All damage from [HitDamage|Hits] is taken from this buff before your Life or [EnergyShield|Energy Shield].
Attribute /4


Guard is a Buff that absorbs damage from Hits, taking the damage before your Life or Energy Shield until depleted.
Heist Area mods /12
Indifferent1Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards deal (13–15)% increased Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Indifferent46Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards deal (16–18)% increased Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Indifferent68Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards deal (19–22)% increased Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Indifferent73Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards deal (23–26)% increased Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Indifferent78Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards deal (27–30)% increased Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Stoic1Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards take (13–15)% reduced Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Stoic46Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards take (16–18)% reduced Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Stoic68Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards take (19–22)% reduced Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Stoic73Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards take (23–26)% reduced Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Stoic78Prefix16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
9% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards take (27–30)% reduced Damage
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
Professional68Prefix10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Guards have 5% chance to be Rare
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
of Silencing46SuffixGuards remove Alert Level on Death
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
Heist Equipment mods /4
of Quelling1Suffix(3–5)% reduced Alert Level from killing Guards
of Subduing45Suffix(6–8)% reduced Alert Level from killing Guards
of Subjugating75Suffix(9–10)% reduced Alert Level from killing Guards
of Suppressing82Suffix(11–12)% reduced Alert Level from killing Guards
Crafting Bench /1
Area is inhabited by Blackguards
10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
5% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
6x Chaos OrbMapLevel 34
Misc mods /36
Sunny10FlaskPrefixGain (15–22) Guard during Effect
Dawnlit21FlaskPrefixGain (23–45) Guard during Effect
Bright36FlaskPrefixGain (46–81) Guard during Effect
Vibrant48FlaskPrefixGain (82–115) Guard during Effect
Lustrous60FlaskPrefixGain (116–154) Guard during Effect
Sunburst75FlaskPrefixGain (155–209) Guard during Effect
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 Rare Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 5 Rare Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 packs of Monsters
Guarded by a Vaal Side Area Boss
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 Rogue Exiles
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a Unique Boss
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a stream of Tormented Spirits
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a stream of Monsters
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a Redblade Warband
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a Mutewind Warband
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a Brinerot Warband
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a Renegade Warband
1ChestUniqueGuarded by the Ancestors' Power
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 packs of Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [0]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 packs of Magic Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [0]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 Rare Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [0]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by Dario, the Living Void
Guarded by waves of Void Constructs
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by a stream of Ghost Pirates
Guarded by the Maiden of the Black Crest
1ChestUniqueGuarded by Ixtolatl, Artisan of Sacrifice
Guarded by waves of Vaal Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by Mahuatzi, Artisan of Desire
Guarded by waves of Vaal Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1ChestUniqueGuarded by 3 packs of Magic Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
chest drop additional special harvest items [1]
Menacing35StrongboxPrefixGuarded by a pack of Rare Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
Intimidating10StrongboxPrefixGuarded by (2–4) packs of Magic Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
Crowded1StrongboxPrefixGuarded by (4–8) packs of Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
1StrongboxUniqueGuarded by (5–10) packs of Monsters
chest delay drops until daemons finish [1]
Contested12StrongboxPrefixGuarded by a Rogue Exile
Rallying35StrongboxPrefixGuarded by a stream of Monsters
Predator's1StrongboxPrefixGuarded by camoflaged Monsters
1AtlasPrefixMap Bosses are accompanied by Bodyguards
An additional Map drops on Completing your Maps
3 uses remaining
1AtlasPrefixMap Bosses are accompanied by Bodyguards
2 additional Maps drop on Completing your Maps
15 uses remaining
of the Pantheon1MemoryLinesSuffixAreas contain additional Shrines
Area contains Shrines guarded by Pantheon Monsters
memory line type hash [-30276]
Unique /1
Instant Recovery
(100–150)% increased Charges per use
Excess Life Recovery added as Guard for 10 seconds
Passive /1
Clasped Hands in your Maps have 25% chance to be guarded by a pack of Magic monsters
Breaches in your Maps have 50% more Clasped Hands

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