Approach, Challenger. — TrialmasterTutorialGreeting |
Many exiles have tested their skills here as of late. Face the trials of Chaos and pursue your fate. You might die here, now, or you might someday rival the gods themselves. — TrialmasterTutorialIntro |
Make your choice. — TrialmasterTutorialAltarUnlocked |
Slay the waves of enemies. Simple enough. — TrialmasterTutorialAltarClicked |
Not participating is itself a choice. — TrialmasterTutorialPlayerWalksAway |
Your potential remains unrealised. — TrialmasterTutorialPlayerLoses |
A favourable result. Now you face another choice: further commit to a more difficult challenge, or balk? — TrialmasterTutorialContinueOrStopOne |
The safe choice. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardRandom |
A choice of futures, as before. The next challenge will be even more difficult. — TrialmasterTutorialContinueOrStopTwo |
The expected choice. — TrialmasterPlayerTookReward2 |
Do you wish to keep your fortunes, or continue in pursuit of greater riches? — TrialmasterTutorialContinueOrStopThree |
So be it, as disappointing as it is. — TrialmasterPlayerTookReward3 |
You play the game well, Challenger. Enjoy the fruits of your luck, and your skill. We shall meet again. — TrialmasterTutorialFullWin |
The future holds further challenges. Count on it. — TrialmasterSeeEachOtherAgainShout |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffortRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffortRandom |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffort2 — TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffort2 |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffort3 — TrialmasterFinalEncounterEffort3 |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffortRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffortRandom |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffort2 — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffort2 |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffort3 — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSpellEffort3 |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterGoesCasterStanceRandom |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterGoesCasterStance2 |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterGoesCasterStance3 |
Face me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterCleaveAttackRandom |
Face me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterCleaveAttack2 |
Face me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterCleaveAttack3 |
For Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSlamAttackRandom |
For Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSlamAttack2 |
For Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSlamAttack3 |
Feel his power! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterShockwaveSlamRandom |
Feel his power! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterShockwaveSlam2 |
Feel his power! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterShockwaveSlam3 |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterTectonicSlamRandom |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterTectonicSlam2 |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterTectonicSlam3 |
Temptation for the fool. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterChaosShrineInMeleeRandom |
Temptation for the fool. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterChaosShrineInMelee2 |
Temptation for the fool. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterChaosShrineInMelee3 |
I shall crush you! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterThrowWeaponAttackRandom |
I shall crush you! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterThrowWeaponAttack2 |
I shall crush you! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterThrowWeaponAttack3 |
No escaping fate. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterOmegaProjectileCastRandom |
No escaping fate. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterOmegaProjectileCast2 |
No escaping fate. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterOmegaProjectileCast3 |
Be still! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonTetherSpikeCastRandom |
Be still! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonTetherSpikeCast2 |
Be still! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonTetherSpikeCast3 |
Take it. Go ahead. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonChaosShrineInCasterRandom |
Take it. Go ahead. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonChaosShrineInCaster2 |
Take it. Go ahead. — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonChaosShrineInCaster3 |
Might of Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonWeaponRandom |
Might of Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonWeapon2 |
Might of Chaos! — TrialmasterFinalEncounterSummonWeapon3 |
TrialmasterFinalEncounter75healthRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounter75healthRandom |
TrialmasterFinalEncounter50healthRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounter50healthRandom |
TrialmasterFinalEncounter25healthRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounter25healthRandom |
My service... is finally over... — TrialmasterDefeatedRandom |
...and my service continues. Chaos laughs, mortal, and fortune is yours — TrialmasterReturnsAfterDefeatRandom |
TrialmasterFinalEncounterPlayerDiedTauntRandom — TrialmasterFinalEncounterPlayerDiedTauntRandom |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallengeRandom |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge2 |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge3 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge4 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge5 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge6 |
Leave none alive. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge7 |
Leave none alive. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge8 |
Leave none alive. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge9 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge10 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge11 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeKillChallenge12 |
Defend what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallengeRandom |
Defend what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge2 |
Defend what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge3 |
Make your stand. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge4 |
Make your stand. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge5 |
Make your stand. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge6 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge7 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge8 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge9 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge10 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge11 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeProtectChallenge12 |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallengeRandom |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge2 |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge3 |
Live. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge4 |
Live. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge5 |
Live. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge6 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge7 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge8 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge9 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge10 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge11 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeSurviveChallenge12 |
Begin the conquest! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallengeRandom |
Begin the conquest! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge2 |
Begin the conquest! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge3 |
Take what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge4 |
Take what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge5 |
Take what is yours. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge6 |
Let none stop you. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge7 |
Let none stop you. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge8 |
Let none stop you. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge9 |
Conquer all! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge10 |
Conquer all! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge11 |
Conquer all! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeConquerChallenge12 |
Go forth and destroy. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallengeRandom |
Go forth and destroy. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge2 |
Go forth and destroy. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge3 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge4 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge5 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge6 |
Destroyer, begin! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge7 |
Destroyer, begin! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge8 |
Destroyer, begin! — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge9 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge10 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge11 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterChoiceMadeDestroyChallenge12 |
You will fall to ruin. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtTenRuinRandom |
You will fall to ruin. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtTenRuin2 |
You will fall to ruin. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtTenRuin3 |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunterRandom |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunter2 |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunter3 |
Ruin arrives suddenly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunterSpeedRandom |
Ruin arrives suddenly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunterSpeed2 |
Ruin arrives suddenly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeRuinHunterSpeed3 |
Ruin's burden weighs twice as heavy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtFiveRuinRandom |
Ruin's burden weighs twice as heavy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtFiveRuin2 |
Ruin's burden weighs twice as heavy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFailAtFiveRuin3 |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTwoTypesApplyRuinRandom |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTwoTypesApplyRuin2 |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTwoTypesApplyRuin3 |
Ruin hides in every corner. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesToRuinPhantasmsRandom |
Ruin hides in every corner. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesToRuinPhantasms2 |
Ruin hides in every corner. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesToRuinPhantasms3 |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBeforeACertainTimeRandom |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBeforeACertainTime2 |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBeforeACertainTime3 |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBuffsExpireFasterRandom |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBuffsExpireFaster2 |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBuffsExpireFaster3 |
Never enough time. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTimeIsShorterRandom |
Never enough time. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTimeIsShorter2 |
Never enough time. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeTimeIsShorter3 |
The sun is setting on your success. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseChargesEverySecondRandom |
The sun is setting on your success. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseChargesEverySecond2 |
The sun is setting on your success. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseChargesEverySecond3 |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVulnRandom |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVuln2 |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVuln3 |
No defence will be enough. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVuln4 |
No defence will be enough. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVuln5 |
No defence will be enough. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeEscalatingVuln6 |
Death is already creeping upon you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercentRandom |
Death is already creeping upon you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercent2 |
Death is already creeping upon you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercent3 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercent4 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercent5 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnStartsTenPercent6 |
Death is swift. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFasterRandom |
Death is swift. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFaster2 |
Death is swift. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFaster3 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFaster4 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFaster5 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVulnEscalatesFaster6 |
Your enemies hasten. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpRandom |
Your enemies hasten. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUp2 |
Your enemies hasten. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUp3 |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUp4 |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUp5 |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUp6 |
A quicker resistance. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeedRandom |
A quicker resistance. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeed2 |
A quicker resistance. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeed3 |
They move with utmost haste. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeed4 |
They move with utmost haste. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeed5 |
They move with utmost haste. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersStartAtTwentySpeed6 |
Speed upon speed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFasterRandom |
Speed upon speed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFaster2 |
Speed upon speed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFaster3 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFaster4 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFaster5 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeMonstersSpeedUpFaster6 |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryRandom |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecovery2 |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecovery3 |
Can you feel death coiling around your heart? — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesTierTwoRandom |
Can you feel death coiling around your heart? — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesTierTwo2 |
Can you feel death coiling around your heart? — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesTierTwo3 |
Your heart already beats more slowly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryStartTwentyRandom |
Your heart already beats more slowly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryStartTwenty2 |
Your heart already beats more slowly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryStartTwenty3 |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDealNoDamageSometimesRandom |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDealNoDamageSometimes2 |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDealNoDamageSometimes3 |
Your blood weakens. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFasterRandom |
Your blood weakens. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFaster2 |
Your blood weakens. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFaster3 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFaster4 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFaster5 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeDiminishRecoveryFaster6 |
Choking vapors seek the living. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaRandom |
Choking vapors seek the living. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasma2 |
Choking vapors seek the living. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasma3 |
Avoid the miasma, if you can. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasma4 |
Avoid the miasma, if you can. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasma5 |
Avoid the miasma, if you can. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasma6 |
Miasma spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLargerRandom |
Miasma spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLarger2 |
Miasma spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLarger3 |
Rare is the breath of living air. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLarger4 |
Rare is the breath of living air. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLarger5 |
Rare is the breath of living air. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaLarger6 |
The vapors are inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFasterRandom |
The vapors are inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFaster2 |
The vapors are inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFaster3 |
Contamination moves swiftly on the wind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFaster4 |
Contamination moves swiftly on the wind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFaster5 |
Contamination moves swiftly on the wind. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChasingMiasmaFaster6 |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsRandom |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystals2 |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystals3 |
Fire seeks what it will. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystals4 |
Fire seeks what it will. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystals5 |
Fire seeks what it will. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystals6 |
The wind conspires with the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFasterRandom |
The wind conspires with the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFaster2 |
The wind conspires with the flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFaster3 |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFaster4 |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFaster5 |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsFaster6 |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThirdRandom |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThird2 |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThird3 |
Fire always spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThird4 |
Fire always spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThird5 |
Fire always spreads. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireCrystalsThird6 |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdRandom |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedCold2 |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedCold3 |
Vengeance is cold indeed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesRandom |
Vengeance is cold indeed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpines2 |
Vengeance is cold indeed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpines3 |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesLargerRandom |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesLarger2 |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesLarger3 |
From death, hate grasps for all life. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdTwoRandom |
From death, hate grasps for all life. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdTwo2 |
From death, hate grasps for all life. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdTwo3 |
Hate begets hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesMoreRandom |
Hate begets hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesMore2 |
Hate begets hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeIceSpinesMore3 |
Be careful how quickly you slay... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdThreeRandom |
Be careful how quickly you slay... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdThree2 |
Be careful how quickly you slay... — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnusedColdThree3 |
The storm approaches. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesRandom |
The storm approaches. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunes2 |
The storm approaches. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunes3 |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunes4 |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunes5 |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunes6 |
The storm comes swiftly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFasterRandom |
The storm comes swiftly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFaster2 |
The storm comes swiftly. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFaster3 |
Lightning gives little warning. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFaster4 |
Lightning gives little warning. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFaster5 |
Lightning gives little warning. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesChargeFaster6 |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMoreRandom |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMore2 |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMore3 |
Thunder and lightning abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMore4 |
Thunder and lightning abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMore5 |
Thunder and lightning abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormRunesMore6 |
Your foes bring summer's flame. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlamespeakerRandom |
Your foes bring summer's flame. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlamespeaker2 |
Your foes bring summer's flame. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlamespeaker3 |
The fire of summer burns within. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireTotemRandom |
The fire of summer burns within. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireTotem2 |
The fire of summer burns within. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFireTotem3 |
Your opponents bring winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeakerRandom |
Your opponents bring winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeaker2 |
Your opponents bring winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeaker3 |
A battlefield chilled by winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeaker4 |
A battlefield chilled by winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeaker5 |
A battlefield chilled by winter's hate. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFrostspeaker6 |
Your adversaries bring spring's thunder. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeakerRandom |
Your adversaries bring spring's thunder. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeaker2 |
Your adversaries bring spring's thunder. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeaker3 |
Spring's thunder. Wrath itself. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeaker4 |
Spring's thunder. Wrath itself. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeaker5 |
Spring's thunder. Wrath itself. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeStormspeaker6 |
Your opponents bring night's madness. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVoidspeakerRandom |
Your opponents bring night's madness. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVoidspeaker2 |
Your opponents bring night's madness. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeVoidspeaker3 |
Night's madness drains away all hope. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatchesRandom |
Night's madness drains away all hope. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatches2 |
Night's madness drains away all hope. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnhallowedPatches3 |
Steel and pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadePhysicalTotemRandom |
Steel and pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadePhysicalTotem2 |
Steel and pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadePhysicalTotem3 |
Shrapnel and shards abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeShardspeakerRandom |
Shrapnel and shards abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeShardspeaker2 |
Shrapnel and shards abound. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeShardspeaker3 |
Relentless assault. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesSecondTierRandom |
Relentless assault. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesSecondTier2 |
Relentless assault. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesSecondTier3 |
Be torn to shreds. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesThirdTierRandom |
Be torn to shreds. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesThirdTier2 |
Be torn to shreds. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeBladesThirdTier3 |
Step quickly lest the detonations end you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelayRandom |
Step quickly lest the detonations end you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelay2 |
Step quickly lest the detonations end you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelay3 |
They seek to surprise you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelay4 |
They seek to surprise you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelay5 |
They seek to surprise you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSpeakerShorterDelay6 |
Beware the bite of the chained beast. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsRandom |
Beware the bite of the chained beast. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeasts2 |
Beware the bite of the chained beast. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeasts3 |
Stray too far and find pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSmallerArenaRandom |
Stray too far and find pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSmallerArena2 |
Stray too far and find pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeSmallerArena3 |
Nature hungers at the fringes. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMoreRandom |
Nature hungers at the fringes. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore2 |
Nature hungers at the fringes. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore3 |
The hungry beasts are numerous. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore4 |
The hungry beasts are numerous. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore5 |
The hungry beasts are numerous. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore6 |
A horde of hungry beasts. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore7 |
A horde of hungry beasts. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore8 |
A horde of hungry beasts. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsMore9 |
Hunger begets savagery. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFasterRandom |
Hunger begets savagery. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFaster2 |
Hunger begets savagery. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFaster3 |
Quick jaws make quick work of prey. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFaster4 |
Quick jaws make quick work of prey. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFaster5 |
Quick jaws make quick work of prey. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeChainedBeastsFaster6 |
A weight upon the soul. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecoveryRandom |
A weight upon the soul. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecovery2 |
A weight upon the soul. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecovery3 |
Heart and spirit, burdened. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecoveryTwoRandom |
Heart and spirit, burdened. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecoveryTwo2 |
Heart and spirit, burdened. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReducedRecoveryTwo3 |
You shall suffer your own bile. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksHinderRandom |
You shall suffer your own bile. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksHinder2 |
You shall suffer your own bile. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksHinder3 |
Your epithets, echoed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeCurseReflectRandom |
Your epithets, echoed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeCurseReflect2 |
Your epithets, echoed. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeCurseReflect3 |
Your thoughts crackle with pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamageRandom |
Your thoughts crackle with pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamage2 |
Your thoughts crackle with pain. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamage3 |
Lightning lurks within you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamage4 |
Lightning lurks within you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamage5 |
Lightning lurks within you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeManaCostAsDamage6 |
The blood sours. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseChargesRandom |
The blood sours. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseCharges2 |
The blood sours. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLoseCharges3 |
Your blood betrays you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksCancelEachOtherRandom |
Your blood betrays you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksCancelEachOther2 |
Your blood betrays you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeFlasksCancelEachOther3 |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLessAOELessProjSpeedRandom |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLessAOELessProjSpeed2 |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeLessAOELessProjSpeed3 |
Be diminished. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnluckyCritRandom |
Be diminished. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnluckyCrit2 |
Be diminished. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeUnluckyCrit3 |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReflectProjectilesRandom |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReflectProjectiles2 |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeReflectProjectiles3 |
Confront that which you release. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeYourAurasAffectEnemiesRandom |
Confront that which you release. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeYourAurasAffectEnemies2 |
Confront that which you release. — TrialmasterChallengeChoiceMadeYourAurasAffectEnemies3 |
The single-round challenger returns. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOneRandom |
The single-round challenger returns. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne2 |
The single-round challenger returns. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne3 |
This should be quick... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne4 |
This should be quick... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne5 |
This should be quick... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne6 |
How ever will you match that last incredible performance? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne7 |
How ever will you match that last incredible performance? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundOne8 |
I sincerely hope you intend to last longer than two rounds. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwoRandom |
I sincerely hope you plan to last longer than two rounds. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo2 |
Go for at least the third round this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo3 |
Go for at least the third round this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo4 |
Go for at least the third round this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo5 |
I expect a better performance. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo6 |
I expect a better performance. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo7 |
I expect a better performance. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundTwo8 |
Try to do better than three rounds this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThreeRandom |
Try to do better than three rounds this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThree2 |
Try to do better than three rounds this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThree3 |
The three-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThree4 |
The three-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThree5 |
The three-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundThree6 |
Four rounds should be an easy mark to beat. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFourRandom |
Four rounds should be an easy mark to beat. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFour2 |
Four rounds should be an easy mark to beat. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFour3 |
No glory in only making it four rounds. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFour4 |
No glory in only making it four rounds. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFour5 |
No glory in only making it four rounds. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFour6 |
Only made it to round five last time. Back for more? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFiveRandom |
Only made it to round five last time. Back for more? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive2 |
Only made it to round five last time. Back for more? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive3 |
The five-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive4 |
The five-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive5 |
The five-round challenger returns... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive6 |
Oh, it's the five-round challenger. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive7 |
Oh, it's the five-round challenger. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundFive8 |
You only made it six rounds last time. Why do you bother? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSixRandom |
You only made it six rounds last time. Why do you bother? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSix2 |
You only made it six rounds last time. Why do you bother? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSix3 |
Six rounds? Try to make it to the end this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSix4 |
Six rounds? Try to make it to the end this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSix5 |
Six rounds? Try to make it to the end this time. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSix6 |
I doubt you'll make it to seven rounds again. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSevenRandom |
I doubt you'll make it to seven rounds again. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSeven2 |
I doubt you'll make it to seven rounds again. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSeven3 |
Chaos would like to see you make it past round seven... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSeven4 |
Chaos would like to see you make it past round seven... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSeven5 |
Chaos would like to see you make it past round seven... — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundSeven6 |
Eight rounds was... respectable. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEightRandom |
Eight rounds was... respectable. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEight2 |
Eight rounds was... respectable. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEight3 |
Eight rounds! Chaos is watching with anticipation. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEight4 |
Eight rounds! Chaos is watching with anticipation. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEight5 |
Eight rounds! Chaos is watching with anticipation. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundEight6 |
Does it sting to have gotten so close last time? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNineRandom |
Does it sting to have gotten so close last time? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNine2 |
Does it sting to have gotten so close last time? — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNine3 |
Nine rounds, yet victory was still out of reach. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNine4 |
Nine rounds, yet victory was still out of reach. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNine5 |
Nine rounds, yet victory was still out of reach. — TrialmasterPlayerTookRewardLastTimeRoundNine6 |
You never win, yet you keep trying... — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLossesRandom |
You never win, yet you keep trying... — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses2 |
You seem to be a glutton for punishment. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses3 |
You seem to be a glutton for punishment. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses4 |
Persistence is your only virtue. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses5 |
Persistence is your only virtue. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses6 |
You know the goal is to succeed, yes? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses7 |
You know the goal is to succeed, yes? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses8 |
You're still going to attempt my trials? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses9 |
You're still going to attempt my trials? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreLosses10 |
Come to lose again? — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLossesRandom |
Come to lose again? — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses2 |
Yes, come lose a trial. Productive. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses3 |
Yes, come lose a trial. Productive. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses4 |
Yes, come lose a trial. Productive. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses5 |
Multiple losses. A touch shameful. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses6 |
Multiple losses. A touch shameful. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses7 |
Multiple losses. A touch shameful. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses8 |
Your pride demands restoration, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses9 |
Your pride demands restoration, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses10 |
Your pride demands restoration, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourLosses11 |
One loss is nothing to be ashamed of. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLossRandom |
One loss is nothing to be ashamed of. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss2 |
Win back your pride, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss3 |
Win back your pride, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss4 |
Will this be a second loss in a row? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss5 |
Will this be a second loss in a row? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss6 |
Is your ego bruised? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss7 |
Is your ego bruised? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss8 |
Will you wash clean the marks of failure? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss9 |
Will you wash clean the marks of failure? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss10 |
Now is your chance to claim back victory. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss11 |
Now is your chance to claim back victory. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneLoss12 |
Can you be victorious twice in a row? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWinRandom |
Can you be victorious twice in a row? — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin2 |
Prove your last victory was not mere chance. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin3 |
Prove your last victory was not mere chance. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin4 |
Random chance must dictate you win... occasionally. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin5 |
Random chance must dictate you win... occasionally. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin6 |
You won. Once. Do not get ahead of yourself. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin7 |
You won. Once. Do not get ahead of yourself. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin8 |
You won. Once. Do not get ahead of yourself. — TrialmasterMoodBeginOneWin9 |
Your series of victories will end here. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWinsRandom |
Your series of victories will end here. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins2 |
You've been winning, but can you keep it up? — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins3 |
You've been winning, but can you keep it up? — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins4 |
I hope you have enjoyed your brief string of victories. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins5 |
I hope you have enjoyed your brief string of victories. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins6 |
I hope you have enjoyed your brief string of victories. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins7 |
Your luck will run out soon, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins8 |
Your luck will run out soon, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins9 |
Your luck will run out soon, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins10 |
This trial may be the one that brings about your defeat. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins11 |
This trial may be the one that brings about your defeat. — TrialmasterMoodBeginTwoToFourWins12 |
Your victories will not continue. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWinsRandom |
Your victories will not continue. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins2 |
This trial will see your downfall. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins3 |
This trial will see your downfall. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins4 |
This time you will finally lose. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins5 |
This time you will finally lose. — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins6 |
Is this some farcical joke? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins7 |
Is this some farcical joke? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins8 |
I am being punished, aren't I? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins9 |
I am being punished, aren't I? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins10 |
I am being punished, aren't I? — TrialmasterMoodBeginFiveOrMoreWins11 |
Honestly, it's about time. Congratulations, challenger. Sincerely. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLossesRandom |
Honestly, it's about time. Congratulations, challenger. Sincerely. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses2 |
Honestly, it's about time. Congratulations, challenger. Sincerely. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses3 |
You... you won? I honestly didn't expect that of you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses4 |
You... you won? I honestly didn't expect that of you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses5 |
You... you won? I honestly didn't expect that of you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses6 |
Thank you for not disappointing my master yet again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses7 |
Thank you for not disappointing my master yet again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses8 |
Your series of losses has finally ended. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses9 |
Your series of losses has finally ended. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses10 |
Your series of losses has finally ended. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreLosses11 |
I was not certain you had it in you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLossesRandom |
I was not certain you had it in you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses2 |
Fair enough. Luck is luck. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses3 |
Fair enough. Luck is luck. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses4 |
You have restored your pride. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses5 |
You have restored your pride. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses6 |
Win some... lose most. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses7 |
Win some... lose most. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses8 |
You have stemmed the tide of losses. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses9 |
You have stemmed the tide of losses. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourLosses10 |
You have redeemed yourself. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLossRandom |
You have redeemed yourself. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss2 |
Thus, the vagaries of chance. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss3 |
Thus, the vagaries of chance. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss4 |
Keeping it interesting, I see. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss5 |
Keeping it interesting, I see. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss6 |
A meagre turnaround. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss7 |
A meagre turnaround. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneLoss8 |
That makes two in a row! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWinRandom |
That makes two in a row! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin2 |
A second victory! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin3 |
A second victory! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin4 |
I can practically see your ego swelling. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin5 |
I can practically see your ego swelling. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin6 |
Don't get too eager. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin7 |
Don't get too eager. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonOneWin8 |
Impressive, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWinsRandom |
Impressive, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins2 |
Your series of victories continues. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins3 |
Your series of victories continues. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins4 |
Luck can only carry you so far... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins5 |
Luck can only carry you so far... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins6 |
For now, the victor remains the victor! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins7 |
For now, the victor remains the victor! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins8 |
Not bad... for a mortal. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins9 |
Not bad... for a mortal. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins10 |
This will not continue. I am unconcerned. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins11 |
This will not continue. I am unconcerned. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonTwoToFourWins12 |
This is no longer amusing. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWinsRandom |
This is no longer amusing. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins2 |
This series of victories is astonishing. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins3 |
This series of victories is astonishing. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins4 |
How do you keep winning?! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins5 |
How do you keep winning?! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins6 |
I suspect I am being made a fool of! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins7 |
I suspect I am being made a fool of! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins8 |
I should have become a priest of Yaomac instead... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins9 |
I should have become a priest of Yaomac instead... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins10 |
I should have become a priest of Yaomac instead... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins11 |
You win... again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins12 |
You win... again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins13 |
You win... again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins14 |
This is insufferable... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins15 |
This is insufferable... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins16 |
This is insufferable... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins17 |
Take your prize and go. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins18 |
Take your prize and go. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerWonFiveOrMoreWins19 |
You are wasting my time, fool. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLossesRandom |
You are wasting my time, fool. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses2 |
How... expected. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses3 |
How... expected. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses4 |
Yet again... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses5 |
Yet again... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses6 |
You just keep failing! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses7 |
You just keep failing! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses8 |
How embarrassing for you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses9 |
How embarrassing for you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreLosses10 |
Perhaps these trials are too difficult for you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLossesRandom |
Perhaps these trials are too difficult for you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses2 |
Perhaps you should hone your skills before you attempt my trials again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses3 |
Perhaps you should hone your skills before you attempt my trials again. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses4 |
Your record worsens... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses5 |
Your record worsens... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses6 |
Now you understand what not to do. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses7 |
Now you understand what not to do. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourLosses8 |
Another failure... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLossRandom |
Another failure... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss2 |
To lose twice in a row... how unfortunate. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss3 |
To lose twice in a row... how unfortunate. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss4 |
Two losses in a row! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss5 |
Two losses in a row! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss6 |
Two losses in a row! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss7 |
Perhaps you don't understand the rules... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss8 |
Perhaps you don't understand the rules... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss9 |
Perhaps you don't understand the rules... — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneLoss10 |
A second victory in a row was not in the cards for you, it seems. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWinRandom |
A second victory in a row was not in the cards for you, it seems. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin2 |
Try your luck again soon, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin3 |
Try your luck again soon, challenger. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin4 |
Be not ashamed at your meagre record. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin5 |
Be not ashamed at your meagre record. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin6 |
Be not ashamed at your meagre record. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin7 |
It was not to be. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin8 |
It was not to be. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostOneWin9 |
Your series of victories has come to an end. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWinsRandom |
Your series of victories has come to an end. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins2 |
The victorious always fall eventually. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins3 |
The victorious always fall eventually. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins4 |
Your grand visions fade to dust. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins5 |
Your grand visions fade to dust. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins6 |
It seems we have found the limit of your skill. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins7 |
It seems we have found the limit of your skill. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins8 |
Chance no longer favours you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins9 |
Chance no longer favours you. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins10 |
It was inevitable. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins11 |
It was inevitable. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins12 |
Your path to greatness has taken a hard turn toward a cliff. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins13 |
Your path to greatness has taken a hard turn toward a cliff. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostTwoToFourWins14 |
There is no shame in defeat. Well... there is some. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWinsRandom |
There is no shame in defeat. Well... there is some. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins2 |
You emerge victorious no more. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins3 |
You emerge victorious no more. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins4 |
Your series of victories has reached its end. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins5 |
Your series of victories has reached its end. — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins6 |
Hahahahaha! Your luck is over, fool! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins7 |
Hahahahaha! Your luck is over, fool! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins8 |
My master, it is done! Torture me no longer! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins9 |
My master, it is done! Torture me no longer! — TrialmasterMoodPlayerLostFiveOrMoreWins10 |
You are not the only one whose path diverges during moments of chance. My lord Chaos sees all. You experienced victory... as did I. From my perspective, I slew you, then Chaos bid me attend the other possibility. This one.
I continue to serve... — TrialmasterAboutHisDefeat |
Long have I walked this world in search of suitable challengers. My master, Chaos, has charged me with this task. Many have attempted my trials in search of greatness. Scholars, criminals, heroes, and the meek. All have stepped forward, and most have fallen. The rules never changed for them, and the rules will not change for you. Bring only that which you can afford to lose—including your life. — TrialmasterIntroduction |
My master is the essence of all that might be. He is the flip of the coin, and he is the roll of the die. Whether you win or lose, his purpose is still served. And yet—your chances can be influenced by your skill, by your intellect, and by your might. That is what fascinates Chaos. Skilled mortals can bend their chances in their own favour, for in the headwinds of the unknown, the arrow of a master falls more assuredly than the arrow of a novice. Show him your mastery, and he will smile upon you. Surprise him with utmost talent, and he may even laugh. Fortune will rain upon those who bring humour to Chaos. — TrialmasterGossipChaos |
I was once mortal, and I know how the mortal I once was would have felt about certain things. That man would have hated Doryani with a passion for bringing about the fall of the greatest civilisation this world has ever known. Fortunately, I am no longer troubled by such attachments. Through the grace of Chaos, I now understand that all things that can happen, do. Even now I am testing the might of another survivor who washed up on Wraeclast instead of you, and to her, you are dead. All that you accomplish is meaningless. All that Doryani ruined was equally meaningless. — TrialmasterGossipDoryani |
The Queen represents an odd island of stability that Chaos cannot comprehend. Almost all events come laden with possibility, but the history of her existence is a single unbroken course. There is no world, real or imagined, where Atziri did not lead our people to ruin.
She gazes into a mirror still, somewhere beyond the reach of my master, in a place of crimson madness and nightmare... my master adores the uncertainty of chance outcomes, but he abhors cosmic enigmas with no clear answer, especially when such enigmas seem to possess the power to impress determinism upon the fabric of existence. — TrialmasterGossipAtziri |
My lord Chaos has often felt there is a sinister force lurking in the unknown mists of raw Creation that seeks to oppose him. It does not show itself. No, it is a cowardly Impulse, one that subtly tangles the threads of Fate to bring together mortals in each era for the purpose of Order, a cold conflict that has raged eternal - with only one exception. — TrialmasterGossipAnathema |
Ultimatum! — TrialmasterCombatUltimatumMoveRandom |
Ultimatum! — TrialmasterCombatUltimatumMove2 |
Time to end this! — TrialmasterCombatTransformation |
Long have I awaited a suitable challenger. My master, Chaos, has charged me with this task. Many have attempted my trials in search of greatness. Scholars, criminals, heroes, and the meek. All have stepped forward, and most have fallen. The rules never changed for them, and the rules will not change for you. Bring only that which you can afford to lose - including your life. — Introduction |
This once-mighty temple was the bridge from mere peasant to high priest. All were welcome to attempt the Trials of Chaos, and those that attained a true victory were gifted a small measure of power to help forge their own destinies. That is still true, though we have far fewer challengers in this era. — The Temple |
My master is the essence of all that might be. They are the flip of the coin, and they are the roll of the die. Whether you win or lose, their purpose is still served. And yet—your chances can be influenced by your skill, by your intellect, and by your might. That is what fascinates Chaos. Skilled mortals can bend their chances, for in the headwinds of the unknown, the arrow of a master falls more assuredly than the arrow of a novice. Show them your mastery, and they will smile upon you. Surprise them with utmost talent, and they may even laugh. Fortune will rain upon those who bring humour to Chaos. — Chaos |
Welcome, Challenger. Here, if you so choose, you may test your limits. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_Random |
Welcome, Challenger. Here, your path will be determined. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_2 |
A challenger has entered the Temple of my master. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_3 |
Ah, I sense you wish to supplicate yourself before Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_4 |
Long has it been since a challenger walked these halls. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_5 |
Welcome to the Temple of my master, Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_6 |
Come test yourself, pawn. Your black-cloaked master need not be present for this. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTimeGeneric_7 |
A man of two worlds comes to face the ultimate test... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Warrior |
A woman that rejected her destiny comes to forge another... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Sorceress |
A practitioner of the dark arts seeks to bend fate to her will... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Witch |
A descendant of the Maji? You are always welcome here, if you wish to test yourself. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Ranger |
An eager Mercenary approaches in search of riches... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Mercenary |
A loyal but unwitting servant seeks answers... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Monk |
An exiled Azmeri hunts for a new purpose... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Huntress |
A Karui, here? If you believe you can emerge victorious, do take on the challenge. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Marauder |
Here, even the most skilled Assassin shall be tested... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Assassin |
A pious Man comes to seek redemption... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Templar |
A weary Gladiator approaches in search of glory... — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Gladiator |
A man of nature seeks wisdom beyond his ken. — TrialmasterG3_EnterFirstTime_Druid |
Chaos smiles upon the victorious. Will that be you? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_Random |
Chaos smiles upon the victorious. Will that be you? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_2 |
Chaos smiles upon the victorious. Will that be you? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_3 |
Where will your choices bring you this time? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_4 |
Where will your choices bring you this time? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_5 |
Where will your choices bring you this time? — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_6 |
I will never tire of your struggles. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_7 |
I will never tire of your struggles. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_8 |
I will never tire of your struggles. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_9 |
The Challenger returns... — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_10 |
The Challenger returns... — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_11 |
The Challenger returns... — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_12 |
Chaos awaits. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_13 |
Chaos awaits. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_14 |
Chaos awaits. — TrialmasterG3_EnterSubsequent_15 |
Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_Random |
Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_2 |
Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_3 |
This will be unlike any trial you have faced before... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_4 |
This will be unlike any trial you have faced before... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_5 |
This will be unlike any trial you have faced before... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_6 |
This will be like nothing you have faced before. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_7 |
This will be like nothing you have faced before. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_8 |
This will be like nothing you have faced before. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_9 |
You have proven yourself worthy of the next Trial. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_10 |
You have proven yourself worthy of the next Trial. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_11 |
You have proven yourself worthy of the next Trial. — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_12 |
Now the fun begins... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_13 |
Now the fun begins... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_14 |
Now the fun begins... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_15 |
They always return... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_16 |
They always return... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_17 |
They always return... — TrialmasterG3_EnterImprovedUlti_18 |
Shouldn't have picked that... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_Random |
Ahh... shouldn't have picked that... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_2 |
Shouldn't have picked that... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_3 |
Bit off more than you could chew? — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_4 |
Bit off more than you could chew? — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_5 |
Bit off more than you could chew? — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_6 |
Maybe next time avoid that one... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_7 |
Maybe next time avoid that one... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_8 |
Maybe next time avoid that one... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_9 |
May your next attempt prove more fruitful. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_10 |
May your next attempt prove more fruitful. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_11 |
May your next attempt prove more fruitful. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_12 |
It was not to be. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_13 |
It was not to be. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_14 |
It was not to be. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_15 |
Better luck next time... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_16 |
Better luck next time... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_17 |
Better luck next time... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_18 |
Ego rushes ahead of aptitude. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_19 |
Ego rushes ahead of aptitude. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_20 |
Ego rushes ahead of aptitude. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_21 |
They say endurance trumps potency, but maybe not in your case. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_22 |
They say endurance trumps potency, but maybe not in your case. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_23 |
They say endurance trumps potency, but maybe not in your case. — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_24 |
Return when you have improved your skills... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_25 |
Return when you have improved your skills... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_26 |
Return when you have improved your skills... — TrialmasterG3_FailureGeneric_27 |
I tire of this farce... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_Random |
I tire of this farce... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_2 |
I tire of this farce... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_3 |
I had hoped for a longer series of victories... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_4 |
I had hoped for a longer series of victories... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_5 |
I had hoped for a longer series of victories... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_6 |
Loss was inevitable... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_7 |
Loss was inevitable... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_8 |
Loss was inevitable... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_9 |
The product of your arrogance... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_10 |
The product of your arrogance... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_11 |
The product of your arrogance... — TrialmasterG3_FailureTwoToFourLossStreak_12 |
Are you even trying? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_Random |
Are you even trying? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_2 |
Are you even trying? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_3 |
Are you not embarrassed? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_4 |
Are you not embarrassed? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_5 |
Are you not embarrassed? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_6 |
Are you aiming for a new record? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_7 |
Are you aiming for a new record? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_8 |
Are you aiming for a new record? — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_9 |
Your luck has finally run out! — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_10 |
Your luck has finally run out! — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_11 |
Your luck has finally run out! — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_12 |
Your overconfidence seeded your downfall. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_13 |
Your overconfidence seeded your downfall. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_14 |
Your overconfidence seeded your downfall. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_15 |
See to it this keeps your ego in check. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_16 |
See to it this keeps your ego in check. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_17 |
See to it this keeps your ego in check. — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_18 |
This must feel awfully embarrassing for you... — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_19 |
This must feel awfully embarrassing for you... — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_20 |
This must feel awfully embarrassing for you... — TrialmasterG3_FailureFiveOrMore_21 |
Well done, Challenger. But there is one more trial you must complete. Defeat me, and prove your worth to Chaos! — TrialmasterG3_FirstTimeBossPreIntro_Random |
Well done, Challenger. But there is one more trial you must complete. Defeat me, and prove your worth to Chaos! — TrialmasterG3_FirstTimeBossPreIntro_2 |
Your challenge awaits. Prove yourself. — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_Random |
Your challenge awaits. Prove yourself. — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_2 |
Challenger... Prove yourself worthy of Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_3 |
Challenger... Prove yourself worthy of Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_4 |
Are you ready, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_5 |
Are you ready, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_6 |
Are you ready, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_SpawnMonstersFirstTime_7 |
It's not too late to turn back, you know... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_Random |
It's not too late to turn back, you know... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_2 |
It's not too late to turn back, you know... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_3 |
Chaos only favors those who are capable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_4 |
Chaos only favors those who are capable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_5 |
Chaos only favors those who are capable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_6 |
Prove yourself before Chaos, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_7 |
Prove yourself before Chaos, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_8 |
Approach, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_9 |
Approach, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_10 |
Approach, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_11 |
Approach, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFirstTime_12 |
Complacency breeds contempt... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_Random |
Complacency breeds contempt... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_2 |
Complacency breeds contempt... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_3 |
Best not rest on your laurels just yet... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_4 |
Best not rest on your laurels just yet... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_5 |
Best not rest on your laurels just yet... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_6 |
How far can you go, I wonder? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_7 |
How far can you go, I wonder? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_8 |
How far can you go, I wonder? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_9 |
Please don't be another one-win-wonder... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_10 |
Please don't be another one-win-wonder... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_11 |
Please don't be another one-win-wonder... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_12 |
Prove your last victory was not mere chance. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_13 |
Prove your last victory was not mere chance. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_14 |
Prove your last victory was not mere chance. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_15 |
Random chance must dictate you win... occasionally. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_16 |
Random chance must dictate you win... occasionally. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_17 |
Random chance must dictate you win... occasionally. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_18 |
You won. Once. Do not get ahead of yourself. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_19 |
You won. Once. Do not get ahead of yourself. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneWin_20 |
Two wins is barely a reputable streak... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoWins_Random |
Two wins is barely a reputable streak... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoWins_2 |
Two wins is barely a reputable streak... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoWins_3 |
Keep this up and you might earn some respect... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_Random |
Keep this up and you might earn some respect... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_2 |
Keep this up and you might earn some respect... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_3 |
Relying on luck can only get you so far... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_4 |
Relying on luck can only get you so far... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_5 |
Relying on luck can only get you so far... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_6 |
Don't get too complacent... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_7 |
Don't get too complacent... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_8 |
Don't get too complacent... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_9 |
Misfortune strikes when you least expect it... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_10 |
Misfortune strikes when you least expect it... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_11 |
Misfortune strikes when you least expect it... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_12 |
Will this trial cause your downfall? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_13 |
Will this trial cause your downfall? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_14 |
Will this trial cause your downfall? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourWins_15 |
These victories are mere chance... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_Random |
These victories are mere chance... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_2 |
These victories are mere chance... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_3 |
One of these trials you will fail; and I shall be there to witness it. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_4 |
One of these trials you will fail; and I shall be there to witness it. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_5 |
One of these trials you will fail; and I shall be there to witness it. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_6 |
You're making a fool of me... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_7 |
You're making a fool of me... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_8 |
You're making a fool of me... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_9 |
I will not abide by this! — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_10 |
I will not abide by this! — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_11 |
I will not abide by this! — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_12 |
Are you enjoying this, mortal? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_13 |
Are you enjoying this, mortal? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_14 |
Are you enjoying this, mortal? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_15 |
This is not amusing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_16 |
This is not amusing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_17 |
This is not amusing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreWins_18 |
Try to last longer this time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_Random |
Try to last longer this time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_2 |
Try to last longer this time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_3 |
Are you willing to actually complete the Trial this time? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_4 |
Are you willing to actually complete the Trial this time? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_5 |
Try and finish the trial this time, Challenger... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_6 |
Try and finish the trial this time, Challenger... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_7 |
Try and finish the trial this time, Challenger... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarly_8 |
You were close to something valuable last time; what a shame... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_Random |
You were close to something valuable last time; what a shame... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_2 |
You were close to something valuable last time; what a shame... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_3 |
You were so close to completion last time, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_4 |
You were so close to completion last time, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_5 |
You were so close to completion last time, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTookRewardEarlyLaterRounds_6 |
I hope you have learned since your previous attempt. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_Random |
I hope you have learned since your previous attempt. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_2 |
I hope you have learned since your previous attempt. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_3 |
Let's not make a habit out of losing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_4 |
Let's not make a habit out of losing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_5 |
Let's not make a habit out of losing. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_6 |
Surely things will be different this time around... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_7 |
Surely things will be different this time around... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_8 |
Surely things will be different this time around... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_9 |
I hope your next attempt will be more favorable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_10 |
I hope your next attempt will be more favorable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_11 |
I hope your next attempt will be more favorable. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachOneLoss_12 |
There are many ways to improve your chances of victory... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_Random |
There are many ways to improve your chances of victory... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_2 |
There are many ways to improve your chances of victory... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_3 |
Are you aware of the concept of strategy? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_4 |
Are you aware of the concept of strategy? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_5 |
Are you aware of the concept of strategy? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_6 |
Have you not learned anything from your previous losses? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_7 |
Have you not learned anything from your previous losses? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_8 |
Have you not learned anything from your previous losses? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachTwoToFourLosses_9 |
I believe these trials may be beyond you; mortal... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreLosses_Random |
I believe these trials may be beyond you; mortal... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreLosses_2 |
As much as I'd like to make things easier for you... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreLosses_3 |
As much as I'd like to make things easier for you... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreLosses_4 |
As much as I'd like to make things easier for you... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachFiveOrMoreLosses_5 |
It was only a matter of time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_Random |
It was only a matter of time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_2 |
It was only a matter of time... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_3 |
Took long enough... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_4 |
Took long enough... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_5 |
Took long enough... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_6 |
Flew too close to the sun, did you? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_7 |
Flew too close to the sun, did you? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_8 |
Flew too close to the sun, did you? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_9 |
Overconfidence is an easy path to loss. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_10 |
Overconfidence is an easy path to loss. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_11 |
Overconfidence is an easy path to loss. — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterThreePlusWinStreak_12 |
Well well well, look who's back... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_Random |
Well well well, look who's back... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_2 |
Well well well, look who's back... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_3 |
Eager to rectify your mistake? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_4 |
Eager to rectify your mistake? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_5 |
Eager to rectify your mistake? — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterFivePlusWinStreak_6 |
Such a shame; You were close to setting a new record... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterTenPlusWinStreak_Random |
Such a shame; You were close to setting a new record... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterTenPlusWinStreak_2 |
Such a shame; You were close to setting a new record... — TrialmasterG3_StartRunApproachLossAfterTenPlusWinStreak_3 |
Atzoatl sends its regards. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect1_Random |
Atzoatl sends its regards. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect1_2 |
Atzoatl sends its regards. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect1_3 |
The Omnitect personally pays a visit. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect2_Random |
The Omnitect personally pays a visit. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect2_2 |
The Omnitect personally pays a visit. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonOmnitect2_3 |
Don't stare too closely... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues1_Random |
Don't stare too closely... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues1_2 |
Don't stare too closely... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues1_3 |
Encased in stone; your destiny crumbles... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues2_Random |
Encased in stone; your destiny crumbles... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues2_2 |
Encased in stone; your destiny crumbles... — TrialmasterG3_DaemonPetrificationStatues2_3 |
Your guilt weighs you down. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers1_Random |
Your guilt weighs you down. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers1_2 |
Your guilt weighs you down. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers1_3 |
Feel the weight of the damned. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_Random |
Feel the weight of the damned. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_2 |
Feel the weight of the damned. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_3 |
Straight to the heart of the matter. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_4 |
Straight to the heart of the matter. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_5 |
Straight to the heart of the matter. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonHeartTethers2_6 |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes1_Random |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes1_2 |
Lightning descends. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes1_3 |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes2_Random |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes2_2 |
Lightning always strikes twice. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes2_3 |
Lightning strikes at your heart. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes3_Random |
Lightning strikes at your heart. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes3_2 |
Lightning strikes at your heart. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStormcallerRunes3_3 |
Be careful where you stand. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings1_Random |
Be careful where you stand. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings1_2 |
Be careful where you stand. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings1_3 |
Death arrives when and where it pleases. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings2_Random |
Death arrives when and where it pleases. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings2_2 |
Death arrives when and where it pleases. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonImpendingDoomRings2_3 |
Coagulated masses befall you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs1_Random |
Coagulated masses befall you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs1_2 |
Coagulated masses befall you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs1_3 |
Drown in a sanguine flood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs2_Random |
Drown in a sanguine flood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs2_2 |
Drown in a sanguine flood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodOrbs2_3 |
Corruption infects the blood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid1_Random |
Corruption infects the blood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid1_2 |
Corruption infects the blood. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid1_3 |
Your blood will boil. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid2_Random |
Your blood will boil. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid2_2 |
Your blood will boil. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonRotatingPyramid2_3 |
A haze invigorates the enemy. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_Random |
A haze invigorates the enemy. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_2 |
A haze invigorates the enemy. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_3 |
The choking miasma thickens. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_4 |
The choking miasma thickens. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_5 |
The choking miasma thickens. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_6 |
Dread the path less traveled. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_7 |
Dread the path less traveled. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_8 |
Dread the path less traveled. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonBloodFog1_9 |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade1_Random |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade1_2 |
Ruin seeks you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade1_3 |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade2_Random |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade2_2 |
Ruin surrounds you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade2_3 |
Ruin engulfs you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade3_Random |
Ruin engulfs you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade3_2 |
Ruin engulfs you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonStalkingShade3_3 |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire1_Random |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire1_2 |
Slay them amongst the flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire1_3 |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire2_Random |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire2_2 |
The flames race toward you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire2_3 |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire3_Random |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire3_2 |
Flames beget more flames. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsFire3_3 |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold1_Random |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold1_2 |
The dead reach out with an icy grip. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold1_3 |
The bitter cold wraps its claws around your neck. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold2_Random |
The bitter cold wraps its claws around your neck. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold2_2 |
The bitter cold wraps its claws around your neck. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold2_3 |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold3_Random |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold3_2 |
Death's cold grip is inescapable. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonProjectileTurretsCold3_3 |
Cruel machinations seek to pierce your flesh. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround1_Random |
Cruel machinations seek to pierce your flesh. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround1_2 |
Cruel machinations seek to pierce your flesh. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround1_3 |
Watch your step; it might be your last. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_Random |
Watch your step; it might be your last. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_2 |
Watch your step; it might be your last. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_3 |
A complement for the footing of fools. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_4 |
A complement for the footing of fools. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_5 |
A complement for the footing of fools. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonSpikedGround2_6 |
The dead yet chase after you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_Random |
The dead yet chase after you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_2 |
The dead yet chase after you. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_3 |
They will not rest until you have perished. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_4 |
They will not rest until you have perished. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_5 |
May the dead speak their final peace. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_6 |
May the dead speak their final peace. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_7 |
May the dead speak their final peace. — TrialmasterG3_DaemonVolatileOrbs1_8 |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_Random |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_2 |
Your reach exceeds your grasp. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_3 |
Always out of reach... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_4 |
Always out of reach... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_5 |
Always out of reach... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_6 |
Lacking both depth and perception. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_7 |
Lacking both depth and perception. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_8 |
Lacking both depth and perception. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessAoEProjSpeed_9 |
Chaos corrodes all. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_Random |
Chaos corrodes all. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_2 |
Chaos corrodes all. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_3 |
Your protection decays... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_4 |
Your protection decays... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_5 |
Your protection decays... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessGlobalDefences_6 |
Be stripped bare before Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_Random |
Be stripped bare before Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_2 |
Be stripped bare before Chaos. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_3 |
They strike when you are most exposed. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_4 |
They strike when you are most exposed. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_5 |
They strike when you are most exposed. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoDefences_6 |
Weather the Elements, at your own risk. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_Random |
Weather the Elements, at your own risk. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_2 |
Weather the Elements, at your own risk. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_3 |
Suffer the elements. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_4 |
Suffer the elements. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_5 |
Suffer the elements. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier1_6 |
Lie in a prismatic coffin of your own choosing. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_Random |
Lie in a prismatic coffin of your own choosing. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_2 |
Lie in a prismatic coffin of your own choosing. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_3 |
The Elements spite you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_4 |
The Elements spite you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_5 |
The Elements spite you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_6 |
The Elements spurn you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_7 |
The Elements spurn you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_8 |
The Elements spurn you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessEleResTier2_9 |
A drought for the thirsty. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_Random |
A drought for the thirsty. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_2 |
A drought for the thirsty. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_3 |
A drought for the thirsty. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_4 |
Your thirst will never be quenched. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_5 |
Your thirst will never be quenched. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionNoFlaskChargesGained_6 |
They strike with dark intent. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_Random |
They strike with dark intent. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_2 |
They strike with dark intent. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_3 |
They bring night's madness. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_4 |
They bring night's madness. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_5 |
They bring night's madness. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier1_6 |
Naught stands before them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_Random |
Naught stands before them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_2 |
Naught stands before them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_3 |
There will be naught but pain. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_4 |
There will be naught but pain. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_5 |
There will be naught but pain. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionIncreasedDamageAsChaosTier2_6 |
An overwhelming assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_Random |
An overwhelming assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_2 |
An overwhelming assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_3 |
They strike for the heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_4 |
They strike for the heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_5 |
They strike for the heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_6 |
Gossamer flesh and brittle bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_7 |
Gossamer flesh and brittle bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_8 |
Gossamer flesh and brittle bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysCrit_9 |
Jagged edges and coated blades await you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_Random |
Jagged edges and coated blades await you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_2 |
Jagged edges and coated blades await you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_3 |
They covet you, bleeding and infected. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_4 |
They covet you, bleeding and infected. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_5 |
They covet you, bleeding and infected. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_6 |
Feel their infected caress. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_7 |
Feel their infected caress. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_8 |
Feel their infected caress. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterHitsAlwaysPoisonBleed_9 |
Their skin grows stiff and resilient. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_Random |
Their skin grows stiff and resilient. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_2 |
Their skin grows stiff and resilient. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_3 |
They adapt to your assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_4 |
They adapt to your assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_5 |
They adapt to your assault. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAllEleRes_6 |
Unrelenting and unyielding determination. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_Random |
Unrelenting and unyielding determination. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_2 |
Unrelenting and unyielding determination. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_3 |
They grow unstoppable. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_4 |
They grow unstoppable. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_5 |
They grow unstoppable. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterCannotBeSlowedStunned_6 |
Their indomitable spirit protects them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_Random |
Their indomitable spirit protects them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_2 |
Their indomitable spirit protects them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_3 |
Their inner demons protect them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_4 |
Their inner demons protect them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_5 |
Their inner demons protect them. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterExtraLifeAsES_6 |
The flora overwhelms. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_Random |
The flora overwhelms. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_2 |
The flora overwhelms. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_3 |
Drown in a sea of vines. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_4 |
Drown in a sea of vines. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_5 |
Drown in a sea of vines. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_6 |
Vines restrict your every move. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_7 |
Vines restrict your every move. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_8 |
Vines restrict your every move. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterGraspingVineOnHit_9 |
They fall into a crazed frenzy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_Random |
They fall into a crazed frenzy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_2 |
They fall into a crazed frenzy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_3 |
Adversaries plagued with a blood-curdling fever. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_4 |
Adversaries plagued with a blood-curdling fever. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_5 |
Adversaries plagued with a blood-curdling fever. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBossesEnraged_6 |
The exceptional are more common than you think. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_Random |
The exceptional are more common than you think. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_2 |
The exceptional are more common than you think. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_3 |
Natural Selection breeds the mightiest foes. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_4 |
Natural Selection breeds the mightiest foes. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_5 |
Natural Selection breeds the mightiest foes. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionRareMonstersExtraMod_6 |
Despair in your sporadic impotence. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_Random |
Despair in your sporadic impotence. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_2 |
Despair in your sporadic impotence. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_3 |
Struggle with your inadequacies. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_4 |
Struggle with your inadequacies. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_5 |
Struggle with your inadequacies. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionPeriodicDealNoDamage_6 |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_Random |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_2 |
Fight the slowing of your own heart. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_3 |
Your heart beats more slowly. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_4 |
Your heart beats more slowly. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_5 |
Your heart beats more slowly. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier1_6 |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_Random |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_2 |
Your arteries constrict. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_3 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_4 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_5 |
Death spreads within your veins. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionLessLifeAndESRecoveryTier2_6 |
Time moves against you... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_Random |
Time moves against you... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_2 |
Time moves against you... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_3 |
One cannot outrun time... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_4 |
One cannot outrun time... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_5 |
One cannot outrun time... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_6 |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_7 |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_8 |
Best be quick... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_9 |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_10 |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_11 |
Time is your enemy. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionBuffExpiryRate_12 |
Their volleys multiply while yours turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_Random |
Their volleys multiply while yours turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_2 |
Their volleys multiply while yours turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_3 |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_4 |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_5 |
Your own volleys turn against you. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionExtraProj_6 |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_Random |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_2 |
The tide of death is rapid. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_3 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_4 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_5 |
They accelerate beyond reason. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionMonsterAttackCastSpeedPerSecond_6 |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_Random |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_2 |
Mortality seeks you in kind. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_3 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_4 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_5 |
You are more frail than you know. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_6 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_7 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_8 |
Frailty races through your bones. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionDamageTakenIncreasePerSecond_9 |
A fine choice indeed. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_Random |
A fine choice indeed. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_2 |
Think you can handle it? — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_3 |
Think you can handle it? — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_4 |
Few dare choose that one... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_5 |
Few dare choose that one... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_6 |
Last time someone picked that they didn't last a single round... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_7 |
Last time someone picked that they didn't last a single round... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_8 |
My my, aren't you the brave one? — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_9 |
My my, aren't you the brave one? — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_10 |
Personally wouldn't've picked that one... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_11 |
Personally wouldn't've picked that one... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_12 |
Your choice, your consequences... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_13 |
Your choice, your consequences... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_14 |
Your trial nears its abrupt end... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_15 |
Your trial nears its abrupt end... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_16 |
So brave; so naive... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_17 |
So brave; so naive... — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_18 |
I applaud your bravery. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_19 |
I applaud your bravery. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_20 |
I've never tested this on anyone before. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_21 |
I've never tested this on anyone before. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_22 |
Praise Chaos and pass the inhibitions. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_23 |
A song for a soul. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_24 |
A song for a soul. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_25 |
Drink deep of avarice as you feast on futility. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_26 |
Drink deep of avarice as you feast on futility. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_27 |
Sink into the bowels of nothing! — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_28 |
Sink into the bowels of nothing! — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_29 |
Sluggish are those burdened with choice. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_30 |
Sluggish are those burdened with choice. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_31 |
Desperately grasp for order while you tumble towards chaos. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_32 |
Desperately grasp for order while you tumble towards chaos. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_33 |
Your teeth will be as embers grinding against sanity. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_34 |
Your teeth will be as embers grinding against sanity. — TrialmasterG3_ModSelectionGeneric_35 |
Leave naught but corpses. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_Random |
Leave naught but corpses. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_2 |
Slay them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_3 |
Slay them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_4 |
Slay them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_5 |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_6 |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_7 |
Kill them all. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_8 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_9 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_10 |
Slay everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_11 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_12 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_13 |
Bring death. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllMonsters_14 |
Survive. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_Random |
Survive. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_2 |
Survive. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_3 |
Don't die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_4 |
Don't die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_5 |
Don't die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_6 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_7 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_8 |
Hold your ground... if you can. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_9 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_10 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_11 |
Stem the tide. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_12 |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_13 |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_14 |
Try not to die. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_15 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_16 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_17 |
Outlive my expectations. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_18 |
Live. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_19 |
Live. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_20 |
Live. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterSurviveTimer_21 |
Powering the monument requires souls... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_Random |
Powering the monument requires souls... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_2 |
Powering the monument requires souls... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_3 |
Pillage and Retrieve. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_4 |
Pillage and Retrieve. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_5 |
Pillage and Retrieve. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_6 |
Ravage and Ransack. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_7 |
Ravage and Ransack. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_8 |
Ravage and Ransack. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_9 |
Seek out the Cores. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_10 |
Seek out the Cores. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_11 |
Seek out the Cores. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterPowerMonument_12 |
Chaos demands sacrifice. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_Random |
Chaos demands sacrifice. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_2 |
Chaos demands sacrifice. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_3 |
May their blood fuel your progress. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_4 |
May their blood fuel your progress. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_5 |
May their blood fuel your progress. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_6 |
The Rituals require blood. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_7 |
The Rituals require blood. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_8 |
The Rituals require blood. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_9 |
Blood is the key... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_10 |
Blood is the key... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_11 |
Blood is the key... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_12 |
Offer up their lives... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_13 |
Offer up their lives... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_14 |
Offer up their lives... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillInCircles_15 |
Crush their objects of worship. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_Random |
Crush their objects of worship. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_2 |
Crush their objects of worship. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_3 |
Their Idols must crumble. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_4 |
Their Idols must crumble. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_5 |
Their Idols must crumble. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_6 |
Crush their effigies. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_7 |
Crush their effigies. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_8 |
Crush their effigies. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_9 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_10 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_11 |
Destroy that which you seek. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_12 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_13 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_14 |
Destroy everything. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterKillAllIdols_15 |
Follow the path. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_Random |
Follow the path. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_2 |
Follow the path. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_3 |
Escort the Idol. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_4 |
Escort the Idol. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_5 |
Escort the Idol. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_6 |
Stay close or perish. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_7 |
Stay close or perish. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_8 |
Stay close or perish. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_9 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_10 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_11 |
Cling to life. — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_12 |
Don't fall behind... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_13 |
Don't fall behind... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_14 |
Don't fall behind... — TrialmasterG3_EncounterEscortStoneIdol_15 |
Don't get overconfident just because you beat the first room... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_Random |
Don't get overconfident just because you beat the first room... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_2 |
Don't get overconfident just because you beat the first room... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_3 |
Oh wipe that smile off your face... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_4 |
Oh wipe that smile off your face... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_5 |
Oh wipe that smile off your face... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneRound_6 |
This is just the beginning. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_Random |
This is just the beginning. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_2 |
This is just the beginning. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_3 |
We're only getting started... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_4 |
We're only getting started... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_5 |
We're only getting started... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_6 |
Don't give up so early... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_7 |
Don't give up so early... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_8 |
Don't give up so early... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_9 |
This is just a warm up... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_10 |
This is just a warm up... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_11 |
This is just a warm up... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterOneToThreeRounds_12 |
Halfway? Impressive. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_Random |
Halfway? Impressive. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_2 |
Halfway? Impressive. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_3 |
Half completed, or half unfinished? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_4 |
Half completed, or half unfinished? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_5 |
Half completed, or half unfinished? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_6 |
I think you'll like this next one... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_7 |
I think you'll like this next one... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_8 |
I think you'll like this next one... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_9 |
What? Expecting praise? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_10 |
What? Expecting praise? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_11 |
What? Expecting praise? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_12 |
Almost there; keep it up Mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_13 |
Almost there; keep it up Mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_14 |
Could hardly call that a challenge... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_15 |
Could hardly call that a challenge... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_16 |
Could hardly call that a challenge... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterFourToSixRounds_17 |
Now this is starting to get fun! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_Random |
Now this is starting to get fun! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_2 |
Now this is starting to get fun! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_3 |
A Challenger worthy of praise! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_4 |
A Challenger worthy of praise! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_5 |
Not many make it this far, mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_6 |
Not many make it this far, mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_7 |
Not many make it this far, mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_8 |
I can practically see your ego swelling. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_9 |
I can practically see your ego swelling. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_10 |
I can practically see your ego swelling. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_11 |
Don't expect the next round to be that easy... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_12 |
Don't expect the next round to be that easy... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_13 |
Don't expect the next round to be that easy... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_14 |
Took you long enough... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_15 |
Took you long enough... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_16 |
Took you long enough... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalAfterSevenPlusRounds_17 |
It's understandable if it's getting too difficult. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_Random |
It's understandable if it's getting too difficult. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_2 |
It's understandable if it's getting too difficult. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_3 |
None would blame you for leaving now... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_4 |
None would blame you for leaving now... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_5 |
None would blame you for leaving now... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_6 |
One misstep and it's all gone, you know... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_7 |
One misstep and it's all gone, you know... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_8 |
One misstep and it's all gone, you know... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_9 |
Wouldn't want to lose all your hard earned rewards now would you? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_10 |
Wouldn't want to lose all your hard earned rewards now would you? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_11 |
Wouldn't want to lose all your hard earned rewards now would you? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalGeneric_12 |
Impressive, normally challengers don't survive those... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_Random |
Impressive, normally challengers don't survive those... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_2 |
Impressive, normally challengers don't survive those... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_3 |
Understandable if you're a little tired; but the trial yet continues. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_4 |
Understandable if you're a little tired; but the trial yet continues. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_5 |
Understandable if you're a little tired; but the trial yet continues. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_6 |
A true display of might. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_7 |
A true display of might. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_8 |
A true display of might. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_9 |
You may possess strength after all... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_10 |
You may possess strength after all... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_11 |
You may possess strength after all... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachPedestalLastRoomWasBoss_12 |
I'd be weary of its breath if I were you... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_Random |
I'd be weary of its breath if I were you... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_2 |
A testament to Vaal Engineering; the Chimera! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_3 |
A testament to Vaal Engineering; the Chimera! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_4 |
Wild and Wicked, this beast yearns for your blood. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_5 |
Wild and Wicked, this beast yearns for your blood. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_6 |
Wild and Wicked, this beast yearns for your blood. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_7 |
The Vaal engineered some of the fiercest creatures to ever exist! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_8 |
The Vaal engineered some of the fiercest creatures to ever exist! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_9 |
The Vaal engineered some of the fiercest creatures to ever exist! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachChimeraBoss_10 |
Don't stare for too long, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_Random |
Don't stare for too long, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_2 |
Don't stare for too long, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_3 |
Chaos will bring you to your end! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_4 |
Chaos will bring you to your end! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_5 |
Chaos will bring you to your end! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_6 |
I suggest you aim for the head... uh, heads. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_7 |
I suggest you aim for the head... uh, heads. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_8 |
I suggest you aim for the head... uh, heads. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_9 |
Prove your might against this magnificent beast! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_10 |
Prove your might against this magnificent beast! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_11 |
Prove your might against this magnificent beast! — TrialmasterG3_ApproachOwlBoss_12 |
Will this creature be your end? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_Random |
Will this creature be your end? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_2 |
Will this creature be your end? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_3 |
Will you prove to be food or fatal? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_4 |
Will you prove to be food or fatal? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_5 |
Will you prove to be food or fatal? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_6 |
This one hungers... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_7 |
This one hungers... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_8 |
This one hungers... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_9 |
A bird will do anything to feed its young... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_10 |
A bird will do anything to feed its young... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_11 |
A bird will do anything to feed its young... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachMutantBirdBoss_12 |
I hope you have prepared yourself, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_Random |
I hope you have prepared yourself, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_2 |
I hope you have prepared yourself, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_3 |
I look forward to seeing you struggle. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_4 |
I look forward to seeing you struggle. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_5 |
I look forward to seeing you struggle. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_6 |
Please try to at least put on a good show... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_7 |
Please try to at least put on a good show... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_8 |
Please try to at least put on a good show... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachExtraBoss_9 |
Chaos foresees many paths towards greatness, which will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_Random |
Chaos foresees many paths towards greatness, which will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_2 |
Chaos foresees many paths towards greatness, which will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_3 |
Chaos shows your destinies; which one will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_4 |
Chaos shows your destinies; which one will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_5 |
Chaos shows your destinies; which one will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_6 |
Choose your destiny, Challenger; become that which you desire. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_7 |
Choose your destiny, Challenger; become that which you desire. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_8 |
Choose your destiny, Challenger; become that which you desire. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_9 |
Those who best the Trials of Chaos are worthy of shaping their destiny; which will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_10 |
Those who best the Trials of Chaos are worthy of shaping their destiny; which will you choose? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomUnascended_11 |
You have proven yourself to Chaos; approach the altar and receive your reward, challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_Random |
You have proven yourself to Chaos; approach the altar and receive your reward, challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_2 |
May the strong grow even stronger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_3 |
May the strong grow even stronger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_4 |
May the strong grow even stronger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_5 |
Your merits are not without reward; approach the Altar and receive Chaos' blessing. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_6 |
Your merits are not without reward; approach the Altar and receive Chaos' blessing. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_7 |
A trial well completed; approach the altar and claim your reward. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_8 |
A trial well completed; approach the altar and claim your reward. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_9 |
A trial well completed; approach the altar and claim your reward. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomGainMoreAscensionPoints_10 |
Chaos applauds your skill, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_Random |
Chaos applauds your skill, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_2 |
Chaos applauds your skill, Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_3 |
Well done; for a mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_4 |
Well done; for a mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_5 |
Well done; for a mortal. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_6 |
Satisfied with your result? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_7 |
Satisfied with your result? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_8 |
Satisfied with your result? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_9 |
You mortals never cease to amuse me. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_10 |
You mortals never cease to amuse me. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_11 |
You mortals never cease to amuse me. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_12 |
Impressive; but can you keep it up? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_13 |
Impressive; but can you keep it up? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_14 |
Impressive; but can you keep it up? — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomNoPointsToGain_15 |
One hundred times? Chaos is amused. Well done. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoom100WinsInARow_Random |
One hundred times? Chaos is amused. Well done. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoom100WinsInARow_2 |
1000? This is no longer fun. Please stop. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoom1000WinsInARow_Random |
You continue to surprise me; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_Random |
You continue to surprise me; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_2 |
You continue to surprise me; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_3 |
You lose some... You win some... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_4 |
You lose some... You win some... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_5 |
You lose some... You win some... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromLossStreakGeneric_6 |
I knew you would prove victorious, eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_Random |
I knew you would prove victorious, eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_2 |
I knew you would prove victorious, eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_3 |
A well earned victory; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_4 |
A well earned victory; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_5 |
A well earned victory; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourLossStreak_6 |
Well done; I was starting to feel sorry for you... almost. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_Random |
Well done; I was starting to feel sorry for you... almost. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_2 |
Well done; I was starting to feel sorry for you... almost. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_3 |
Impressive one such as yourself can snatch victory from the depths of defeat. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_4 |
Impressive one such as yourself can snatch victory from the depths of defeat. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_5 |
Impressive one such as yourself can snatch victory from the depths of defeat. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreLossStreak_6 |
Do not get so conceited, mortal... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_Random |
Do not get so conceited, mortal... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_2 |
Do not get so conceited, mortal... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_3 |
Your vanity will be your downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_4 |
Your vanity will be your downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_5 |
Your vanity will be your downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromWinStreakGeneric_6 |
Yet another win... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_Random |
Yet another win... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_2 |
Yet another win... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_3 |
I look forward to your inevitable downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_4 |
I look forward to your inevitable downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_5 |
I look forward to your inevitable downfall... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromTwoToFourWinStreak_6 |
Chance dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_Random |
Chance dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_2 |
Chance dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_3 |
Chaos dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_4 |
Chaos dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_5 |
Chaos dictates you will lose; eventually... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_6 |
Take your prize and go. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_7 |
Take your prize and go. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_8 |
Take your prize and go. — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_9 |
This bores me... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_10 |
This bores me... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_11 |
This bores me... — TrialmasterG3_ApproachInRewardRoomWinFromFiveOrMoreWinStreak_12 |
This is but one of many gifts Chaos can bestow upon you. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_Random |
This is but one of many gifts Chaos can bestow upon you. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_2 |
This is but one of many gifts Chaos can bestow upon you. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_3 |
Your journey has merely begun. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_4 |
Your journey has merely begun. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_5 |
Your journey has merely begun. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_6 |
You have chosen well; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_7 |
You have chosen well; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_8 |
You have chosen well; Challenger. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_9 |
A choice that will alter your destiny. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_10 |
A choice that will alter your destiny. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_11 |
A choice that will alter your destiny. — TrialmasterG3_OnAscending_12 |
A coward's coffer it is then... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_Random |
A coward's coffer it is then... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_2 |
A coward's coffer it is then... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_3 |
Where did all that confidence disappear to, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_4 |
Where did all that confidence disappear to, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_5 |
Where did all that confidence disappear to, Challenger? — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_6 |
Missed opportunities... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_7 |
Missed opportunities... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_8 |
Missed opportunities... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_9 |
Take your meager prize and leave... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_10 |
Take your meager prize and leave... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_11 |
Take your meager prize and leave... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_12 |
How disappointing... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_13 |
How disappointing... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_14 |
How disappointing... — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_15 |
The cowardly are not fit to stand before Chaos; begone. — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_16 |
The cowardly are not fit to stand before Chaos; begone. — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_17 |
The cowardly are not fit to stand before Chaos; begone. — TrialmasterG3_OnTakingRewardsEarly_18 |
I applaud you Challenger; not many survive this long... — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_Random |
I applaud you Challenger; not many survive this long... — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_2 |
I applaud you Challenger; not many survive this long... — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_3 |
I can't wait to crush your ambitions with my own hands! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_4 |
I can't wait to crush your ambitions with my own hands! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_5 |
Victory feels better when they are overconfident... — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_6 |
Victory feels better when they are overconfident... — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_7 |
I'm going to enjoy this. — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_8 |
I'm going to enjoy this. — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_9 |
I'm going to enjoy this. — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_10 |
Show me your expression of despair! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_11 |
Show me your expression of despair! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_12 |
Show me your expression of despair! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_13 |
Your trial is yet over, mortal! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_14 |
Your trial is yet over, mortal! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_15 |
Your trial is yet over, mortal! — TrialmasterG3_InsertKeyToFinalRewardRoom_16 |
Chaos insists you don't mess this next trial up. That is worth more than you can imagine. — TrialmasterG3_OnSeeingMirrorOfKalandraInRewards_Random |
This prize is yours, if you can pass this next trial. Don't choke. — TrialmasterG3_OnSeeingMirrorOfKalandraInRewards_2 |
What's the matter? Scared? — TrialmasterG3_OnSeeingMirrorOfKalandraInRewards_3 |
Choose wisely. Your decision may lose you this treasure. — TrialmasterG3_OnSeeingMirrorOfKalandraInRewards_4 |
Ugh... insolence! — TrialmasterBoss_CasterKnockdown_Random |
Ugh... how dare you! — TrialmasterBoss_CasterKnockdown_2 |
Embrace Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_Random |
Embrace Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_2 |
Embrace Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_3 |
Surge of Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_4 |
Surge of Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_5 |
Surge of Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_OmegaBolt_6 |
Chaos, aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_SummonSpear_Random |
Chaos, aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_SummonSpear_2 |
Chaos, aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_SummonSpear_3 |
Farcical! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_Random |
Farcical! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_2 |
Farcical! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_3 |
Unamusing! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_4 |
Unamusing! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_5 |
Unamusing! — TrialmasterBoss_Teleport_6 |
Be still! — TrialmasterBoss_TetherSpike_Random |
Be still! — TrialmasterBoss_TetherSpike_2 |
Be still! — TrialmasterBoss_TetherSpike_3 |
Ugh... my service is finally over... — TrialmasterBoss_DeathA_Random |
Ugh... my service is finally over... — TrialmasterBoss_DeathA_2 |
Ugh... my service is finally over... — TrialmasterBoss_DeathA_3 |
Ugh... my service is finally over... — TrialmasterBoss_DeathA_4 |
... And my service continues. — TrialmasterBoss_DeathB_Random |
... And my service continues. — TrialmasterBoss_DeathB_2 |
... And my service continues. — TrialmasterBoss_DeathB_3 |
Chaos reign! — TrialmasterBoss_Emerge_Random |
Feel the might of Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_Emerge_2 |
Might of Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_Emerge_3 |
Your trial ends here! — TrialmasterBoss_Emerge_4 |
Your final trial begins! — TrialmasterBoss_Emerge_5 |
Well done, Challenger, but there is one more trial you must complete. Defeat me, and prove your worth to Chaos! — TrialmasterBoss_EmergeFirstTime |
Ultimatum! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_Random |
Ultimatum! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_2 |
Ultimatum! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_3 |
Entropy! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_4 |
Entropy! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_5 |
Entropy! — TrialmasterBoss_Timestop_6 |
Be crushed! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_Random |
Be crushed! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_2 |
Be crushed! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_3 |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_4 |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_5 |
Fall before me! — TrialmasterBoss_AbyssSlam_6 |
Be obliterated! — TrialmasterBoss_BloodSlam_Random |
Be obliterated! — TrialmasterBoss_BloodSlam_2 |
Be obliterated! — TrialmasterBoss_BloodSlam_3 |
Feel His power! — TrialmasterBoss_BloodSlam_4 |
Feel His power! — TrialmasterBoss_BloodSlam_5 |
Ugh... tah! You'll need more than that! — TrialmasterBoss_MeleeKnockdown_Random |
Ugh... your prejudice infuriates me! — TrialmasterBoss_MeleeKnockdown_2 |
Shred! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_Random |
Shred! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_2 |
Shred! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_3 |
Rip and tear! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_4 |
Rip and tear! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_5 |
Rip and tear! — TrialmasterBoss_SpinCombo_6 |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_ThrowSpear_Random |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_ThrowSpear_2 |
Chaos aid me! — TrialmasterBoss_ThrowSpear_3 |
Maybe next time, avoid that one. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_Random |
Better luck next time. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_2 |
Ego rushes ahead of aptitude. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_3 |
Return when you have improved your skills. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_4 |
I tire of this farce. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_5 |
Are you even trying? — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_6 |
Are you not embarrassed? — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_7 |
Your overconfidence seeded your downfall. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_8 |
Ooh... this must feel awfully embarrassing for you. — TrialmasterBoss_PlayerDeath_9 |
— TriG3_Greeting_01_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_01_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_01_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_01_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_02_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_02_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_02_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_03_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_02_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_03_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_03_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_03_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_04_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_04_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_04_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Greeting_04_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_01_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_01_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_01_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_01_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_02_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_02_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_02_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_02_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_03_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_03_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_03_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_03_04.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_04_01.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_04_02.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_04_03.ogg |
— TriG3_Farewell_04_04.ogg |