Exposure is a type of Debuff that lowers the affected enemy's Resistance to the corresponding damage type. By default it inflicts -20% to the specified resistance and lasts for 4 seconds, though some sources of exposure can override these values.
Multiple sources of the same type of Exposure cannot stack with one another unless stated otherwise, and only the strongest source of Exposure will apply. Multiple different types of Exposure can apply to the same target at once.
Multiple sources of the same type of Exposure cannot stack with one another unless stated otherwise, and only the strongest source of Exposure will apply. Multiple different types of Exposure can apply to the same target at once.
Skill Gem /6
Skill Gem 画质 /5
物品 | Stats |
寒霜爆 | 冰霜曝露效果提高 (0–20)% |
Molten Blast | 击中时有 (0–30)% 的几率施加火焰曝露 |
Explosive Concoction | 火焰曝露效果提高 (0–20)% |
Fulminating Concoction | 闪电曝露效果提高 (0–20)% |
Shattering Concoction | 冰霜曝露效果提高 (0–20)% |
Support Gem /4
夺宝奇兵 Area 词缀 /1
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
平衡之 | 68 | 后缀 | 该区域物品掉落数量提高 10% 该地图的物品稀有度提高 6% 玩家不能施加曝露状态 heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] 伤害 元素 |
传奇 /3
local weapon implicit hidden % base damage is fire [50]
附加 (4–6) - (8–10) 物理伤害
附加 (4–6) - (8–10) 火焰伤害
+(10–20) 力量
火焰抗性 +(20–30)%
击中粉碎 (30–50) 护甲
+(60–100) 点闪避值
+(30–50) 最大能量护盾
每击败一名敌人获得 (25–35) 点魔力
Inflict Cold Exposure on Igniting an Enemy
Inflict Fire Exposure on Shocking an Enemy
Inflict Lightning Exposure on Critical Hit
Passive /9
升华试炼 Passive /1
永恒珠宝 Passive /4

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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.