Whirling Slash
Attack, AoE, Melee, Strike
Level: 6
Cost: 7 Mana
Attack Speed: 70% of base
Attack Damage: 128%
Requires: Level 27, 64 Int
Requires: Spear
Perform a circular slash that kicks up a spinning storm of wind and dust around you, slowing enemies and blinding them in its area of effect. LEaving the area unleashes the swirling storm, causing it to deal damage.
Using this Attack again in the storm adds 1 Stage to the storm
Base Radius is 2.2 metres
80% reduced Blind Effect
Using this Attack again in the storm adds 1 Stage to the storm
Maximum 3 Stages
Damage from releading Storm has +4 to radius per Stage
Deals 30% less Damage when released
Deals 150% more Damage per Stage when released
Enemies iniside the storm have 30% reduced Movement Speed
Storm gains +3 to radius per Stage
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.