印记 Tags /3
Marks are a family of Debuffs that apply powerful effects to a single enemy, usually for a limited duration. You can have multiple Marked enemies at once, but each individual enemy can only have a single Mark applied to them at once.
Skill Gem 画质 /3
狙击之印对被标记敌人的下一次暴击暴击伤害加成 +(0–15)%
Freezing MarkHits against Marked enemy cause (0–20)% more Freeze buildup
Voltaic MarkShock has (0–15)% increased effect on Marked enemy
怪物 词缀 /2
1传奇monster casts assassins mark curse text [1]
1传奇monster casts warlords mark curse text [1]
其他属性 词缀 /6
of Targeting1Jewel后缀咒印技能的施法速度加快 (5–15)% 速度 诅咒
of Tracking1Jewel后缀咒印技能的技能效果持续时间提高 (18–32)%
Marking1Jewel前缀(5–10)% increased Effect of your Mark Skills 施法 诅咒
of Targeting1Jewel后缀咒印技能的施法速度加快 (2–3)% 速度 诅咒
of Tracking1Jewel后缀咒印技能的技能效果持续时间提高 (3–4)%
Marking1Jewel前缀(2–5)% increased Effect of your Mark Skills 施法 诅咒
Passive /7
15% increased Effect of your Mark Skills
Culling Strike against Enemies you Mark
咒印技能的技能效果持续时间提高 60%
Enemies you Mark have 15% reduced Accuracy Rating
Enemies you Mark take 10% increased Damage
咒印技能的魔力消耗降低 30%
移动速度在你近期内施放过咒印法术的情况下加快 4%
Enemies near Enemies you Mark are Blinded
Enemies you Mark cannot deal Critical Hits
升华试炼 Passive /1
升华: 锐眼
角色: 游侠
You can apply an additional Mark
永恒珠宝 Passive /1
Targeted Strike
Kalguuran 显著
技能效果持续时间延长 8%
20% increased Effect of your Mark Skills

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