Find the Grim Tangle Una has told you about the Count's Signet. She has instructed you to travel through the Grim Tangle in the Grelwood. Area: 古旧森林
乌娜 Cemetery of the Eternals: 我们族人的坟墓就在永恒之民的陵墓下。尽管他们想要掩埋我们的传承,但我族仍在。现在他们已经成为了过去,而我们则继续生活。生命的循环历来如此,虽然每个人都会死,但部族会存续。而艾兹麦人所能获得的最大荣耀就是活在诗歌乐曲中。这就是为什么我们不去砍伐树木,挖掘岩石,试图找回我族的墓地。永恒之民永远也不会懂这点:我们不需要坟墓,对我们来说最重要的歌曲和故事依然存在,而他们永远也不可能从我们手里将其夺走。
乌娜 Cemetery of the Eternals: 我们族人的坟墓就在永恒之民的陵墓下。尽管他们想要掩埋我们的传承,但我族仍在。现在他们已经成为了过去,而我们则继续生活。生命的循环历来如此,虽然每个人都会死,但部族会存续。而艾兹麦人所能获得的最大荣耀就是活在诗歌乐曲中。这就是为什么我们不去砍伐树木,挖掘岩石,试图找回我族的墓地。永恒之民永远也不会懂这点:我们不需要坟墓,对我们来说最重要的歌曲和故事依然存在,而他们永远也不可能从我们手里将其夺走。
乌娜 The Grim Tangle: My mother and I would come here to gather mushrooms when I was young. Ervig the Druid, one of the Grelwood's resident mystics, would meet us and allow us entry. He was well versed in the tongue of the old magicks. But now... Well times have certainly changed. Please, don't eat any of the mushrooms. We need you alive!
蓝礼 The Grelwood: 那个地方曾是一片宁静而温暖的树林,我小时候还去玩过。 但现在它就是一口黑暗的深井,大多数人进去就出不来了。我本想和你一起去,但我必须在这里保护大家。
蓝礼 The Grelwood: 那个地方曾是一片宁静而温暖的树林,你也许还记得,你的小时候我还带你去玩过。 但现在它就是一口黑暗的深井,大多数人进去就出不来了。如果你要进去,一定要保持警惕,别忘记我教你的本事。
乌娜 The Grelwood: 初生之子曾在古老的森林中狂奔,随心所欲地狩猎与争斗。孕育古老生命的地方如今阴暗凶险。笼罩在这片土地上的诅咒使得熟悉的道路变得扭曲险恶,使我们再也无法到家园。
乌娜 The Grelwood: 初生之子曾在古老的森林中狂奔,随心所欲地狩猎与争斗。孕育古老生命的地方如今阴暗凶险。笼罩在这片土地上的诅咒使得熟悉的道路变得扭曲险恶,使我们再也无法到家园。
Travel to the Grim Tangle Una has told you about the Count's Signet. She has instructed you to travel through the Grim Tangle in the Grelwood. Area: 古旧森林
Travel through the Grim Tangle Una has told you about the Count's Signet. She has instructed you to travel through the Grim Tangle in the Grelwood. Area: 阴森网道
Summon Una to ask for help clearing the roots Summon Una to ask for help clearing the roots. Area: 阴森网道
Speak to Una about the roots Speak to Una about the roots. Area: 阴森网道
Continue through the Grim Tangle Una has helped clear the roots. Continue through the Grim Tangle. Area: 阴森网道
乌娜 Spirits of the Grelwood: It fills my heart to see the spirits of the forest answer my call like that. It just goes to show... there are still energies in this world that mean to aid us.
Search for the Count's grave past the Memorial Gate To heal the Hooded One's runic wound, Una needs a ring from an ancient Count. Find his grave past the Memorial Gate. Area: 永恒墓场
蓝礼 Cemetery of the Eternals: 你想怎么踩就怎么踩。永恒之民征服这里时,把他们的陵墓压在了我们的上面。现在如果你正巧发现了他们的坟墓,还放出了其中的死者,那就请替我们向他们复仇吧。 有些人甚至说,在最黑暗的夜里,我们的先祖仍在坟墓之间与他们抗争。我毫不怀疑。不论生死,真正的艾兹麦人永远不会放弃土地。
蓝礼 Cemetery of the Eternals: 你想怎么踩就怎么踩。永恒之民征服这里时,把他们的陵墓压在了我们的上面。现在如果你正巧发现了他们的坟墓,还放出了其中的死者,那就请替我们向他们复仇吧。 有些人甚至说,在最黑暗的夜里,我们的先祖仍在坟墓之间与他们抗争。我毫不怀疑。不论生死,真正的艾兹麦人永远不会放弃土地。
Bring Count Lachlann's Ring to Una To heal the Hooded One's runic wound, Una needs a ring from an ancient Count. Bring Count Lachlann's ring to her in Clearfell Encampment. Area: 克里费尔营地