你也肯定不想我把事儿都包圆了吧? — RogTakeDealRandom |
你也肯定不想我把事儿都包圆了。 — RogTakeDeal2 |
咱们双赢。 — RogTakeDeal3 |
咱们双赢。 — RogTakeDeal4 |
好买卖。 — RogTakeDeal5 |
好买卖。 — RogTakeDeal6 |
希望这管用。 — RogTakeDeal7 |
希望这管用。 — RogTakeDeal8 |
就这样吧。 — RogTakeItemRandom |
就这样吧。 — RogTakeItem2 |
好好考虑自己的装备和补给吧。 — RogTakeDeal11 |
好好考虑自己的装备和补给吧。 — RogTakeDeal12 |
你会好好用它,对吧? — RogTakeDeal13 |
你会好好用它,对吧? — RogTakeDeal14 |
我叫罗格。我这人专门搞后勤,还负责出谋划策。我不不知道你是怎么凭自己的本事在这里活下来的,不过我会竭尽所能为你提供补给!当然,你走前面,我走后面。 — RogIntroMarauder |
我叫罗格。图金说你会走这边!他说你这人既有文化,也有抱负,愿意为公义出头。我这人专门搞后勤,还负责出谋划策。所以我很愿意给你提供补给。想不想看看我的货呀? — RogIntroScion |
我叫罗格。桂温妮说你会走这边!你真的像她说的那样本领高强,有勇有谋,面对怪物毫无惧色吗?我宁愿躲得远远的。这片大陆实在太危险了。我这人擅长搞后勤,还负责出谋划策。所以我很愿意给你提供补给。想不想看看我的货呀? — RogIntroDuelist |
喂! — RogFirstApproachShoutRandom |
喂! — RogFirstApproachShout2 |
喂! — RogFirstApproachShout3 |
喂! — RogFirstApproachShout4 |
只要你愿意,我可以给你改进改进…… — RogOfferGenericRandom |
只要你愿意,我可以给你改进改进…… — RogOfferGeneric2 |
愿意花点小钱升个级吗? — RogOfferGeneric3 |
愿意花点小钱升个级吗? — RogOfferGeneric4 |
我觉得可以用刀子刮点漆下来…… — RogOfferDialogueWhiteSockets |
你不觉得红色效果更好吗?我只需要碾碎一颗狼心把它磨成粉就行了。 — RogOfferDialogueRedSockets |
你是不是想来点绿的啊?我有一种稀罕的强酸,对这地方稀奇古怪的装备很有点用。 — RogOfferDialogueGreenSockets |
这玩意儿再加上一抹蓝色就好多了。我有一台独一无二的小机器,足以胜任这个活儿。 — RogOfferDialogueBlueSockets |
给这玩意儿再加几个插槽怎么样?反正到头来多少禁断宝石你都用得着。 — RogOfferJewellers |
我有一箱惊怖的下颌骨。虽说我不知道是哪一年产的,但肯定很适合你。 — RogOfferFusings |
这玩意儿需要彻底大修了。来个更好的怎么样啊? — RogOfferChaos |
记住这句话:人只活一次!好好想想风险性! — RogOfferVaal |
今天你走运了,流放者! — RogOfferAddModLucky |
你就让我拿锤子把它砸了吧。还能有比这更次的吗,啊? — RogOfferRerollSuffixes |
我怎么觉得只要拿锤子在它前面敲一敲,就能敲掉一些上面附着的魔法呢? — RogOfferRerollPrefixes |
只要上一点蚀刻符文,就可以有很显著的效果。 — RogOfferMaxOneMod |
只要在正确的位置放上几个小小的符文就能产生神奇的效果。 — RogOfferDivineAllMods |
这个有点坏了,我可以试试修一修,但我不是铁匠。 — RogOfferBlessedOrb |
哪怕一个精心放置的无效符文也能带来质的飞跃。 — RogOfferRemoveLowestLevelMod |
这东西太糟了。要我给它多刻几个无效符文吗? — RogOfferRemoveXLowestLevelMods |
只要给装备上滴上一滴金斑血,就会产生奇妙的效果…… — RogOfferAddAPrefix |
我最近刚弄到了一批稀罕的金斑血。这下咱可发了。 — RogOfferAddAPrefixXTimes |
试过在装备上滴上黑斑血吗?我就试过。相信我,那绝对值。 — RogOfferAddASuffix |
我今天搞到了整整一瓶黑斑血。这对你绝对是个好消息。 — RogOfferAddASuffixXTimes |
流放者,我欣赏你,所以我才给你开会员价。这可是我最喜欢的顾客才有的待遇。别的什么都不用问了! — RogOffersToAddUpToMaximumMods |
你这人很有投资眼光,能看到长远的回报。怎么样,有兴趣吗? — RogOfferApplyIncubator |
我有个本地熟人发现了一种水晶粉,可他在回来路上就扑街了。所以我不知道他找到的到底有什么用。拿它来给你强化强化珠宝怎么样?好东西总不能浪费吧? — RogOfferApplyCatalyst |
是丹宁要我来给你推销的。所以别怪我,要怪怪他去。我就是个干活的。你想不想看看啊,{朋友?} — RogOfferTwentyQuality |
我有一些马上过期的异国油膏。想要的话可以算你便宜价,这样总比浪费强吧? — RogOfferAnoint |
我总能拿到更多。 — RogRerollInventoryRandom |
我总能拿到更多。 — RogRerollInventory2 |
我总能拿到更多。 — RogRerollInventory3 |
就知道你想要会员价。 — RogRerollInventory4 |
就知道你想要会员价。 — RogRerollInventory5 |
就知道你想要会员价。 — RogRerollInventory6 |
更多库存。 — RogRerollInventory7 |
更多库存。 — RogRerollInventory8 |
更多库存。 — RogRerollInventory9 |
我可以用这些废料给你立个像什么的。 — RogRerollInventory10 |
你活下来了! — RogSubsequentApproachShoutRandom |
你活下来了! — RogSubsequentApproachShout2 |
你活下来了! — RogSubsequentApproachShout3 |
再给你来一个! — RogSubsequentApproachShout4 |
又给你搞了一个! — RogSubsequentApproachShout5 |
又给你搞了一个! — RogSubsequentApproachShout6 |
快点,周围有怪物! — RogSubsequentApproachShout7 |
快点,周围有怪物! — RogSubsequentApproachShout8 |
快点,周围有怪物! — RogSubsequentApproachShout9 |
坚持住,我马上就引爆! — RogHitsDetonatorRandom |
坚持住,我马上就引爆! — RogHitsDetonator2 |
坚持住,我马上就引爆! — RogHitsDetonator3 |
谁去扔下雷管啊! — RogOrdersHirelingHitDetonatorRandom |
谁去扔下雷管啊! — RogOrdersHirelingHitDetonator2 |
好地方! — RogBombPlacedGenericRandom |
好地方! — RogBombPlacedGeneric2 |
怪物在那儿等着呢…… — RogBombPlacedMonstersRandom |
怪物在那儿等着呢…… — RogBombPlacedMonsters2 |
我要距它远点。 — RogBombPlacedMonsters3 |
我要距它远点。 — RogBombPlacedMonsters4 |
这会吵醒死人的。 — RogBombPlacedMonsters5 |
这会吵醒死人的。 — RogBombPlacedMonsters6 |
真希望你知道自己在干什么! — RogBombPlacedRemnantRandom |
真希望你知道自己在干什么! — RogBombPlacedRemnant2 |
太冒险了! — RogBombPlacedRemnant3 |
太冒险了! — RogBombPlacedRemnant4 |
你真想放在那儿? — RogBombPlacedRemnant5 |
你确定要放在那儿? — RogBombPlacedRemnant6 |
真想知道你能挖出啥…… — RogBombPlacedTreasureRandom |
真想知道你能挖出啥…… — RogBombPlacedTreasure2 |
快,快去搞宝藏! — RogBombPlacedTreasure3 |
快,快去搞宝藏! — RogBombPlacedTreasure4 |
希望你挖点古代人俑出来! — RogBombPlacedTreasure5 |
希望你挖点古代人俑出来。 — RogBombPlacedTreasure6 |
准备好了? — RogAllBombsPlacedRandom |
准备好了? — RogAllBombsPlaced2 |
那就是它们全部了。 — RogAllBombsPlaced3 |
那就是它们全部了。 — RogAllBombsPlaced4 |
要引爆了吗? — RogAllBombsPlaced5 |
要引爆了吗? — RogAllBombsPlaced6 |
不! — RogCombatLineRandom |
不! — RogCombatLine2 |
别靠近! — RogCombatLine3 |
别靠近! — RogCombatLine4 |
救命! — RogCombatLine5 |
救命! — RogCombatLine6 |
RogCombatLine7 — RogCombatLine7 |
RogCombatLine8 — RogCombatLine8 |
别碰我! — RogCombatLine9 |
别碰我! — RogCombatLine10 |
你接下来可能会碰到丹宁。我会把你的事告诉他的。 — RogPartingShout |
他是你见过的最忠诚的朋友。虽然他嘴上不肯承认,但他身上每一道疤痕都是跳出来替我们挡刀的明证。没有他,桂温妮早就被打成了残废,我也肯定会丢掉一条腿……是图金救了我们。只有他在旁边,我干活儿的时候才感到安全。 — RogGossipTujen |
不管你怎么想,她永远都不会对你撒谎。 — RogGossipGwennen |
我们的领袖很有人格魅力,是一个真正的领袖。他总是身先士卒,在前面领路。我这人喜欢在安全的地方给大家服务,只有他那样伟大的人才能容得下我。我参加过许多任务,他们总想给我武器,教我怎么战斗,还告诉我这是出人头地的唯一方式……可我的目标就是成为第一位闻名世界的补给大师。我希望大家说起我,都会说那个罗格总能把食物、饮水和装备按时按量送达前线,帮助将士们赢得了胜利,让敌我双方都另眼相看。只有丹宁告诉我这是一个值得追求的梦想。他是我的挚友。 — RogGossipDannig |
那个……最好别问他的事。他是卡古兰人的国王,说到他的时候……必须对他的高贵和地位保持尊敬。如果有什么大不敬的言行……{就会被他知道。} — RogGossipTheKing |
我的毕生心愿就是探索圣杯教团和乌崔德的真相。你找到的任何带有他们符文印记的遗物我都会买下。他们是最早一批来到瓦尔克拉斯的宗教团体。他们阐述星辰和神秘力量的运作方式,比如炼金术、机关术和符文。我一直想加入这个教团,我很想过把自己关在实验室里做研究的日子。 — RogGossipTheOrderOfTheChalice |
几千年前,传回祖国的最后一批消息把乌崔德描绘得相当负面。有人叫他叛徒,但其中的细节还有很多疑团。我不知道我此行最后会为他澄清还是落实他的罪名,我只知道真相高于一切。 — RogGossipUhtred |
由此看来,乌崔德还真是个叛徒。不过我觉得这个故事还不算完整。在我把这个消息送回国之前,能不能拜托你再把其它故事都找出来?这件事……对我很重要。 — RogGossipUhtredAndStory |
乌崔德终于安息了?我明白了。如果不出意外,那我们总算让一位古代英雄得到了解脱。我是欧文的后裔,他就是乌崔德送回国的儿子。我的一位祖先终于不在黑暗中饱受折磨了。这解开了我的心结。 — RogGossipUhtredDefeatedStoryIncomplete |
谢谢你,朋友。你澄清了我们的一段历史悬案。这也是我的历史。欧文的后裔,他就是乌崔德送回国的儿子。你擦掉了盖在我们家族历史上的一道黑印。这有可能会改变祖国的政治格局…… — RogGossipUhtredDefeatedStoryComplete |
可我们能做的只有继续。 — RogGossipOlrothAndUhtredDefeatedStoryComplete |
咱们的交易还能再谈谈。 — RogReopenDealRandom |
咱们的交易还能再谈谈。 — RogReopenDeal2 |
咱们的交易还能再谈谈。 — RogReopenDeal3 |
注意安全! — RogEncounterCompleteRandom |
注意安全! — RogEncounterComplete2 |
注意安全! — RogEncounterComplete3 |
Why don't I throw a Regal Orb on this? — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_Random |
Why don't I throw a Regal Orb on this? — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_2 |
Why don't I throw a Regal Orb on this? — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_3 |
This piece could be much more useful. — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_4 |
This piece could be much more useful. — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_5 |
This piece could be much more useful. — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_6 |
There's potential in this one! — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_7 |
There's potential in this one! — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_8 |
There's potential in this one! — RogCraft_AddModMakeRare_9 |
Something quite interesting happens when you apply a drop of Golden Chimeral blood to a piece of equipment... — RogCraft_AddPrefix_Random |
Something quite interesting happens when you apply a drop of Golden Chimeral blood to a piece of equipment... — RogCraft_AddPrefix_2 |
Something quite interesting happens when you apply a drop of Golden Chimeral blood to a piece of equipment... — RogCraft_AddPrefix_3 |
With the right incentive, I could do some extra work on this. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_4 |
With the right incentive, I could do some extra work on this. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_5 |
With the right incentive, I could do some extra work on this. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_6 |
This can retain another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_7 |
This can retain another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_8 |
This can retain another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddPrefix_9 |
Ever put a drop of Black Chimeral blood on a piece of equipment? I have. It's worth it, trust me. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_Random |
Ever put a drop of Black Chimeral blood on a piece of equipment? I have. It's worth it, trust me. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_2 |
Ever put a drop of Black Chimeral blood on a piece of equipment? I have. It's worth it, trust me. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_3 |
Oops! There's some bits that fell off, want me to put them back on? — RogCraft_AddSuffix_4 |
Oops! There's some bits that fell off, want me to put them back on? — RogCraft_AddSuffix_5 |
Oops! There's some bits that fell off, want me to put them back on? — RogCraft_AddSuffix_6 |
This piece could hold another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_7 |
This piece could hold another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_8 |
This piece could hold another attribute, if you like. — RogCraft_AddSuffix_9 |
I like you. That's why I'm going to offer you a premium deal, only for my favourite customers. Just don't ask how I do it! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_Random |
I like you. That's why I'm going to offer you a premium deal, only for my favourite customers. Just don't ask how I do it! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_2 |
I like you. That's why I'm going to offer you a premium deal, only for my favourite customers. Just don't ask how I do it! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_3 |
I've got a special service available at the moment... for the right price. — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_4 |
I've got a special service available at the moment... for the right price. — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_5 |
I've got a special service available at the moment... for the right price. — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_6 |
This piece is eminently improvable! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_7 |
This piece is eminently improvable! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_8 |
This piece is eminently improvable! — RogCraft_FillEmptyMods_9 |
I could give this one a few more taps. — RogCraft_Generic_Random |
I could give this one a few more taps. — RogCraft_Generic_2 |
I could give this one a few more taps. — RogCraft_Generic_3 |
How about I hammer out some of those little dents? — RogCraft_Generic_4 |
How about I hammer out some of those little dents? — RogCraft_Generic_5 |
How about I hammer out some of those little dents? — RogCraft_Generic_6 |
I could improve this if you like... — RogCraft_Generic_7 |
I could improve this if you like... — RogCraft_Generic_8 |
I could improve this if you like... — RogCraft_Generic_9 |
Care to take a look? — RogCraft_OpenShop_Random |
Care to take a look? — RogCraft_OpenShop_2 |
Care to take a look? — RogCraft_OpenShop_3 |
Let's see what trash we can turn into treasure. — RogCraft_OpenShop_4 |
Let's see what trash we can turn into treasure. — RogCraft_OpenShop_5 |
Let's see what trash we can turn into treasure. — RogCraft_OpenShop_6 |
Are you ready for some crafting? — RogCraft_OpenShop_7 |
Are you ready for some crafting? — RogCraft_OpenShop_8 |
Are you ready for some crafting? — RogCraft_OpenShop_9 |
What's in stock today, you ask? Well, take a look! — RogCraft_OpenShop_10 |
What's in stock today, you ask? Well, take a look! — RogCraft_OpenShop_11 |
What's in stock today, you ask? Well, take a look! — RogCraft_OpenShop_12 |
Here's a sample of what we got to work with. — RogCraft_OpenShop_13 |
Here's a sample of what we got to work with. — RogCraft_OpenShop_14 |
Here's a sample of what we got to work with. — RogCraft_OpenShop_15 |
A carefully applied rune of nullification could do wonders for this product's overall quality. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_Random |
A carefully applied rune of nullification could do wonders for this product's overall quality. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_2 |
A carefully applied rune of nullification could do wonders for this product's overall quality. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_3 |
I could etch away the part we don't want. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_4 |
I could etch away the part we don't want. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_5 |
I could etch away the part we don't want. — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_6 |
There's a bit of a straggler on this one, eh? — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_7 |
There's a bit of a straggler on this one, eh? — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_8 |
There's a bit of a straggler on this one, eh? — RogCraft_RemoveLowestMod_9 |
How about we scrap the front of this and start over? — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_Random |
How about we scrap the front of this and start over? — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_2 |
How about we scrap the front of this and start over? — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_3 |
I think we can do better if we start fresh on the front. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_4 |
I think we can do better if we start fresh on the front. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_5 |
I think we can do better if we start fresh on the front. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_6 |
Let's cut this in half, so to speak. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_7 |
Let's cut this in half, so to speak. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_8 |
Let's cut this in half, so to speak. — RogCraft_RemovePrefixes_9 |
We could scrap the back end and start over. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_Random |
We could scrap the back end and start over. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_2 |
We could scrap the back end and start over. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_3 |
Let's start fresh on the back half of this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_4 |
Let's start fresh on the back half of this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_5 |
Let's start fresh on the back half of this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_6 |
We could scrub out some of the attributes on this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_7 |
We could scrub out some of the attributes on this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_8 |
We could scrub out some of the attributes on this. — RogCraft_RemoveSuffixes_9 |
There's a bit of instability in this piece that we could take advantage of. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_Random |
There's a bit of instability in this piece that we could take advantage of. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_2 |
There's a bit of instability in this piece that we could take advantage of. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_3 |
If I crush up a dried Thornwolf heart, the powder will have some interesting effects. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_4 |
If I crush up a dried Thornwolf heart, the powder will have some interesting effects. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_5 |
If I crush up a dried Thornwolf heart, the powder will have some interesting effects. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_6 |
Cleaning some rust off might reveal a shine beneath. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_7 |
Cleaning some rust off might reveal a shine beneath. — RogCraft_RerollModValuePrefix_8 |
A small etched rune could have a beneficial effect here. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_Random |
A small etched rune could have a beneficial effect here. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_2 |
A small etched rune could have a beneficial effect here. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_3 |
Hmm, I think we could do better in one particular spot. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_4 |
Hmm, I think we could do better in one particular spot. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_5 |
Hmm, I think we could do better in one particular spot. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_6 |
That one could still be altered. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_7 |
That one could still be altered. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_8 |
That one could still be altered. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSingle_9 |
Let's apply a paste of crushed Thornwolf heart, and see what happens. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_Random |
Let's apply a paste of crushed Thornwolf heart, and see what happens. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_2 |
Let's apply a paste of crushed Thornwolf heart, and see what happens. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_3 |
I've a small supply of a rare acid that could have an interesting effect on this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_4 |
I've a small supply of a rare acid that could have an interesting effect on this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_5 |
I've a small supply of a rare acid that could have an interesting effect on this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_6 |
We could try for a better overall result with this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_7 |
We could try for a better overall result with this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_8 |
We could try for a better overall result with this. — RogCraft_RerollModValueSuffix_9 |
I've a feeling that if I hammer on this thing's front end, I could knock some of its attributes about a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_Random |
I've a feeling that if I hammer on this thing's front end, I could knock some of its attributes about a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_2 |
I've a feeling that if I hammer on this thing's front end, I could knock some of its attributes about a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_3 |
I've got a special stash of rare Golden Chimeral blood here. Shall we 'go for gold,' so to speak? — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_4 |
I've got a special stash of rare Golden Chimeral blood here. Shall we 'go for gold,' so to speak? — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_5 |
I've got a special stash of rare Golden Chimeral blood here. Shall we 'go for gold,' so to speak? — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_6 |
I could refurbish the front a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_7 |
I could refurbish the front a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_8 |
I could refurbish the front a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_9 |
I could refurbish the front a bit. — RogCraft_RerollPrefixes_10 |
You've got a discerning eye. — RogCraft_RerollShop_Random |
You've got a discerning eye. — RogCraft_RerollShop_2 |
You've got a discerning eye. — RogCraft_RerollShop_3 |
Now where did I put those crates? — RogCraft_RerollShop_4 |
Now where did I put those crates? — RogCraft_RerollShop_5 |
Now where did I put those crates? — RogCraft_RerollShop_6 |
Can't exhaust my supplies! — RogCraft_RerollShop_7 |
Can't exhaust my supplies! — RogCraft_RerollShop_8 |
Can't exhaust my supplies! — RogCraft_RerollShop_9 |
Happy to show you all my wares. — RogCraft_RerollShop_10 |
Happy to show you all my wares. — RogCraft_RerollShop_11 |
Happy to show you all my wares. — RogCraft_RerollShop_12 |
Allow me to take my runed hammer to this thing's tail end. Can't get any worse, right? — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_Random |
Allow me to take my runed hammer to this thing's tail end. Can't get any worse, right? — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_2 |
Allow me to take my runed hammer to this thing's tail end. Can't get any worse, right? — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_3 |
Back end could do with a bit of refurbishing. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_4 |
Back end could do with a bit of refurbishing. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_5 |
Back end could do with a bit of refurbishing. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_6 |
I've an entire vial of Black Chimeral blood in stock today. Could turn out very well for you. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_7 |
I've an entire vial of Black Chimeral blood in stock today. Could turn out very well for you. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_8 |
I've an entire vial of Black Chimeral blood in stock today. Could turn out very well for you. — RogCraft_RerollSuffixes_9 |
That'll keep you safe. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_Random |
That'll keep you safe. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_2 |
That'll keep you safe. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_3 |
That's a great body armour! — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_4 |
That's a great body armour! — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_5 |
That's a great body armour! — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_6 |
Quite proud of that body armour. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_7 |
Quite proud of that body armour. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_8 |
Quite proud of that body armour. — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_9 |
Rare to see a chest piece like that, isn't it? — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_10 |
Rare to see a chest piece like that, isn't it? — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_11 |
Rare to see a chest piece like that, isn't it? — RogCraft_TakeBodyArmour_12 |
Those boots have the Rog guarantee. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_Random |
Those boots have the Rog guarantee. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_2 |
Those boots have the Rog guarantee. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_3 |
Lucky they're the right size. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_4 |
Lucky they're the right size. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_5 |
Lucky they're the right size. — RogCraft_TakeBoots_6 |
Those gloves are a perfect fit! — RogCraft_TakeGloves_Random |
Those gloves are a perfect fit! — RogCraft_TakeGloves_2 |
Those gloves are a perfect fit! — RogCraft_TakeGloves_3 |
If nothing else, they'll keep your hands warm. — RogCraft_TakeGloves_4 |
If nothing else, they'll keep your hands warm. — RogCraft_TakeGloves_5 |
If nothing else, they'll keep your hands warm. — RogCraft_TakeGloves_6 |
You look rather dashing with that on! — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_Random |
You look rather dashing with that on! — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_2 |
You look rather dashing with that on! — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_3 |
A fine investment! If you don't have your head, have you really got anything at all? — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_4 |
A fine investment! If you don't have your head, have you really got anything at all? — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_5 |
A fine investment! If you don't have your head, have you really got anything at all? — RogCraft_TakeHelmet_6 |
Care for an upgrade for a nominal fee? — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_Random |
Care for an upgrade for a nominal fee? — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_2 |
Care for an upgrade for a nominal fee? — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_3 |
The right pressure could force a bit more out of this. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_4 |
The right pressure could force a bit more out of this. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_5 |
The right pressure could force a bit more out of this. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_6 |
I see an opportunity to improve this piece. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_7 |
I see an opportunity to improve this piece. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_8 |
I see an opportunity to improve this piece. — RogCraft_UpgradeSingleMod_9 |
Uh, it's a bit complicated. It's... hard to explain. You'll know more soon. I hope it's okay if I ask you to just trust us for now. — Here and Now |
Oh, it's you! Um, not that we know each other... nice to meet you, friend! I'm Rog. I specialise in logistics and planning. Now I don't know how you've survived out here on your own, but I'll do what I can to support you with my supply skills! From the back. Far from combat. — 介绍 |
I'm Rog. I specialise in logistics and planning. Now I don't know how you've survived out here on your own, but I'll do what I can to support you with my supply skills! From the back. Far from combat. — 介绍 |
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