過程中,擊敗 [[Balbala, The Traitor]] 可能會有困難。建議在嘗試戰鬥之前先取得額外的等級和裝備。 ## 哈拉妮關口 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Jamanra, the Risen King]] ([[Uncut Skill Gem]] Level 7), [[L'im the Impaler]] (Optional: [[Uncut Skill Gem]] 等級 6) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] [[哈拉妮關口]] 是一個戶外區域,有三個門,被沙漠般的區域分隔開來。一開始要尋找 [[Summon Asala]] 的任務物件,當您保護她不被敵人攻擊時,她就會打開門欄。主要目標是打開所有三個門桿,抓住腐敗的商隊。 到達第三個門桿時,會發現它已被野獸摧毀。繼續前進可以找到 [[Jamanra, the Risen King]];一個以物理和閃電為主題的 Boss。 嘗試打敗 [[Jamanra, the Risen King]],他的 HP 很低,會退回到腐蝕的大篷車中。在競技場的角落會出現階梯,走過階梯後追著腐蝕的大篷車進入沙暴。 不幸的是,沙暴暫時無法穿過,返回 [[the Ardura Caravan]] 並與 [[Zarka]] 說話以獲得 [[技能寶石]] 7 級。之後前往領路卡,與[[Sekhema Asala]]對話,解鎖接下來的三個任務目標。 作者註:接下來的三個任務目標可以依您選擇的順序完成。不過,建議在前往 [[Valley of the Titans]] 之前先前往 [[Mastodon Badlands]] 和 [[Keth]],以便同時完成 [[遠古誓言]];這是一個可選的任務,可提供永久的角色 BUFF。目標是完成所有三個任務,以獲得[[the Horn of the Vastiri]]任務物品。 ## 乳齒象惡地 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Lost-men Zealot]] (可選), [[Lost-men Zealot]] (可選), [[Lost-men Necromancer]] (可選) * 任務: [[A Theft of Ivory]] ([[Mastodon Tusks]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] 等級 1) 使用沙漠地圖前往[[Mastodon Badlands]],這是一片開闊的區域,居住著祭祀傳召者、護盾野獸等。在 [[Mastodon Badlands]] 搜尋 [[The Bone Pits]] 的入口。 ## 骨坑 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Iktab, the Deathlord]] & [[Ekbab, Ancient Steed]] * 任務: [[A Theft of Ivory]] ([[Mastodon Tusks]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] Level 1), [[Ancient Vows]] (可選: [[Sun Clan Relic]]) [[The Bone Pits]]是另一個開放區域,與 [[Mastodon Badlands]] 的性質類似。主要目標是找到並擊敗 [[Iktab, the Deathlord]] 和 [[Ekbab, Ancient Steed]] 以獲得 [[Mastodon Tusks]] 任務物品。當您取得乳齒象象牙之後,回到[[the Ardura Caravan]] 並與 [[Zarka]] 交談以獲得[[輔助寶石]] 等級 1。 在尋找 死亡領主.伊克塔 & 遠古之蹄.埃克巴勃 時,您可能會發現 [[Sun Clan Relic]]。建議您先清除這個區域,直到找到它為止,然後才能最終完成[[Ancient Vows]]任務。 ## 凱斯城 <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Kabala, Constrictor Queen]] (可選: 2 天賦點數) * 任務: [[The City of Seven Waters]] ([[The Essence of Water]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] 等級 1) 使用沙漠地圖前往[[凱斯城]],這是一片類似沙漠的開闊地區,居住著骷髏敵人、刀劍、甲蟲等。凱斯的刀劍和甲蟲都被雷電施了魔法,所以遇到它們時要小心。 搜尋[[The Lost City]]的入口。在此過程中,您可能會遇到 [[Kabala, Constrictor Queen]],這是一個可選的 BOSS,打敗後會獲得 2 個天賦點數。 ## The Lost City <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Risen Magi]] (可選) , [[Risen Arbalest]] (可選) * 任務: [[The City of Seven Waters]] ([[The Essence of Water]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] 等級 1), [[Ancient Vows]] (可選: [[Sun Clan Relic]]) [[The Lost City]] 是一個沒有任務或頭目的地下區域。繼續前進,尋找 [[Buried Shrines]]。 在尋找 [[Buried Shrines]] 時,您可能會發現 [[Kabala Clan Relic]]。建議您先通關 凱斯地底城 或 掩埋神殿,直到找到為止,最後再完成[[Ancient Vows]]任務。 ## Buried Shrines <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Azarian, The Forsaken Son]] * 任務: [[The City of Seven Waters]] ([[The Essence of Water]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] Level 1), [[Ancient Vows]] (Optional: [[Sun Clan Relic]]) Points of Interest: Elemental Shrine (A Magic Rarity Ruby, Sapphire or Topaz Ring) The [[Buried Shrines]] is another underground area and is home to [[Azarian, The Forsaken Son]]; a fire themed boss. Defeating Azarian requires strong positioning, timely dodge rolls and extra fire resistance. Before fighting Azarian, players can search for the Elemental Shrine, a room which contains 3 Offerings. Choosing an Offering grants a resist ring: * Fire: [[Ruby Ring]] * Water: [[Sapphire Ring]] * Lightning: [[Topaz Ring]] Selecting the Offering of Fire for a Ruby Ring is recommended to gain extra fire resistance before battling Azarian. In the four corners of Azarian's arena are large destructible pots that when destroyed, engulf a corner of the arena with burning ground. If all four pots are destroyed, a safe area is solely present in the centre of the arena. The burning ground can be mitigated with life regeneration or fire resistance, or avoided entirely by carefully positioning Azarian, to prevent his attacks from breaking the pots. After defeating Azarian, the entrance to the Water Goddess opens. Speak to the Water Goddess, interact with the Everburning Cinders, ignite the Goddess and loot The Essence of Water quest item. Return to the Ardura Caravan and speak to Zarka for an Uncut Support Gem Level 1. While searching for Azarian you may find a Kabala Clan Relic. It is recommended to clear either the Lost City or the Buried Shrines until you find it, to then eventually complete the Ancient Vows quest. ## Valley of the Titans <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Desiccated Lich]] (Optional), [[Quake Golem]] (Optional) * 任務: [[A Crown of Stone]], [[Ancient Vows]] (Optional: 30% increased Charm Charges gained or 15% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks) Points of Interest: 3 Ancient Seals Use the Desert Map to travel to the [[Valley of the Titans]], an open red-sanded zone, with colossal skeletal giants, skittering golems and more. Search the Valley for 3 Ancient Seals. Interacting with the third Ancient Seal opens the entrance to the Titan Grotto. The point of view zooms out as you approach its entrance. While progressing through the zone, you can find a Relic Altar near the waypoint. Place the previously found Kabala Clan and Sun Clan Relics into the Altar to choose between the following two character buffs: * 30% increased Charm Charges gained * 15% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks If you would like to change your buff you can always return to the Altar and select a different option. ## The Titan Grotto <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Zalmarath, the Colossus]] * 任務: [[A Crown of Stone]] ([[Flame Ruby]]: [[Uncut Support Gem]] Level 1) [[The Titan Grotto]] is an underground zone inhabited by electrocuting bats, large spiders, goliaths, and more. Players need to search for and defeat Zalmarath, the Colossus; a physical themed boss. During the fight, Zalmarath casts various arena-covering or arena-altering abilities. Players need to position carefully to avoid damage from either Zalmarath or the environmental dangers he activates. Search for the three Ritual Altars, interact with them, and defeat the newly spawned enemies to cleanse the Ritual. After defeating Zalmarath, loot the Flame Ruby quest item, return to the Ardura Caravan and speak to Zarka for an Uncut Support Gem Level 1 and the Horn of the Vastiri quest item. Afterwards, use the Desert Map to travel to the Halani Gates. Then, head to the top of the Ardura Caravan and Sound the Horn to clear the Sandstorm Once you've cleared the Sandstorm, speak to Sekhema Asala and use the Desert Map to travel to Deshar. ## Deshar <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Rasp Scavenger]] (Optional) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]], [[Tradition's Toll]] (Optional: 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points) [[Deshar]] is an open zone, inhabited by undead enemies, poisonous vultures, porcupine goliaths and more. Search for the Path of Mourning, and optionally for the Fallen Dekhara for 2 Weapon Set Passive Skill Points. After interacting with the Fallen Dekhara, you can loot the Final Letter. Return it to Shambrin in town for your reward. ## Path of Mourning <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Risen Tale-woman]] (Optional) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] The [[Path of Mourning]] is built above Deshar, composed of interconnected rooms and narrow fortified walkways. There are no quests or bosses in this zone. Progress forward and search for the Spires of Deshar. ## The Spires of Deshar <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Tor Gul, the Defiler]] * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] Points of Interest: Sisters of Garukhan (Optional: +10% Lightning Resistance) [[The Spires of Deshar]] is another elevated zone and is home to Tor Gul, the Defiler; a physical, fire and poison themed boss. Search for and defeat [[Tor Gul, the Defiler]], then return to the Ardura Caravan, speak to Sekhema Asala, and use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought. Before leaving the zone, make sure to locate the Sisters of Garukhan. Interact with it to gain +10% Lightning Resistance. ## The Dreadnought <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Faridun Plaguebringer]] (Optional) * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] [[The Dreadnought]] is a series of moving connected carts with no quests or bosses. Fight your way forward to the Dreadnought Vanguard. Author's Note: Author's Note: Farming extra levels and upgrading gear in either the Dreadnought or the Dreadnought Vanguard is recommended due to the high monster density and the upcoming difficulty of the final act boss. ## Dreadnought Vanguard <img src="https://cdn.poe2db.tw/image/art/2dart/uiimages/ingame/worldpanelwaypointicon.webp" height="32"> * 頭目: [[Jamanra, the Abomination]] * 任務: [[The Trail of Corruption]] The [[Dreadnought Vanguard]] is the final zone in Act 2. Continue to fight your way towards the lead cart, to begin the final battle with Jamanra, the Abomination; a physical and lightning themed boss. After defeating Jamanra, Sekhema Asala appears, speak to her, so she can strike one final blow. Afterwards, return to the Ardura Caravan, speak to the Hooded One, and at last, to Sekhema Asala, selecting the “Travel to the Sandswept Marsh” option to progress to Act 3.
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