Faridun FlavourText /150
name | flavour |
锈蚀的灾变圣甲虫 BaseItemTypes | 年轻的沙利希,连法里顿流浪汉都拒绝接纳你。被我们找到前, 你在诅咒中穿越白色沙漠。现在,教团需要你赎罪。 |
法鲁德之瓮 BaseItemTypes | “法里顿人的葬礼见不到阳光。 他们只能用其它办法保存遗体。” |
亚曼拉之书 BaseItemTypes | “只要能证明亚曼拉存在,那马拉克斯人就有可能重新接纳法里顿人。 我也很想见见我的父母。我心中有很多疑问。” |
Int4_Gameplay_A2_36 CharacterTextAudio | 他们一直在这里辛劳,肯定有{什么}打算…… |
Int4_Gameplay_A2_57 CharacterTextAudio | 法里顿人!他们{还在}这里! |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A2_19 CharacterTextAudio | 我们来看看法里顿人给我准备了什么。 |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A2_51 CharacterTextAudio | 法里顿人封锁上了关门!阿杜拉人肯定知道该怎么做。 |
Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_12 CharacterTextAudio | 种子……腐化蔓延到了这里。法里顿人已经被侵蚀了,我们必须抓紧时间。 |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A2_12 CharacterTextAudio | Asala, these people have been infected by a seed carried by the Faridun. We need to move fast. |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_07 CharacterTextAudio | 法里顿人怎会不尊重这片土地? |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_09 CharacterTextAudio | 别来碰我,法里顿人。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_19 CharacterTextAudio | 害虫只配被碾死。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_21 CharacterTextAudio | 死吧!没人会记得你们!法里顿人渣! |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_59 CharacterTextAudio | 我会消灭每一个法里顿的亵渎者! |
Int4b_Gameplay_A2_63 CharacterTextAudio | 我们将永远消灭法里顿人! |
Str4b_Gameplay_A2_20 CharacterTextAudio | 这些法里顿人战斗时出奇地愤怒。 |
Str4b_Gameplay_A2_62 CharacterTextAudio | 你打得很英勇,法里顿人,可惜你依靠的是窃来的力量。 |
Dex4_Gameplay_A2_07 CharacterTextAudio | 他们在这里做什么?我从没见过这样的情况…… |
StrDex4b_Gameplay_A2_101 CharacterTextAudio | It's done... for what it's worth, Faridun, I took no pleasure in it. |
Jamanra, the Risen King MapPins | ...claims that the Faridun hero himself led the assault... |
Mawdun Quarry MapPins | 未知的原因让法里顿人呕心沥血。 |
AdiyahGossipAboutNenet NPCTextAudio | 奈尼特来自一群自称法里顿人的家伙。他们原本都是被驱逐的废物,被我们马拉克斯像抛弃有缺陷的婴儿一样留在沙漠中等死。我不觉得奈尼特不好,完全没有这么想过。 我这个人并不残忍,流放者。只不过那些在沙漠里流浪的贱民对这个世界没半点用处。她根本不可能在那帮废物中找到归属。 |
ExitBanterAdiyahToNenet NPCTextAudio | 你为什么把脸遮上,法里顿人? |
NenetContractOneStart NPCTextAudio | 我深感荣幸,流放者。你不光可以帮助我,还能为我出头。我是个流浪者,而正因为如此我才需要完成这个任务。为此我四处奔波,很多年来一直在搜集资源,寻找盟友。而我现在终于准备好了。 我来自瓦斯提里大平原,那里是马卡克斯人的家园。他们唾弃弱者,只要被判为无用者就会被遗弃。其他流浪者捡到了我,并把我养大。虽然我们的生活很艰辛,但我们也有属于自己的文化传统。我们自称为法里顿人。马拉克斯人认为我们有缺陷,毫无价值,但我应该能证明他们错了。 我们有一个传说。据说千百年前,有一位无畏的勇士试图将一盘散沙的法里顿人营地团结起来。他叫亚曼拉,他只想把我们的人团结成一个独立的民族。只要我能找到亚曼拉之书,证明他确实存在,我就可以按照传统仪式向马拉克斯人发起挑战,检验法里顿武士的价值。只要我们能通过,,他们就不得不接纳我们回家!你会帮我们赢回家园吗? |
NenetContractOneEnd NPCTextAudio | 流放者,亚曼拉确实存在,但却被他们杀害了。丝克玛们同意跟他会面,准备承认法里顿人立国。可那是个圈套。他们给他下了毒。那些自以为高贵强大的马拉克斯人毒杀了我们最伟大的领袖。 我不应该对这个残酷的世界抱有什么希望,流放者。我们都知道希望最终都会变成泡影,只有不折手段才能将一切据为己有。不管怎样,谢谢你帮助我。 |
NenetContractTwoStart NPCTextAudio | 我想找你谈谈,流放者。我不再相信马拉克斯人愿意给我们一个家园,也不会愿意让我们自力更生。你帮我找回的书不光告诉了我亚曼拉的故事,还进一步告诉了我他的安息之地。你应该已经知道我的打算了吧?在这片疯狂的大陆上,不断有死人复生,传奇归来,我有理由相信,我们也可以从亚曼拉的坟墓中将他释放。 既然马拉克斯人不愿理会我们和平的诉求,那么我们法里顿人可以用刀锋在瓦斯提里大平原上自己划出一片家园。亚曼拉可以将他千百年前开创的事业完成了。如果他也充盈着腐坏的力量,那懦夫们的毒药再也阻挡不了他了。 流放者,帮我在亚曼拉的坟墓里找到他,并说服他领导我们吧! |
SelectionBanterNilesToNenet NPCTextAudio | 啊,是法里顿人啊。 |
SelectionBanterNilesToNenetTwo NPCTextAudio | 我很好奇,贱民,法里顿人有敬拜的神吗? |
EntryBanterNenetNilesReply NPCTextAudio | 在你们的神话里,法里顿人死了去哪儿? |
MarakethMatriarchArea_g2_4_1 NPCTextAudio | 我们当然知道失落之城在哪,没错,我们怎么会忘记自己民族的发源地呢?但它已经被沙漠吞噬了,不过,如果 |
MatriarchGrantArea_g2_5 NPCTextAudio | 虽然形势所迫,你不得不通过亡者之谷,但切勿大张旗鼓。一定要轻装潜行,尽你所能净化腐化。我们会与法里顿人且战且退,保护你的侧翼。 |
MatriarchGrantArea_g2_6 NPCTextAudio | 我们会带你到巨人之谷,但不会帮你潜入那片被诅咒的低地,马拉克斯人不会踏足其中。不过,我们会守住入口,如果法里顿人试图阻止你,我们会想办法拖住他们。 |
MatriarchGrantArea_g2_8 NPCTextAudio | 每当我们前往墓塔,都是要去把陨落的 |
RisuIdentitySorceress NPCTextAudio | I am of the Faridun. You know us, tale-woman. We are your unwanted and forgotten. Some time ago, a foreign woman came to us, and offered us the power to seize what was ours. We took her deal. We had no idea what it would cost us. |
RisuIdentity NPCTextAudio | I am of the Faridun. We are the shadows of the Maraketh, the unwanted and the forgotten. Some time ago, a foreign woman came to us, and offered us the power to take back what was ours. We took her deal. We had no idea what it would cost us. |
DefectorOnTheArdura NPCTextAudio | Meeting the Ardura is disconcerting. Like most Faridun, I was left to die in the desert as an infant. Perhaps someone here is my mother or father... |
MysticOnNasima NPCTextAudio | 纳西玛,没错,纳西玛!一名伟大的战士,虽然她身后的名声褒贬不一。她生来就拥有一双血色的眼睛,因为失明而被丢在沙丘中等死。法里顿人发现了她并将她抚养长大。 |
MatriarchGatesShoutThree NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人从没有集结过这么多士兵,他们战斗起来仿佛不怕死一样。 |
FaridunKingG2_3FightOpeningLine NPCTextAudio | Noxious Sekhema... |
FaridunKingG2_3FightOpeningLineNoAsala NPCTextAudio | 替丝克玛干脏活呢?外来者? |
FaridunKingG2_3FightEscapeLine NPCTextAudio | 我们会做个了结的,但不是今天。 |
FaridunKingG2_3FightEscapeLineNoAsala NPCTextAudio | 别对我们的文化指手画脚,管闲事的家伙! |
DefectorOnShambrinAfterHelping NPCTextAudio | Now that she is willing to talk to me, I find that Shambrin is very kind. I think she understands what it is to be an outsider. If she had been born blind, she would have been a sister-outcast among the Faridun. Being blinded as a warrior, however, guarantees her place among her people. |
DefectorOnTheFaridun NPCTextAudio | The Maraketh have no idea how great we number. We are larger than any one akhara by far, and my brothers and sisters held a great bitterness even before Corruption came among us. |
DefectorOnCorruption NPCTextAudio | This Corruption that plagues the land. I cannot bring myself to fully believe it is the reason for my people's sickening turn. I know that when the Beast first came to us—when Jamanra was raised from death—he quickly became covetous and prone to fits of rage. |
DefectorOnTheDreadnought NPCTextAudio | We Faridun have never had grand caravans. In our preparations, Jamanra tasked our people with building one of our own. The intent shifted as madness crept upon him. |
DefectorOnTheCountess NPCTextAudio | This... Oriana... the one you called a 'Countess'... Jamanra has declared her our Queen. She first came to us from the south, and seemed sympathetic to our cause. She promised us power... the power to take back our lives. |
MysticOnRisuWhileHelping NPCTextAudio | 年轻人都一样,法里顿人也罢,马拉克斯也好,对我这样的老妇人而言有什么区别?其他人可能会因为我让里苏坐下听故事而不高兴,但没人敢命令我闭嘴。 |
MatriarchOnRisuAsalaDivine NPCTextAudio | 她是一名忠实的追随者。现在马拉克斯人和法里顿人之间已经没有区别了,他们都在我麾下,为我服务。我族的光辉岁月即将到来, |
ForsakenSonHarshLife NPCTextAudio | 和法里顿人生活了三十年后,我的的确确是死了。那是一段充满辛酸和坎坷的悲惨生活,而我每时每刻都在憎恨你。 |
MarakethMatriarchOnOneChoiceDone NPCTextAudio | 我们的时间没有白费,虽然目前为止的旅程已经持续了数星期,但离我们最远的骑兵队已经设法用小范围突袭引开了法里顿人。在敌人赶上来之前,我们至少应该能再抵达一个目的地。 |
MarakethMatriarchOnTwoChoicesDone NPCTextAudio | 我们对法里顿人的袭扰进展顺利,但在我们保护你的侧翼时,他们那个所谓的国王也开始行动了。他很可能已经赶到了我们的前面,我们决不能放弃。 |
MarakethMatriarchOnThreeChoicesDone NPCTextAudio | 当说书人传播我们胜利的消息,赞美我的名字时,我发现自己变得越发强大了。这一定就是神性的开端。我会用这种力量打败法里顿的国王,也许它甚至足以摧毁腐化之种。 |
MarakethMatriarchAscentQuestStart NPCTextAudio | 你一个人已经做得很棒了, 法里顿人打造了一艘巨大的无畏战车,其规模远远超过任何一支商队。就在此刻,它正横冲直撞地穿过瓦斯提里的中心地带,留下一片狼藉。法里顿人似乎另有所图,但我们不知道他们要去哪。我们准备在他们抵达目的地之前让 |
MarakethMatriarchAscentQuestBoard NPCTextAudio | 最终决战的时刻已经到来。法里顿人已经集结,但经历了许多世代后,马拉克斯人终于前所未有地团结在了一起。我打算潜入无畏战车,亲自面对千年国王。如果我在决斗中击败他,就能结束这场战争。法里顿人和马拉克斯人都将见证我的胜利。那将是我团结我族的大好机会,我可以感觉到我身上即将发生某种剧变……如果我们最终获胜,我的人民也将经历转变。荣耀将再次属于我们, 未来在召唤我们。你准备好了吗? |
MarakethMatriarchVsKingShoutTen NPCTextAudio | 我是你们新的丝克玛之王,也是你们的女神。凭借你们赋予我的权力,我赦免法里顿人,只要他们愿意投降并跟随我。我们现在是……一个民族了。 |
MarakethMatriarchCorruptedPursuitsQuestStart NPCTextAudio | 那个外来者带着腐化之种逃走了,但我的骑兵队已经发现了此人的踪迹。这条线索偏离了我眼下需要前进的方向。有些法里顿人和马拉克斯人反对我的统治。如果我们想让这片土地恢复往日荣光,我就必须统一瓦斯提里平原。我猜你会选择在此与我分道扬镳,去追寻种子,我理解你的选择。等统一大业完成后,我会派援军去帮助你。在那之前,祝你在敌人逃往的荒原上能有好运。 |
FaridunKingG2_11_2FightShoutOne NPCTextAudio | 你竟然自愿成为献给腐化之种的祭品,多么无私! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2FightShoutTwo NPCTextAudio | 我可不这么认为,凡人。 |
FaridunKingG2_11_2FightShoutThree NPCTextAudio | 种子将吞噬你的愚行。 |
FaridunKingG2_11_2FightShoutFour NPCTextAudio | 绝不! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackOneRandom NPCTextAudio | Face oblivion! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackOne2 NPCTextAudio | Face oblivion! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackOne3 NPCTextAudio | I tire of this! |
FaridunKingG2_3_PhaseChange NPCTextAudio | I tried to seek peace, and the Sekhemas disgraced me! Left my corpse to rot in the sand! This time, we choose war. |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackTwoRandom NPCTextAudio | You are unworthy! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackTwo2 NPCTextAudio | You are unworthy! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackTwo3 NPCTextAudio | Wrath of a King! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackTwo4 NPCTextAudio | Wrath of a King! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackThreeRandom NPCTextAudio | I shall dethrone you sekhema... And leave you to the sands! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackThree2 NPCTextAudio | I shall dethrone you sekhema... And leave you to the sands! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackThree3 NPCTextAudio | The Maraketh will fall... By my hand! |
FaridunKingG2_3AttackThree4 NPCTextAudio | The Maraketh will fall... By my hand! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2Attack1 NPCTextAudio | 这片土地属于我们! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2Attack2 NPCTextAudio | 在腐化面前低头吧! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2Attack3 NPCTextAudio | 种子将会大快朵颐! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2Attack4 NPCTextAudio | 我是你的王! |
FaridunKingG2_11_2Attack5 NPCTextAudio | 愚蠢的丝克玛! |
FaridunKingG2_3_Knockdown_Random NPCTextAudio | The Maraketh shall be purged from the desert... Mark my words! |
FaridunKingG2_3_Knockdown_2 NPCTextAudio | The Maraketh shall be purged from the desert... Mark my words! |
FaridunKingG2_3_Knockdown_3 NPCTextAudio | You waste your time... And mine! |
FaridunKingG2_3_Knockdown_4 NPCTextAudio | You waste your time... And mine! |
MentorConversationWithAsalaOne NPCTextAudio | 要是法里顿人从下路包抄怎么办? |
MysticConversationWithRisuThree NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人也有故事吗? |
AsalaWildGatesFiveRandom NPCTextAudio | 死吧!没人会记得你们!法里顿人渣! |
AsalaWildGatesFive3 NPCTextAudio | 原来法里顿人也有值得一提的勇士啊…… |
AsalaWildGatesSix NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人已经腐化堕落了,他们的眼中闪烁着疯狂! |
CountessA2PraiseKing1 NPCTextAudio | 向他们展示法里顿的力量,我的国王! |
AsalaA2MapUIAncientGatesTwo NPCTextAudio | The Halani Gates are closed for the first time in one thousand years! This can only be related to the Beast. We should investigate the Faridun camp and demand answers. |
AsalaA2MapUIAncientGatesThree NPCTextAudio | The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to find another way. |
AsalaA2MapUIAncientGatesFour NPCTextAudio | The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to use this... traitors passage instead. |
AsalaA2MapUIAncientGatesFive NPCTextAudio | We have reclaimed the Halani Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Speak to Zarka. She may know of some way forward. |
AsalaA2MapUIAncientGatesSix NPCTextAudio | We have reclaimed the Ancient Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Only a reforged Horn of Vastiri can open a way through. |
AsalaA2MapUITheQuarry NPCTextAudio | Outcasts currently make their home in the forgotten Quarry in the hills of Mawdun. They call themselves the Faridun. We should travel there and find out what it is they are doing. |
AsalaA2MapUIBurialSpires NPCTextAudio | Enter Deshar, and take our vengeance upon the Faridun within! We will flank them while you ascend and undertake your duty. |
AsalaA2ResponseAboutBurialSpires NPCTextAudio | So, the outcasts have a new leader that calls himself a 'King'—ha!—and he seeks to violate Deshar, to feed our honoured dead to the Beast. Such a transgression... those {vile dogs!} |
AsalaA2AncientGatesBattleFaridunNoLongerFearDeath NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人从没有集结过这么多士兵,他们战斗起来悍不畏死! |
AsalaA2AncientGatesBattleLimImpalerKilled1 NPCTextAudio | 死吧!没人会记得你们!法里顿人渣! |
AsalaA2AncientGatesBattleFaridunEyesGleam NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人已经腐化堕落了,他们的眼中闪烁着疯狂! |
AsalaA2AboutBurialSpiresSorceress NPCTextAudio | Enter Deshar, and take our vengeance upon the Faridun within! We will flank them while you ascend and undertake your duty. |
AsalaA2FinalBattleTime NPCTextAudio | The Faridun have assembled a tremendous Dreadnought, a war caravan larger than we have ever seen. |
AsalaA2SpeechTwo NPCTextAudio | Let it echo across the Vastiri! I, Asala, Sekhema of the Ardura, vow to unite the Akharas! The Faridun will be granted clemency, should they seek it. Every woman, man and child not fallen to Corruption will be welcomed as one... {of our own!} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassWitch NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassSorc NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassDruid NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassTemplar NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassDuelist NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassMercenary NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassShadow NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassMonk NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassRanger NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassHuntress NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassWarrior NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AfterSpeechClassMarauder NPCTextAudio | We shall see what comes of that speech. The Faridun will fall in line, or they will suffer the same fate as their so-called {King.} |
AsalaA2AboutCuttingOffKingsHead NPCTextAudio | The war is over. I have given him an honourable death. This may prove to heal the wound between the Faridun and the Maraketh. |
AsalaA2EndOfActGossip NPCTextAudio | Jamanra is back where he belongs. I have given him a proper death. By removing his head, I acknowledged him. Though, he was never a King, despite what the Faridun think. |
HoodedOneA2OurNextMoveAfterAncientGates NPCTextAudio | The Countess has used Corruption to resurrect Jamanra, and they have escaped with the Beast... thankfully, we have some idea what the Faridun intend. |
HoodedOneA2OnTheFaridun NPCTextAudio | They call themselves the Faridun in this era, but they have died out and been reborn many times. They are not an independent culture. They are the Maraketh's dark secret, the inevitable consequence of life's haphazard nature. |
HoodedOneA2OurNextMoveAfterBlowingHorn NPCTextAudio | The path to Deshar has been opened. Infiltrate the towers, and stop the Faridun from feeding the Beast! |
HoodedOneA2OurNextMoveAfterSpires NPCTextAudio | We are out of time. The Beast may already be too dangerous to contain through mortal means. The time for all-out war has arrived. |
RisuA2TraitorsPassageHover NPCTextAudio | 马拉克斯人早就忘记了叛徒小径的位置,但一代又一代的法里顿人铭记着它的存在,希望有朝一日能够穿越小径来对付他们…… |
ZarkaA2OnJamanra NPCTextAudio | Jamanra? That's a tale I rarely tell. Every few generations, the Faridun stir up trouble. Jamanra was their most successful attempt at causing problems. A very long time ago, he spread dangerous ideas among the outcasts, and spoke to the Maraketh as if they were equals. |
ShambrinA2OnTheFaridun NPCTextAudio | 在公共场合下,我会和其他人一样高声谴责他们。不过私底下,我很理解他们。我并不认同他们的行径,但他们终生无法摆脱的那种苦难,我也经历过一点点。 |
ShambrinA2OnJamanraRisen NPCTextAudio | Jamanra has risen... It is... Almost unthinkable. To resort to necromancy and corruption... The Faridun's desperation knows no limits. In a way, it is rather sad. In another, it is harrowing. Either way, this King of theirs, must return to his death. |
ShambrinA2OnJamanraKilledSorc NPCTextAudio | The risen {King} is dead once again. Another tale of the harsh desert. This time, his death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. |
ShambrinA2OnJamanraKilled NPCTextAudio | The risen {King} is dead once again. His tale is yet another tragic outcome of the harsh desert. At least this time, the death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. |
ShambrinA2OnAsalaSpeech NPCTextAudio | With that speech, she has woven a hopeful tapestry for our future. Our Sekhema leaves nothing to chance. By beheading Jamanra, she has both dealt a deadly strike and begun the process of healing an old wound. |
FaridunKing_SpiresSummonEnd NPCTextAudio | 法里顿的命定之时就要到了! |
FaridunKing_SpiresSummonStart NPCTextAudio | You are relentless... But that makes you predictable. |
PerennialKing_AG_HeavyStun_5 NPCTextAudio | 我将带领法里顿走向辉煌! |
PerennialKing_AG_HeavyStun_6 NPCTextAudio | 我将带领法里顿走向辉煌! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_Intro2_Random NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人终于要复仇了! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_Intro2_2 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿人终于要复仇了! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_Wreckage_5 NPCTextAudio | 我会证明法里顿人应有的尊重! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_MiscSkill_3 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿的时代开启了! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_MiscSkill_4 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿的时代开启了! |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_DeathMisc_11 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿不会被忘却…… |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_DeathMisc_12 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿不会被忘却…… |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_PostStabDeath NPCTextAudio | You have accomplished... Nothing. Oriana will prevail... And the Faridun will rule the Vastiri. |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_Misc_2 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿决不止步…… |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_Misc_3 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿之怒不会消逝…… |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_DeathFaridun_Random NPCTextAudio | 你以为我们软弱……我们证明了……你错得有多离谱…… |
PerennialKing_Dreadnought_DeathFaridun_2 NPCTextAudio | 你以为我们软弱……我们证明了……你错得有多离谱…… |
Rudja_Enrage_5 NPCTextAudio | 为了法里顿! |
Rudja_Enrage_6 NPCTextAudio | 为了法里顿! |
Rudja_Enrage_7 NPCTextAudio | 为了法里顿! |
Rudja_PreEmerge_Random NPCTextAudio | Sand and steel... Fire and iron... Flesh and bone... What is the difference? Face of Faridun, mind of a traitor... Serpents tongue, scorpions stinger. Either way, now you pay with your life.. |
Rudja_PreEmerge_2 NPCTextAudio | Sand and steel... Fire and iron... Flesh and bone... What is the difference? Face of Faridun, mind of a traitor... Serpents tongue, scorpions stinger. Either way, now you pay with your life.. |
Rudja_Emerge_RisuRescued_3 NPCTextAudio | 法里顿必将崛起! |
JamanraGlyph_BookOfJamanra NPCTextAudio | Our people have lived in the shadows of the dunes for too long. Countless generations have been forgotten, will be forgotten. We are not 'Faridun,' we are Maraketh, and if we work together — if we unite — then they will be forced to acknowledge us. We must show them that casting us off is a mistake. We must show them our strength. Perhaps we can one day rebuild Keth itself, for all those who live in the Plains of Vastiri. |
Faridun Doodad Category /13
Broken Glass
Creates an object in your hideout
Relic Pile
Creates an object in your hideout
Ruined Arch
Creates an object in your hideout
Dig Machinery
Creates an object in your hideout
Wooden Board
Creates an object in your hideout
Excavated Brick
Creates an object in your hideout
Cloth Post
Creates an object in your hideout
Ruined Column
Creates an object in your hideout
Ramshackle Hut
Creates an object in your hideout
Rubble Strip
Creates an object in your hideout
Archaeologist's Peg
Creates an object in your hideout
Ancient Rubble
Creates an object in your hideout
Exposed Ruins
Creates an object in your hideout
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.