Ogham FlavourText /54
name | flavour |
欧甘烛台 BaseItemTypes | “等我们把永恒帝国的杂种从岛上赶跑的时候,他们把所有没有拴起来的东西都抢走了! 这个烛台是属于我们的!” |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A1_41 CharacterTextAudio | 欧甘该处决的只有一个人。 |
Int4b_Gameplay_A1_06 CharacterTextAudio | 风沙之地就不会这样恶心的地穴。 |
Str4b_Gameplay_A1_26 CharacterTextAudio | 你的恶名在欧甘人人唾弃,德莱文。我很荣幸这么做。 |
Dex4_Gameplay_A1_42 CharacterTextAudio | 玛赫在上!村子……我来晚了…… |
Dex4_Gameplay_A1_52 CharacterTextAudio | 我知道怎么对付疯狗! |
DexInt4b_Gameplay_A1_77 CharacterTextAudio | The misery in Ogham never ends! |
Dex4_Gameplay_A1_59 CharacterTextAudio | It seems something has tainted the bounty of Ogham. |
Str4b_Gameplay_A1_67 CharacterTextAudio | I will cleanse every last bit of Ogham. |
Mysterious Campsite MapPins | ...whispers of an Ogham scouting party slain by a rogue, their supplies left untouched... |
Cemetery of the Eternals MapPins | 欧甘曾被永恒之民踩在脚底。 |
Ogham Farmlands MapPins | 偏远之地的住民成为了伯爵之怒的第一个靶子。 |
欧甘村庄 MapPins | 沸腾的疯狂化作了烈焰与死亡。 |
Ogham Manor MapPins | 偏执于暴虐总是形影不离。 |
UnaDevourerDead NPCTextAudio | The 'Devourer' is just another victim of the sickness infecting our precious land. Many of Ogham's beasts are fearsome and dangerous... but not like this. |
UnaIronCountQuestGossipSon NPCTextAudio | You've lived in Ogham most of your life. Did you ever meet the Count before his madness took hold? As a child, I met him once, and he was kind to me. His smile was even, dare I say it - inspiring. |
UnaClearfellPostCount NPCTextAudio | This is home now. Our songs tell of times of renewal, when bloodshed, strife, and courage forge stronger bonds. That is how we will regard this era of Ogham, and how we will remember you in our songs. |
UnaOnHoodedOneInTree NPCTextAudio | So this is the source of my shadowed dreams... Not the Tree, but the shade upon it. |
UnaTreeTheRedValeGossip NPCTextAudio | The Red Vale played host to the final and bloodiest battle of countless conflicts. It was in the heart of that vale that we fought for our freedom against the Eternals. |
RenlyIronCountQuestIntro NPCTextAudio | 我们的村子,只剩下燃烧的废墟了……这真是最黑暗的日子。残酷的事实摆在面前:乔诺尔伯爵生来就肩负着保护欧甘的使命,但他却背叛了我们。 |
RenlyCountDead NPCTextAudio | 乔诺尔伯爵已死,真没想到这样的消息竟会令人感到释然。 |
RenlyClearfellVillage NPCTextAudio | 这里是我们的新起点。克里费尔营地只是一个伐木场,但现在它是欧甘的艾兹麦人的希望之种。我们要击退黑暗,重建家园。为此必须竭尽全力,也许还要付出更多,但我相信我们能做到。 |
RenlyOgham NPCTextAudio | 法瑞欧的这个地带世世代代都是艾兹麦人的家园。各个部族并不总是和睦相处,但是当永恒之民的把我们野蛮地踩在脚下时,我们不得不先放下旧日恩怨。 |
RenlyTwistedAnimals NPCTextAudio | 诅咒降临了这片土地。乌娜感觉到了,我也是。欧甘的野兽向来是人类的朋友,直到某个阴影从庄园中涌出。 |
RenlyEndOfAct NPCTextAudio | 纠缠这片土地的诅咒已被打破,我们终于可以重建家园了。 |
IronCountStory2Glyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, Effective immediately, all crimes are now punishable by hanging until death. Hanged criminals will have their bodies thrown into the pit. |
IronCountStory3Glyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, Able-bodied men capable of excavation must present themselves at the Manor at once. Failure to do so will constitute a crime. |
IronCountCourtyardGlyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, All men must work a third shift and continue excavating until further notice. Any man caught resting will meet the Executioner's axe... or the Gallow's noose. |
IronCountTreeOfSoulsGlyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, Those condemned to hang from these branches are to be left until their hearts no longer beat, their lungs no longer fill with air, and their flesh is no longer warm. In death, you are not forgiven. Your souls will remain trapped here by this ancient maw of maligned wood, and the Grove will be forever denied you. Rot here in the Grelwood for all time, and good riddance. |
IronCountCanopyGlyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, To the scoundrels and cowards hiding among the trees of the Clanless Perch, As the loyal men of Ogham lay down their lives to protect those who support them, you hide. As the women of Ogham sweat and ache, skinning beasts upon which we feed, you hide. As the children of Ogham play at war, preparing to serve the greater needs of the people, you traitors hide. I will offer clemency only once. Return to the manor immediately and serve Ogham, as is your duty, and your punishment will be deferred. |
IronCountCourtyardGlyph2 NPCTextAudio | Soldiers of Ogham, The outside threat grows ever stronger. Whispers of betrayal echo within my very halls. We can no longer tolerate any risk. Use lethal force against those you suspect of foul play. Speak carefully with your men. Ensure they are who they claim. Hang any suspects. Seek out resistance within the village and raze their homes to the ground. We must send a clear message. Leave no stone unturned. |
IronCountVillageGlyph NPCTextAudio | By decree of the Count of Ogham, Your whispering and conspiring has not gone unnoticed. I see your disloyalty. I hear your mockery. However, your plots against me all lay dead in their tracks. Every villager must report to the Manor immediately for questioning. I alone will crush this revolt. Anyone who resists will not only be considered a criminal, but an avowed traitor. |
IronCountManorJournal2Glyph NPCTextAudio | I sense Oriana knows... And I cannot deny that which I know deep down to be true. That fair haired villager, an Eternal descendent... She knew. At that moment when our eyes locked... We both knew. She clung to her children like I would end them then and there. She is of no risk now but... How many others must I fear? Is my blood truly impure? Oriana assures me, we can right some of the wrongs of the past. She promises a way forward for Ogham. A way forward for the clans and the clanless alike. And... A way forward for me. We must continue with our task. |
FinnRedValeAdviceWarrior NPCTextAudio | Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. |
FinnRedValeAdviceGearSeenWarrior NPCTextAudio | Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. |
FinnRedValeAdvice NPCTextAudio | Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. |
FinnRedValeAdviceGearSeen NPCTextAudio | Spirits in the trees be damned, you actually entered the Red Vale and survived? Every Ogham kid knows, {"If you step one foot in there, you'll be skewered and eaten!"} Well, those kids that are lucky enough to have a mother, that is. |
FinnCanopy NPCTextAudio | 作为无部族成员中受人尊敬的一分子,我有幸能徜徉在四季美景中。夏日炎炎,冬日酷寒,任君挑选。 |
FinnOnEinhar NPCTextAudio | Ah, you heard about him have you? Some of the scoundrels up in the enclave would spin all sorts of tales after a few too many drinks. |
LachlannWildFindGraves NPCTextAudio | 伊莎贝尔……托尔卡……卡勒姆……欧甘的拉赫兰伯爵家族……我的家族!这没道理啊!他们都{死了!}那些混蛋永恒之民……我一定要让他们血债血偿……我要让他们{受尽折磨!} |
LachlannOnOgham NPCTextAudio | 欧甘?哦,是的,欧甘……这是我们所知的艾兹麦人最古老的家园。过去几代人从此地出发,定居于艾兹麦和斯科提岛。 |
LachlannGraveyardGlyph NPCTextAudio | 遭野蛮的永恒之民杀害,欧甘的拉赫兰伯爵家族,永远地安眠于此。 艾兹麦人必将复仇! 1215 I.C. |
LachlannGrimTangleGlyph NPCTextAudio | 芬恩: 有传言说森林里的道路已经变了模样。我只能向初生之子祈祷,希望信使能找到通往你们的路。 这个至高月里,我没法给被放逐者们带去药水补给了。有迹象表明,不仅森林里野兽的行为发生了改变,人类也受到了影响。庄园里出了很大的状况:一股邪恶能量让病态之人充满活力,健康者则变得虚弱。阴影更加鲜明,光亮逐渐消失,仿佛黑暗渴望扼杀光明。 这些恐惧在你听来一定很荒谬,但我敦促你,要保证自己和其他的无部族同伴的安全。拉起你们的梯子,在我们了解更多真相之前,不要吃那些怪物动物的肉。 欧甘庄园仆役长,拉赫兰 |
LachlannVillageGlyph NPCTextAudio | 致康纳尔·普莱斯教务长: 伯爵对他血统的“兴趣”已经发展成了狂热。起初我以为与外人结盟能带来益处,但现在我认为欧甘可能深处险境。庄园的士兵已经接到命令,把地板撕开挖掘,他们今早挖到的那层灰烬下面的东西让我心惊:扭曲的形状,石头里的古老噩梦,记录了某个庞大的恐魔将天幕焚尽……我溜走了,才能给你写这封信。你是对的。我错了。 按你的计划集合村里的男子吧。我必须为伯爵完成最后一项任务,等我从永恒之民的坟墓回来,我会在夜深人静时打开庄园大门,这样就可以制服伯爵,结束这场疯狂了。这不是背叛,而是营救。那位大人必须恢复理智,而我们则需要平息噩梦。 至于他那个马拉克斯妻子,那个偏执和仇恨的耳语者……我把她留给你处理,教务长。 欧甘庄园仆役长,拉赫兰 |
HoodedOneGiveQuest NPCTextAudio | 这些异常的事件,野兽发狂,亡者重生,一切都绝非偶然。这场灾难的根源很可能就在欧甘村庄。 |
HoodedOneReachedVillageGossip NPCTextAudio | 村庄被摧毁了吗?那么伯爵的手下已经疯狂至极了。 |
DogTraderEndOfA1FollowSeed NPCTextAudio | [DNT] Now that the darkness has been driven back, we can reach Ogham's boats. They'll get you across the water to the shores of the Vastiri Plains. |
MysticOnEzomytes NPCTextAudio | 我们确实派了一名{德卡拉}去欧甘岛收集关于腐化的线索。她证实了你的影子告诉我们的许多事情,还带回了一些故事。 |
Count_Skill_AttackLine_2 NPCTextAudio | 欧甘属于我! |
CountessA1Letter NPCTextAudio | 你这个傻瓜,不要在欧甘给我发信!没办法保证别人不偷窥我们的信件。 欧甘伯爵夫人 |
UnaNewOnCountsSword NPCTextAudio | The greatsword Agnar is {currently} in Count Geonor's possession... but the mighty runed blade was not always his to wield. |
UnaNewTreeOfSoulsEnd NPCTextAudio | The wound... It should be fatal, but somehow he clings to life... I fear it will not be long until his song ends. He will never heal while the count's binding still holds sway. |
UnaNewCutIn_One NPCTextAudio | 这枚……“种子”……就是欧甘的苦难之源吗? |
Wulfsbane UniqueItems | The Counts of Ogham share a legacy of cunning and power. |
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