我们曾在战斗中相遇,却未曾在和平时谋面。我是贝尔巴拉,一度被视为叛徒,长期承受囚禁之苦。在此处,我们将共同证明自己的价值。 — 介绍 |
You have danced with death... and survived. The trial is complete! Whether they like it or not, the others must accept you as a dekhara now. The tale-woman life was never meant for you. I can see that, so perhaps they will come to see it as well. I will remain here for the time being. I am finally free, but I find I do not wish to rest just yet. This place is in disrepair. Though it may take another thousand years, I must restore it to its former glory. Should you need me, I will continue to serve as your guide here. — Victory in the Trial |
你不再是外人。马拉克斯战士的灵魂将与你同行。哦……不是指我,不是字面上的意思。我暂时还会留在这里。我终于获得了自由,却发现自己还不想就此长眠。这地方破败不堪,即使还需要上千年,我也必须让它恢复往日的荣耀。 — Victory in the Trial |
多年来,我一直在反思我愚蠢的选择,现在我只想为自己赢得安息的权利。这个场所是为了决定荣辱而建。传统上允许一位战士和一位顾问在场。如果我在这里协助你,如果你取得了成功,那么我的罪过将最终得到宽恕。只有那时,我才能与先辈们团聚。 — The Trial |
我几乎不认识从前的自己了。我记得我背叛了自己的阿卡拉,但当初的理由如今看来是那么渺小可笑。如果我能回到过去,如果能再次面对从前的自己,我会告诉她她是多么得愚蠢。她会听吗?可能不会……我们犯的错误是由我们的本性所决定的。 — 叛徒由来 |
— 身陷囹圄 |
顾问的角色是严格受传统约束的。我可以提供援助,但仅限于特定的方式。在你迷茫之时求助于我吧。 — 协助 |
The river inside you, the essence of who you are, can be torn out of you under the right conditions. It can be speared, or bottled, or chained. A spirit without a body, especially one created in this manner, is called a Djinn. It has prolonged my existence, but it is not a form anyone should desire... I grow hungry, but cannot eat. I grow tired, but cannot sleep. I would give anything just to feel the chill of a single sip of water one more time. — BalbalaOnDjinn |
瓦斯提里大平原究竟发生了什么?自我被囚以来,这片土地发生了如此巨大的变化。曾经有几片沙漠地区在缓慢扩张,但也从未如此。我曾犯下罪行的那些大门曾是河流的水闸。现在除了沙漠与盐碱地,什么都没了。他们怎能任由这种情况发生? — 瓦斯提里荒漠 |
If you wish to challenge the Trial again, find more baryas, more coins. The Djinn within will inhabit this place, much like I do. — Coins |
The foe ahead is... Formidable. Steel yourself. — BalbalaBeforeRattlecageFight |
Two ancient guardians await you ahead. — BalbalaBeforeSentinelsFight |
Beware the scorpion's sting. — BalbalaBeforeScorpionFight |
This was the end of the Trial in my time... But I sense another being resides here. Perhaps you can challenge them, if you can find them. — BalbalaScorpionDefeated |
This battle is our sacred duty. — BalbalaBeforeZarokhFight |
I understand now. Perhaps my purpose was to be here, to aid you in this, all along. Thank you. — BalbalaAfterZarokhFight |
You have failed, but you will have another chance. — BalbalaMultiplayerDeath |
Death is different here. You will have another chance. — BalbalaRunOverLastDeathRandom |
Be not disheartened. — BalbalaRunOverLastDeath2 |
Once more! — BalbalaPlaceCoinRandom |
I continue to serve. — BalbalaPlaceCoin2 |
Nothing will stop us! — BalbalaPlaceCoin3 |
You bring another djinn! — BalbalaPlaceCoin4 |
Another barya, another chance. — BalbalaPlaceCoin5 |
An oasis in the desert. — BalbalaUseSanctumWellRandom |
A moment of respite. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell2 |
I would give anything for a sip. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell3 |
Relish your mortality. — BalbalaUseSanctumWell4 |
Success! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGenericRandom |
Success! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric2 |
Onward! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric3 |
Onward! — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric4 |
Impressive. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric5 |
Impressive. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric6 |
Another success. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric7 |
Another success. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric8 |
Keep going. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric9 |
Keep going. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric10 |
Move swiftly. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric11 |
Move swiftly. — BalbalaCompleteSanctumRoomGeneric12 |
Good riddance. — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoomRandom |
Good riddance. — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom2 |
The ritual has been disrupted! — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom3 |
The ritual has been disrupted! — BalbalaCompleteSummoningRitualRoom4 |
That was close. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoomRandom |
That was close. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom2 |
Swift magnificence. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom3 |
Swift magnificence. — BalbalaCompleteHourglassRoom4 |
Impressive endurance. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoomRandom |
Impressive endurance. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom2 |
Stand tall. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom3 |
Stand tall. — BalbalaCompleteTimerRoom4 |
A great challenge, overcome. — BalbalaCompleteRareMonsterRoomRandom |
Fight with intent. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchasedRandom |
Fight with intent. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased2 |
Go with strength. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased3 |
Go with strength. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased4 |
You will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased5 |
You will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased6 |
Onwards, always. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased7 |
Onwards, always. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased8 |
Always onwards. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased9 |
Always onwards. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased10 |
The choice is made. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased11 |
The choice is made. — BalbalaMinorBoomPurchased12 |
May the winds grace you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchasedRandom |
May the winds grace you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased2 |
Let the river be your path. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased3 |
Let the river be your path. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased4 |
May Garukhan guide you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased5 |
May Garukhan guide you. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased6 |
There is always a chance. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased7 |
There is always a chance. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased8 |
Fight like a mastodon. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased9 |
Fight like a mastodon. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased10 |
A wise choice. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased11 |
A wise choice. — BalbalaMajorBoonPurchased12 |
Ancient power. — BalbalaRelicPurchasedRandom |
Ancient power. — BalbalaRelicPurchased2 |
I remember when this was new... — BalbalaRelicPurchased3 |
I remember when this was new... — BalbalaRelicPurchased4 |
May this aid you. — BalbalaRelicPurchased5 |
May this aid you. — BalbalaRelicPurchased6 |
I am older than that artefact... — BalbalaRelicPurchased7 |
I am older than that artefact... — BalbalaRelicPurchased8 |
From a time long ago. — BalbalaRelicPurchased9 |
From a time long ago. — BalbalaRelicPurchased10 |
I'll search for more. — BalbalaRelicPurchased11 |
I'll search for more. — BalbalaRelicPurchased12 |
You don't have enough. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchaseRandom |
You don't have enough. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase2 |
You're going to need more. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase3 |
You're going to need more. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase4 |
You need more Sacred Water for that. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase5 |
You need more Sacred Water for that. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase6 |
Not quite. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase7 |
Not quite. — BalbalaCannotAffordPurchase8 |
You grace me. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchantRandom |
You grace me. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant2 |
I will not fail you. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant3 |
I will not fail you. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant4 |
Together we will overcome. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant5 |
Together we will overcome. — BalbalaMajorBoonAffectingMerchant6 |
I will do my duty. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchantRandom |
I will do my duty. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant2 |
This will help. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant3 |
This will help. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant4 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant5 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaMinorBoonAffectingMerchant6 |
I see. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchantRandom |
I see. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant2 |
So it is. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant3 |
So it is. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant4 |
Understood. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant5 |
Understood. — BalbalaMinorAfflictionAffectingMerchant6 |
As you wish. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchantRandom |
As you wish. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant2 |
So it shall be. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant3 |
So it shall be. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant4 |
As I deserve. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant5 |
As I deserve. — BalbalaMajorAfflictionAffectingMerchant6 |
As you progress through the trial, collect the Sacred Water you find. Bring it to me and I will be able to assist you further. — BalbalaSacredWater |
I knew you would succeed! — BalbalaAfterRattlecageFight |
And so it begins... A true test of your mettle! Ready yourself! — BalbalaRattlecageEmerge |
Stay back! — BalbalaRattlecageDeath |
Look out for the slam! — BalbalaRattlecageSlamRandom |
Beware of what falls! — BalbalaRattlecageSlam2 |
Beware of the burst! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplodeRandom |
It burns! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplode2 |
Stand clear! — BalbalaRattlecageTripleExplode3 |
Victory is found one move at a time! — BalbalaAfterRattlecageFight2 |
Move quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoEmergeRandom |
Be light on your feet! — BalbalaStatueDuoEmerge2 |
Press the assault! — BalbalaStatueDuoOneofthemDiesRandom |
Press the assault! — BalbalaStatueDuoOneofthemDies2 |
You must stop them! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBombRandom |
You must stop them! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb2 |
Interrupt their energy! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb3 |
Interrupt their energy! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb4 |
Attack them quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb5 |
Attack them quickly! — BalbalaStatueDuoLivingBomb6 |
It's gaining strength! — BalbalaStatueDuoActivateStone |
That was an impressive display! — BalbalaAfterStatueDuoDefeat |
It's her! The great Scorpion! — BalbalaScorpionEmerge |
She's quick! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJumpRandom |
Look out! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJump2 |
Keep moving! — BalbalaScorpionBurrowandJump3 |
Be ready! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlamRandom |
Move! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlam2 |
Make haste! — BalbalaScorpionTailSlam3 |
Get to a platform! — BalbalaScorpionQuicksandRandom |
Quick - the sands fall! — BalbalaScorpionQuicksand2 |
Darts fly! — BalbalaScorpionPoisonDartsRandom |
Beware the darts! — BalbalaScorpionPoisonDarts2 |
Beware the scarabs! — BalbalaScorpionScarabsRandom |
Agh, the scarabs! — BalbalaScorpionScarabs2 |
Be wary! — BalbalaGenericRandom |
Stand back! — BalbalaGeneric2 |
Attack now! — BalbalaGeneric3 |
Can that really be him? I recognise his voice. — BalbalaZarokhFirstTaunt |
Zarokh... The temporal... — BalbalaZarokhFirstTaunt2 |
They ripped out his soul, like they did to me, but he refused to be imprisoned. — BalbalaZarokhSecondTaunt |
We cannot allow him to disgrace this sacred place! — BalbalaZarokhThirdTaunt |
Zarokh must be destroyed! — BalbalaZarokhFourthTaunt |
We cannot fail! — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts |
He questions our honour! — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts2 |
Nor is it his. — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts3 |
I know you can defeat him. — BalbalaZarokhFloorPlayerDeathTaunts4 |
Selarim. — BalbalaFarewellRandom |
Selarim. — BalbalaFarewell2 |
Go with the winds. — BalbalaFarewell3 |
Go with the winds. — BalbalaFarewell4 |
Warm nights. — BalbalaFarewell5 |
Warm nights. — BalbalaFarewell6 |
Goodbye. — BalbalaFarewell7 |
Goodbye. — BalbalaFarewell8 |
I wish I could do more. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchaseRandom |
I wish I could do more. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase2 |
I'll try to be of more help. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase3 |
I'll try to be of more help. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase4 |
You can do this. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase5 |
You can do this. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantNoPurchase6 |
Use that well. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchaseRandom |
Use that well. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase2 |
May that serve you. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase3 |
May that serve you. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase4 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase5 |
We will succeed. — BalbalaFarewellMerchantPurchase6 |
Selah. — BalbalaGreetingRandom |
Selah. — BalbalaGreeting2 |
Cool winds. — BalbalaGreeting3 |
Cool winds. — BalbalaGreeting4 |
Blessings. — BalbalaGreeting5 |
Blessings. — BalbalaGreeting6 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreeting7 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreeting8 |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreetingMerchantRandom |
Greetings. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant2 |
Rest awhile. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant3 |
Rest awhile. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant4 |
I shall aid you. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant5 |
I shall aid you. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant6 |
Let's plan. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant7 |
Let's plan. — BalbalaGreetingMerchant8 |