失落的阿佐亚特神庙,那里的大厅装点华美,宝箱里满是炫目的财宝,还有经过无上的力量点化过的圣物!千百年来它无人知晓……直到现在。 — BetrayalAlvaIntro |
我们开始吧。 — AlvaTemplePortalRandom |
我们开始吧。 — AlvaTemplePortal2 |
我们走。 — AlvaTemplePortal3 |
我们走。 — AlvaTemplePortal4 |
做好准备。 — AlvaTemplePortal5 |
做好准备。 — AlvaTemplePortal6 |
创造历史吧。 — AlvaTemplePortal7 |
创造历史吧。 — AlvaTemplePortal8 |
经历更多时间循环,我们可以掌握大量的信息,了解所有的可能性!我们重新回到了起点,然这也意味着我们 — AlvaTimeLoop |
来得刚好。 — AlvaWildAttention |
对不起,流放者,我有点忙。 — AlvaWrongCharacter |
你找到了一个藏身处!当我们在现今找到神庙后,这会是一个很好的落脚点。要是给我腾了个地方,记得跟我讲。 — AlvaNotifyHideout |
太棒了!咱们那里见。 — AlvaJoinHideout |
也许下一次? — AlvaDismissHideout |
有点不对。下次再来? — AlvaGeneralFailure |
是时候了! — AlvaPortalRandom |
是时候了! — AlvaPortal2 |
我们走。 — AlvaPortal3 |
我们走。 — AlvaPortal4 |
该出发了。 — AlvaPortal5 |
该出发了。 — AlvaPortal6 |
干的好。 — AlvaIncursionCongratsRandom |
干的好,流放者。 — AlvaIncursionCongrats2 |
失落的神庙当然不好找了。它就在丛林的中间!应该离着不太远了。 — AlvaTempleArrival |
呃……灰尘和腐物,我好像闻到了……宝物的味道。就在眼前了,创造历史的时刻到了! — AlvaTempleArrivalRepeat |
终于……阿佐亚特到了。 — AlvaTempleEntranceArrival |
准备战斗! — AlvaBossFightRandom |
不入虎穴焉得虎子! — AlvaBossFight2 |
最好不虚此行! — AlvaBossFight3 |
你最好掉一大堆宝贝! — AlvaBossFight4 |
尽管那个该死的高阶圣殿官员知道我隐藏着什么秘密……于是,贵族们不再欢迎我了,所以我就来这里了。幸运的是这里也能发财,我的一些老主顾也还买我的账,愿意掏银子买我的东西。 — AlvaAboutAlva |
如今的学者还说那里是阿兹里女王的藏宝库。不管哪个传闻是真的,那里肯定都被狂热的教众重兵看护着。他们如此在意,肯定是有大宝藏的啦! — AlvaAboutTemple |
只不过暂时还得花上点功夫去找到他们。 — AlvaAboutOriath |
要是他们种点水果吃,可能就不需要这么自相残杀了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_PoisonRoomIII |
这么多尸体……咱们可千万别落得这个下场。 — AlvaTempleFeature_SacrificeRoomIII |
这些货物能派上好大用场呢。真浪费。 — AlvaTempleFeature_StormRoomIII |
你为什么让他们把这里弄的都是陷阱? — AlvaTempleFeature_TrapRoomIII |
真是疯狂,在这些地图上,所有的角落……他们都不复存在了! — AlvaTempleFeature_CartographyRoomIII |
这怎么可能!?她应该早就死了! — AlvaTempleFeature_QueensChambersIII |
哈!真是个守财奴!这些宝贝回去能卖不少钱! — AlvaTempleFeature_ChestsIII |
呃……这地方……有点不大对劲。 — AlvaTempleFeature_CorruptionRoomIII |
我觉得他们是要用这些炸药来采集更多宝石。 — AlvaTempleFeature_ExplosivesRoomIII |
你可能是真的把他们吓着了,流放者。看看他们企图保护自己的样子。 — AlvaTempleFeature_ArmourRoomIII |
相对和平的帝国一定是因为打造了很多武器。 — AlvaTempleFeature_WeaponRoomIII |
他们训练了一只军队。但是为什么?为了防你吗? — AlvaTempleFeature_BreedingRoomIII |
鲜红的血到紫色的火,这个教派肯定已经歇菜了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_BreachRoomIII |
天啊,如果切特斯能找到这些……他就要势不可挡了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_GemRoomIII |
神啊……流放者,你真是个天才。 — AlvaTempleFeature_CurrencyVaultIII |
我觉得我挺新潮的,不过该死,我爱珠宝。 — AlvaTempleFeature_TrinketRoomIII |
我惊了,流放者。这太精巧了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_WorkshopIII |
我都起鸡皮疙瘩了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_EmpoweringRoomIII |
这水看起来挺干净的。不过不给钱我不喝。 — AlvaTempleFeature_HealingRoomIII |
天啊,到处都是蛋!你为啥要来这里,流放者! — AlvaTempleFeature_BossMinionsIII |
呃……裤裆都汗湿了。 — AlvaTempleFeature_BossFireIII |
他们搞这么多能量要当饭吃吗? — AlvaTempleFeature_BossLightningIII |
小心,流放者……这里有东西在潜伏。 — AlvaTempleFeature_LegionRoomIII |
至于它的下落,我相信这个秘密就埋藏在瓦尔古城里。这座城市被淹没在水里,谁也去不了。而最近的变故让它从水底升了上来,而且……好吧,还是根本过不去。看来要接近那里只有一个办法,那就是渡河前往对岸。而唯一的渡口又被强盗团团包围。我有个计划,可以让咱俩大发横财,只不过……也许某天吧…… — BetrayalAlvaPreSilkTown |
至于它的下落,我相信这个秘密就埋藏在瓦尔古城里。这座城市被淹没在水里,谁也去不了。某个荒诞的传说称,一名恶魔把大地笼罩在了一片黑暗里,而一位英雄放逐了恶魔,让城市从河底升了起来!接着一些强盗闯了进来,强占无价的神器,拦住了唯一的入口。直到一位更加强大的英雄横空出世,把他们统统赶走。要是有这样的英雄在就好了。我就可以求他们帮我拿到这笔取之不尽财富。不过呢……你也凑合吧。 — BetrayalAlvaTown |
至于它的下落,我相信这个秘密就埋藏在瓦尔古城里。这座城市被淹没在水里,谁也去不了。某个荒诞的传说称,一名恶魔把大地笼罩在了一片黑暗里,而一位英雄放逐了恶魔,让城市从河底升了起来!接着一些强盗闯了进来,强占无价的神器,拦住了唯一的入口。直到一位更加强大的英雄横空出世,把他们统统赶走。要是有这样的英雄在就好了。我就可以求他们帮我拿到这笔取之不尽财富。不过呢……你也凑合吧。 — BetrayalAlvaWild |
我找到了一个办法,可以开辟出一条通往传说中阿佐亚特神庙的道路。在这些古代的传送石上释放一道由瓦尔之血触发的咒语。你瞧,这种血液我身上也有不少。咒语可以让你回到过去。穿越时空之后,干掉几个命中注定要完蛋的家伙,就可以让传送门一直开着。你待得越久,我就越有可能掌握神庙在今天的所在位置。等我们找到它之后,就可以尽情地搜刮其中的众多财宝了。所以必须在此时此刻找到神庙才行。不过,你在过去历险的时候要小心自己的一举一动。你所有的行动都会对时间产生影响,让这个时代发生改变。那么,你还在等什么?去创造历史吧! — BetrayalAlvaQuest |
我们就快到了,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFoundRandom |
我们就快到了,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound1 |
我们就快到了,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound2 |
我相信只要沿着这条路,我们就能找到目的地。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound3 |
我相信只要沿着这条路,我们就能找到目的地。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound4 |
嗯……应该就在这附近才对。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound5 |
嗯……应该就在这附近才对。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound6 |
嗯……应该就在这附近才对。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound7 |
不远了!你来带路,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound8 |
不远了!你来带路,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound9 |
不远了!你来带路,流放者。 — BetrayalAlvaTempleFound10 |
尼克有点...古怪…没错,但是如果你能忍受他的怪癖,他并非一无是处。他如此热情地守护着矿山,里面装满了闪闪发光的好东西。我一直试图讨好他,希望当他找到母矿脉时,我就在他身边。 — BetrayalAlvaAboutNiko |
伊恩哈尔会很适应阿兹里的帝国。这个人对祭祀仪式并不陌生,不过谢天谢地,他只给野兽放血。他似乎对财富不太感兴趣,这对我来说是个好消息。只要伊恩哈尔坚持他最擅长做的的,我们就会相处得很好。 — BetrayalAlvaAboutEinhar |
我还没有和娜瓦莉谈过这件事,但我想知道,我们对过去的小小探索,会如何影响她对未来的展望。我也想知道她为什么不利用她那小小的力量让我们所有人都变得难以置信地富有。想象一下我们可以在大竞技场里把每一次赌注都押在胜利的一方!我喜欢看别人被开膛破肚,而不是我自己被开膛破肚,不知道她是不是也这么想。我猜,当你真正想这个问题的时候,瓦尔所有的血都流到她的良心上了! — BetrayalAlvaAboutNavali |
她是多么可爱的女人啊。我在奥瑞亚和她有过几次口角,但我想她不记得了……也许这样最好,因为那时我正在叫卖一些伪造的传家宝,而她有发现赝品的本事。现在我在做光明磊落的生意了——应该算是吧——我很想认识她。 — BetrayalAlvaAboutHelena |
我从来没见过像札娜这样保护自己的作品的人。她的星盘似乎不能把送我们回到过去……等待,应该不能吧?那东西到底是做什么的?我见过它送她去的地方。其中有些真的很吓人!和那些地方相比,瓦尔就像小猫一样温顺。札娜不是...她是一只长着小猫面孔的狮子。 — BetrayalAlvaAboutZana |
我尽量关注琼好的一面。她并不好斗——至少对我来说如此——但我见过她擦亮匕首,凝视远方。我以前在那些名声不太好的宝物猎人身边混的时候见过这种眼神。杀手的眼神。她为某些人的鲜血而来。 — BetrayalAlvaAboutJun |
所以琼的人专门把历史悠久的强大神器藏起来,是吧?你是否知道有没有这样的神器被藏在阿佐亚特神庙里……没有?好吧。只是随便问一下。 — BetrayalAlvaOrderOfTheDjinn |
不止我一个人对过去感兴趣。我总能看到流放者在我设计的地点挖掘历史。有的时候,他们会发现异常强大的神秘力量,这些力量通常来自远古英雄或斗士。这个时候我就会施展魅力,结交新的朋友。但是你……在那种情况下,你应该战斗。无意冒犯。 — AlvaOnRogueExilesEquippedWithUniques |
曾经有一次,我在废墟中挖宝藏,结果发现好几座神殿。充满仪式感的结构笼罩在鲜血和黑暗之中,令人毛骨悚然。我曾看到有怪物在拜类似的神殿,但这次不一样。随着我逐渐走入废墟深处,这些神殿看起来越发精致,越发震撼。如果你见到这样的场景,一定要小心。这些地方的怪物和我以前看到的完全不同。 — AlvaOnIncreasinglyDangerousShrines |
有时候,你不需要去寻找宝藏。有时候,它就像特意为你准备似的摆在你眼前。你知道那是什么意思,对吧?那是陷阱。如果你像我一样发现类似的保险箱,一个要小心周围有人埋伏。他们的如意算盘就是断定你无法抗拒宝箱的诱惑。但这也不能怪你! — AlvaOnDescendingStrongboxes |
寻宝是一项很危险的工作。在第四次踏足异界时,我遇到了一个陷阱保险箱。有人可能觉得,这样的遭遇不足为奇。但是这个宝箱放出了一个可怕的敌人。令这片地区充满威胁的罪魁祸首就藏在那里!当然,陷阱不止这一个。从那以后我就意识到,他们并不是一群无脑的怪物。他们甚至想故弄玄虚,迷惑我……简直太狡猾了,我是非凡的圣杯,神秘事件的探寻者! — AlvaOnStrongboxesContainingMapBosses |
瓦尔一直都很聪明。我利用他们的一种神秘仪式打开了能回到过去的传送门。这意味着,很久以前,他们就在试验这种血魔法。有时候,他们就等着我不小心打来传送门的另一头,等我一打开,他们就会立刻冲出来!这对我们来说不是问题,因为我是瓦尔族后裔,但他们可能不会那么友善地对待你,因为你是……我的意思是,你应该懂的。 — AlvaOnReverseIncursion |
不久之前,我不知道怎么得罪了一个强大的流放者。你能想象吗?我,得罪别人?他们对此耿耿于怀,他们还有不少朋友。他们不断攻击我的营地,来的还人越来越多,最后我不得不放弃寻宝,选择回家。霸凌。我倒想看看他们敢不敢这样对待像你这样的人! — AlvaOnRogueBetrayalInterventions |
他一贯威风凛凛。他甚至让我相信,我们有能力保卫瓦尔克拉斯免受异界的威胁,抵御更强大的敌人。好在,我不需要担心未来。我的任务就是专注于过去! — AlvaOnKirac |
[DNT] Just in time! — AlvaZigguratIntro |
Oh, hello. I'm Alva Valai. We can always use another pair of hands around here. Be sure to talk to Oswald as he {usually} likes to greet newcomers. In any case, welcome! — 介绍 |
I'm sorry, but I'm really very busy. But if you are interested in helping us find relics, Oswald can show you the ropes. — Quite Busy |
Ah yes, we've come across this before, but we can't power it... — Alva_G3_Waterways_Out_Loud |
The Vaal used this device to operate the mechanisms in the canal, but we would need a special artefact to power it. From the translations I've made, I believe they were called 'Soul Cores'. I've never even seen an intact Soul Core large enough for something like this though... I suppose if you want to try find one you could ask our guide, Servi. — Powering the Mechanism |
Death gems, blood crystals... or more colloquially 'Soul Cores'. They were made by sacrificing living people and capturing their energies inside a crystal lattice. Some think the victims are still trapped inside, existing in eternal agony until someone drains the core's energy completely. There's no way to know that for certain, of course, but it is rather chilling to think about... — Soul Cores |
These waterways are a series of canals the Vaal built on the upper edge of the city. The great Matlan river didn't run quite this far south, but they diverted a portion of it for a complex irrigation system. That really allowed the city to thrive and the Vaal to flourish. Though I don't fully understand why they created a system that could flood the entire city... — The Matlan Waterways |
Now this is a find! A Vaal ruin that hasn't been looted. No one from camp has managed to make it to this part of the jungle and survive... Until now! — Alva_G3_Machinarium_1_Out_Loud |
This mechanism... if powered with a small Soul Core, it could open that door. There should definitely be Soul Cores somewhere around here. They had to power these constructs somehow! — Opening the Machinarium |
Look for a red crystal a bit bigger than your fist. It should be warm to the touch... Why, you ask? That'd be the soul trapped inside. — Small Soul Core |
Near the end of their civilisation, the Vaal tried to combat a worsening labour shortage - by sacrificing their own citizens to power constructs. Designed to till the fields, mine the quarries and the like - they were quite a marvel. As it turns out, human souls don't make for a very sustainable fuel source... and so began their downward spiral. Rather silly for such an intellectual people, wouldn't you say? — The Stone Men |
Oh, did you fight some sort of animal on the way here? Servi did tell us that the Wetlands had quite a few nasty beasts. But hey... I bet you didn't even break a sweat! — Xyclucian |
Well... consider me impressed! I'll keep investigating here for now. If you find anything interesting, I'll come to you. — Alva_G3_Machinarium_1_Door_Opened |
This is the largest Soul Core I've ever seen! With this we could power the mechanism in the waterways. But it isn't charged... — Alva_G3_Machinarium_2_Out_Loud |
There is still latent energy residing here... From what I can gather, these lines in the stonework should lead to generators. You might need to find some more Soul Cores to spin them up, but everything looks to be in surprisingly decent condition. Maybe the constructs have been maintaining all this... In any case, let's hope it still functions. We'll then have to remove that large Soul Core from the wall of course, but that shouldn't be a problem. — The Generators |
The Soul Core is charged! Why don't you do the honours? — Alva_G3_Machinarium_2_Charged_Exclamation |
Oh dear. Now we just have to remove it from the giant construct... Good luck! — Alva_G3_Machinarium_2_Boss_Exclamation |
Wow! You did it! Now we can use that Soul Core to power the mechanisms in the waterways. Good job with that construct, by the way. — Large Soul Core |
Hello there, I'm Alva Valai. Sorry about Oswald... He can be a bit... rough with newcomers. But he's really not a bad sort. In any case, we can always use another pair of hands around here. Welcome! — 介绍 |
Something tells me you're the exploring type - we've got that in common. But some places even I steer clear of... I rather enjoy being alive, you see. Still, if you're feeling adventurous, there's fortunes to be made out there in the wilds. I'm especially interested in all things related to the Vaal, for academic reasons of course... but a bit of treasure never goes amiss. — The Jungle |
From my understanding, it was a failsafe. A way to make sure their creations didn't get the better of them... or the world. The Vaal really were a very intelligent and pragmatic people, you know. At the south east edge of the city, there is a large dam. I've spent months trying to find a way to release the outer spillways... but to no avail. Those very walls are what keep the city flooded to this day. — The Spillways |
This looks like the workshop of Jiquani, the Vaal Architect of Industry. He masterminded the constructs designed to help his people keep pace with their own rapid expansion. As with many of the Architects, his methods were brutal, to say the least. Countless peasants sacrificed at the altar of progress. Their screams still echo inside the soul cores themselves. Gosh... quite grim, isn't it? — Alva_G3_OnJiquani |
At last, Utzaal's temple district! Untold wealth lies in wait below! — Alva_G3_Town_At_Stairs |
Unbroken statues! Original brickwork! The glimmer of gold! Oh, we're gonna be rich! — Alva_G3_Town_Down_Stairs_Out_Loud |
Beneath our feet is the Temple of the Sun God, Kopec. It was said to contain a grand device. I've seen writings by a fellow named Ketzuli that mention his research in this temple, but I can't quite make sense of what the device was or how it functioned. We can't use Kalguuran explosives without risking whatever's in there, so we'd have to drain the city to be able to get inside. — Alva_G3_Temple_of_Sun_God_ExplanationShort |
Beyond this sealed door is the Temple of the Sun God, Kopec. I've seen writings by a fellow named Ketzuli that mention his research in this temple, but I can't quite make sense of what the device was or how it functioned. Unfortunately we can't use Kalguuran explosives without risking whatever's inside. However... there's a piece missing from the door. Knowing the Vaal, it'll be made of gold, of course! I recommend heading into the city to search for it. Try looking around the Aggorat area, as that was well known for its opulence and golden tributes, especially at the main temple's apex. Hurry back if you find it! — The Sealed Gate |
It seems there is a piece missing from the door... Something in the shape of a small statue. Knowing the Vaal, it'll be made of gold, of course. I suggest venturing into the city to look for it. Focus on the Aggorat area, renowned for its grandeur and golden adornments, particularly at the apex of its main temple. Hurry back if you find it! — Alva_G3_Town_Bottom_Of_Stairs_Just_Quest |
It's hard to guess what the device inside the Temple might be. I do know that it was commissioned by Queen Atziri's Thaumaturge, Doryani himself. The project was given all the resources it needed, and the work was kept secret, even from Atziri. As best as I could translate, they claimed using it might mean 'abandoning all they had built'. They seemed to view it as a last resort, a way to save their legacy if all else failed... It's not often I detect fear in Vaal writings, but they definitely hoped they would never have to use it. — The Device |
By their final days, the Vaal were a deeply tiered empire based on brutal competition. Those at the top vied with each other through any means necessary, and Doryani was the foremost among these ambitious and amoral men. He was second only to Queen Atziri herself. Utzaal was the seat of his power, and ancient writings claim he undertook a vast array of strange projects and sordid experiments here... Some glyphs I have seen are too stomach-turning to discuss. — 多里亚尼 |
How do I even begin to describe the last Queen of the Vaal? She left a tremendous mark on history. She was intelligent and capable enough to rule unquestioned over a bloodthirsty empire of volatile nobles, and the people adored her and feared her in equal measure. Vaal writings speak of her as the most beautiful woman of the era, but also the most dangerous. She sought eternal life, and she was willing to sacrifice {anything} to achieve it. The ruins around you are the consequence of those ambitions. Sometimes while I'm looting a temple, I remember that everything we find once belonged to a living, breathing person that probably died horribly... Sort of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it? — 阿兹里 |
You found it! Try placing the idol in the door... Maybe we'll get lucky! — Temple of Kopec |
What is that strange heat? Is it possible that something has survived within after all this time? — Alva_G3_Ziggurat_Opened_Exclamation |
Ouch, that's hot! I'm gonna stay here for now. See if you can find a way past that heat! — Alva_G3_SunGod_Entrance |
This chamber gives me a very strange feeling... — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_One |
These runes... I can make out a symbol for 'blood' and 'waiting'... hmm... — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Two |
Oh wait, it's not 'a blood offering,' it's 'someone of Vaal blood'... — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Three |
Is this a good time to mention I have a distant Vaal ancestor?! Perhaps if I... — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Four |
It's activating! Stand back! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Five |
The platform! It's rising! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Six |
We're back in the Encampment? We were right on top of this device the entire time! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Seven |
It's some sort of... gateway... how incredible! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Eight |
Are these... living Vaal? In the flesh?! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Nine |
Hello! My name is Alva Valai! It was I who - — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Ten |
Hey! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Eleven |
What are you doing?! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Twelve |
Don't touch me! — Alva_G3_SunGod_TimeChamber_Thirteen |
It's been a lot longer than that. — Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationOne |
It's been nearly two thousand years since the Cataclysm. — Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationTwo |
History recorded the number of survivors who made it to the Azmeri in the mountains... three thousand, one hundred, and twenty-six. — Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationThree |
Release me, and we can talk about this. We'll figure something out. — Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationFour |
You're here! There is so much you need to understand! — Alva_G3_Sanctum_one |
Stop it! Why are you fighting?! You both want the same thing! — Alva_G3_Sanctum_two |
Thanks for the rescue, but you two need to talk! — Alva_G3_Sanctum_three |
You really need to speak with Doryani. I think you both want the same thing: to prevent a Cataclysm. — Alva_G3_Sanctum_four |
You {know} why we're here! It happened! It cannot be stopped! — Alva_G3_MidFightDoryani |
Well... That was quite the adventure. I'll take you to Kingsmarch so you can charter a ship and search for the weapon that Doryani spoke of. We can leave whenever you're ready, just let me know. — Kingsmarch |
It's a long overland journey to Kingsmarch, but there shouldn't be too much danger once we leave the jungle. The Kalguurans keep the road reasonably secure. Shall we? — Travel to Kingsmarch |
That man is a mystery. Though it appears he is on your side for now, you mustn't forget who he is and all he has done... There is something eerily cold and calculating about him. I believe he will aid you so long as your goals align with his. The moment they do not... I'm just saying, don't turn your back on him. — 多里亚尼 |
This little excursion here represents my lifelong ambition. It's not just about finding treasure. I want to build an entire archaeological society someday! Wraeclast has countless layers of history buried beneath it, and I aim to uncover every last bit. I intend to call my group 'the Reliquarians.' A bit ostentatious, but the best things should be! A shame I couldn't have founded it a few decades ago, back when my birthplace Oriath was still a thriving city. Thanks to the Templars, relics from a dozen different cultures found their way to that little island over the centuries and are now all lost thanks to the disasters that happened there... — Ziggurat Encampment |
Oswald's a grim sort, isn't he? He's always 'injury this, death that'. Personally, I've never been hurt while treasure hunting. I actually find it rather easy! He always makes sure we have the proper supplies, and checks his lists for everything four or five times before we make a move. He also invented what I call the Oswald technique. On the rare occasions he personally goes out with us, he throws a rock at absolutely everything before touching it. Every flagstone, every pillar, every statue... You'd be positively amazed at the elaborate traps he sets off, even in places I've walked through already! — Oswald |
Servi has been a fantastic ally to us here. Her people have lived in the vicinity of Utzaal for countless generations, so she's been able to show us all the most interesting Vaal ruins. The accessible ruins were all looted long ago, of course, but the lake around us has protected most of the city since the end of the Vaal empire... — Servi |
That hooded fellow over there... He's a friend of yours, I take it? Seems to be one of few words. Oh well. I'm not one to judge the company you choose to keep. Oswald's going to lose his wits if any more of you show up though! — 关于兜帽密师 |
So you're looking for a device the Vaal intended to use against the Cataclysm? Ah, so that's why you came here. Well... You're on the right trail. The Ziggurat on which we stand was rumored to contain a device to save their people. If you want to explore it, you'll have to find a way to drain the city first. — The Search |
History says Doryani disappeared just before the Cataclysm. Now we know why—he came with us to the present. It seems the choice has already been made. — Alva_G3_Gossip_Doryani |
I've heard of the Beast. Everyone has. If someone is truly trying to raise another, then they must be the grandest of fools. These very ruins around us are the result of an attempt to control such a thing. This is the only way it can end. — 邪兽 |
The Vaal in this pyramid must have been trapped here since the Cataclysm. Was it Corruption that kept them alive? Or the energy from their sun? I can't imagine a worse fate... — Trapped in the Temple |
That sun is an incredible achievement, no doubt, but it doesn't fit with what the Vaal wrote about this place. Perhaps it powers the device we seek... — The Sun |
Don't worry, I can solve this. This is all just a misunderstanding! — Alva_G3_Utzaal_Approach_Viper_Out_Loud |
Why, that was me, of course! I am Alva Valai, treasure hunter extraordinaire— — Alva_G3_Utzaal_Reply_To_Viper_Out_Loud |
[DNT] Good work on capturing Doryani. Let's meet up inside The Ziggurat Refuge at the base of this encampment. — The Ziggurat Refuge |
I don't think they'll mind if I take this! For... archaeological purposes! — Alva_Nicks_BloodMagicTome_Offscreen_Yes_This_Is_Canon |
You're awake! I thought you might not make it..
There's a lot to go over.. When you've pulled yourself together, go speak to Doryani — AlvaEndgamePlayerWakeUp |
You're awake! Oh, I thought you might not make it... There's a lot to go over... When you've pulled yourself together, speak with Doryani. — [DNT] Alva Worried |
It's a good thing we resolved our differences when we did. Without Doryani, we'd have died out there. I saw... the sky... the people... they were... well... Let's just say, I now understand why Vaal ruins look the way they do. — 多里亚尼 |
If it helps, history does tell of a slow recovery after the Cataclysm. It's likely the future we knew was only possible because of the work we're doing here. Every bit of Corruption you cleanse helps build Wraeclast as we experienced it. And if you don't, well... perhaps you and I might never exist. Crazy to think about, isn't it? — 关于腐化 |
I've heard about that massive pillar of flame you've spotted. Try to get to it as quickly as you can. I imagine anyone else that's seen it will be trying to get there before us. I'll do some research, and see if I can figure out what it is... — Monolith |
I initially believed that there was nothing in the historical record about that strange fortress you found, but then it occurred to me... a great deal has been written about times of ash. Fires that scorched the land, clouds that blotted out the sun, the Winter of the World... If that place is somehow connected, then we may be dealing with an ancient disastrous force that has plagued Wraeclast for far longer than anyone can guess. It may have ended entire civilisations. You really must get in there first. Everything may depend upon it. — Fortress |
Who knew this was under here? Oh, the heat... It's astonishing. I'll stay back here and look around. See if you can find a way forward! — Alva_G3_SunSeen |
Vaal ingenuity never ceases to amaze me... — Alva_G3_ElevatorSeen |
These runes... I can make out symbols for 'blood' and 'offering'... — Alva_G3_ElevatorSequenceOne |
Wait, no... It's not 'a blood offering,' it's 'someone of Vaal blood'... perhaps if I... Agh! — Alva_G3_ElevatorSequenceTwo |
It.. worked!? Ooh! Now this is {truly} something! — Alva_G3_ElevatorSequenceThree |
The apex - It's opening! Goodness me! — Alva_G3_ElevatorSequenceTFour |
We're back in the Encampment? I can't believe it... We were right on top of this device the entire time! — Alva_G3_TownAfterElevator |
It's some sort of... {gateway...} oh, how incredible! — Alva_G3_PortalSeen |
Are these... living Vaal? In the flesh?! ... Hello! My name is Alva Valai! It was I who-... — Alva_G3_SeeVaal |
No - no, don't run away! — Alva_G3_VaalRunAway |
Ugh, they think we pose a threat, let's go after them! — Alva_G3_VaalChaseAfter |
Just {look} at that view! To see this city in its prime, this is a dream come true! — Alva_G3_CityComment |
There they are! — Alva_G3_CultistUtzaalSeen |
Ugh! I was hoping to avoid conflict... — Alva_G3_HostileResponse |
Hey! — Alva_G3_AttackResponseRandom |
What are you doing? — Alva_G3_AttackResponse2 |
Don't touch me! — Alva_G3_AttackResponse3 |
We mean no harm! — Alva_G3_AttackResponse4 |
That looks valuable, let's bring that one back with us! — Alva_G3_FindArtifactRandom |
Ooooh... Let's keep that one! — Alva_G3_FindArtifact2 |
Ah! Amazing! What a find! — Alva_G3_FindArtifact3 |
Goodness me! Oh hoh, this one makes me giddy! — Alva_G3_FindArtifact4 |
Quick! Help me get him inside! — Alva_G3_CataclysmResponseMale |
Hurry! Help me get her inside! — Alva_G3_CataclysmResponseFemale |
Ohh... what? — Alva_G3_SurpriseWhat |
Phew. Consider me impressed! Let's explore further! — Alva_G3_Machinarium_1_Door_Follow |
Your people cannot be saved. History is already written. You can stay here and die... or come with us and help save the future. — Alva_G3_DoryaniSaveResponse |
Best you start talking then. My friend here isn't exactly the peacemaking type... — Alva_G3_DoryaniStartTalkingResponse |
So you will help us? — Help |
It's settled then. Let's hurry back to the time portal. — Start Talking |
It was said that Vaal High Priests could draw power from ritual sacrifice. — Alva_G3_OnSacrificialHeart |
If I'm right, this was the home of the famed Viper Napuatzi! And I'm inside it! Hah, incredible! — Alva_G3_NapuatziHouseComment |
Now we're talking! — Alva_G3_LootRoomCommentRandom |
Oh goodness! Leave no stone unturned! — Alva_G3_LootRoomComment2 |
Have a good look about! — Alva_G3_LootRoomComment3 |
The symbols on that piece show that it has something to do with the entity the Vaal called 'Chaos.' It looks like it's part of something greater... — Alva_G3_UltiKeyComment |
If only we could get in there... — Alva_G3_OnTempleApproach |
What is happening?! — Alva_G3_EnterZiggurat |
What do we do?! — Alva_G3_DuringCataclysm |
Amazing... come look at this! — Alva_G3_SeeUtzaalView |
Indeed it does! — Alva_G3_UtzaalResponseMonk |
Probably best we don't let them know... — Alva_G3_UtzaalResponseWarrior |
I suppose they did. It is rather beautiful here isn't it? — Alva_G3_UtzaalResponseRanger |
Ha-ha. You have such a way with words. — Alva_G3_UtzaalResponseMerc |
Yes - Napuatzi's very own residence! Let's look around! — Alva_G3_NapuatziHouseResponseMonkRanger |
Yes! This is the home of the Fang of the Vaal herself: Viper Napuatzi. How exciting! — Alva_G3_NapuatziHouseResponseWarrior |
Oh! This is the home of Viper Napuatzi. Leader of the Viper Legionnaires! The Fang of the Vaal herself! — Alva_G3_NapuatziHouseResponseMerc |
Well this looks interesting... but it's unpowered. — Alva_G3_WildOutskirtsSummonNoCore |
We can activate this to gain access to the Waterways! — Alva_G3_WildOutskirtsSummonCore |
Well... What did I tell you? It worked! Go on ahead, I'll meet you back at camp. — Alva_G3_WildOutskirtsUseCore |
Can you believe your eyes?! This is incredible! — Alva_G3_WildCalloutZigguratEntry |
This is so exciting! — Alva_G3_WildUseIdolOnDoor |
Are you kidding me? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_Random |
Are you kidding me? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_2 |
Are you kidding me? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_3 |
Ugh... are you kidding me? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_4 |
Well... What do I do now? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_5 |
Well... What do I do now? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_6 |
Ugh, well... What do I do now? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_7 |
Well... What do I do now? — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_8 |
This is bad. This is really bad! — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_9 |
This is bad. This is really bad! — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_10 |
This is bad. This is really bad! — Alva_G3_PlayerDeathUtzal_11 |
Maybe next time? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_Random |
Maybe next time? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_2 |
Maybe next time? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_3 |
Maybe next time? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_4 |
Maybe next time? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_5 |
Not today then? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_6 |
Not today then? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_7 |
Not today then? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_8 |
Not today then? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_9 |
Not today then? — AlvaVendor_CloseShopNoBuy_10 |
Well, well... Look at that. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_Random |
Well, well... Look at that. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_2 |
Well, well... Look at that. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_3 |
I hope you're happy with it! — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_4 |
I hope you're happy with it! — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_5 |
I hope you're happy with it! — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_6 |
That was a tricky one to come by. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_7 |
That was a tricky one to come by. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_8 |
That was a tricky one to come by. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_9 |
That was a tricky one to come by. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_10 |
I've no use for that myself anyway. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_11 |
I've no use for that myself anyway. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_12 |
I've no use for that myself anyway. — AlvaVendor_GambleMagic_13 |
Can't win them all. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_Random |
Can't win them all. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_2 |
Can't win them all. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_3 |
Can't win them all. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_4 |
Oh well. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_5 |
Oh well. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_6 |
Oh well. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_7 |
That's it? Too bad. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_8 |
That's it? Too bad. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_9 |
That's it? Too bad. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_10 |
That's it? Too bad. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_11 |
I got my hopes up for that one. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_12 |
I got my hopes up for that one. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_13 |
I got my hopes up for that one. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_14 |
I got my hopes up for that one. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_15 |
It's like you've got Oswald's luck. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_16 |
It's like you've got Oswald's luck. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_17 |
It's like you've got Oswald's luck. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_18 |
It's like you've got Oswald's luck. — AlvaVendor_GambleNormal_19 |
Care to take a chance? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_Random |
Care to take a chance? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_2 |
Care to take a chance? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_3 |
Plenty of choices! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_4 |
Plenty of choices! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_5 |
Plenty of choices! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_6 |
Take your time! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_7 |
Take your time! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_8 |
Take your time! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_9 |
Feeling bold? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_10 |
Feeling bold? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_11 |
Feeling bold? — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_12 |
A daring explorer after my own heart! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_13 |
A daring explorer after my own heart! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_14 |
A daring explorer after my own heart! — AlvaVendor_OpenShop_15 |
Well that's rather shiny. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_Random |
Well that's rather shiny. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_2 |
Well that's rather shiny. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_3 |
Hopefully, that's useful. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_4 |
Hopefully, that's useful. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_5 |
Hopefully, that's useful. — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_6 |
Interesting! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_7 |
Interesting! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_8 |
Interesting! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_9 |
I do like the way it gleams! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_10 |
I do like the way it gleams! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_11 |
I do like the way it gleams! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_12 |
I do like the way it gleams! — AlvaVendor_GambleRare_13 |
Let me take that off your hands. — AlvaVendor_Sell_Random |
Let me take that off your hands. — AlvaVendor_Sell_2 |
Let me take that off your hands. — AlvaVendor_Sell_3 |
Let me take that off your hands. — AlvaVendor_Sell_4 |
Seems like a good deal. — AlvaVendor_Sell_5 |
Seems like a good deal. — AlvaVendor_Sell_6 |
Seems like a good deal. — AlvaVendor_Sell_7 |
Oh, I like this one. — AlvaVendor_Sell_8 |
Oh, I like this one. — AlvaVendor_Sell_9 |
Oh, I like this one. — AlvaVendor_Sell_10 |
Anything else you'd like to be rid of? — AlvaVendor_Sell_11 |
Anything else you'd like to be rid of? — AlvaVendor_Sell_12 |
Anything else you'd like to be rid of? — AlvaVendor_Sell_13 |
Oh, that's quite pretty! — AlvaVendor_Sell_14 |
Oh, that's quite pretty! — AlvaVendor_Sell_15 |
Oh, that's quite pretty! — AlvaVendor_Sell_16 |
Oh, that's quite pretty! — AlvaVendor_Sell_17 |
An ancient artefact! Wonderful! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_Random |
An ancient artefact! Wonderful! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_2 |
An ancient artefact! Wonderful! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_3 |
That's a piece of history in your hand! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_4 |
That's a piece of history in your hand! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_5 |
That's a piece of history in your hand! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_6 |
That's a piece of history in your hand! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_7 |
Looks like the past is right here with us! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_8 |
Looks like the past is right here with us! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_9 |
Looks like the past is right here with us! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_10 |
About time we found something special! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_11 |
About time we found something special! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_12 |
About time we found something special! — AlvaVendor_GambleUnique_13 |
— AV01_A_2.ogg |
— AV01_B_2.ogg |
— AV01_C_1.ogg |
— AV01_C_2.ogg |
— AV01_D_2.ogg |
— AV01_D_3.ogg |
— AV02_A_1.ogg |
— AV02_A_2.ogg |
— AV02_A_3.ogg |
— AV02_B_1.ogg |
— AV02_B_2.ogg |
— AV02_B_3.ogg |
— AV02_C_1.ogg |
— AV02_C_2.ogg |
— AV02_D_1.ogg |
— AV02_D_2.ogg |
— AV02_D_3.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_01_06.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_02_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_03_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_03_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_03_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_03_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_03_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_04_06.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_05.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_01_06.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_05.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_06.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_07.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_02_08.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_05.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_03_06.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_SunKeyFound_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_SunKeyFound_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_SunKeyFound_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_SunKeyFound_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsNoCore_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsNoCore_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsNoCore_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_OutskirtsCore_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsNoCore_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsNoCore_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsNoCore_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsNoCore_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_OutskirtsCore_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_02_06.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_03_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_03_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_03_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_03_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_NoSoul_03_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Soul_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Soul_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Soul_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_05.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_01_06.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_NoSoul_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Soul_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Soul_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Soul_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_01_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_03_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_03_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Generator_03_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_05.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_01_06.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_02_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_02_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_02_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_02_04.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Generator_02_05.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Ziggurat_01.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Ziggurat_02.ogg |
— Alva_Greeting_Ziggurat_03.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Ziggurat_01.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Ziggurat_02.ogg |
— Alva_Farewell_Ziggurat_03.ogg |
I do not fear death. I am its master. Darkness and the dead are my weapons of war. My enemies will rot from the inside out, as my army of corpses tears them screaming limb from limb. — |
You've got a weapon, I'll wield it. Just tell me where to point it. I've seen the highs and horrors of war, and I'll do whatever it takes to survive. If you've got coin, I'm your man. — D23_LevelUp_01.ogg |
My life has been naught but discipline and focus, preparing me for this. I fight for the Benevolent Dreamer. Free my hands, and those who seek chaos will fall before me! — Shadow_Level_02.ogg |
Do not mistake me for humble and weak because I am a man of God. No. We Templars have learned we must handle earthly affairs on our own. Though God is absent, evil shall not go unpunished. — Templar_Level_01.ogg |
The elements are mine to control. I know why lightning strikes, why fire burns, and why cold freezes. They do so because I command it. The vengeance of the Maraketh will find those who have transgressed no matter where they run. — Witch_001.ogg |
I wanted very little for myself. A forge, a bed. They took that all away when they burned down my home. Give me one good hammer, and they will find that there is nothing more dangerous than a man of peace roused to war. — Mar_01.ogg |
The Spirit bid me leave my forests, only to find violence and death. Give me a spear! If they want blood, I will show them what it means to fight for survival. — Ranger_01.ogg |