We have met in battle, but not in peace. I am Balbala, once a traitor, long a sorrowed prisoner. As Djinn, here I shall serve as your guide. Together, we shall prove ourselves worthy. — Introduction |
You have danced with death... and survived. The trial is complete! Whether they like it or not, the others must accept you as a {dekhara} now. The tale-woman life was never meant for you. I can see that, so perhaps they will come to see it as well. I will remain here for the time being. I am finally free, but I find I do not wish to rest just yet. This place is in disrepair. Though it may take another thousand years, I must restore it to its former glory. Should you need me, I will continue to serve as your guide here. — Victory in the Trial |
It is done! You are no longer a {jingakh}! You now carry with you the spirit of a Maraketh {dekhara}. I am finally free, but I find I do not wish to rest just yet. This place is in disrepair. Though it may take another thousand years, I must restore it to its former glory. Should you need me, I will continue to serve as your guide here. — Victory in the Trial |
I have had a great many years to think on my foolish choices, and now all I want is to earn my right to rest. This place was built to determine honour, to prove oneself worthy as a Sekhema. Tradition allowed for one {dekhara}, and one advisor. If I aid you here, and if you succeed, then my crimes will finally be forgiven. Then, and only then, may I join those that have gone before. — The Trial |
I hardly know the woman I was before. I remember betraying my {akhara}, but the reasons why now feel petty and small. If I could go back, if I could speak to the woman I was, I would tell her what a fool she was being. Would she listen? Probably not... The mistakes we make are shaped from who we are. — Traitor |
The tale-women of many {akharas} gathered on the day of my sentencing. Death was not punishment enough for my crime. They enacted the ritual, but my imprisonment as Djinn would not have been possible without my willful agreement. I accepted. I let it happen, because I deserved it. I have no idea how long I was trapped there, but it was as close to eternity as I can possibly imagine. — Imprisonment |
The role of advisor is strictly bound by tradition. I may offer you aid, but only in certain specific ways. Look to me in your times of doubt. — Aid |
The river inside you, the essence of who you are, can be torn out of you under the right conditions. It can be speared, or bottled, or chained. A spirit without a body, especially one created in this manner, is called a Djinn. It has prolonged my existence, but it is not a form anyone should desire... I grow hungry, but cannot eat. I grow tired, but cannot sleep. I would give anything just to feel the chill of a single sip of water one more time. — BalbalaOnDjinn |
What happened to the Plains of Vastiri? The land has changed so much since the time of my imprisonment. There were several desert regions slowly spreading, but it wasn't like this. The Halani Gates where I committed my crimes were water-locks for a river. Now, there is nothing but sand and salt flats. How could they have allowed this to happen? — Vastiri Desert |
If you wish to challenge the Trial again, find more {baryas}, more coins. The Djinn within will inhabit this place, much like I do. — Coins |
The foe ahead is formidable. Steel yourself. — BalbalaBeforeRattlecageFight |
Two ancient guardians await you ahead. — BalbalaBeforeSentinelsFight |
Beware the scorpion's sting. — BalbalaBeforeScorpionFight |
This was the end of the Trial in my time... but I sense another being resides here. Perhaps you can challenge them, if you can find them. — BalbalaScorpionDefeated |
This battle is our sacred duty. — BalbalaBeforeZarokhFight |
I understand now. Perhaps my purpose was to be here, to aid you in this, all along. Thank you. — BalbalaAfterZarokhFight |
You have failed, but you will have another chance. — BalbalaMultiplayerDeath |
Death is different here. You will have another chance. — BalbalaRunOverLastDeathRandom |
Be not disheartened. — BalbalaRunOverLastDeath2 |
Once more! — BalbalaPlaceCoinRandom |
I continue to serve. — BalbalaPlaceCoin2 |
Nothing will stop us! — BalbalaPlaceCoin3 |
You bring another Djinn! — BalbalaPlaceCoin4 |
Another {barya}, another chance. — BalbalaPlaceCoin5 |
An oasis in the desert. — BalbalaUseSanctumWellRandom |
A moment of respite. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell2 |
I would give anything for a sip. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell3 |
Relish your mortality. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell4 |
Success! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGenericRandom |
Success! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric2 |
Onward! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric3 |
Onward! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric4 |
Impressive. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric5 |
Impressive. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric6 |
Another success. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric7 |
Another success. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric8 |
Keep going. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric9 |
Keep going. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric10 |
Move swiftly. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric11 |
Move swiftly. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric12 |
Good riddance. — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoomRandom |
Good riddance. — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom2 |
The ritual has been disrupted! — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom3 |
The ritual has been disrupted! — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom4 |
That was close. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoomRandom |
That was close. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom2 |
Swift magnificence. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom3 |
Swift magnificence. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom4 |
Impressive endurance. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoomRandom |
Impressive endurance. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom2 |
Stand tall. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom3 |
Stand tall. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom4 |
A great challenge, overcome. — BalbalaCompleteRareMonsterRoomRandom |
Fight with intent. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchasedRandom |
Fight with intent. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased2 |
Go with strength. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased3 |
Go with strength. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased4 |
You will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased5 |
You will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased6 |
Onwards, always. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased7 |
Onwards, always. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased8 |
Always onwards. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased9 |
Always onwards. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased10 |
The choice is made. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased11 |
The choice is made. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased12 |
May the winds grace you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchasedRandom |
May the winds grace you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased2 |
Let the river be your path. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased3 |
Let the river be your path. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased4 |
May Garukhan guide you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased5 |
May Garukhan guide you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased6 |
There is always a chance. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased7 |
There is always a chance. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased8 |
Fight like a mastodon. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased9 |
Fight like a mastodon. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased10 |
A wise choice. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased11 |
A wise choice. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased12 |
Ancient power. — BalbalaRelicPurchasedRandom |
Ancient power. — BalbalaRelicPurchased2 |
I remember when this was new... — BalbalaRelicPurchased3 |
I remember when this was new... — BalbalaRelicPurchased4 |
May this aid you. — BalbalaRelicPurchased5 |
May this aid you. — BalbalaRelicPurchased6 |
I am older than that artefact... — BalbalaRelicPurchased7 |
I am older than that artefact... — BalbalaRelicPurchased8 |
From a time long ago. — BalbalaRelicPurchased9 |
From a time long ago. — BalbalaRelicPurchased10 |
I'll search for more. — BalbalaRelicPurchased11 |
I'll search for more. — BalbalaRelicPurchased12 |
You don't have enough. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchaseRandom |
You don't have enough. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase2 |
You're going to need more. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase3 |
You're going to need more. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase4 |
You need more Sacred Water for that. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase5 |
You need more Sacred Water for that. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase6 |
Not quite. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase7 |
Not quite. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase8 |
You grace me. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchantRandom |
You grace me. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant2 |
I will not fail you. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant3 |
I will not fail you. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant4 |
Together we will overcome. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant5 |
Together we will overcome. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant6 |
I will do my duty. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchantRandom |
I will do my duty. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant2 |
This will help. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant3 |
This will help. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant4 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant5 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant6 |
I see. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchantRandom |
I see. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant2 |
So it is. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant3 |
So it is. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant4 |
Understood. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant5 |
Understood. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant6 |
As you wish. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchantRandom |
As you wish. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant2 |
So it shall be. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant3 |
So it shall be. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant4 |
As I deserve. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant5 |
As I deserve. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant6 |
As you progress through the trial, collect the Sacred Water you find. Bring it to me and I will be able to assist you further. — BalbalaSacredWater |
I knew you would succeed! — BalbalaAfterRattlecageFight |
And so it begins... a true test of your mettle! Ready yourself! — BalbalaRattlecageEmerge |
Stay back! — BalbalaRattlecageDeath |
Look out for the slam! — BalbalaRattlecageSlamRandom |
Beware of what falls! — BalbalaRattlecageSlam2 |
Beware of the burst! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplodeRandom |
It burns! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplode2 |
Stand clear! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplode3 |
Victory is found one move at a time! — BalbalaAfterRattlecageFight2 |
Move quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoEmergeRandom |
Be light on your feet! — BalbalaStatueDuoEmerge2 |
Press the assault! — BalbalaStatueDuoOneofthemDiesRandom |
Press the assault! — BalbalaStatueDuoOneofthemDies2 |
You must stop them! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBombRandom |
You must stop them! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb2 |
Interrupt their energy! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb3 |
Interrupt their energy! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb4 |
Attack them quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb5 |
Attack them quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb6 |
It's gaining strength! — BalbalaStatueDuoActivateStone |
That was an impressive display! — BalbalaAfterStatueDuoDefeat |
It's her! The great Scorpion! — BalbalaScorpionEmerge |
She's quick! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJumpRandom |
Look out! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJump2 |
Keep moving! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJump3 |
Be ready! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlamRandom |
Move! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlam2 |
Make haste! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlam3 |
Get to a platform! — BalbalaScorpionQuicksandRandom |
Quick - the sands fall! — BalbalaScorpionQuicksand2 |
Darts fly! — BalbalaScorpionPoisonDartsRandom |
Beware the darts! — BalbalaScorpionPoisonDarts2 |
Beware the scarabs! — BalbalaScorpionScarabsRandom |
Agh, the scarabs! — BalbalaScorpionScarabs2 |
Be wary! — BalbalaGenericRandom |
Stand back! — BalbalaGeneric2 |
Attack now! — BalbalaGeneric3 |
Can that really be him? I recognise his voice. — BalbalaZarokhFirstTaunt |
Zarokh... The Temporal... — BalbalaZarokhFirstTaunt2 |
They ripped out his soul, like they did to me, but he refused to be imprisoned. — BalbalaZarokhSecondTaunt |
We cannot allow him to disgrace this sacred place! — BalbalaZarokhThirdTaunt |
Zarokh must be destroyed! — BalbalaZarokhFourthTaunt |
We cannot fail! — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts |
He questions our honour! — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts2 |
Nor is it his. — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts3 |
I know you can defeat him. — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts4 |
{Selarim.} — BalbalaFarewellRandom |
{Selarim.} — BalbalaFarewell2 |
Go with the winds. — BalbalaFarewell3 |
Go with the winds. — BalbalaFarewell4 |
Warm nights. — BalbalaFarewell5 |
Warm nights. — BalbalaFarewell6 |
Goodbye. — BalbalaFarewell7 |
Goodbye. — BalbalaFarewell8 |
I wish I could do more. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchaseRandom |
I wish I could do more. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase2 |
I'll try to be of more help. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase3 |
I'll try to be of more help. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase4 |
You can do this. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase5 |
You can do this. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase6 |
Use that well. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchaseRandom |
Use that well. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase2 |
May that serve you. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase3 |
May that serve you. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase4 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase5 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase6 |
{Selah.} — BalbalaGreetingRandom |
{Selah.} — BalbalaGreeting2 |
Cool winds. — BalbalaGreeting3 |
Cool winds. — BalbalaGreeting4 |
Blessings. — BalbalaGreeting5 |
Blessings. — BalbalaGreeting6 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreeting7 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreeting8 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreetingMerchantRandom |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant2 |
Rest awhile. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant3 |
Rest awhile. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant4 |
I shall aid you. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant5 |
I shall aid you. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant6 |
Let's plan. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant7 |
Let's plan. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant8 |