阿兹里 Topic /6
NPC | 名字 |
阿兹里的捷思 | "The heart is the herald. It will tell me when it is best to strike." - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal |
Atziri's Disdain | They screamed her name in adulation as they gave their very lives. She looked on with impatience. |
阿兹里的反击 | "As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast." - Atziri, Queen of the Vaal |
阿兹里的捷思 | "心脏是最佳传令官, 让我知道何时该出击迎战。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
谜容 | "女王者,可敬观崇拜而不可亵玩焉。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
阿兹里的反击 | "帝陆将随我一同踏上冥河之渡。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
Atziri FlavourText /37
name | flavour |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A3_89 CharacterTextAudio | So that's Atziri... not bad. |
Int4_Gameplay_A3_68 CharacterTextAudio | Atziri failed to grasp immortality. I will not make the same mistake. |
Int4_Gameplay_A3_90 CharacterTextAudio | Atziri... Beautiful but stupid. |
Int4b_Gameplay_A3_65 CharacterTextAudio | Look at you now, Atziri. Surrounded by ugliness. Fitting. |
Int4b_Gameplay_A3_87 CharacterTextAudio | Atziri really was as beautiful as tales claim. |
AlvaAboutTemple NPCTextAudio | 失落的阿佐亚特神庙是全瓦尔历史和神话中最富盛名的地方了。我可以说独一无二!神庙在瓦尔帝国的末期开始兴建。因为这个文明的消亡,让这座神庙的竣工日期不再可考。 可能正是在时间线上的扑朔迷离,才让阿佐亚特神庙成为瓦尔神话中的瑰宝吧。有人说那里是个充满黑暗的地方,最邪恶祭祀之所。不过也有人说神庙是科技的摇篮——据说连咱们人类也是起源于那座神庙的高墙之后。 如今的学者还说那里是阿兹里女王的藏宝库。不管哪个传闻是真的,那里肯定都被狂热的教众重兵看护着。他们如此在意,肯定是有大宝藏的啦! |
BetrayalAlvaAboutEinhar NPCTextAudio | 伊恩哈尔会很适应阿兹里的帝国。这个人对祭祀仪式并不陌生,不过谢天谢地,他只给野兽放血。他似乎对财富不太感兴趣,这对我来说是个好消息。只要伊恩哈尔坚持他最擅长做的的,我们就会相处得很好。 |
TrialmasterGossipAtziri NPCTextAudio | 女王表现出来的稳定状态让混沌之神难以理解。所有事情都有无数种可能性,但她存在的历史却始终只有一条路线。不管真实存在的还是假想的,每个世界里的阿兹里都会带领我的人民走向灭亡。 她现在仍在我主无法企及的地方凝视着一面镜子,那个地方充斥着猩红色的疯狂和梦魇……我主钟情于概率的无常,但他不喜欢宇宙之谜没有明确的答案,尤其那种可以把概率变为现实的谜题。 |
DelveVaalCityBossIntro7 NPCTextAudio | 塔特拉特·阿兹里! |
DelveVaalCityBossIntro8 NPCTextAudio | 塔特拉特·阿兹里! |
DelveVaalCityBossIntro9 NPCTextAudio | 塔特拉特·阿兹里! |
DelveVaalCityBossIntro10 NPCTextAudio | 塔特拉特·阿兹里! |
DelveVaalCityBossIntro11 NPCTextAudio | 塔特拉特·阿兹里! |
CadiroOnAtzirisRule NPCTextAudio | 阿兹里的统治!瓦尔帝国的遗宝。这柄长杖和瓦尔女王一样强大。 |
CadiroOnPledgeOfHands NPCTextAudio | 阿兹里女王的策士总是将缔结同盟当作首要事务,可女王的臣下却都被牺牲了,成了帝国的燃料,实在是讽刺…… |
CadiroOnAtzirisFoible NPCTextAudio | 你身上戴着阿兹里圣徽。就算是女王的策士也能看出她的愚蠢。你不能又强迫你的人民牺牲,又觉得不会有什么后果。 |
CadiroOnAtzirisAcuity NPCTextAudio | 阿兹里的捷思?她其实没有传说的那么聪明。她是如此自恋,竟要追逐永生不朽,因此无数生灵被她荼毒……搞出这么一个小灾变之后,她也没能逃过大灾变。 |
CadiroOnAtzirisStep NPCTextAudio | 阿兹里的金履?哈!她每走一步,瓦尔克拉斯就离毁灭更近一步。 |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Device NPCTextAudio | It's hard to guess what the device inside the Temple might be. I do know that it was commissioned by Queen Atziri's Thaumaturge, Doryani himself. The project was given all the resources it needed, and the work was kept secret, even from Atziri. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Doryani_Present NPCTextAudio | By their final days, the Vaal were a deeply tiered empire based on brutal competition. Those at the top vied with each other through any means necessary, and Doryani was the foremost among these ambitious and amoral men. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Atziri NPCTextAudio | How do I even begin to describe the last Queen of the Vaal? She left a tremendous mark on history. She was intelligent and capable enough to rule unquestioned over a bloodthirsty empire of volatile nobles, and the people adored her and feared her in equal measure. |
AtziriStatueGlyphG3_16Text NPCTextAudio | Step forth, true believers, unto Atziri's graceful shadow. She alone shall shade you from the pains and ills of this world. By her grace, and hers alone, shall you be given eternal life! |
Atalui_G3_16_On_Aggro NPCTextAudio | Who dares defy the will of Atziri? |
Atalui_G3_16_On_Death NPCTextAudio | Atziri! |
AggoratPresentGlyph03 NPCTextAudio | I remember the before-times. We bowed before Atziri, who bowed before no-one. But Mother is the one true Queen. She is the one who brings solace. She is the one who grows gifts for us. We must keep eating them, for they bring pure delight... |
DoryaniPastDefeatedTwo NPCTextAudio | I suppose I must... It is too late for us here. This era is over. I pleaded with Atziri for her patience... but she would not abide me. She will attempt her communion with the Beast, and utter devastation will ravage our people. |
DoryaniGodVoiceCeaseAssault NPCTextAudio | Fool! There's no time for this! Atziri will soon commune with the Beast! Cease your assault! |
DoryaniBossConversationFour NPCTextAudio | That cannot be true. It can't! I've laid so many plans... spent everything I have, trying to stop this... trying to stop Atziri... |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_5 NPCTextAudio | Atziri will soon begin her Ascension. Out of my way, or die! |
VaalSermon_01 NPCTextAudio | Atziri, Atziri, ek te mucane Vaal! |
VaalSermon_03 NPCTextAudio | Atziri, Atziri, ma kilya Zerphi! |
VaalSermon_05 NPCTextAudio | Atziri, Atziri, ikba'yucane Vaal! |
VaalSermon_07 NPCTextAudio | Atziri, Atziri, ascenada akal! |
阿兹里的捷思 UniqueItems | "心脏是最佳传令官, 让我知道何时该出击迎战。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
谜容 UniqueItems | "女王者,可敬观崇拜而不可亵玩焉。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
Atziri's Disdain UniqueItems | They screamed her name in adulation as they gave their very lives. She looked on with impatience. |
阿兹里的反击 UniqueItems | "帝陆将随我一同踏上冥河之渡。" - 瓦尔女王阿兹里 |
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