두려움의 현신 옴니포비아
Omniphobia, Fear Manifest
Spectre | N |
Tags | 2HSharpMetal_onhit_audio, 시전, chaos_affinity, demon, flesh_armour, has_one_hand_sword, has_one_handed_melee, medium_movement, melee, not_dex, physical_affinity, slashing_weapon |
Energy Shield From Life

치명타 명중 Chance
치명타 피해 보너스
Attack Distance
6 ~ 20
공격 속도
1.995 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
에너지 보호막
주문 피해
공격 속도
Minion Life
Minion Energy Shield
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]

Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, AreaSpell
시전 속도: 1 초
일반적인 몬스터 박격포 스킬입니다. 몬스터 투사체와 같지만 충격 효과를 가집니다.
1844~2766 물리 피해
투사체가 모든 대상 관통
투사체 1개 추가 발사
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
projectile minimum range [15]
projectile spread radius [10]
projectile uses contact position [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [0]
visual hit effect chaos is green [1]
Triggerable, Spell, Damage
시전 속도: 1 초
base deal no damage [1]
base skill effect duration [5000]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [-30]
Spell, Movement
시전 속도: 2.27 초
재사용 대기시간: 9 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
disable attack repeats [1]
is area damage [1]
walk emerge extra distance [-25]
재사용 대기시간: 8 초
근접 타격 범위 +40
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 125%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
근접 피해로 인한 기절 축적 100% 증가
주는 공격 피해 25% 증폭
밀어내기 거리 300% 증가
명중 시 적을 밀어냄
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base knockback speed +% [400]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 160%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
주는 공격 피해 60% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 150%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
주는 공격 피해 50% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 185%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
주는 공격 피해 85% 증폭
출혈 유발
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 423–635
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 1.995 초
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 -2
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" Life { corpse_usable = false } Actor { basic_action = "Emerge" basic_action = "Emerge2" slow_animations_go_to_idle = false } StateMachine { define_shared_state = " roaming; first_aggro; visible; point_light; x_pos; y_pos; z_pos; " } ControlZone {}
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" StateMachine { on_or_create_state_visible_0 = "DisableRendering();" on_state_visible_1 = " EnableRendering(); AddEffectPack( AfflictionSpawn ); " create_state_visible_1 = "EnableRendering();" on_state_point_light_1 = " AddAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', aux_LightAttach ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_start ); QueueAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_idle ); " create_state_point_light_1 = " AddAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', aux_LightAttach ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_idle ); " on_state_point_light_0 = "PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_end );" } Life { on_death = " RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/eyepk.epk' ); RemoveEffects(); SetGlobalAudioParam( OmniphobiaLifePercentage, 0 ); /* AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_mods/Affliction_Death2.epk );*/ " on_spawned_alive = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/eyepk.epk' ); " } Animated { on_event_leave_ground_for_leap_slam_01 = "PlayEffect( AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamLeaveGround );" on_event_hit_ground_for_leap_slam_01 = "PlayEffect( AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamImpact );" on_event_death_fade = "AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_mods/Affliction_Death2.epk' );" } Preload { preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_boss_final/warcry.ao" preload_animated_object = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao" preload_misc_animated = "AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamLeaveGround" preload_misc_animated = "AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamImpact" preload_epk = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/eyepk.epk" preload_epk = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_mods/Affliction_Death2.epk" preload_environment = "G4_2_2_imposter" } GlobalAudioParamEvents { player_in_range_param = "OmniphobiaInRange" range = 130 }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/LeagueAffliction/JourneyEndAfflictionDemonBoss"] = { name = "Omniphobia, Fear Manifest", life = 1.5, energyShield = 0.1, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 2.27, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 1.995, attackRange = 20, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "Two Hand Axe", skillList = { "MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss", "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", "EASDeliriumEncounterBossEmerge", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", "EGDeliriumEncounterMonsterBonk", "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", "DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "use_scaled_contact_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2.27, baseFlags = { spell = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "walk_emerge_extra_distance", "is_area_damage", "disable_attack_repeats", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Generic monster mortar skill. Like Monster Projectile but has an impact effect.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_minimum_base_physical_damage", "spell_maximum_base_physical_damage", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "projectile_spread_radius", "projectile_minimum_range", "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "is_area_damage", "base_is_projectile", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "always_pierce", "visual_hit_effect_chaos_is_green", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 10, 15, 0, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "geometry_spell", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { spell = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_skill_effect_duration", "base_deal_no_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {5000, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.83, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {40, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.5, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.17, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EASDeliriumEncounterBossEmerge"] = { name = "EASDeliriumEncounterBossEmerge", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_knockback_speed_+%", "knockback_distance_+%", "melee_hit_damage_stun_multiplier_+%", "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "global_knockback", }, levels = { [1] = {400, 300, 100, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "attacks_inflict_bleeding_on_hit", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.85, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EGDeliriumEncounterMonsterBonk"] = { name = "EGDeliriumEncounterMonsterBonk", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
두려움의 현신 옴니포비아

cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Omniphobia, Fear Manifest
Spectre | Y |
Tags | 1HSword_onhit_audio, demon, medium_movement, red_blood |

치명타 명중 Chance
치명타 피해 보너스
Attack Distance
6 ~ 20
공격 속도
2.43 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
주문 피해
공격 속도
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]

Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, AreaSpell
시전 속도: 1 초
일반적인 몬스터 박격포 스킬입니다. 몬스터 투사체와 같지만 충격 효과를 가집니다.
1844~2766 물리 피해
투사체가 모든 대상 관통
투사체 1개 추가 발사
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
projectile minimum range [15]
projectile spread radius [10]
projectile uses contact position [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [0]
visual hit effect chaos is green [1]
Triggerable, Spell, Damage
시전 속도: 1 초
base deal no damage [1]
base skill effect duration [5000]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [-30]
Spell, Movement
시전 속도: 2.27 초
재사용 대기시간: 9 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
disable attack repeats [1]
is area damage [1]
walk emerge extra distance [-25]
재사용 대기시간: 8 초
근접 타격 범위 +40
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 125%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
근접 피해로 인한 기절 축적 100% 증가
주는 공격 피해 25% 증폭
밀어내기 거리 300% 증가
명중 시 적을 밀어냄
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base knockback speed +% [400]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 160%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 60% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 150%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 50% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 185%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 85% 증폭
출혈 유발
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 -2
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonPhysicalBoss" extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonBossWildBase"
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonPhysicalBoss" extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonBossWildBase"
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/DeliriumDemonBossPhysicalWild"] = { name = "Omniphobia, Fear Manifest", life = 1.25, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 3, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 2.43, attackRange = 20, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "One Hand Sword", skillList = { "MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss", "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", "DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "use_scaled_contact_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2.27, baseFlags = { spell = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "walk_emerge_extra_distance", "is_area_damage", "disable_attack_repeats", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Generic monster mortar skill. Like Monster Projectile but has an impact effect.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_minimum_base_physical_damage", "spell_maximum_base_physical_damage", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "projectile_spread_radius", "projectile_minimum_range", "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "is_area_damage", "base_is_projectile", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "always_pierce", "visual_hit_effect_chaos_is_green", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 10, 15, 0, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "geometry_spell", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { spell = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_skill_effect_duration", "base_deal_no_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {5000, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.83, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {40, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.5, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.17, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_knockback_speed_+%", "knockback_distance_+%", "melee_hit_damage_stun_multiplier_+%", "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "global_knockback", }, levels = { [1] = {400, 300, 100, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "attacks_inflict_bleeding_on_hit", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.85, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Id | StunRepeatImmunityMapBoss_ |
Family | Nothing |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Id | MonsterUniqueT2Boss |
Family | MonsterActBoss |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
두려움의 현신 옴니포비아

cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Omniphobia, Fear Manifest
Spectre | Y |
Tags | 1HSword_onhit_audio, demon, medium_movement, red_blood |

치명타 명중 Chance
치명타 피해 보너스
Attack Distance
6 ~ 20
공격 속도
2.43 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
주문 피해
공격 속도
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]

Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, AreaSpell
시전 속도: 1 초
일반적인 몬스터 박격포 스킬입니다. 몬스터 투사체와 같지만 충격 효과를 가집니다.
1844~2766 물리 피해
투사체가 모든 대상 관통
투사체 1개 추가 발사
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base is projectile [1]
is area damage [1]
projectile minimum range [15]
projectile spread radius [10]
projectile uses contact position [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [0]
visual hit effect chaos is green [1]
Triggerable, Spell, Damage
시전 속도: 1 초
base deal no damage [1]
base skill effect duration [5000]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
spell maximum action distance +% [-30]
Spell, Movement
시전 속도: 2.27 초
재사용 대기시간: 9 초
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
disable attack repeats [1]
is area damage [1]
walk emerge extra distance [-25]
재사용 대기시간: 8 초
근접 타격 범위 +40
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
재사용 대기시간: 12 초
근접 타격 범위 +30
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 125%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
근접 피해로 인한 기절 축적 100% 증가
주는 공격 피해 25% 증폭
밀어내기 거리 300% 증가
명중 시 적을 밀어냄
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
base knockback speed +% [400]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 160%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 60% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 150%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 50% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 180%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 80% 증폭
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 피해: 185%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
주는 공격 피해 85% 증폭
출혈 유발
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
is area damage [1]
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
기본 공격
Base Damage: 559–839
치명타 명중 확률: 5%
공격 속도: 2.43 초
재사용 대기시간: 15 초
근접 타격 범위 -2
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonBossBase" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Generic */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Skill 1 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BaseEvents {} Actor {} Animated {}
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" extends "Metadata/Monsters/BossBase" extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/Demons/DeliriumDemonBossBase" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Generic */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Render { use_ao_lights = true } Life { on_death = " RemoveEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/eyepk.epk' ); " on_spawned_alive = " AddEffectPack( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/eyepk.epk' ); " } Animated { on_event_leave_ground_for_leap_slam_01 = "PlayEffect( AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamLeaveGround );" on_event_hit_ground_for_leap_slam_01 = "PlayEffect( AfflictionPhysBossLeapSlamImpact );" } MinimapIcon { icon = "DeliriumBoss1" } StateMachine { on_state_point_light_1 = " AddAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', aux_LightAttach ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_start ); QueueAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_idle ); " create_state_point_light_1 = " AddAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', aux_LightAttach ); PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_idle ); " on_state_point_light_0 = "PlayAnimationAttached( 'Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/League_Affliction/affliction_phys_boss/boss_light.ao', boss_end );" } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Preload */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Preload { } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Skill 1 */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BaseEvents {} Actor {} Animated {} /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Combat Dialogue */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Actor { on_effect_start_SKILL1 = { Roll( 1, 1, (){ PlayTextAudio( IronCountFightStartTaunt, Metadata/Monsters/PrisonerMonsterBoss ); } ); } on_effect_start_SKILL2 = { Roll( 1, 4, (){ PlayTextAudio( PrisonerBoss_LeapSlam_Random, Metadata/Monsters/PrisonerMonsterBoss );} ); } on_effect_start_SKILL3 = { Roll( 1, 4, (){ PlayTextAudio( PrisonerBoss_CascadePunch_Random, Metadata/Monsters/PrisonerMonsterBoss );} ); } } */
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/LeagueDelirium/DeliriumDemonBossPhysical"] = { name = "Omniphobia, Fear Manifest", life = 1.25, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 3, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 2.43, attackRange = 20, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "One Hand Sword", skillList = { "MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss", "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", "DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MeleeAtAnimationSpeedBoss"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "use_scaled_contact_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysLeapSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2.27, baseFlags = { spell = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "walk_emerge_extra_distance", "is_area_damage", "disable_attack_repeats", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysMortarSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Generic monster mortar skill. Like Monster Projectile but has an impact effect.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_minimum_base_physical_damage", "spell_maximum_base_physical_damage", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "projectile_spread_radius", "projectile_minimum_range", "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "is_area_damage", "base_is_projectile", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "always_pierce", "visual_hit_effect_chaos_is_green", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1, 10, 15, 0, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysSprayExplode", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "geometry_spell", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { spell = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_skill_effect_duration", "base_deal_no_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {5000, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossSweepCleave", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.83, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {40, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossMultiSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.5, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam"] = { name = "EmptyActionAttackDeliriumPhysBossGroundSlam", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3.17, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_knockback_speed_+%", "knockback_distance_+%", "melee_hit_damage_stun_multiplier_+%", "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "global_knockback", }, levels = { [1] = {400, 300, 100, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackGroundSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackLeapSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackMultiSlam2", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.8, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1"] = { name = "DeliriumPhysBossGeometryAttackSweepCleave1", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", "attacks_inflict_bleeding_on_hit", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.85, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray"] = { name = "DeliriumBossPhysVomitSpray", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 3, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_maximum_action_distance_+%", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["DeliriumPhysBossMeleeSlam"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "melee_range_+", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", }, levels = { [1] = {-2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Id | StunRepeatImmunityMapBoss_ |
Family | Nothing |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
monster dropped item rarity +% [2700]
monster slain experience +% [0]
unique monster guarantee one rare [0]
Id | MonsterUniqueT2Boss |
Family | MonsterActBoss |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | 고유 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.