I am a warrior, raised to honour my Ancestors, to die with a weapon in my hand and the Karui Way in my blood.
Oriath chained me, made me its slave. For three years I have lived without my family, my pride, my Way.
I welcome Exile. I welcome Wraeclast. Hear me, Ancestors! A slave stands behind you. A warrior stands before you.
And Death walks at our side. — Marauder1 |
— Marauder2 |
The dead should remember their place. — Marauder3 |
I am surrounded by living corpses and dying Oriathans. — Marauder4 |
Show me the way, Kaom. — Marauder5 |
Dominus took my home, my family. — Marauder6 |
This is not what the elders told us. — Marauder7 |
A slave is not a man. A slave is not even worthy of death. — Marauder8 |
Your spirit is the plaything of the Ancestors, slavemaster. — Marauder9 |
Hinekora, Mother of the Dead, is this your land I walk upon? — Marauder10 |
When bones walk, they are not Karui. — Marauder11 |
The 'black spirit'. Lavianga speaks of Kitava, Father of Corruption. — Marauder12 |
Kaom bowed to Kitava. He betrayed us! — Marauder13 |
The Karui remember you, Fairgraves. Your death will be much celebrated. — Marauder14 |
Your curse is over, siren. Rest with Hinekora, Mother of the Dead. — Marauder15 |
All life is twisted in Wraeclast. — Marauder16 |
The Eternal Empire was built by sickened minds. — Marauder17 |
Ancestors, forgive me. I have opened the 'Way' to Kitava, Father of Corruption. — Marauder18 |
I give this warrior of Kitava to you, Tukohama, my Father of War. — Marauder19 |
Your death had more honour than your life, Kraityn. — Marauder20 |
There's no blacker magic than death, witch. — Marauder21 |
Your reign is over, bandit king. — Marauder22 |
It is good to feel your warmth again, Ramako, Father of Light. — Marauder23 |
You are a welcome sight, daughter of Ngamakanui. — Marauder24 |
Karui slaves were once bought and sold like pigs here. — Marauder25 |
To live too long is to live in pain. — Marauder26 |
This is the Eternal Way, pretty and lifeless. — Marauder27 |
Piety, you are truly Kitava's slave, a daughter of corruption. — Marauder28 |
I will take everything Dominus loves, as he took it from me. — Marauder29 |
The Karui do not hide in towers built of fear. — Marauder30 |
The Empire dies with you, Dominus. The Karui will never again be slaves. — Marauder31 |
I am honoured to serve you, my Ancestor. — Marauder32 |
"Follow a dead river to the foot of Kitava's kingdom." Just how the elders at home told it. — Marauder33 |
The Eternals had no respect for their land. — Marauder34 |
Your Empire is dead, Voll. Join it. — Marauder35 |
I hear you Kitava. I walk in your kingdom, and I am coming for you. — Marauder36 |
Kitava's belly rumbles. He is hungry for me. — Marauder37 |
Karui and Maraketh once fought together. I honour that friendship. — Marauder38 |
You will feast no longer, Kitava! The Ancestors demand it! — Marauder39 |
Oriathans. How they love to sing about themselves. — Marauder40 |
Tukohama did not call you, Kaom. Kitava did. — Marauder41 |
They followed you, Kaom. They trusted you. — Marauder42 |
It is not the Karui Way to question our king. The Way needs to change. — Marauder43 |
I reject your honour, Kaom. — Marauder44 |
The Ancestors would weep to see what Kaom has created here. — Marauder45 |
I honour you with a warrior's death, Kaom. It is more than you deserved. — Marauder46 |
The way to a god's heart is through his guts. — Marauder47 |
Piety. Betray me and I will have your head. — Marauder48 |
Your sickness is ended. — Marauder49 |
The Ancestors demand it. — Marauder50 |
You are free now, slave.
— Marauder51 |
May your Ancestors forgive you, Piety. — Marauder52 |
Do you hear me, Kitava?! Your slaves are dead and your kingdom dies with them! You are the Father of Corruption no more! — Marauder53 |
I cannot do this yet. — Marauder54 |
My mana is gone. — Marauder55 |
I cannot carry this. — Marauder56 |
I cannot carry this. — Marauder57 |
Ahhhh... better. — Marauder58 |
I am not strong enough to use this yet. — Marauder59 |
I do not know how to use this yet. — Marauder60 |
I do not know how to use this yet. — Marauder61 |
I am not swift enough to use this yet. — Marauder62 |
I am not swift enough to use this yet. — Marauder63 |
My instincts tell me not to destroy this. — Marauder64 |
My instincts tell me not to destroy this. — Marauder65 |
It would be wrong to do that here. — Marauder66 |
It would be wrong to do that here. — Marauder67 |
For Tukohama! — Marauder68 |
For Tukohama! — Marauder69 |
Go to Hinekora! — Marauder70 |
Go to Hinekora! — Marauder71 |
Return to the dirt! — Marauder72 |
Return to the dirt! — Marauder73 |
I give you to my Ancestors! — Marauder74 |
I give you to my Ancestors! — Marauder75 |
Return to Kitava! — Marauder76 |
Return to Kitava! — Marauder77 |
I live to see another dawn. — Marauder78 |
Dominus wanted me to die here. I will disappoint him. — Marauder79 |
To kill is to live in Wraeclast. — Marauder80 |
Every death brings me life. — Marauder81 |
The Ancestors watch over me. — Marauder82 |
Thank you, my Ancestors. I will repay your gift. — Marauder83 |
This land has forgotten Karui strength. I will remind it. — Marauder84 |
What did he mean by that? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_17_01 |
This doesn't look good... — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_21 |
What happened here? Where have the people gone?
— Str4b_Gameplay_A4_27 |
It is done. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_31 |
This should do it! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_34 |
These people think they have tamed Wraeclast. I hope for their sake, they are right. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_01 |
Not interested. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_02 |
His work is... impressive. I should find out more about the metal the Kalguurans use. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_03 |
I have a charter. Now let's see about that ship. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_04 |
All my life I wanted to reconnect with my people, and she abandoned them willingly. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_05 |
My people risk death for these eggs? I understand them less and less. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_06 |
What drives them to collect this rubbish? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_07 |
Saqawal would never allow such a creature in his skies! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_08 |
What is it.....? Urgh! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_09_01 |
What is it doing? Urgh! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_09_02 |
It's going back in?! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_10 |
Perhaps the Karui will visit this place once more. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_11 |
So many ships lost, and still the Kalguurans come. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_12 |
Was this made by... my people? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_13 |
Aaaah! Kalguurans. Who would carry around a powder that explodes! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_14 |
If she has hope for her son, I will do my best. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_15 |
Get down! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_16_01 |
Get down! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_16_02 |
Who was he talking about? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_17_02 |
I would study this metal, but I have to return to Freya. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_18 |
What have I unleashed? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_19 |
They are mining this substance? For what purpose? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_20 |
Yes! Run! Your Beast is defeated! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_22 |
So this is where they are bringing the sulphite... but why? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_23 |
This heat! How do they survive down here? — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_24 |
Your cruel reign is over! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_25 |
Strange, these boats look to have been abandoned for some time. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_26 |
Another destroyed settlement. There is something wrong on this island, and I intend to find out what. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_28 |
That voice... It's beautiful. And disturbing. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_29 |
I will avenge all the Karui who died here! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_30 |
This place brings back... memories. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_32 |
I need to find some way to open this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_33_01 |
Hmm.. It's locked. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_33_02 |
Leaving prisoners to drown... Monstrous. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_35 |
Stay out of the water! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_36 |
They really wanted to keep someone locked in here. Or... some... thing. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_37_01 |
Whatever's back there... Must be hard to contain. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_37_02 |
The lever! While he's down! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_38_01 |
He's down again! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_38_02_01 |
He's down again! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_38_02_02 |
One more time! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_38_03_01 |
One more time! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_38_03_02 |
I need to keep him still! — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_39 |
You won't have your vengeance and you will not be free. — Str4b_Gameplay_A4_40 |
Brittle! — Str4b_KillRare_01_01 |
Brittle! — Str4b_KillRare_01_02 |
Brittle! — Str4b_KillRare_01_03 |
Weakling! — Str4b_KillRare_02_01 |
Weakling! — Str4b_KillRare_02_02 |
Weakling! — Str4b_KillRare_02_03 |
Weakling! — Str4b_KillRare_02_04 |
Weakling! — Str4b_KillRare_02_05 |
No challenge! — Str4b_KillRare_03_01 |
No challenge! — Str4b_KillRare_03_02 |
No challenge! — Str4b_KillRare_03_03 |
No challenge! — Str4b_KillRare_03_04 |
Meek creature! — Str4b_KillRare_04_01 |
Meek creature! — Str4b_KillRare_04_02 |
Meek creature! — Str4b_KillRare_04_03 |
Meek creature! — Str4b_KillRare_04_04 |
Meek creature! — Str4b_KillRare_04_05 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_01 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_02 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_03 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_04 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_05 |
You were no Warrior! — Str4b_KillRare_05_06 |
Steel yourself! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_01_01 |
Steel yourself! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_01_02 |
Steel yourself! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_01_03 |
Feel my wrath! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_02_01 |
Feel my wrath! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_02_02 |
Feel my wrath! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_02_03 |
Cower! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_03_01 |
Cower! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_03_02 |
Cower! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_03_03 |
Face me! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_04_01 |
Face me! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_04_02 |
Face me! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_04_03 |
Fear will best you! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_05_01 |
Fear will best you! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_05_02 |
Fear will best you! — Str4b_GeneralEngage_05_03 |
Out of my way! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_01 |
Out of my way! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_02 |
Out of my way! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_03 |
Out of my way! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_04 |
Stand still! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_05 |
Stand still! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_06 |
Stand still! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_07 |
Stand still! — Str4b_ChargedSlam_08 |
Hammer and anvil! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_01 |
Hammer and anvil! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_02 |
Hammer and anvil! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_03 |
Hammer and anvil! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_04 |
Dodge this! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_05 |
Dodge this! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_06 |
Dodge this! — Str4b_DoubleSlam_07 |
Enough! — Str4b_GroundSlam_01 |
Enough! — Str4b_GroundSlam_02 |
Enough! — Str4b_GroundSlam_03 |
Enough! — Str4b_GroundSlam_04 |
Enough! — Str4b_GroundSlam_05 |
Tempered by flame! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_01 |
Tempered by flame! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_02 |
Tempered by flame! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_03 |
Flame of the forge! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_04 |
Flame of the forge! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_05 |
Flame of the forge! — Str4b_HeraldOfAsh_06 |
I will crush you! — Str4b_Sunder_01 |
I will crush you! — Str4b_Sunder_02 |
I will crush you! — Str4b_Sunder_03 |
I will crush you! — Str4b_Sunder_04 |
Flee before me! — Str4b_Sunder_05 |
Flee before me! — Str4b_Sunder_06 |
Flee before me! — Str4b_Sunder_07 |
Flee before me! — Str4b_Sunder_08 |
Have to... keep moving... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_01 |
Now this might be just what I need. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_02 |
What power! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_03 |
Branoc, is that you? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_04 |
Ugh, stay back! Don't do this! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_05 |
I'm sorry Branoc... It was me or you... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_06 |
Father! You're alive! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_07 |
The Count must die for what he has done to us. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_08 |
We will survive this. I swear it. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_09 |
He lives up to his reputation. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_10 |
This lair... how deep does it go? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_11 |
Corruption has twisted it into a nightmare! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_12 |
The tail! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_13 |
The Grelwood has changed... and not for the better. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_14 |
I remember this place... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_15 |
These were not my ancestors, but I still respect their valour. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_16 |
Ominous... but it might hold the runes I seek. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_17 |
They still defend their land, even after all this time. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_18 |
Last one. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_19 |
Go with honour. There is nothing left to defend. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_20 |
It's fine work, father. I still have much to learn. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_21 |
Release that which you hold! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_22 |
The land itself rots from within. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_23 |
Eternal bastards. Should they rise, I'll hew them back down. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_24 |
This place has not been abandoned... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_25 |
Your name has long been maligned in Ogham, Draven. This was my pleasure. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_26 |
Your cruelty was immortalised in song, Asinia. Your end will be, too. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_27 |
Is this his wife? She's been here for a very long time... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_28 |
I'm sorry, Lachlann. Your boys are long dead. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_29 |
Hunt with the First Ones, old man. You've earned it. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_30 |
What is this? Perhaps the boy might know. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_31 |
Is that what's been eating our cattle? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_32 |
You won't get away from me! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_33 |
One less danger to threaten our home. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_34 |
So this is where the clanless live. There are far more of them then I expected. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_35 |
That voice... what sinister shadow lurks here? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_36 |
I must destroy this before it goes any further. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_37 |
Shadows should remain where they belong! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_38 |
I can put right one thing, at least. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_39 |
Together, we will rebuild. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_40 |
What have they done?! The bastards...They've burned it all! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_41 |
We've lost everything... I'll make them pay... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_42 |
Cowards! Attacking from above! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_43 |
Death is not revenge enough for what you've done! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_44 |
I'll make them regret not killing me here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_45 |
Geonor must be made to answer for his crimes. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_46 |
What madness is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_47 |
Is nothing sacred anymore? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_48 |
That's him. One of us will not leave this Manor alive. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_49 |
Horrific! They're insane! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_50 |
You are nothing but a tyrant! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_51 |
First Ones, hear me! Feast upon this tyrant's soul! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_52 |
A culture of warriors. Only the toughest survive here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_01 |
I will have to show them what I can do. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_02 |
Up there! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_03 |
An ambush! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_04_A |
Back! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_04_B |
The entire pack! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_04_C |
It is done. I should return to the caravan. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_05 |
They are nomads. Much like my ancestors. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_06 |
What could they need so much metal for? You could outfit an army with a mine of this scale. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_07 |
The miners.... What happened here...? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_08 |
Maybe she knows what's going on. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_09 |
Why have we stopped? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_10 |
Fenumus, protect me from your kin... — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_11 |
I know nothing of these symbols. What secrets lie within? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_12 |
This must be the Traitor's prison. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_13 |
There is nothing just about excessive punishment. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_14 |
A coin? What is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_15 |
Her spirit must lie within. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_16 |
I will answer the call. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_17 |
Let battle be joined. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_18 |
Open the way! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_19 |
These Faridun fight with surprising fury. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_20 |
Destroy the corruption! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_21 |
He has the Beast! I must stop him! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_22 |
Argh. The sand! I must get back to the caravan! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_23 |
This barren place holds an essence of water? Perhaps it is beneath the sands. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_24 |
A snake woman?! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_25 |
The Vastiri Desert is a strange and deadly place. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_26 |
How could the Maraketh abandon something like this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_27 |
Is that... a beetle?! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_28 |
Impressive workmanship. A shame I had to destroy it. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_29 |
It's a trap! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_30 |
Something still remains at the heart of this place. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_31 |
That wound! How is she still alive? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_32 |
I shall grant you mercy. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_33 |
Rest now. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_34 |
How does anyone live in this forsaken wasteland? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_35 |
More foul magics! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_36 |
Now for the necromancer! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_37 |
Now for the bone creature! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_38 |
Join the dead, you so defiled. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_39 |
These tusks are what I seek. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_40 |
I will show them how a true warrior fights. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_41 |
This place is ancient, yet something stirs within... — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_42 |
This valley was not carved by the hands of men. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_43 |
The First Ones cannot help me here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_44 |
What is this place? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_45 |
It's enormous! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_46 |
The bigger they are, the harder they fall. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_47 |
Time to make my escape. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_48 |
Another closed gate? Let's see what the Ardura have to say. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_49 |
That's everything. I must talk to Zarka. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_50 |
Thank you. I am honoured. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_51 |
By Farrul's roar, open the way! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_52 |
Let the pursuit continue. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_53 |
I pray I am not too late. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_54 |
Where is the Beast! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_55 |
Enough tricks! They won't get away this time! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_56 |
My life has been a forge. I am ready for war. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_57 |
I will end this or die fighting! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_58 |
For the First Ones! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_59 |
I can sense it. The Beast is near. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_60 |
Agreed! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_61_A |
Then they shall sing of my victory! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_61_B |
This is not how respect is earned! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_61_C |
You fought well, Faridun. A shame you did it with stolen strength. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_62 |
Asala! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_63 |
We've done it. We've survived. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_64 |
I don't know much of your history. But all I see is a good man. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_65 |
No chance! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_01 |
No chance! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_02 |
No chance! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_03 |
No chance! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_04 |
Weak! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_05 |
Weak! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_06 |
Weak! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_07 |
Weak! — Str4b_BoneShatterStunned_08 |
You'll see! — Str4b_Earthquake_01 |
You'll see! — Str4b_Earthquake_02 |
You'll see! — Str4b_Earthquake_03 |
You'll see! — Str4b_Earthquake_04 |
Just wait! — Str4b_Earthquake_05 |
Just wait! — Str4b_Earthquake_06 |
Just wait! — Str4b_Earthquake_07 |
Just wait! — Str4b_Earthquake_08 |
Crush them! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_01 |
Crush them! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_02 |
Crush them! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_03 |
Crush them! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_04 |
Destruction! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_05 |
Destruction! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_06 |
Destruction! — Str4b_ShockwaveTotem_07 |
Forward! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_01 |
Forward! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_02 |
Forward! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_03 |
Forward! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_04 |
Charge! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_05 |
Charge! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_06 |
Charge! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_07 |
Charge! — Str4b_ShieldCharge_08 |
Out of the way! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_01 |
Out of the way! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_02 |
Out of the way! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_03 |
Out of the way! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_04 |
Move! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_05 |
Move! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_06 |
Move! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_07 |
Move! — Str4b_ShieldChargeKnockdown_08 |
Split the earth! — Str4b_EarthShatter_01 |
Split the earth! — Str4b_EarthShatter_02 |
Split the earth! — Str4b_EarthShatter_03 |
Split the earth! — Str4b_EarthShatter_04 |
Shatter and break! — Str4b_EarthShatter_05 |
Shatter and break! — Str4b_EarthShatter_06 |
Shatter and break! — Str4b_EarthShatter_07 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_01 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_02 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_03 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_04 |
Try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_05 |
Try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_06 |
Just try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_07 |
Just try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_08 |
I'm ready! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_09 |
I'm ready! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_10 |
I'm ready! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_11 |
I'm ready! — Str4b_ShieldDrumBreak_12 |
Enough! — Str4b_LeapSlam_01 |
Enough! — Str4b_LeapSlam_02 |
Enough! — Str4b_LeapSlam_03 |
Enough! — Str4b_LeapSlam_04 |
Come here! — Str4b_LeapSlam_05 |
Come here! — Str4b_LeapSlam_06 |
Come here! — Str4b_LeapSlam_07 |
Come here! — Str4b_LeapSlam_08 |
Earthfires! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_01 |
Earthfires! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_02 |
Earthfires! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_03 |
Earthfires! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_04 |
Great flame! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_05 |
Great flame! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_06 |
Great flame! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_07 |
Great flame! — Str4b_VolcanicFissure_08 |
Aid me! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_01 |
Aid me! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_02 |
Aid me! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_03 |
Aid me! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_04 |
Ancestors! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_05 |
Ancestors! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_06 |
Ancestors! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_07 |
Ancestors! — Str4b_AncestralTotem_08 |
Got you! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_01 |
Got you! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_02 |
Got you! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_03 |
Got you! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_04 |
Nice try! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_05 |
Nice try! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_06 |
Nice try! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_07 |
Nice try! — Str4b_MoltenShellBlock_08 |
— Str4_SavageHit_01 |
— Str4_SavageHit_02 |
— Str4_SavageHit_03 |
— Str4_SavageHit_04 |
— Str4_SavageHit_05 |
— Str4_SavageHit_06 |
A horrific task, but to protect Clearfell, I'd do it again. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_53 |
What...? Who was that? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_54 |
What a strange being... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_55 |
I will gladly honour this request. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_56 |
I will put the Eternals back in their graves. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_57 |
Corruption has twisted these wilds beyond recognition. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_58 |
Rage all you want, beast! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_59 |
I am sorry, Finn. There was no other way. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_60 |
Where is everyone?! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_61 |
You! Bastard! Face me! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_62 |
None will stop me from enacting vengeance. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_63 |
Must stay out of the mist! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_64 |
Your stolen strength won't save you! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_65 |
Corruption can be overcome. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_66 |
I will cleanse every last bit of Ogham. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_67 |
If I remember right, this was the home of Una's family. Could this be hers? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_68 |
It's been many years... did the witch still live here? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_69 |
It seems no one is safe from Corruption. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_70 |
The very Grelwood turns against me! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_71 |
This... this can't go on! — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_72 |
There'll be no passage here... for now. — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_73 |
For a moment, everything felt... alive... — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_74 |
By Fenumus, is that the wandering druid? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_75 |
How many more will I have to kill before this is through? — Str4b_Gameplay_A1_76 |
I should speak to Asala. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_66 |
What have they done to this woman? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_67 |
These statues are older than anything I've ever seen... — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_68 |
I must speak to the Hooded One. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_69 |
Serpent treachery! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_70 |
Did they really need all this to prove their faith? — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_71 |
I will honour your sacrifice. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_72 |
Necromancy! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_73 |
This land of the dead has no end. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_74 |
I'm ready. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_75 |
I will overcome this challenge! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_76 |
This is proof of my strength. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_77 |
I choose my own Way. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_78 |
Nothing will stop me. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_79 |
Strength is all that matters. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_80 |
Must beware of the stinger. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_82 |
My dance with death is over. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_83 |
Now for you! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_84 |
Being outnumbered did not mean I was outmatched. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_85 |
Time to finish this! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_86 |
There is no more left to challenge me here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_87 |
This is a graveyard unlike any other. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_88 |
Get back! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_89 |
The Countess and her puppet King will not leave here alive. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_90 |
It is time for honesty. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_91 |
Slaves? This goes against everything the Ezomytes stand for. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_92 |
How strange. — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_93 |
Get away from me! — Str4b_Gameplay_A2_94 |
From burning sands to steaming bogs. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_01 |
Ugh! Get off! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_02 |
They're swarming! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_03 |
You'll need more than that! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_04 |
Corruption infests even the trees here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_05 |
People? Here? Ah... not quite. Treasure hunters. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_06 |
She's certainly... optimistic. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_07 |
The wisdom of the tribe. Like my clan's songs. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_08 |
There's the cynic this group needs for survival. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_09 |
Somehow, this feels hotter than the desert. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_10 |
The trees are alive with danger. I should take care. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_11 |
Damn this jungle! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_12 |
That creature... it's all muscle! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_13 |
What strength! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_14 |
You were a magnificent creature. Go with the First Ones. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_15 |
I should step carefully here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_16 |
What's happened here? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_17 |
Alva should know what to do with this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_18 |
Bright colours usually signal danger... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_19 |
Ugh, I knew it! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_20 |
The Vaal built their structures well, if it's survived all this time. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_21 |
These statues make me wary. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_22 |
It's alive! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_23 |
I should ask Alva about this altar. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_24 |
This must be what the altar needs. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_25 |
Deeper, and darker... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_26 |
Another one of these things? I should keep this, just in case. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_27 |
Is this Soul Core... sweating? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_28 |
This needs another Soul Core. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_29 |
I need another Soul Core for this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_30 |
This seems like something Alva would know about. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_32 |
I should find a larger Soul Core for this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_33 |
This should fit in the generator. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_34 |
What is this size of Soul Core for? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_35 |
Is it supposed to spark like that? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_36 |
Back to the central chamber... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_37 |
I have a bad feeling about this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_38 |
The Vaal jealously guard their secrets. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_39 |
Finally. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_40 |
Are those the Carver? Servi was right. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_41 |
It still works! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_42 |
Craiceann, relinquish your waters! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_43 |
Now the true search can begin. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_44 |
This place stinks of death. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_45 |
I have come to end you, witch! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_46 |
Stand still! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_47 |
Your captured souls will suffer no longer! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_48 |
A disgusting weapon. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_49 |
Honour demanded the deed be done. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_50 |
Creatures crawl behind every stone. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_51 |
I suppose... I could look for treasure while I'm here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_52 |
Let's see what happens. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_54 |
I recognise the sound of a smithing hammer. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_55 |
It's safe to say he's seen me. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_56 |
If Oswald wants this gold, I'd better get rid of {him.} — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_57 |
Mad creature! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_58 |
Ahh, so, you need the heat! Hahaha! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_59 |
Move! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_60 |
You won't catch me off guard! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_61 |
The better smith wins. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_62 |
I will put this hammer to good use. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_63 |
Every step is more disgusting than the last. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_64 |
Songs outlast statues. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_65 |
I'd sooner take your head! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_66 |
Ugh... that was one fight... I won't tell tales of. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_67 |
This looks like exactly what I need. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_70 |
Don't ask where I found it... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_71 |
How is there light within this ancient ruin? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_72 |
Agh, ancient fire! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_73 |
What incredible and terrifying wonders... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_74 |
Not a chance! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_75 |
I will endure your flame! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_76 |
I do not fear the fire. It is mine to shape. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_77 |
It's rising! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_78 |
What new wonder is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_79 |
Father will never believe this... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_80 |
The city as it was. Do they know their fate? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_81 |
Corruption beats within this heart. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_82 |
There'll be no talking our way past this. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_83 |
As expected! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_84 |
That was no death. What {was} that? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_85 |
So this is the woman that will end this Empire. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_86 |
These people are already doomed. I will kill whoever I must. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_87 |
Ugh, a place of savagery. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_88 |
Heh. There is power in brutality. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_89 |
So, this is Doryani. How... arrogant. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_90 |
Vaal cleverness no longer surprises me. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_91 |
Easier said than done, thaumaturge. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_92 |
I'm not here for {you,} fool! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_93 |
Yes, face me with your true might! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_95 |
Enough! This is over! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_96 |
I don't trust you, but you do have my respect. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_97 |
I can handle any challenge. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_98 |
The Vaal do love their mechanisms. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_99 |
Farrul, lend me your might! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_100 |
Nothing can stand against those graced by the First Ones. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_101 |
Saqawal, lend me your strength! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_102 |
The skies belong to the First Ones. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_103 |
Fenumus, lend me your venom! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_104 |
You never stood a chance, creature. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_105 |
As it should be. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_106 |
I have passed your tests. This is over. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_107 |
I will carry the wisdom of the Vaal. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_108 |
A tragic fate. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_109 |
They're under attack! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_110 |
They're lucky I was here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_111 |
I can't save everyone. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_112 |
They shouldn't have been out here unprepared. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_113 |
Of course. I would have done the same for anyone. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_114 |
They need assistance! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_115 |
No deaths... this time. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_116 |
If only I'd been sooner... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_117 |
Why were they out here like this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_118 |
Go with the First Ones. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_119 |
What manner of nest is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_121 |
Disgusting! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_122 |
These plants are deadly... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_123 |
This isn't the same fungus from back home... is it? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_124 |
This is... curious... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_125 |
Ahh... so this is why the treasure hunters do it! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_126 |
This needs power. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_127 |
This altar... it's active... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_128 |
I'm... not sure what I expected. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_129 |
Sickening rituals. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_130 |
The children... they whisper... they cry for help... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_131 |
Ambush! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_132 |
Greatwolf, take my senses! The smell! — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_133 |
My head feels strange down here... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_134 |
I'm going to kill every last creature down here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_135 |
This mushroom is different. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_136 |
Something curious about this one... — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_137 |
That's three. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_138 |
What is she cooking there? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_139 |
Oh. She just needs mushrooms. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_140 |
I need to find more ingredients. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_141 |
Here are the mushrooms you seek. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_142 |
This is certainly unexpected. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_143 |
This might allow me to cross the molten gold. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_144 |
That works. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_145 |
I should bring this to Oswald. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_146 |
I wonder what this is worth? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_147 |
Another interesting artefact. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_148 |
Hmm, this one must be worth something, too. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_149 |
What is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_150 |
These pieces... they connect... but something's missing. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_151 |
The puzzle is solved. But what is it for? — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_152 |
Hah. A leader must live here. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_153 |
This is wrong. Very wrong. — Str4b_Gameplay_A3_155 |
At least we know this Ziggurat survives. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_01 |
I take it that wasn't a nightmare... — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_02 |
A man should not know his own fate. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_03 |
With allies like these, who needs enemies? — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_04 |
These invaders will not find an easy conquest. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_05 |
Wraeclast is protected. Tell your master. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_06 |
Finally, you show yourself! — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_07 |
Let this be a message to your kind. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_08 |
Strange energies surround this... — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_09 |
Voices... barely heard... — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_10 |
I do not scare easily. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_11 |
I put my faith in the First Ones. Not luck. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_12 |
Courage takes many forms. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_13 |
We must share songs when the opportunity arises. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_14 |
That's the cynicism of a veteran. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_15 |
Now I see why the need a warrior! — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_17 |
I will finish this, or die trying. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_18 |
Hopefully... this makes a difference. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_19 |
These woods crawl. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_20 |
There is nowhere I will not brave. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_21 |
Unstable ground won't stop me. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_22 |
Feels like the heat of the forge. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_23 |
Onward without hesitation. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_24 |
I must keep my guard up, even here. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_25 |
I've had enough of places like this. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_26 |
Like the Red Vale back home... — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_27 |
Deceptive beauty. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_28 |
Simple stone will not stop me. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_29 |
Better death than imprisonment. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_30 |
Who built this place? — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_31 |
This is my kind of place. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_32 |
More swamps. More trudging. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_33 |
What kind of temple is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_34 |
Enemies abound in this place. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_35 |
What shaped the land like this? — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_36 |
It's not as hot here as it should be. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_37 |
I shall endure. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_38 |
A cursed forest. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_39 |
This is no river I know. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_40 |
The very air is poison. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_41 |
A dangerous climb lies ahead. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_42 |
Unknown shores make for dangerous travels. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_43 |
The wind brings death. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_44 |
This is like no forest I've seen. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_45 |
There is beauty to be found in this deadly land. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_46 |
The earth boils from beneath. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_47 |
It has not rained here for many months. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_48 |
A forgotten space under the earth. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_49 |
The dead reign here. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_50 |
This vast wound in the land may never heal. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_51 |
The living do not belong here. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_52 |
What is this? — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_53 |
Interesting. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_54 |
That's new. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_55 |
That's intriguing. — Str4b_Gameplay_Endgame_56 |
I wanted very little for myself. A forge, a bed. They took all that away when they burned down my home. Give me one good hammer, and they will find out that there is nothing more dangerous than a man of peace roused to war! — Str4b_Intro_SalesPitch_01_01 |
I feel... different. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_01_01 |
I feel... different. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_01_02 |
I feel... different. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_01_03 |
I feel... different. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_01_04 |
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_02_01 |
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_02_02 |
I'll make use of this gift. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_03_01 |
I'll make use of this gift. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_03_02 |
I'll make use of this gift. — Str4b_BossQuestItem_03_03 |
I need more time! — Str4b_Cooldown_01_01 |
I need more time! — Str4b_Cooldown_01_02 |
I need more time! — Str4b_Cooldown_01_03 |
I'm not ready! — Str4b_Cooldown_02_01 |
I'm not ready! — Str4b_Cooldown_02_02 |
I'm not ready! — Str4b_Cooldown_02_03 |
I can't yet! — Str4b_Cooldown_03_01 |
I can't yet! — Str4b_Cooldown_03_02 |
I can't yet! — Str4b_Cooldown_03_03 |
I need more time. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_01_01 |
I need more time. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_01_02 |
I need more time. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_01_03 |
I'm not ready. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_02_01 |
I'm not ready. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_02_02 |
I'm not ready. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_02_03 |
I can't yet. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_03_01 |
I can't yet. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_03_02 |
I can't yet. — Str4b_CooldownNoCombat_03_03 |
It's empty! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_01_01 |
It's empty! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_01_02 |
It's empty! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_01_03 |
None left! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_02_01 |
None left! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_02_02 |
None left! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_02_03 |
None left! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_02_04 |
It's dry! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_03_01 |
It's dry! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_03_02 |
It's dry! — Str4b_EmptyFlaskCombat_03_03 |
None left. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_01_01 |
None left. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_01_02 |
None left. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_01_03 |
It's empty. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_02_01 |
It's empty. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_02_02 |
It's dry. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_03_01 |
It's dry. — Str4b_EmptyFlaskNoCombat_03_02 |
Soulless one! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_01_01 |
Soulless one! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_01_02 |
Soulless one! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_01_03 |
Good riddance! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_02_01 |
Good riddance! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_02_02 |
Good riddance! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_02_03 |
Meet your maker! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_03_01 |
Meet your maker! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_03_02 |
Meet your maker! — Str4b_EngageAutomaton_03_03 |
Foul beast! — Str4b_EngageBeast_01_01 |
Foul beast! — Str4b_EngageBeast_01_02 |
Foul beast! — Str4b_EngageBeast_01_03 |
Foul beast! — Str4b_EngageBeast_01_04 |
Foul beast! — Str4b_EngageBeast_01_05 |
Become dirt! — Str4b_EngageBeast_02_01 |
Become dirt! — Str4b_EngageBeast_02_02 |
Become dirt! — Str4b_EngageBeast_02_03 |
Become dirt! — Str4b_EngageBeast_02_04 |
Puny! — Str4b_EngageBug_01_01 |
Puny! — Str4b_EngageBug_01_02 |
Puny! — Str4b_EngageBug_01_03 |
Puny! — Str4b_EngageBug_01_04 |
Insect! — Str4b_EngageBug_02_01 |
Insect! — Str4b_EngageBug_02_02 |
Insect! — Str4b_EngageBug_02_03 |
Cretin! — Str4b_EngageBug_03_01 |
Cretin! — Str4b_EngageBug_03_02 |
Cretin! — Str4b_EngageBug_03_03 |
Magick fiend! — Str4b_EngageElemental_01_01 |
Magick fiend! — Str4b_EngageElemental_01_02 |
Magick fiend! — Str4b_EngageElemental_01_03 |
Cursed one! — Str4b_EngageElemental_02_01 |
Cursed one! — Str4b_EngageElemental_02_02 |
Cursed one! — Str4b_EngageElemental_02_03 |
Disappear! — Str4b_EngageElemental_03_01 |
Disappear! — Str4b_EngageElemental_03_02 |
Disappear! — Str4b_EngageElemental_03_03 |
Weakling! — Str4b_EngageHuman_01_01 |
Weakling! — Str4b_EngageHuman_01_02 |
Weakling! — Str4b_EngageHuman_01_03 |
You shall fall! — Str4b_EngageHuman_02_01 |
You shall fall! — Str4b_EngageHuman_02_02 |
You shall fall! — Str4b_EngageHuman_02_03 |
Back down! — Str4b_EngageHuman_03_01 |
Back down! — Str4b_EngageHuman_03_02 |
Back down! — Str4b_EngageHuman_03_03 |
Back down! — Str4b_EngageHuman_03_04 |
Monstrous fiend! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_01_01 |
Monstrous fiend! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_01_02 |
Monstrous fiend! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_01_03 |
Gruesome creature! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_02_01 |
Gruesome creature! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_02_02 |
Gruesome creature! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_02_03 |
Gruesome creature! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_03_01 |
Wretch! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_03_02 |
Wretch! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_03_03 |
Wretch! — Str4b_EngageMonstrosity_03_04 |
Frail! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_01_01 |
Frail! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_01_02 |
Frail! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_01_03 |
You'll break! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_02_01 |
You'll break! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_02_02 |
You'll break! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_02_03 |
Crumble! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_03_01 |
Crumble! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_03_02 |
Crumble! — Str4b_EngageSkeleton_03_03 |
Return to death! — Str4b_EngageUndead_01_01 |
Return to death! — Str4b_EngageUndead_01_02 |
Return to death! — Str4b_EngageUndead_01_03 |
Pitiful! — Str4b_EngageUndead_02_01 |
Pitiful! — Str4b_EngageUndead_02_02 |
Pitiful! — Str4b_EngageUndead_02_03 |
Pitiful! — Str4b_EngageUndead_02_04 |
Rejoin the earth! — Str4b_EngageUndead_03_01 |
Rejoin the earth! — Str4b_EngageUndead_03_02 |
Rejoin the earth! — Str4b_EngageUndead_03_03 |
Rejoin the earth! — Str4b_EngageUndead_03_04 |
I don't think so! — Str4b_EngageVaal_01_01 |
I don't think so! — Str4b_EngageVaal_01_02 |
Science won't save you! — Str4b_EngageVaal_02_01 |
Science won't save you! — Str4b_EngageVaal_02_02 |
Science won't save you! — Str4b_EngageVaal_02_03 |
Maniac! — Str4b_EngageVaal_03_01 |
Maniac! — Str4b_EngageVaal_03_02 |
Maniac! — Str4b_EngageVaal_03_03 |
I've no more room. — Str4b_InventoryFull_01_01 |
I've no more room. — Str4b_InventoryFull_01_02 |
I've no more room. — Str4b_InventoryFull_01_03 |
I've nowhere to keep that. — Str4b_InventoryFull_02_01 |
I've nowhere to keep that. — Str4b_InventoryFull_02_02 |
I've nowhere to keep that. — Str4b_InventoryFull_02_03 |
I've nowhere to keep that. — Str4b_InventoryFull_02_04 |
My satchel is full. — Str4b_InventoryFull_03_02 |
My satchel is full. — Str4b_InventoryFull_03_03 |
My satchel is full. — Str4b_InventoryFull_03_04 |
Tempered by victory! — Str4b_LevelUp_01 |
Forged by flame! — Str4b_LevelUp_02 |
My strength grows! — Str4b_LevelUp_03 |
My story continues. — Str4b_LevelUp_04 |
Stronger with every strike. — Str4b_LevelUp15_01 |
I have no limitations. — Str4b_LevelUp20_01 |
I shape my own fate. — Str4b_LevelUp30_01 |
By my father's honour. — Str4b_LevelUp40_01 |
I'm becoming the weapon I was born to craft. — Str4b_LevelUp50_01 |
Warriors heart, iron hands. — Str4b_LevelUp60_01 |
Dedication brings reward. — Str4b_LevelUp70_01 |
Steel and strength. — Str4b_LevelUp80_01 |
Might and glory. — Str4b_LevelUp90_01 |
I have conquered this world! — Str4b_LevelUp100_01 |
I run with the First Ones! — Str4b_LevelUp100_02 |
I have perfected the craft! — Str4b_LevelUp100_03 |
I'm not nimble enough. — Str4b_LowDexterity_01_01 |
I'm not nimble enough. — Str4b_LowDexterity_01_02 |
I'm not nimble enough. — Str4b_LowDexterity_01_03 |
I hit hard, not fast. — Str4b_LowDexterity_02_01 |
I hit hard, not fast. — Str4b_LowDexterity_02_02 |
I hit hard, not fast. — Str4b_LowDexterity_02_03 |
Speed isn't in my toolset. — Str4b_LowDexterity_03_01 |
Speed isn't in my toolset. — Str4b_LowDexterity_03_02 |
Speed isn't in my toolset. — Str4b_LowDexterity_03_03 |
This is beyond my understanding. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_01_01 |
This is beyond my understanding. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_01_02 |
This is beyond my understanding. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_01_03 |
I'm a simple man, but I can improve. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_02_01 |
I'm a simple man, but I can improve. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_02_02 |
I'm a simple man, but I can improve. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_02_03 |
I should seek further knowledge. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_03_01 |
I should seek further knowledge. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_03_02 |
I should seek further knowledge. — Str4b_LowIntelligence_03_03 |
I am not strong enough. — Str4b_LowStrength_01_01 |
I am not strong enough. — Str4b_LowStrength_01_02 |
I am not strong enough. — Str4b_LowStrength_01_03 |
I am not strong enough. — Str4b_LowStrength_01_04 |
I need to be stronger. — Str4b_LowStrength_02_01 |
I need to be stronger. — Str4b_LowStrength_02_02 |
I need to be stronger. — Str4b_LowStrength_02_03 |
I must train harder. — Str4b_LowStrength_03_01 |
I must train harder. — Str4b_LowStrength_03_02 |
I must train harder. — Str4b_LowStrength_03_03 |
By the First Ones! Is that what I think it is? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_01_01 |
By the First Ones! Is that what I think it is? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_01_02 |
By the First Ones! Is that what I think it is? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_01_03 |
By the First Ones! Is that what I think it is? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_01_04 |
Do my eyes deceive me? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_02_01 |
Do my eyes deceive me? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_02_02 |
Do my eyes deceive me? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_02_03 |
Do my eyes deceive me? — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_02_04 |
That... Is something to behold. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_03_01 |
That... Is something to behold. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_03_02 |
That... Is something to behold. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_03_03 |
I can't even imagine what that is worth. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_04_01 |
I can't even imagine what that is worth. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_04_02 |
I can't even imagine what that is worth. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_04_03 |
I can't even imagine what that is worth. — Str4b_MirrorCurrency_04_04 |
No mana! — Str4b_NoMana_01_01 |
No mana! — Str4b_NoMana_01_02 |
No mana! — Str4b_NoMana_01_03 |
No mana! — Str4b_NoMana_01_04 |
No mana! — Str4b_NoMana_01_05 |
Need mana! — Str4b_NoMana_02_01 |
Need mana! — Str4b_NoMana_02_02 |
Need mana! — Str4b_NoMana_02_03 |
Out of mana! — Str4b_NoMana_03_01 |
Out of mana! — Str4b_NoMana_03_02 |
Out of mana! — Str4b_NoMana_03_03 |
Out of mana! — Str4b_NoMana_03_04 |
No mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_01_01 |
No mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_01_02 |
No mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_01_03 |
Need mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_02_01 |
Need mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_02_02 |
Need mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_02_03 |
Out of mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_03_01 |
Out of mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_03_02 |
Out of mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_03_03 |
Out of mana. — Str4b_NoManaNoCombat_03_04 |
My spirit is spent! — Str4b_NoSpirit_01_01 |
My spirit is spent! — Str4b_NoSpirit_01_02 |
My spirit is spent! — Str4b_NoSpirit_01_03 |
Out of spirit! — Str4b_NoSpirit_02_01 |
Out of spirit! — Str4b_NoSpirit_02_02 |
Out of spirit! — Str4b_NoSpirit_02_03 |
Need spirit. — Str4b_NoSpirit_03_01 |
Need spirit. — Str4b_NoSpirit_03_02 |
Need spirit. — Str4b_NoSpirit_03_03 |
My spirit is spent. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_01 |
My spirit is spent. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_02 |
My spirit is spent. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_03 |
Out of spirit. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_01 |
Out of spirit. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_02 |
Out of spirit. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_03 |
Need spirit. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_03_02 |
Need spirit. — Str4b_NoSpiritNoCombat_03_03 |
Iron sharpens Iron. — Str4b_NotableTaken_01_01 |
Iron sharpens Iron. — Str4b_NotableTaken_01_02 |
Iron sharpens Iron. — Str4b_NotableTaken_01_03 |
Inspiring. — Str4b_NotableTaken_02_01 |
Inspiring. — Str4b_NotableTaken_02_02 |
Inspiring. — Str4b_NotableTaken_02_03 |
I am empowered. — Str4b_NotableTaken_03_01 |
I am empowered. — Str4b_NotableTaken_03_02 |
I am empowered. — Str4b_NotableTaken_03_03 |
Knowledge is power. — Str4b_NotableTaken_04_02 |
Knowledge is power. — Str4b_NotableTaken_04_03 |
Knowledge is power. — Str4b_NotableTaken_04_04 |
I think I'll have a use for this. Later. — Str4b_QuestItem_01_01 |
I think I'll have a use for this. Later. — Str4b_QuestItem_01_02 |
I think I'll have a use for this. Later. — Str4b_QuestItem_01_03 |
I think I'll have a use for this. Later. — Str4b_QuestItem_01_04 |
Better hold on to this. — Str4b_QuestItem_02_01 |
Better hold on to this. — Str4b_QuestItem_02_02 |
Better hold on to this. — Str4b_QuestItem_02_03 |
Better hold on to this. — Str4b_QuestItem_02_04 |
I ought to keep this safe somehow. — Str4b_QuestItem_03_01 |
I ought to keep this safe somehow. — Str4b_QuestItem_03_02 |
I ought to keep this safe somehow. — Str4b_QuestItem_03_03 |
I ought to keep this safe somehow. — Str4b_QuestItem_03_04 |
In the right hands, this could forge something truly exceptional. — Str4b_RareCurrency_01_01 |
In the right hands, this could forge something truly exceptional. — Str4b_RareCurrency_01_02 |
In the right hands, this could forge something truly exceptional. — Str4b_RareCurrency_01_03 |
Fortune favors me. — Str4b_RareCurrency_02_01 |
Fortune favors me. — Str4b_RareCurrency_02_02 |
Fortune favors me. — Str4b_RareCurrency_02_03 |
Fortune favors me. — Str4b_RareCurrency_02_04 |
A rarity and all mine. — Str4b_RareCurrency_03_01 |
A rarity and all mine. — Str4b_RareCurrency_03_02 |
A rarity and all mine. — Str4b_RareCurrency_03_03 |
A rarity and all mine. — Str4b_RareCurrency_03_04 |
I've changed my mind. — Str4b_RespecTree_01_01 |
I've changed my mind. — Str4b_RespecTree_01_02 |
I've changed my mind. — Str4b_RespecTree_01_03 |
I've changed my mind. — Str4b_RespecTree_01_04 |
Nothing is set in stone. — Str4b_RespecTree_02_01 |
Nothing is set in stone. — Str4b_RespecTree_02_02 |
Nothing is set in stone. — Str4b_RespecTree_02_03 |
Nothing is set in stone. — Str4b_RespecTree_02_04 |
Back to the forge with this one. — Str4b_RespecTree_03_03 |
I have a different plan. — Str4b_RespecTree_04_01 |
I have a different plan. — Str4b_RespecTree_04_02 |
I have a different plan. — Str4b_RespecTree_04_03 |
I have a different plan. — Str4b_RespecTree_04_04 |
This is not the place for violence. — Str4b_TownCombat_01_01 |
This is not the place for violence. — Str4b_TownCombat_01_02 |
This is not the place for violence. — Str4b_TownCombat_01_03 |
Better keep my strength in check. — Str4b_TownCombat_02_01 |
Better keep my strength in check. — Str4b_TownCombat_02_02 |
Better keep my strength in check. — Str4b_TownCombat_02_03 |
I think I'll wait for a fight first. — Str4b_TownCombat_03_01 |
I think I'll wait for a fight first. — Str4b_TownCombat_03_02 |
I think I'll wait for a fight first. — Str4b_TownCombat_03_03 |
Don't want to start a fight. — Str4b_TownCombat_04_01 |
Don't want to start a fight. — Str4b_TownCombat_04_02 |
Don't want to start a fight. — Str4b_TownCombat_04_03 |
Don't want to start a fight. — Str4b_TownCombat_04_04 |
Refreshing. — Str4b_TownWell_01_01 |
Refreshing. — Str4b_TownWell_01_02 |
Refreshing. — Str4b_TownWell_01_03 |
Replenished. — Str4b_TownWell_02_01 |
Replenished. — Str4b_TownWell_02_02 |
Replenished. — Str4b_TownWell_02_03 |
Ah, now I'm ready. — Str4b_TownWell_03_01 |
Ah, now I'm ready. — Str4b_TownWell_03_02 |
Ah, now I'm ready. — Str4b_TownWell_03_03 |
Thirst quenched. — Str4b_TownWell_04_01 |
Thirst quenched. — Str4b_TownWell_04_02 |
Thirst quenched. — Str4b_TownWell_04_03 |
Thirst quenched. — Str4b_TownWell_04_04 |
The craftsmanship! It's... exceptional. — Str4b_UniqueItem_01_02 |
The craftsmanship! It's... exceptional. — Str4b_UniqueItem_01_03 |
The craftsmanship! It's... exceptional. — Str4b_UniqueItem_01_04 |
This was made by a skilled artisan. — Str4b_UniqueItem_02_01 |
This was made by a skilled artisan. — Str4b_UniqueItem_02_02 |
This was made by a skilled artisan. — Str4b_UniqueItem_02_03 |
This was made by a skilled artisan. — Str4b_UniqueItem_02_04 |
This piece has an iconic history. — Str4b_UniqueItem_03_01 |
This piece has an iconic history. — Str4b_UniqueItem_03_02 |
This piece has an iconic history. — Str4b_UniqueItem_03_03 |
Shatter! — Str4b_BoneShatter_01_01 |
Shatter! — Str4b_BoneShatter_01_02 |
Shatter! — Str4b_BoneShatter_01_03 |
Shatter! — Str4b_BoneShatter_01_04 |
Break! — Str4b_BoneShatter_02_01 |
Break! — Str4b_BoneShatter_02_02 |
Break! — Str4b_BoneShatter_02_03 |
Hammer of the Gods! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_01_01 |
Hammer of the Gods! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_01_02 |
Hammer of the Gods! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_01_03 |
A gift from my Ancestors! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_02_01 |
A gift from my Ancestors! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_02_02 |
A gift from my Ancestors! — Str4b_HammerOfTheGods_02_03 |
Molten rock! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_01_01 |
Molten rock! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_01_02 |
Molten rock! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_01_03 |
From the earth! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_02_01 |
From the earth! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_02_02 |
From the earth! — Str4b_MoltenBlast_02_03 |
Ugh! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_01_01 |
Ugh! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_01_02 |
Ugh! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_01_03 |
Ugh, missed! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_02_01 |
Ugh, missed! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_02_02 |
Ugh, missed! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeFail_02_03 |
Burn! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_01_01 |
Burn! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_01_02 |
Burn! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_01_03 |
Take that! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_02_01 |
Take that! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_02_02 |
Take that! — Str4b_PerfectStrikeSuccess_02_03 |
Steel oneself. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_01_01 |
Steel oneself. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_01_02 |
Steel oneself. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_01_03 |
Steel oneself. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_01_04 |
Become one with the forge. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_02_01 |
Become one with the forge. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_02_02 |
Become one with the forge. — Str4b_ScavengedPlating_02_03 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_01_01 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_01_02 |
Come get me! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_01_03 |
Just try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_02_01 |
Just try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_02_02 |
Just try it! — Str4b_ShieldDrum_02_03 |
Big mistake! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_01_01 |
Big mistake! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_01_02 |
Big mistake! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_01_03 |
Ha ha! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_02_01 |
Ha ha! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_02_02 |
Ha ha! — Str4b_ShieldingCryWave_02_03 |
None shall pass! — Str4b_ShieldWall_01_01 |
None shall pass! — Str4b_ShieldWall_01_02 |
None shall pass! — Str4b_ShieldWall_01_03 |
Protection! — Str4b_ShieldWall_02_01 |
Protection! — Str4b_ShieldWall_02_02 |
Protection! — Str4b_ShieldWall_02_03 |
Inferno! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_01_01 |
Inferno! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_01_02 |
Inferno! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_01_03 |
Inferno! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_01_04 |
Fury and flame! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_02_01 |
Fury and flame! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_02_02 |
Fury and flame! — Str4b_SpinningInferno_02_03 |
You won't escape! — Str4b_Stampede_02_01 |
You won't escape! — Str4b_Stampede_02_02 |
You won't escape! — Str4b_Stampede_02_03 |
You won't escape! — Str4b_Stampede_02_04 |
Clearfell could be in danger. I'd best hurry. — Str4b_Gameplay_ZombieIntro_01 |