Ice Spear
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Cold
Level: 4
Cost: 10 Mana
Attack Speed: 45% of base
Attack Damage: 313%
Requires Level 9, 14 Dex, 14 Int, Spear
Throw an icy copy of your spear that deals cold damage. After a short distance it arms, massively boosting its damage. When the spear breaks against an enemy it deals damage in a cone shaped area behind them.
Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Base radius is 2.5 metres
When armed:
Deals 80% more Damage
Converts 70% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage
20% chance for Hits to be Freezing
Base radius is 2.5 metres
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.