Toxic Growth
Attack, Projectile, AoE, Duration, Bow
Level: 4
Cost: 12 Mana
Attack Damage: 66%
Requires Level 9, 21 Dex, Bow
Leap into the air and fire a volley of arrows which cause toxic pustules to sprout from the ground on impact. The pustules explode after a delay and can be Poisoned, causing them to explode faster and more violently.
Pustules explode after 6.00 seconds
+0.7 seconds to Attack Time
Fires 8 Projectiles
Base explosion radius is 0.8 metres
Stored poison adds up to 1 metre to base explosion radius
Stored poison grants up to 100% more explosion Damage
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.