Ancestral Warrior Totem
等阶: 13
等级: (1–20)
消耗: (13–120) 点魔力
需求: 等级 (1–90), (1–205) Str
需求: 单手锤, 双手锤
图腾持续时间为 8
最多 1图腾
[图腾]基础攻击时间为 1
Totem uses its own weapon, dealing
(6–141) to (9–212) base Physical damage

图腾持续时间为 (0–0.4)
Place one or more Skill Gems into this Meta Gem's sockets in the Skills Panel. The socketed Skills will be incorporated into the Meta Gem's effect.
来自 /1
Level Effect /40
等级需求等级消耗Base DamageTotem uses its own weapon, dealing
6 to 9 base Physical damage
1013100%, 100%, 100%6, 9
2315100%, 100%, 100%8, 12
3617100%, 100%, 100%10, 16
41019100%, 100%, 100%13, 20
51421100%, 100%, 100%17, 25
61824100%, 100%, 100%20, 30
72227100%, 100%, 100%24, 36
82630100%, 100%, 100%29, 43
93134100%, 100%, 100%34, 50
103638100%, 100%, 100%39, 59
114143100%, 100%, 100%45, 68
124648100%, 100%, 100%52, 78
135254100%, 100%, 100%59, 89
145861100%, 100%, 100%68, 101
156468100%, 100%, 100%77, 115
166676100%, 100%, 100%87, 131
177285100%, 100%, 100%99, 148
187896100%, 100%, 100%111, 167
1984107100%, 100%, 100%125, 188
2090120100%, 100%, 100%141, 212
21135100%, 100%, 100%159, 238
22151100%, 100%, 100%178, 267
23169100%, 100%, 100%200, 300
24190100%, 100%, 100%224, 337
25212100%, 100%, 100%252, 377
26238100%, 100%, 100%282, 423
27267100%, 100%, 100%316, 474
28299100%, 100%, 100%354, 531
29335100%, 100%, 100%397, 595
30375100%, 100%, 100%445, 667
31420100%, 100%, 100%498, 748
32471100%, 100%, 100%559, 838
33528100%, 100%, 100%627, 940
34591100%, 100%, 100%703, 1054
35662100%, 100%, 100%789, 1183
36742100%, 100%, 100%886, 1329
37831100%, 100%, 100%995, 1493
38931100%, 100%, 100%1119, 1678
391043100%, 100%, 100%1258, 1888
401168100%, 100%, 100%1416, 2125
Attribute /6


关键字图腾, Limit
BaseType AncestralWarriorTotem
武器单手锤, 双手锤
TargetTypes地面, 敌人, , ,
Type图腾, SummonsAttackTotem, 持续时间, 近战, 陷阱技能, 地雷技能, Meta, 物理, 范围, Limit
Ancestral Warrior Totem
等阶: 13
等级: (1–20)
消耗: (13–120) 点魔力
需求: 等级 (1–90), (1–205) Str
需求: 单手锤, 双手锤
图腾持续时间为 8
最多 1图腾
[图腾]基础攻击时间为 1
Totem uses its own weapon, dealing
(6–141) to (9–212) base Physical damage
active skill has alt attack container [1]
alt attack container main hand base maximum attack distance [13]
alt attack container main hand weapon critical strike chance [5]
alt attack container main hand weapon type [10]
ancestral spirit base lockout time ms [600]
base skill summons totems [1]
base totem range [60]
display statset no hit damage [1]
is totem [1]
skill is deploy skill [1]
totem has ancestral warrior spirit [1]

图腾持续时间为 (0–0.4)
base skill is totemified [1]
skill disabled unless cloned [2]
Place one or more Skill Gems into this Meta Gem's sockets in the Skills Panel. The socketed Skills will be incorporated into the Meta Gem's effect.
Ancestral Warrior Totem
Place one or more Skill Gems into this Meta Gem's sockets in the Skills Panel. The socketed Skills will be incorporated into the Meta Gem's effect.
Ancestral Warrior Totem SkillGemAncestralWarriorTotem /7
DropLevel 53
BaseType Ancestral Warrior Totem
等级: (1–40)
消耗: (13–1168) Mana
图腾持续时间为 8
最多 1图腾
[图腾]基础攻击时间为 1
Totem uses its own weapon, dealing
(6–1416) to (9–2125) base Physical damage
active skill has alt attack container [1]
alt attack container main hand base maximum attack distance [13]
alt attack container main hand weapon critical strike chance [5]
alt attack container main hand weapon type [10]
ancestral spirit base lockout time ms [600]
base skill summons totems [1]
base totem range [60]
display statset no hit damage [1]
is totem [1]
skill is deploy skill [1]
totem has ancestral warrior spirit [1]

图腾持续时间为 (0–0.4)
Ancestral Warrior Totem
Level Effect /40
等级需求等级消耗Base DamageTotem uses its own weapon, dealing
6 to 9 base Physical damage
1013100%, 100%, 100%6, 9
2315100%, 100%, 100%8, 12
3617100%, 100%, 100%10, 16
41019100%, 100%, 100%13, 20
51421100%, 100%, 100%17, 25
61824100%, 100%, 100%20, 30
72227100%, 100%, 100%24, 36
82630100%, 100%, 100%29, 43
93134100%, 100%, 100%34, 50
103638100%, 100%, 100%39, 59
114143100%, 100%, 100%45, 68
124648100%, 100%, 100%52, 78
135254100%, 100%, 100%59, 89
145861100%, 100%, 100%68, 101
156468100%, 100%, 100%77, 115
166676100%, 100%, 100%87, 131
177285100%, 100%, 100%99, 148
187896100%, 100%, 100%111, 167
1984107100%, 100%, 100%125, 188
2090120100%, 100%, 100%141, 212
21135100%, 100%, 100%159, 238
22151100%, 100%, 100%178, 267
23169100%, 100%, 100%200, 300
24190100%, 100%, 100%224, 337
25212100%, 100%, 100%252, 377
26238100%, 100%, 100%282, 423
27267100%, 100%, 100%316, 474
28299100%, 100%, 100%354, 531
29335100%, 100%, 100%397, 595
30375100%, 100%, 100%445, 667
31420100%, 100%, 100%498, 748
32471100%, 100%, 100%559, 838
33528100%, 100%, 100%627, 940
34591100%, 100%, 100%703, 1054
35662100%, 100%, 100%789, 1183
36742100%, 100%, 100%886, 1329
37831100%, 100%, 100%995, 1493
38931100%, 100%, 100%1119, 1678
391043100%, 100%, 100%1258, 1888
401168100%, 100%, 100%1416, 2125
Attribute /5

Ancestral Warrior Totem

BaseType Ancestral Warrior Totem
武器单手锤, 双手锤
TargetTypes地面, 敌人, , ,
Type图腾, SummonsAttackTotem, 持续时间, 近战, 陷阱技能, 地雷技能, Meta, 物理, 范围, Limit
Supported By /15
  • Active Type: 图腾, SummonsAttackTotem, 持续时间, 近战, 陷阱技能, 地雷技能, Meta, 物理, 范围, Limit
  • Magnified Effect
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, making it larger.
    Heavy Swing
    Supports Melee Attacks, boosting their Physical damage at the cost of Attack Speed.
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher.
    Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to deal more damage against Bleeding enemies, but preventing them from inflicting Bleeding.
    Supports Melee Attacks, causing them to grant Rage on Hit.
    Fast Forward
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.
    Supports skills which can have a Limited number of effects active at once, increasing that Limit at the cost of their duration. Only applies to restrictions that use the word "Limit".
    Physical Mastery
    Supports Physical skills, granting them an additional level.
    Supports Skills that Hit Enemies, causing those Hits to Break Armour based on a portion of Physical Damage dealt.
    Font of Blood
    Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Blood, creating an Aura which grants Life regeneration.
    Font of Mana
    Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Mana, creating an Aura which grants Mana regeneration.
    Font of Rage
    Supports Skills which create stationary objects. Objects created by supported Skills generate a Font of Rage, creating an Aura which grants Rage over time, as well as preventing Rage loss.
    Ancestral Urgency
    Supports Skills which place Totems, causing those skills to place Totems much more quickly.
    Supports Skills which create Totems. Totems created by Supported Skills have additional Elemental Resistances.

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.