[DNT] Random map exile! — TujenRandomMap |
[DNT] Rare int boots exile? — TujenRareIntBoots |
[DNT] Stack of 20 regrets i think, exile. — TujenRegretStack20 |
[DNT] Stack of 5 regals you'll never use, exile? — TujenRegalStack5 |
[DNT] Stack of 4 divines, exile! — TujenDivineStack4 |
[DNT] Oh my god it's a stack of 2 mirrors exile — TujenMirrorStack2 |
我叫图金。你这人被黑暗笼罩,这很好。在瓦尔克拉斯就得找这么个人合作。 — TujenIntroGeneralWitch |
我叫图金。你干脏活咱挖土,这就叫合作愉快。来,咱这就开始吧。 — TujenIntroMarauder |
我叫图金。你这人太凶悍了,再和善的笑脸都藏不住。要在平时,我绝对不会靠近你这种人,可在瓦尔克拉斯就得找你这号人。咱们会合得来的。 — TujenIntroGeneralShadow |
呀!在这儿! — TujenApproachShoutRandom |
呀!在这儿! — TujenApproachShout2 |
本地佬!快来帮忙! — TujenApproachShout3 |
本地佬!快来帮忙! — TujenApproachShout4 |
快来啊,别磨磨蹭蹭! — TujenApproachShout5 |
快来啊,别磨磨蹭蹭! — TujenApproachShout6 |
罗格就在这附近。我会给他捎个话说你来了! — TujenPartingShout |
是啊,还有一些。 — TujenRerollInventoryRandom |
是啊,还有一些。 — TujenRerollInventory2 |
我就喜欢异国他乡的钱。 — TujenRerollInventory3 |
我就喜欢异国他乡的钱。 — TujenRerollInventory4 |
怎么样,这些钱漂亮吧? — TujenRerollInventory5 |
怎么样,这些钱漂亮吧? — TujenRerollInventory6 |
我能行! — TujenHittingDetonatorRandom |
我能行! — TujenHittingDetonator2 |
快走吧,保护我。 — TujenOrderingSquireRandom |
快走吧,保护我。 — TujenOrderingSquire2 |
行,行。 — TujenBombPlacedGenericRandom |
行,行。 — TujenBombPlacedGeneric2 |
想打架吗,嗯? — TujenBombPlacedMonstersRandom |
想打架吗,嗯? — TujenBombPlacedMonsters2 |
那会打起来的! — TujenBombPlacedMonsters3 |
那会打起来的! — TujenBombPlacedMonsters4 |
准备战斗。 — TujenBombPlacedMonsters5 |
准备战斗。 — TujenBombPlacedMonsters6 |
太冒险了。 — TujenBombPlacedRiskRandom |
太冒险了。 — TujenBombPlacedRisk2 |
这可就有意思了。 — TujenBombPlacedRisk3 |
这可就有意思了。 — TujenBombPlacedRisk4 |
你想让我再断一条腿吗? — TujenBombPlacedRisk5 |
你想让我再断一条腿吗? — TujenBombPlacedRisk6 |
财宝值得花时间。 — TujenBombPlacedTreasureRandom |
财宝值得花时间。 — TujenBombPlacedTreasure2 |
搜刮了一些宝箱吗? — TujenBombPlacedTreasure3 |
搜刮了一些宝箱吗? — TujenBombPlacedTreasure4 |
知道古代财宝的好了吧,啊? — TujenBombPlacedTreasure5 |
知道古代财宝的好了吧,啊? — TujenBombPlacedTreasure6 |
放置完毕。 — TujenAllBombsPlacedRandom |
放置完毕。 — TujenAllBombsPlaced2 |
开始吗? — TujenAllBombsPlaced3 |
开始吗? — TujenAllBombsPlaced4 |
准备。 — TujenAllBombsPlaced5 |
准备。 — TujenAllBombsPlaced6 |
把招子放亮点! — TujenCombatLineRandom |
把招子放亮点! — TujenCombatLine2 |
后退! — TujenCombatLine3 |
后退! — TujenCombatLine4 |
有我看着呢! — TujenEncounterCompleteRandom |
有我看着呢! — TujenEncounterComplete2 |
卡古兰万岁! — TujenEncounterComplete3 |
卡古兰万岁! — TujenEncounterComplete4 |
哈! — TujenEncounterComplete5 |
哈! — TujenEncounterComplete6 |
如果你想就这样把它买下来,那也行。 — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggleRandom |
如果你想就这样把它买下来,那也行。 — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggle2 |
你就不想砍个价? — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggle3 |
你就不想砍个价? — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggle4 |
我一开价就成交那就太无聊了。 — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggle5 |
我一开价就成交那就太无聊了。 — TujenPlayerDoesNotHaggle6 |
你这人到底会不会砍价啊? — TujenPlayerOverpaysRandom |
你这人到底会不会砍价啊? — TujenPlayerOverpays2 |
你这人……就想多付钱是不? — TujenPlayerOverpays3 |
你这人……就想多付钱是不? — TujenPlayerOverpays4 |
这就划算多了。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAcceptedRandom |
这就划算多了。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted2 |
我喜欢跟你做生意。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted3 |
我喜欢跟你做生意。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted4 |
行啊,怎么不行了? — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted5 |
行啊,怎么不行了? — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted6 |
是我就说“行”。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted7 |
是我就说“行”。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted8 |
就这样吧。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted9 |
就这样吧。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted10 |
见到你就高兴。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted11 |
见到你就高兴。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptAccepted12 |
我还没拿主意呢。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejectedRandom |
我还没拿主意呢。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected2 |
咱来讲讲价吧。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected3 |
咱来讲讲价吧。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected4 |
我有心情讲价。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected5 |
我有心情讲价。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected6 |
很合理,不过不行。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected7 |
很合理,不过不行。 — TujenHighChanceToAcceptRejected8 |
嗯……那行吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAcceptedRandom |
嗯……那行吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted2 |
行。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted3 |
行。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted4 |
这让我不高兴,但没必要发火。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted5 |
这让我不高兴,但没必要发火。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted6 |
很公平。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted7 |
很公平。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted8 |
行了,见好就收吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted9 |
行了,见好就收吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptAccepted10 |
跟我想的不太一样。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejectedRandom |
跟我想的不太一样。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected2 |
再试试吧,朋友。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected3 |
再试试吧,朋友。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected4 |
你这价是不是出太低了点? — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected5 |
你这价是不是出太低了点? — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected6 |
怎么都应该再合适一点吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected7 |
怎么都应该再合适一点吧。 — TujenMediumChanceToAcceptRejected8 |
我怎么觉得像在做慈善呢。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAcceptedRandom |
我怎么觉得像在做慈善呢。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted2 |
碰巧我今天心情好。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted3 |
碰巧我今天心情好。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted4 |
看在咱们的情分上,就给你了吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted5 |
看在咱们的情分上,就给你了吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted6 |
我……行吧,行吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted7 |
我……行吧,行吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptAccepted8 |
你怎么都该更高点吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejectedRandom |
你怎么都该更高点吧。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected2 |
你这有点离谱了,朋友。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected3 |
你这有点离谱了,朋友。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected4 |
它可远比这个数值钱! — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected5 |
它可远比这个数值钱! — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected6 |
你简直就是在浪费咱们的时间! — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected7 |
你简直就是在浪费咱们的时间! — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected8 |
我看不行。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected9 |
我看不行。 — TujenLowChanceToAcceptRejected10 |
唉,拿了赶紧走。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAcceptedRandom |
唉,拿了赶紧走。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted2 |
你干脆抢劫算了! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted3 |
你干脆抢劫算了! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted4 |
我看咱们的交情有点悬。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted5 |
我看咱们的交情有点悬。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted6 |
你这人也太会砍价了吧。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted7 |
你这人也太会砍价了吧。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted8 |
行行行,别逼我了,成交成交。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted9 |
行行行,别逼我了,成交成交。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptAccepted10 |
你是来笑话我的吧? — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejectedRandom |
你是来笑话我的吧? — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected2 |
你认真点行不。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected3 |
你认真点行不。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected4 |
你这人太操蛋了。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected5 |
你这人太操蛋了。 — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected6 |
这么低我怎么活啊! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected7 |
这么低我怎么活啊! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected8 |
我总要吃饭的吧! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected9 |
我总要吃饭的吧! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected10 |
理智点行不! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected11 |
理智点行不! — TujenExtremelyLowChanceToAcceptRejected12 |
一个?你就出一个? — TujenPlayerOfferedOneRandom |
一个?你就出一个? — TujenPlayerOfferedOne2 |
就这个价,我都被你整累了。 — TujenRemovesItemRandom |
就这个价,我都被你整累了。 — TujenRemovesItem2 |
算了算了,你是来找事的,不是来砍价的。 — TujenRemovesItem3 |
算了算了,你是来找事的,不是来砍价的。 — TujenRemovesItem4 |
再这样下去,咱们朋友都没得做了,还是算了吧。 — TujenRemovesItem5 |
再这样下去,咱们朋友都没得做了,还是算了吧。 — TujenRemovesItem6 |
行了行了,我就这个价,你爱买不买。 — TujenRemovesItem7 |
行了行了,我就这个价,你爱买不买。 — TujenRemovesItem8 |
不行,我说不行。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSameRandom |
不行,我说不行。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame2 |
我真看错你了。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame3 |
我真看错你了。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame4 |
我还是那个价。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame5 |
我还是那个价。 — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame6 |
这个价不能再低了! — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame7 |
这个价不能再低了! — TujenCounterOfferRemainsSame8 |
你得让我有点利润空间啊。 — TujenPlayerCannotCarryRandom |
你得让我有点利润空间啊。 — TujenPlayerCannotCarry2 |
这东西你都用不了啊! — TujenPlayerCannotCarry3 |
这东西你都用不了啊! — TujenPlayerCannotCarry4 |
你的钱不够买下它! — TujenPlayerCannotAffordRandom |
你的钱不够买下它! — TujenPlayerCannotAfford2 |
这个价钱你根本给不起啊! — TujenPlayerCannotAfford3 |
这个价钱你根本给不起啊! — TujenPlayerCannotAfford4 |
知道吗,我来这儿是有特殊目的的。我要找一帮古代的闹腾鬼,人称黑镰佣兵队。他们的创始人是个特别厉害的女英雄,叫做沃拉娜,是我的一个祖先。我要在回国之前查清她的遭遇。 — TujenGossipBlackScytheMercenaries |
她是一位特别勇猛的武士。卡迪甘三世曾经想让她为王室服务,结果他派去的所有人都被她揍趴下了。后来国王才了解她{不喜欢} 受约束,于是就给她颁发了佣兵宪章。得到自由管辖权后,她为卡古兰人取得了许多重大胜利。我就特别敬重那些能按自己的想法活的人。
我不知道她在瓦尔克拉斯遭遇了什么,但我总感觉她还在继续奋斗。她有颗炽烈的心,不打舒坦是绝不会罢休的。 — TujenGossipVorana |
如果没有他提供后勤,我们大部分行动都会失败。我们趟过风霜雨雪,泥泞黄沙,却一直没饿过肚子。俗话说兵马未动粮草先行,说的就是后勤。别以为咱不懂这个。 — TujenGossipRog |
她是我的远房表亲,所以我会不惜一切代价保护她。她有些怪念头,认为相信才能赢。可如果真是这样的话,咱们上次的运动就不会输了。 — TujenGossipGwennen |
他是个好人,不过有两副面孔。一副是志向高远的梦想家,另一副是愤世嫉俗的现实派。不过不管他走到天涯海角我都会誓死追随,所以……我们才会来到这里。 — TujenGossipDannig |
我们的人很骄傲,可谁不是呢?不过我们会审时度势,顽强勇敢地面对严峻的现实。我们的血统就是一份成就和名誉的记录单。所以我们不光是为自己奋斗,也是为我们未来的子孙后代奋斗。 — TujenGossipTheKalguur |
现在的天气还真好是吧? — TujenGossipTheKingOne |
瓦尔克拉斯实在太凶险了。这方面你肯定有说不完的故事。 — TujenGossipTheKingTwo |
别问了!你这人懂不懂跟人打交道啊? — TujenGossipTheKingThree |
咱们的人在瓦尔克拉斯遭遇了很严峻的形势。我个人很愿意相信沃拉娜把这疯狂的地方收拾干净了,可现在我们看到怪物仍然在这里横行霸道。所以咱们俩都清楚那天她没赢。不过我们的人仍然想通过某些洞穴逃生?我们必须把剩下的故事都挖出来! — TujenGossipVoranaStoryFound |
你打败了沃拉娜?这真叫我目瞪口呆。我是安妮斯特的后代。安妮斯特,就是她在末日前送回祖国的女儿。你让我的祖先终于获得了安宁,我感激不尽。 — TujenGossipVoranaDefeatedStoryNotComplete |
不过她变成了不朽妖魔的部分,我看就不必说了吧? — TujenGossipVoranaDefeatedStoryComplete |
可我心里还是有个疑问:乌崔德是第一个宣布宝石不干净的人,根据我们发现的资料,他也从来没有用过宝石。那他是怎么疯掉的,到底看到了什么才让他崩溃的呢? — TujenGossipUhtredDefeatedStoryComplete |
那是沃拉娜本人! — TujenExclaimsAboutVorana |
This one looks like junk, but I could scrape at it a bit, see what's underneath. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_Random |
This one looks like junk, but I could scrape at it a bit, see what's underneath. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_2 |
This one looks like junk, but I could scrape at it a bit, see what's underneath. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_3 |
These runed hammers are somethin' else, aren't they? — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_4 |
These runed hammers are somethin' else, aren't they? — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_5 |
Reminds me of a magic trick I saw in a tavern once. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_6 |
Reminds me of a magic trick I saw in a tavern once. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_7 |
Reminds me of a magic trick I saw in a tavern once. — TujenCraft_AddModMakeRare_8 |
Nicked a little bit of Golden Chimeral Blood. Use it or lose it, as they say. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_Random |
Nicked a little bit of Golden Chimeral Blood. Use it or lose it, as they say. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_2 |
Nicked a little bit of Golden Chimeral Blood. Use it or lose it, as they say. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_3 |
It looks perfect already to me, but... if you insist. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_4 |
It looks perfect already to me, but... if you insist. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_5 |
It looks perfect already to me, but... if you insist. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_6 |
Agh, I got no idea what I'm doing. Rog shouldn't have trusted me with all this. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_7 |
Agh, I got no idea what I'm doing. Rog shouldn't have trusted me with all this. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_8 |
Agh, I got no idea what I'm doing. Rog shouldn't have trusted me with all this. — TujenCraft_AddPrefixMod_9 |
Eh, I can spare a drop of Black Chimeral Blood. Barely gets me drunk, anyway. — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_Random |
Eh, I can spare a drop of Black Chimeral Blood. Barely gets me drunk, anyway. — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_2 |
Eh, I can spare a drop of Black Chimeral Blood. Barely gets me drunk, anyway. — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_3 |
Want me to fancy it up, ey? How's this for fancy? — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_4 |
Want me to fancy it up, ey? How's this for fancy? — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_5 |
Want me to fancy it up, ey? How's this for fancy? — TujenCraft_AddSuffixMod_6 |
There's more to this than meets the eye, if I do some good polishing. — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_Random |
There's more to this than meets the eye, if I do some good polishing. — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_2 |
There's more to this than meets the eye, if I do some good polishing. — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_3 |
Fill 'er up! — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_4 |
Fill 'er up! — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_5 |
Fill 'er up! — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_6 |
Can't {all} be useless, can they? — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_7 |
Can't {all} be useless, can they? — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_8 |
Can't {all} be useless, can they? — TujenCraft_FillAllEmptySlots_9 |
I could keep working on this one. — TujenCraft_Extras_Random |
I could keep working on this one. — TujenCraft_Extras_2 |
I could keep working on this one. — TujenCraft_Extras_3 |
This one could use a bit more work. — TujenCraft_Extras_4 |
This one could use a bit more work. — TujenCraft_Extras_5 |
This one could use a bit more work. — TujenCraft_Extras_6 |
I'm not satisfied with this one's quality. — TujenCraft_Extras_7 |
I'm not satisfied with this one's quality. — TujenCraft_Extras_8 |
I'm not satisfied with this one's quality. — TujenCraft_Extras_9 |
Now how did Rog do this again? Hmm... — TujenCraft_Extras_10 |
Now how did Rog do this again? Hmm... — TujenCraft_Extras_11 |
Now how did Rog do this again? Hmm... — TujenCraft_Extras_12 |
Whatever works. — TujenCraft_Extras_13 |
Whatever works. — TujenCraft_Extras_14 |
Whatever works. — TujenCraft_Extras_15 |
Bit of this, bit of that... — TujenCraft_Extras_16 |
Bit of this, bit of that... — TujenCraft_Extras_17 |
Bit of this, bit of that... — TujenCraft_Extras_18 |
In my opinion, the result is more important than the process. — TujenCraft_Extras_19 |
In my opinion, the result is more important than the process. — TujenCraft_Extras_20 |
Never bloody happy, are ya. — TujenCraft_Extras_21 |
Never bloody happy, are ya. — TujenCraft_Extras_22 |
Never bloody happy, are ya. — TujenCraft_Extras_23 |
Pretty sure I just hammer it until it stops glowing... — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_Random |
Pretty sure I just hammer it until it stops glowing... — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_2 |
Pretty sure I just hammer it until it stops glowing... — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_3 |
Was that supposed to break? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_4 |
Was that supposed to break? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_5 |
Was that supposed to break? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_6 |
I'll just remove that bit. Don't mind if I keep it, do ya? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_7 |
I'll just remove that bit. Don't mind if I keep it, do ya? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_8 |
I'll just remove that bit. Don't mind if I keep it, do ya? — TujenCraft_RemoveAllPrefixes_9 |
Hit it hard enough, it's bound to ruin something. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_Random |
Hit it hard enough, it's bound to ruin something. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_2 |
Hit it hard enough, it's bound to ruin something. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_3 |
I thought it was perfect, myself. Egh, whatever. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_4 |
I thought it was perfect, myself. Egh, whatever. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_5 |
I thought it was perfect, myself. Egh, whatever. — TujenCraft_RemoveAllSuffixes_6 |
Let's see if I can remember how to etch a rune of nullification.... — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_Random |
Let's see if I can remember how to etch a rune of nullification.... — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_2 |
Let's see if I can remember how to etch a rune of nullification.... — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_3 |
Hang on, Rog told me about these 'runes of nullification'. Fingers crossed. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_4 |
Hang on, Rog told me about these 'runes of nullification'. Fingers crossed. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_5 |
Hang on, Rog told me about these 'runes of nullification'. Fingers crossed. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_6 |
Oh, bloody hell. Snapped off a bit. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_7 |
Damnit. Snapped off a bit. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_8 |
Damn. Snapped off a bit. — TujenCraft_RemoveLowestMod_9 |
I'll etch a small rune on it. I'm no smith, though. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_Random |
I'll etch a small rune on it. I'm no smith, though. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_2 |
I'll etch a small rune on it. I'm no smith, though. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_3 |
By the Kings teeth, this is a tough one. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_4 |
By the Kings bloody teeth, this is a tough one. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_5 |
By the Kings teeth, this is a tough one. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_6 |
Needs a repair, ey? Well, no guarantee, but I'll do what I can. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_7 |
Needs a repair, ey? Well, no guarantee, but I'll do what I can. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_8 |
Needs a repair, ey? Well, no guarantee, but I'll do what I can. — TujenCraft_RerollValueSingleMod_9 |
Gotta hit the front with this little runed hammer... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_Random |
Gotta hit the front with this little runed hammer... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_2 |
Gotta hit the front with this little runed hammer... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_3 |
Sure I can't just keep it? Well, if you insist... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_4 |
Sure I can't just keep it? Well, if you insist... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_5 |
Sure I can't just keep it? Well, if you insist... — TujenCraft_RerollValuesPrefix_6 |
A tap on the back with this runed hammer will mix things up a bit. — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_Random |
A tap on the back with this runed hammer will mix things up a bit. — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_2 |
A tap on the back with this runed hammer will mix things up a bit. — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_3 |
The bottom of this needs some work — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_4 |
The bottom of this needs some work — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_5 |
The bottom of this needs some work — TujenCraft_RerollValuesSuffix_6 |
I could swap out a few bits, see what happens. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_Random |
I could swap out a few bits, see what happens. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_2 |
I could swap out a few bits, see what happens. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_3 |
Let's just... replace those top bits, ey? — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_4 |
Let's just... replace those top bits, ey? — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_5 |
Let's just... replace those top bits, ey? — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_6 |
Betcha if I just... there we go, good as new! I hope. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_7 |
Betcha if I just... there we go, good as new! I hope. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_8 |
Betcha if I just... there we go, good as new! I hope. — TujenCraft_RerollPrefixMods_9 |
This one could use a bit more work on the back end. — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_Random |
This one could use a bit more work on the back end. — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_2 |
This one could use a bit more work on the back end. — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_3 |
These bits could use a polish up, don'tcha think? — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_4 |
These bits could use a polish up, don'tcha think? — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_5 |
These bits could use a polish up, don'tcha think? — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_6 |
Scrape that off, bash that a bit... — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_7 |
Scrape that off, bash that a bit... — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_8 |
Scrape that off, bash that a bit... — TujenCraft_RerollSuffixMods_9 |
Amulets aren't really my thing but to each their own, I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_Random |
Amulets aren't really my thing but to each their own, I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_2 |
Amulets aren't really my thing but to each their own, I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_3 |
If you like it, I like it... I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_4 |
If you like it, I like it... I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_5 |
If you like it, I like it... I guess. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_6 |
This is the sorta thing I'd give to a bar wench I fancy. Pretty trinket. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_7 |
This is the sorta thing I'd give to a bar wench I fancy. Pretty trinket. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_8 |
This is the sorta thing I'd give to a bar wench I fancy. Pretty trinket. — TujenCraft_TakeAmulet_9 |
That belt was off to start with. Nothing a bit of tinkering couldn't fix. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_Random |
That belt was off to start with. Nothing a bit of tinkering couldn't fix. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_2 |
That belt was off to start with. Nothing a bit of tinkering couldn't fix. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_3 |
Another notch or two won't hurt it. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_4 |
Another notch or two won't hurt it. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_5 |
Another notch or two won't hurt it. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_6 |
I swear I once saw a similar belt in Middengard! — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_7 |
I swear I once saw a similar belt in Middengard! — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_8 |
I swear I once saw a similar belt in Middengard! — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_9 |
This thing is for more than just keeping your trousers on. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_10 |
This thing is for more than just keeping your trousers on. — TujenCraft_TakeBelt_11 |
That ring needed a lot more than just a polish. See what you think. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_Random |
That ring needed a lot more than just a polish. See what you think. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_2 |
That ring needed a lot more than just a polish. See what you think. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_3 |
Rings are finicky to work with. I hope you appreciate that! — TujenCraft_TakeRing_4 |
Rings are finicky to work with. I hope you appreciate that! — TujenCraft_TakeRing_5 |
Strange how so much power can come from such a little thing. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_6 |
Strange how so much power can come from such a little thing. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_7 |
Strange how so much power can come from such a little thing. — TujenCraft_TakeRing_8 |
Eh? There's a weird smudge here. I should clean that off. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_Random |
Eh? There's a weird smudge here. I should clean that off. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_2 |
Eh? There's a weird smudge here. I should clean that off. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_3 |
I'm sure I could spruce that up a bit. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_4 |
I'm sure I could spruce that up a bit. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_5 |
I'm sure I could spruce that up a bit. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_6 |
Rog didn't tell me it was this easy. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_7 |
Rog didn't tell me it was this easy. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_8 |
Rog didn't tell me it was this easy. — TujenCraft_UpgradeRandomModOneTier_9 |
Rog and Dannig showed me a few techniques. I'm no expert, but I can manage a couple of basic upgrades. — Upgrades |
We came to Wraeclast in search of some, let's say, historical goings on. Had a bit a trouble finding anything after so long. We figured, why not go back to when it was fresh? Met a rather talented young woman- well, i shouldn't say. But this Cataclysm, this corruption, it's the damndest thing... it's like we brought our business with us somehow... — The Cataclysm |
You're still here? This must be when you... ah. Right, we're not supposed to say much. We just met, aye. — 介绍 |
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