Heroic Tragedy

Heroic Tragedy
仅限: 1 史实
范围: Very Large (1500)
Remembrancing (100–8000) songworthy deeds by the line of Vorana
Passives in radius are Conquered by the Kalguur
local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators [0]
They believed themselves courageous and selfless,
but that bravery became the doom at their door.
Heroic Tragedy Attr /4
LimitOlroth, Origin of the Fall」Limited Drop
Remembrancing (100–8000) songworthy deeds by the line of Vorana
Passives in radius are Conquered by the Kalguur
local jewel effect base radius [1500]
local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators [0]
DomainsJewel (11)
GenerationType传奇 (3)
Req. level1
  • local is alternate tree jewel Min: 1 Max: 1 区域
  • local jewel effect base radius Min: 1500 Max: 1500 区域
  • local unique jewel alternate tree seed Min: 100 Max: 8000 区域
  • local unique jewel alternate tree version Min: 6 Max: 6 区域
  • local unique jewel alternate tree keystone Min: 1 Max: 3 区域
  • local unique jewel alternate tree internal revision Min: 1 Max: 1 区域
  • local unique jewel break timeless jewel calculators Min: 0 Max: 0 区域
  • Craft Tagsred_herring
    { "realm": "poe2", "w": 1, "h": 1, "icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvSmV3ZWxzL0V4cGVkaXRpb25KZXdlbCIsInciOjEsImgiOjEsInNjYWxlIjoxLCJyZWFsbSI6InBvZTIifV0/8356e82d27/ExpeditionJewel.png", "league": "Standard", "name": "Heroic Tragedy", "typeLine": "Timeless Jewel", "baseType": "Timeless Jewel", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 84, "properties": [ { "name": "[Jewel]", "values": [], "displayMode": 0 }, { "name": "Limited to", "values": [ [ "1 Historic", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0 }, { "name": "Radius", "values": [ [ "Very Large", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 24 } ], "explicitMods": [ "Remembrancing 3572 songworthy deeds by the line of Olroth\nPassives in radius are Conquered by the Kalguur", "[Historic]" ], "descrText": "Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.", "flavourText": [ "They believed themselves courageous and selfless,\r", "but that bravery became the doom at their door." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3418580811|23", "min": "100", "max": "8000" }, { "hash": "explicit.stat_3787436548", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_3418580811|23", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_3787436548", [ 0 ] ] ] }, "text": "" } }
    Alternate Passive /1
    Vorana: Circular Teachings
    Medved: Knightly Tenets
    Olroth: Black Scythe Training
    永恒珠宝 Passive /40
    Circular Teachings
    Kalguuran 钥石
    Strength's inherent bonus is 1% increased Energy Shield per 2 Strength instead
    It is both despair and inspiration, to look back, and see oneself in the cycles of Time.
    Knightly Tenets
    Kalguuran 钥石
    Dexterity's inherent bonus is 1% increased Armour per 2 Dexterity instead
    Many men throughout history have claimed to stand against evil. Only a few truly meant it.
    Black Scythe Training
    Kalguuran 钥石
    Intelligence's inherent bonus is 1% increased Evasion Rating per 2 Intelligence instead
    The most important lesson the company taught was simple. Be clever, and survive.
    Scorched Earth
    Kalguuran 显著
    火焰伤害提高 40%
    +15 智慧
    War Tactics
    Kalguuran 显著
    魔力再生率提高 20%
    物理伤害提高 40%
    Kalguuran Forged
    Kalguuran 显著
    +2% 火焰抗性上限
    你被冰冻的持续时间缩短 10%
    Born of Middengard
    Kalguuran 显著
    护甲提高 40%
    冰霜抗性 +10%
    Force of Will
    Kalguuran 显著
    魔力上限提高 2%
    [晕眩]积蓄值提高 30%
    Runic Flows
    Kalguuran 显著
    诅咒持续时间延长 10%
    生命每秒再生 1.5%
    Siege Mentality
    Kalguuran 显著
    能量护盾充能时间提前 10%
    粉碎护甲提高 40%
    Rune Knight
    Kalguuran 显著
    法术暴击伤害加成提高 15%
    近战伤害提高 40%
    Fiery Leadership
    Kalguuran 显著
    [点燃]几率提高 40%
    召唤生物获得 +15% 元素抗性
    Druidic Alliance
    Kalguuran 显著
    混沌抗性 +7%
    图腾伤害提高 40%
    Steel and Sorcery
    Kalguuran 显著
    你受到的秘术增强效果提高 10%
    你造成的流血强度提高 20%
    Triskelion's Light
    Kalguuran 显著
    冰霜曝露效果提高 10%
    强化攻击造成的伤害提高 50%
    火焰曝露效果提高 10%
    闪电曝露效果提高 10%
    Stormtossed Voyager
    Kalguuran 显著
    +2% 闪电抗性上限
    你被点燃的持续时间缩短 10%
    Wrest Control
    Kalguuran 显著
    闪电伤害提高 40%
    +15 力量
    Kalguuran 显著
    闪避值提高 40%
    火焰抗性 +10%
    Mercenary's Lot
    Kalguuran 显著
    攻击速度加快 10%
    晕眩阈值提高 15%
    Vorana's Fury
    Kalguuran 显著
    投射物伤害提高 40%
    近战击中时获得 1 怒火
    Sensible Precautions
    Kalguuran 显著
    [格挡]几率提高 6%
    药剂的生命回复提高 40%
    Aim for the Jugular
    Kalguuran 显著
    命中值提高 30%
    你造成的流血强度提高 10%
    Survival Plan
    Kalguuran 显著
    生命上限提高 2%
    药剂的魔力回复提高 40%
    War of Attrition
    Kalguuran 显著
    生命偷取量提高 10%
    你造成的中毒强度提高 20%
    Guerilla Warfare
    Kalguuran 显著
    [感电]几率提高 40%
    图腾的生命提高 15%
    One for the Road
    Kalguuran 显著
    药剂效果的持续时间延长 30%
    战吼冷却回复速度加快 15%
    Targeted Strike
    Kalguuran 显著
    技能效果持续时间延长 8%
    你的印记技能效果提高 20%
    Steel Bastion
    Kalguuran 显著
    元素伤害提高 40%
    从盾牌获取的防御提高 20%
    Forceful Energies
    Kalguuran 显著
    施法速度加快 10%
    10% 的几率穿透一个敌人
    Winter Forest
    Kalguuran 显著
    冰霜伤害提高 40%
    +15 敏捷
    Fight as One
    Kalguuran 显著
    命中值提高 8%
    召唤生物的伤害提高 40%
    Summer Meadows
    Kalguuran 显著
    闪避值提高 15%
    召唤生物的最大生命提高 30%
    Druidic Training
    Kalguuran 显著
    法术伤害提高 40%
    10% increased Flask and Charm Charges gained
    Corrupted Vision
    Kalguuran 显著
    法术暴击率提高 30%
    击中敌人后有 5% 的几率使其致盲
    Runic Tattoos
    Kalguuran 显著
    魔力再生率提高 30%
    异常状态阈值提高 15%
    Furs and Leather
    Kalguuran 显著
    +2% 冰霜抗性上限
    你被感电的持续时间缩短 10%
    Sudden Hail
    Kalguuran 显著
    投射物速度加快 8%
    冻结积蓄值提高 30%
    Natural Energies
    Kalguuran 显著
    能量护盾上限提高 40%
    闪电抗性 +10%
    Oaken Form
    Kalguuran 显著
    咒符效果的持续时间延长 10%
    Spider's Lesson
    Kalguuran 显著
    混沌伤害提高 37%
    投射物击中地形时有 6% 的几率额外连锁一次

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.