[DNT] Doryani
master damage +% final vs unique monsters [-85]
Spectre | N |
Tags | 1HSword_onhit_audio, human, humanoid, medium_movement, red_blood |
Energy Shield From Life

Critical Hits Chance
Critical Damage Bonus
Attack Distance
6 ~ 12
1.005 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
Minion Life
Minion Energy Shield
Minion Damage
Minion Armour
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
攻击, 范围攻击, 技能可幻影射手, 投射物, 近战单一目标, 攻击可重复, 近战, 玩家投射物
Base Damage: 597–895
暴击几率: 5%
攻击间隔: 1.005 秒
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [100]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/NPC/NPCMonsterBase" Animated { animated_object = "Metadata/Monsters/Doryani/DoryaniInThePast/DoryaniInThePast.ao" } Stats { base_cannot_be_damaged = 1 } ControlZone {}
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/NPC/NPCMonsterBase" Render { has_light = true } Targetable { attackable = false targetable = false force_targetable = true }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/NPC/DoryaniBeachhead"] = { name = "[DNT] Doryani", life = 4, energyShield = 0.08, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 0, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 3.2, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 1.005, attackRange = 12, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "One Hand Sword", skillList = { "MeleeAtAnimationSpeedUnique", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MeleeAtAnimationSpeedUnique"] = { name = "Basic Attack", hidden = true, color = , baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "monster_penalty_against_minions_damage_+%_final_vs_player_minions", "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "use_scaled_contact_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {100, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
master damage +% final vs unique monsters [-85]
Id | MasterDamageFinalVsUniqueMonsters |
Family | MasterDamageFinalVsUniqueMonsters |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 传奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | damage |
Id | MonsterAlwaysHits |
Family | AlwaysHits |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 传奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
多里亚尼 Topic /7
NPC | 名字 |
阿尔瓦 | By their final days, the Vaal were a deeply tiered empire based on brutal competition. Those at the top vied with each other through any means necessary, and Doryani was the foremost among these ambitious and amoral men. |
阿尔瓦 | That man is a mystery. Though it appears he is on your side for now, you mustn't forget who he is and all he has done... There is something eerily cold and calculating about him. |
阿尔瓦 | It's a good thing we resolved our differences when we did. Without Doryani, we'd have died out there. I saw... the sky... the people... they were... well... |
Ketzuli, Architect of Time | Doryani is the greatest hero of our era. The brightest mind our civilisation ever produced. Had he more time, he could have extended our reach across the entire world. Perhaps farther. The stars themselves would not have been beyond our grasp. |
多里亚尼的试作甲 | "This was the first step in some grand design, lost to the ages, now ours to decipher." - Dominus, High Templar |
梦语之痕 | 多里亚尼误闯狂乱之境, 狂乱帝国之王因其苏醒。 |
重击之锤 | "富贵总是险中求, 但财货乃身外之物,哪会问去留。" - 瓦尔族多里亚尼 |
Doryani FlavourText /232
name | flavour |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A3_93 CharacterTextAudio | Hmm, Doryani... I've heard that name somewhere. |
Str4b_Gameplay_A3_90 CharacterTextAudio | So, this is Doryani. How... arrogant. |
Doryani, Royal Thaumaturge MapPins | ...he would likely be in the depths of the Black Chambers... |
Doryani, Royal Thaumaturge MapPins | ...we'll see how this strange new alliance goes... |
TrialmasterGossipDoryani NPCTextAudio | 我也曾是个凡人,所以我也知道曾经作为凡人的我对某些事情有什么感觉。那个人痛恨多里亚尼,因为他让这个世界上最伟大的文明陨落。索性现在的我不会再被这些东西拖累。由于混沌之神的恩赐,我现在明白一切皆有可能发生。甚至现在,我都同时在测试另一个刚被冲上瓦尔克拉斯的幸存者有没有本事。而对她来说,你不存在。因此你的所有成就都毫无意义,被多里亚尼毁掉的同样没有意义。 |
CadiroOnDoryanisFist NPCTextAudio | 多里亚尼之拳,唔?这件武器似乎自己能在历史中开出一条路来…… |
CadiroOnDoryanisDelusion NPCTextAudio | 一讲起多里亚尼,伊席厄斯可有话要说。多里亚尼冷酷无情,工于算计,他唯一的愿望就是拯救他的人民……永生永世。这句话有何深意,你就自己琢磨吧。可惜,我们没能掘出乌扎尔。 |
Mentor_G3_On_Doryani_Return NPCTextAudio | Returning with Doryani was an inspired move. As the foremost expert on the Beast that ever lived, he is exactly the man we need. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Device NPCTextAudio | It's hard to guess what the device inside the Temple might be. I do know that it was commissioned by Queen Atziri's Thaumaturge, Doryani himself. The project was given all the resources it needed, and the work was kept secret, even from Atziri. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Doryani_Present NPCTextAudio | By their final days, the Vaal were a deeply tiered empire based on brutal competition. Those at the top vied with each other through any means necessary, and Doryani was the foremost among these ambitious and amoral men. |
Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationOne NPCTextAudio | It's been a lot longer than that. |
Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationTwo NPCTextAudio | It's been nearly two thousand years since the Cataclysm. |
Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationThree NPCTextAudio | History recorded the number of survivors who made it to the Azmeri in the mountains... three thousand, one hundred, and twenty-six. |
Alva_G3_Doryani_ConversationFour NPCTextAudio | Release me, and we can talk about this. We'll figure something out. |
Alva_G3_Sanctum_four NPCTextAudio | You really need to speak with Doryani. I think you both want the same thing: to prevent a Cataclysm. |
Alva_G3_MidFightDoryani NPCTextAudio | You {know} why we're here! It happened! It cannot be stopped! |
Alva_G3_End_of_Act_Chat NPCTextAudio | Well... That was quite the adventure. I'll take you to Kingsmarch so you can charter a ship and search for the weapon that Doryani spoke of. We can leave whenever you're ready, just let me know. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Doryani_Past NPCTextAudio | That man is a mystery. Though it appears he is on your side for now, you mustn't forget who he is and all he has done... There is something eerily cold and calculating about him. |
Alva_G3_Gossip_Doryani NPCTextAudio | History says Doryani disappeared just before the Cataclysm. Now we know why—he came with us to the present. It seems the choice has already been made. |
Alva_G3_Endgame_Go_To_Ziggurat NPCTextAudio | [DNT] Good work on capturing Doryani. Let's meet up inside The Ziggurat Refuge at the base of this encampment. |
UpperMachinariumGlyph01Text NPCTextAudio | Seventy-four shipments of Soul Cores in the span of three moons. Seventy-four shipments... and it still won't be enough, if our fears become realized. We have put our lives on the line because Doryani asked us to do so. I accept this and... I am not a traitor to the Queen, but, sometimes, loyalty requires protecting her from her own mistakes. We need more time. We just need more time! |
Oswald_G3_End_of_Act_Commentary NPCTextAudio | I can't pretend to guess the consequences of what you've done here. I'm not one to give lectures. If you think it's the best course of action, I can only hope that you are right. |
ServiOnDoryaniAndFarewell NPCTextAudio | You bring someone we only talk 'bout in our darkest tale. That man is not just a myth - him a monster from the shadows of the past. His arrogance helped crack the world. And now you bring him here, to us, and expect him to help you? You would doom us all. |
ViperNapuatzi_Emerge NPCTextAudio | Bring her to Doryani! As for you, I will pay back every drop of Vaal Blood you have spilled. |
DoryaniPastPostFight NPCTextAudio | Stop! Stop... I can contain The Beast...! |
DoryaniPastDefeatedOne NPCTextAudio | If only I had more time... |
DoryaniPastDefeatedTwo NPCTextAudio | I suppose I must... It is too late for us here. This era is over. I pleaded with Atziri for her patience... but she would not abide me. She will attempt her communion with the Beast, and utter devastation will ravage our people. |
DoryaniPresentUtzaalReaction NPCTextAudio | Utzaal... my people... they're all long dead. It is one thing to hear it, but... another to see it. This city is nothing but a grave. |
DoryaniPresentOnUtzaal NPCTextAudio | I gathered the greatest minds of our era in one place. We embarked on journeys of discovery that mankind could never before conceive. No ethical bounds. No moral limits! |
DoryaniPresentOnBeast NPCTextAudio | Study of the Beast was my life's work, and the work of many Vaal scientists before me. Despite its danger, I still consider it a thing of beauty. A work of genius. It is capable of changing something fundamental about the nature of our existence. |
DoryaniCataclysmFirstTalk NPCTextAudio | Now then. it is time we departed. Activate the portal, and we will see about the - |
DoryaniGodVoiceStopIntruderMale NPCTextAudio | The intruder is {here?} What of Napuatzi...? I see. No mercy then! Kill him on sight! |
DoryaniGodVoiceStopIntruderFemale NPCTextAudio | The intruder is {here?} What of Napuatzi...? I see. No mercy then! Kill her on sight! |
DoryaniGodVoiceCeaseAssault NPCTextAudio | Fool! There's no time for this! Atziri will soon commune with the Beast! Cease your assault! |
DoryaniGodVoiceStopAtOnce NPCTextAudio | Stop this at once! I take no pleasure in harming one of my own, but if you persist, I will do with her what I must. |
DoryaniWildCataclysmBegins NPCTextAudio | It begins... |
DoryaniEndgameOnZiggurat NPCTextAudio | You made it. Unfortunately, Wraeclast was not so lucky. |
DoryaniEndgameOnWhatNow NPCTextAudio | We {are} living the worst possible outcome, but I did anticipate {every} contingency. |
DoryaniEndgameOnOurWork NPCTextAudio | Place Waystones in the machine, and they will help calibrate the journey. The Corruption at the destination will respond to both the energies we use and that we ourselves expect to find. |
DoryaniEndgameOnTheFortress NPCTextAudio | There is a tremendous amount of energy radiating from that new structure. If it was Corruption, I would understand, but it is like nothing I have ever seen before. |
DoryaniEndgameOnFlameSeed NPCTextAudio | From what you've told me, the guardian of the Flame Seed seems to have been purposely molded for his task. The Precursors created him, but he is not one of them. I can only theorize as to his purpose... |
DoryaniEndgameOnDefeatFlameSeedGuardian NPCTextAudio | I understand that... something... stole the Flame Seed as your battle drew to a close. This is concerning. There is little we can do until we know more. |
DoryaniEndgameTier1Task NPCTextAudio | You must start with the areas of least Corruption. They are still deadly, but should be survivable for short spans. Cleanse enough of them to give us an outside foothold. |
DoryaniEndgameGiveTasksOne NPCTextAudio | Keep up your work. It is a long and dangerous task, but there is an end in sight. |
DoryaniEndgameGiveTasksTwo NPCTextAudio | Continue clearing Corruption. It is the only thing we can do right now. |
DoryaniEndgameGiveTasksThree NPCTextAudio | Why are you wasting time here? Continue clearing Corruption! |
DoryaniEndgameGiveTasksFour NPCTextAudio | You don't look sick or injured. Why are you lingering here? Continue your work. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardOne NPCTextAudio | The space you cleared allowed us to reclaim several important tools. We can now upgrade our machine. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardTwo NPCTextAudio | We found a handful of survivors in the area you cleared. We'll put them to work. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardThree NPCTextAudio | A renowned scientist was... recovered... from the area you cleared. His acumen will add to our own. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardFour NPCTextAudio | Valuable resources were located in the area you cleared. We can augment our capabilities. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardFive NPCTextAudio | I have had time to increase the capabilities of the machine. We have a few choices to make. |
DoryaniEndgameReceiveRewardSix NPCTextAudio | With each success, we grow closer to our goal. |
DoryaniEndgameTier15TaskComplete NPCTextAudio | The current situation is finally stable. We have done enough to ensure humanity's survival, however meager their dignity may be. |
DoryaniEndgameDefeatBreachBoss NPCTextAudio | I had a suspicion that the Cult of the Purple Flame was dangerous. They did not know the true nature of the forces they beseeched. |
DoryaniEndgamePrecursorGossip NPCTextAudio | I have invested considerable resources and many years of effort in the search, but my knowledge of the Precursors still remains scarce. They are as ancient to us as we are to you. On such time scales, geological events tend to obscure remnants of civilisation. There is evidence of great fires. Eruptions. Impacts from the sky. |
DoryaniEndgameUberBossGossip NPCTextAudio | Out in the Corrupted wastelands, you will no doubt encounter 'survivors.' Do not fall victim to the trap of empathy. Though their bodies do not yet know it, they are {dead.} They sicken and taint everything they touch. They would slowly kill us by their very presence. They have no future. It would have been a mercy for them to die in the initial devastation. |
DoryaniEndgameUberBossGossipTwo NPCTextAudio | In the wake of the Cataclysm, reality is not what it used to be. There are far fewer of us now, and the mad outnumber the sane. You will see things out there that you will not understand. |
DoryaniEndgameUberBossTask NPCTextAudio | As I predicted, the Corrupted 'survivors' out in the wastelands have banded together like primal animals. They refuse to accept their own doom. |
DoryaniEndgameOnUberDoryani NPCTextAudio | I should warn you... in my search for ways to stop the Cataclysm, I entreated the ultimate wisdom in this world, and I paid a terrible price. |
DoryaniEndgameOnPrecursorTowers NPCTextAudio | The sheer force of the Cataclysm scoured away much of the surface, and disrupted what remained. Sturdier than most, ancient Precursor towers have been left exposed. You should find one, and secure it for our research. |
DoryaniEndgameOnPrecursorTowersGossip NPCTextAudio | I believe that the Precursor towers are part of a network created specifically to alter terrain and biomes. This may have been to make Wraeclast more habitable initially... or perhaps it had a larger purpose, later in their era. |
DoryaniEndgameOnSecuringTower NPCTextAudio | Now that you have secured a Precursor tower, it has quickly become clear that it requires some sort of tablet to activate. |
DoryaniEndgameOnActivatingFirstTower NPCTextAudio | The tower... the surrounding landscape has been altered! This could be of great use to us. These towers are part of some long ago experiment, perhaps... or a contingency... I will do more research while you continue to explore. |
DoryaniEndgameOnEndgameMapCorruption NPCTextAudio | In a time of minimal sentience—and most of it mad—what you encounter out there can be quite malleable. What we expect to find can shape things. The energies we use in our translocation device can influence outcomes. |
DoryaniEndgameOnPatron NPCTextAudio | I was told many cryptic things. I was asked to—no, I shouldn't say. I don't understand, at least not yet. |
DoryaniBossConversationOne NPCTextAudio | You're of Vaal descent, but I do not recognise your features, or your clothing. How can things have changed so much after only ten years? |
DoryaniBossConversationTwo NPCTextAudio | What?! How long has it been? |
DoryaniBossConversationThree NPCTextAudio | Unbelievable!... the Cataclysm... how many of us survived? |
DoryaniBossConversationFour NPCTextAudio | That cannot be true. It can't! I've laid so many plans... spent everything I have, trying to stop this... trying to stop Atziri... |
DoryaniBossConversationFive NPCTextAudio | Perhaps... I just need a moment to think... to make a new plan... there must be a way... |
DoryaniBossConversationSix NPCTextAudio | The intruder! Where is Napuatzi?! Ah... then I'll have to handle you myself. |
DoryaniPastBoss_Intro NPCTextAudio | So... at the eve of the end, the demon of Atzoatl has finally come for me! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_Random NPCTextAudio | Simple! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_2 NPCTextAudio | Simple! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_3 NPCTextAudio | Simple! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_4 NPCTextAudio | Ignition! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_5 NPCTextAudio | Ignition! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_6 NPCTextAudio | Ignition! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_7 NPCTextAudio | Flame! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_8 NPCTextAudio | Flame! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flamethrower_9 NPCTextAudio | Flame! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_Random NPCTextAudio | Behold! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_2 NPCTextAudio | Behold! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_3 NPCTextAudio | Behold! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_4 NPCTextAudio | Unleashed! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_5 NPCTextAudio | Unleashed! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_6 NPCTextAudio | Unleashed! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_7 NPCTextAudio | Sheer power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_8 NPCTextAudio | Sheer power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningTendrils_9 NPCTextAudio | Sheer power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_Random NPCTextAudio | 无处可逃! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_2 NPCTextAudio | 无处可逃! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_3 NPCTextAudio | 无处可逃! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_4 NPCTextAudio | 观察! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_5 NPCTextAudio | 观察! |
DoryaniPastBoss_CrystalToss_6 NPCTextAudio | 观察! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_Random NPCTextAudio | Pathetic! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_2 NPCTextAudio | Pathetic! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_3 NPCTextAudio | Pathetic! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_4 NPCTextAudio | 放手吧! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_5 NPCTextAudio | 放手吧! |
DoryaniPastBoss_UberFireball_6 NPCTextAudio | 放手吧! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Knockdown_Random NPCTextAudio | Ugh! A minor setback! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Knockdown_2 NPCTextAudio | Agh! I've had... enough of this! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningClap_Random NPCTextAudio | Nothing can stand against us! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningClap_2 NPCTextAudio | I bear the burden of our future! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningClap_3 NPCTextAudio | The ends justify the means! |
DoryaniPastBoss_LightningClap_4 NPCTextAudio | Survival requires brutal choices! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flameblast_Random NPCTextAudio | You will burn! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flameblast_2 NPCTextAudio | You will burn! |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flameblast_3 NPCTextAudio | Let's see how you handle {this!} |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flameblast_4 NPCTextAudio | Let's see how you handle {this!} |
DoryaniPastBoss_Flameblast_5 NPCTextAudio | You will burn! |
DoryaniPastBoss_SolarOrb_Random NPCTextAudio | Catalyse fusion! |
DoryaniPastBoss_SolarOrb_2 NPCTextAudio | Channel the reactor! |
DoryaniPastBoss_SolarOrb_3 NPCTextAudio | Inferno! |
DoryaniPastBoss_SolarOrb_4 NPCTextAudio | Channel the reactor! |
DoryaniPastBoss_SolarOrb_5 NPCTextAudio | Inferno! |
DoryaniPastBoss_ActivateLaser_Random NPCTextAudio | Sacrifice is the only path to survival! |
DoryaniPastBoss_ActivateLaser_2 NPCTextAudio | Progress comes with a heavy price! |
DoryaniPastBoss_ActivateLaser_3 NPCTextAudio | You are blind to the greater good! |
DoryaniPastBoss_FrontalLaser_Random NPCTextAudio | The power of the Vaal! |
DoryaniPastBoss_FrontalLaser_2 NPCTextAudio | The power of the Vaal! |
DoryaniPastBoss_FrontalLaser_3 NPCTextAudio | This ends now! |
DoryaniPastBoss_FrontalLaser_4 NPCTextAudio | This ends now! |
DoryaniPastBoss_FrontalLaser_5 NPCTextAudio | This ends now! |
DoryaniPastBoss_BringSoulCore_Random NPCTextAudio | The best laid plans... |
DoryaniPastBoss_BringSoulCore_2 NPCTextAudio | The best laid plans... |
DoryaniPastBoss_BringSoulCore_3 NPCTextAudio | Five moves ahead! |
DoryaniPastBoss_BringSoulCore_4 NPCTextAudio | Five moves ahead! |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_Random NPCTextAudio | The Vaal will endure! |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_2 NPCTextAudio | You are a meaningless obstacle! |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_3 NPCTextAudio | The Vaal will endure! |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_4 NPCTextAudio | You are a meaningless obstacle! |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_5 NPCTextAudio | You think you can stop progress? |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlasmaArcDance_6 NPCTextAudio | You think you can stop progress? |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlayerDeath_Random NPCTextAudio | You didn't stand a chance. |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlayerDeath_2 NPCTextAudio | You didn't stand a chance. |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlayerDeath_3 NPCTextAudio | You were warned. |
DoryaniPastBoss_PlayerDeath_4 NPCTextAudio | You were warned. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechComboSlam_Random NPCTextAudio | I've been preparing for you for years! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechComboSlam_2 NPCTextAudio | I've been preparing for you for years! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechComboSlam_3 NPCTextAudio | The destruction at Atzoatl will be repaid a thousand-fold! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechComboSlam_4 NPCTextAudio | The destruction at Atzoatl will be repaid a thousand-fold! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_Random NPCTextAudio | You didn't stand a chance. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_2 NPCTextAudio | You didn't stand a chance. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_3 NPCTextAudio | You didn't stand a chance. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_4 NPCTextAudio | You were warned. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_5 NPCTextAudio | You were warned. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechPlayerDeath_6 NPCTextAudio | You were warned. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSuitTransform_Random NPCTextAudio | I can't give up! I must save my people! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSuitTransformEnd_Random NPCTextAudio | No! I {will} succeed! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechKnockdown_Random NPCTextAudio | Ugh... inconceivable... you will pay for this! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechKnockdown_2 NPCTextAudio | Agh... what... how? Get up, get up! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechKnockdown_3 NPCTextAudio | Ugh! Unexpected... but non-critical! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_Random NPCTextAudio | I cannot let my efforts be in vain! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_2 NPCTextAudio | I cannot let my efforts be in vain! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_3 NPCTextAudio | The end of the world is nigh! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_4 NPCTextAudio | The end of the world is nigh! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_5 NPCTextAudio | Do you truly think you can match me? |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechClawLaser_6 NPCTextAudio | Do you truly think you can match me? |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_Random NPCTextAudio | I will burn you alive! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_2 NPCTextAudio | I will burn you alive! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_3 NPCTextAudio | I cannot allow you to interfere! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_4 NPCTextAudio | I cannot allow you to interfere! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_5 NPCTextAudio | Burn to ash, Demon of Atzoatl! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_6 NPCTextAudio | Burn to ash, Demon of Atzoatl! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_7 NPCTextAudio | One death is nothing for the greater good! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechFlamethrower_8 NPCTextAudio | One death is nothing for the greater good! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_Random NPCTextAudio | Overload the reactor! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_2 NPCTextAudio | Overload the reactor! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_3 NPCTextAudio | Overload the reactor! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_4 NPCTextAudio | The power of the storm! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_5 NPCTextAudio | The power of the storm! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_6 NPCTextAudio | The power of the storm! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_7 NPCTextAudio | You are wasting precious time! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningArc_8 NPCTextAudio | You are wasting precious time! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_Random NPCTextAudio | Let me show you what true intellect looks like! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_2 NPCTextAudio | Let me show you what true intellect looks like! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_3 NPCTextAudio | Existence is merely energy... |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_4 NPCTextAudio | Existence is merely energy... |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDiscoLaser_5 NPCTextAudio | Atziri will soon begin her Ascension. Out of my way, or die! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam_Random NPCTextAudio | Face the might of the Vaal! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam_2 NPCTextAudio | Face the might of the Vaal! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam_3 NPCTextAudio | 我会碾碎你! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam_4 NPCTextAudio | 我会碾碎你! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_Random NPCTextAudio | Full power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_2 NPCTextAudio | Full power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_3 NPCTextAudio | I've had enough of you! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_4 NPCTextAudio | I've had enough of you! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_5 NPCTextAudio | You think you can stand in my way? |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSlam2_6 NPCTextAudio | You think you can stand in my way? |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_Random NPCTextAudio | How foolish! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_2 NPCTextAudio | How foolish! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_3 NPCTextAudio | Let's see you survive this! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_4 NPCTextAudio | Let's see you survive this! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_5 NPCTextAudio | There is no escape! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechBodySlam_6 NPCTextAudio | There is no escape! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSpiderLegAttack_Random NPCTextAudio | You think you can run?! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSpiderLegAttack_2 NPCTextAudio | You think you can run?! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSpiderLegAttack_3 NPCTextAudio | Now, you're within my grasp! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSpiderLegAttack_4 NPCTextAudio | Now, you are within my grasp! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDetatchPlatform_Random NPCTextAudio | I plan for every contingency... |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDetatchPlatform_2 NPCTextAudio | Nothing will stand in my way! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningStorm_Random NPCTextAudio | Ravaging power! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningStorm_2 NPCTextAudio | Reverse the polarity! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechLightningStorm_3 NPCTextAudio | Face the might of the mind! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechIonCannon_Random NPCTextAudio | Fire the main cannon! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechIonCannon_2 NPCTextAudio | Orbital strike! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSelfDestruct_Random NPCTextAudio | Self-destruction! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSelfDestruct_2 NPCTextAudio | Fatal ambition! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechSelfDestruct_3 NPCTextAudio | You leave me no choice! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechReassemble_Random NPCTextAudio | This is not over yet. |
DoryaniPastBoss_WildFreeAlva NPCTextAudio | Wait... I will free her. |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDeathDoNotFailMe NPCTextAudio | Gah! No! Do not fail me... not now! |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDeathHowCouldThisHappen NPCTextAudio | Ugh... how could this happen... all I have done. All that I sacrificed... |
DoryaniPastBoss_MechDeathContainBeast NPCTextAudio | Hmm... the legacy of the Vaal must be protected... I do know of a way to contain the beast. |
Napuatzi_IntroFour NPCTextAudio | Bring her to Doryani! |
AlvaEndgamePlayerWakeUp NPCTextAudio | You're awake! I thought you might not make it.. There's a lot to go over.. When you've pulled yourself together, go speak to Doryani |
AlvaEndgameOnWakeUp NPCTextAudio | You're awake! Oh, I thought you might not make it... |
AlvaEndgameOnDoryani NPCTextAudio | It's a good thing we resolved our differences when we did. Without Doryani, we'd have died out there. I saw... the sky... the people... they were... well. |
Alva_G3_DoryaniSaveResponse NPCTextAudio | Your people cannot be saved. History is already written. You can stay here and die... Or come with us and help save the future. |
Alva_G3_DoryaniStartTalkingResponse NPCTextAudio | Best you start talking then. My friend here isn't exactly the peacemaking type... |
Alva_G3_DoryaniDefeatedOne NPCTextAudio | So you will help us? |
Alva_G3_DoryaniDefeatedTwo NPCTextAudio | It's settled then. Let's hurry back to the time portal. |
KetzuliOnDoryani NPCTextAudio | Doryani is the greatest hero of our era. The brightest mind our civilisation ever produced. Had he more time, he could have extended our reach across the entire world. Perhaps farther. The stars themselves would not have been beyond our grasp. |
AtaluiOnTrialOfChaos NPCTextAudio | I did not undertake the Trial alone, but I did emerge a victor. I earned myself the role of High Priestess, as is custom. Had I possessed less willpower and skill, I would have earned a role that was... less important. |
AtaluiOnPrecursors NPCTextAudio | Ah, yes, the only culture on the surface of Wraeclast whose ruins predate the ash layer... older to us than we are to you, if you can picture such an immense span of time. |
多里亚尼的试作甲 UniqueItems | "This was the first step in some grand design, lost to the ages, now ours to decipher." - Dominus, High Templar |
梦语之痕 UniqueItems | 多里亚尼误闯狂乱之境, 狂乱帝国之王因其苏醒。 |
重击之锤 UniqueItems | "富贵总是险中求, 但财货乃身外之物,哪会问去留。" - 瓦尔族多里亚尼 |
Doryani Text Audio /224

Doryani Doryani /2
名字 | 显示物品素质 |
Path of Exile | 0 |
Early Access | 1 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.