エグザイル、こっちに!早く! — ZanaElderBossWarning |
あれがエルダー...なんて恐ろしい強大な力!エグザイル、私達はあれを倒す方法を見つけなければなりません。この世界からは追い出すことが出来たようですが、永久に倒す方法が必ずあるはずです..... — ZanaElderBossComplete |
ZanaShaperDefeat0_AudioOnly — ZanaShaperDefeat0_AudioOnly |
Father! Are you alright? — ZanaShaperDefeat1_NoAudio |
We'll stop it. You and I... — ZanaShaperDefeat2_NoAudio |
父さん! — ZanaShaperDefeat3_NoAudio |
父さん、ダメ! — ZanaUberElderMid |
エグザイル、どうにかして! — ZanaUberElderIntro |
I've seen men and women turn mad, but I've never seen a case like Niko... I think the ores and compounds he's been handling have been affecting his mind. He seems to be aware of it, too.
Can it really be called madness when it is of your own doing?
It's a shame. I'm sure we will encounter many subterranean environments where his expertise would be invaluable, but I simply can't risk our safety. The Atlas presents its own potential threats to sanity... putting additional pressure on Niko might send him right over the brink.
— ZanaSynthOnNiko |
When I was a young girl I used to play with the neighbourhood stray cat, and one day it started bringing me mice. Einhar is that stray cat. Has he been trying to feed you raw meat too? I just don't have the heart to tell him how inedible it is.
The first time he handed me a big raw steak, I began to cook it over the fire, and he told me I was 'ruining all the good red.' Since then, I've just hidden it when he isn't looking. Sometimes I open up a map and hurl it in there. I know how irresponsible it is, but... Einhar's a sweetheart. I don't need to see under the mask to know how deeply he feels emotions, and I can't bear to hurt him.
Watch your step out there. You may land on some of my rotten scraps.
— ZanaSynthOnEinhar |
As a fellow explorer, I must admit admiration for Alva. Her motivations may not be as philanthropic as mine, but you can't deny that her methods get results. Do I wonder what kind of repercussions all her time travel is having on us? Of course! But we don't really know what the consequences of our travel through the Atlas are either, and I'm not interested in throwing stones while living in my own little glass house.
I do wish she'd look past profits, but we've all benefited from her finds in one way or another.
— ZanaSynthOnAlva |
Navali's powers are impressive, yes, but they are not without their limits. It seems her knowledge of things to come is restricted to our realm, however broad that may be. When it comes to the Atlas, her predictions don't seem as reliable.
I wonder how much of this is due to the source of her powers... she claims to have been given the gift of second sight by the Karui goddess Hinekora, but since the gods returned I've heard nothing of Hinekora. Is Navali being misled by a deceptive entity? Or is Hinekora keeping a low profile? Perhaps the goddess simply has no interest in us, as she has her own flock to tend.
Regardless, it may be worth remembering that although Navali is a good friend to have, she has her own agenda like anyone else; an agenda she may have been given by her benefactor.
— ZanaSynthOnNavali |
I've tried getting to know Jun, and maybe I'm reading into things a little bit here, but I don't think she likes me. Whenever I try to talk to her, she gets quiet and averts her eyes. I've seen her fight, so I don't think she's exactly shy... and I catch her staring at me every so often. Long stares. The kind you do when you're lost in thought.
I wonder what I did to offend her...
No matter! I'll just stay the course. I'm sure with a little more alone time we'll become fast friends.
— ZanaSynthOnJun |
I wish I could say I trust Helena, but I've seen one too many of Dominus's blackguards suddenly snap. The training and indoctrination they go through does not leave much room for one's own judgement.
I'm not trying to sound ungracious. She's done a lot for us, but I'd be telling a fib if I claimed I didn't sleep with a blade beneath my pillow when she's around.
— ZanaSynthOnHelena |
What a strange entity you found, Exile. Completely devoid of memory, yet cognisant, and even driven... I hope to find the time to really get to know him, but I've been so caught up with the happenings out in the Atlas.
Perhaps I'll join you on one of your memory ventures soon.
— ZanaSynthOnCavas |
Fantastic work, Exile. Here, take one of these. It will help us continue to pursue that entity. — ZanaQuestMapReward1 |
We have to keep laying the pressure on him. Here, this should help. — ZanaQuestMapReward2 |
As long as he keeps running, we'll keep chasing. Here, take this, and be careful out there. — ZanaQuestMapReward3 |
He's retreating deeper into the Atlas. We must keep up the chase! Use this wisely. — ZanaQuestMapReward4 |
We're cornering him now, Exile. He must be running out of tricks. Keep pushing onwards! — ZanaQuestMapReward5 |
Exile, to me! That thing is about to explode! — ZanaSynthUnstableElderRandom |
It's too unstable, Exile! Come here! Quickly! — ZanaSynthUnstableElder2 |
Exile, it's almost ready! Just a little longer. — ZanaSynthElderLastPhase |
For the men and women who died fighting you...
For the children you fed upon...
I banish you to the void between voids!
May you never be free!
— ZanaSynthElderSealing |
I'm hurt - I can't protect you right now! — ZanaSynthElderBulletHell |
Protect me while I seal the portal! — ZanaSynthElderProtectMe |
Bloom! — ZanaSynthRoses |
Begone! — ZanaSynthSpaceSlash |
I've got your back, Exile! — ZanaSynthBeam |
あなた...この愚か者!ここで何をしているの!? — ZanaInitialAttention |
シラス、お願い、私たちはあなたを助けたいの。性急なことはしないで。 — ZanaEncounterSirus |
だめ、やめて- — ZanaEncounterSirusTwo |
キラック! — ZanaEncounterSirusThree |
エグザイル、行って。私はキラックの側にいるわ。シラスをオリアスから追い出して。行くのよ! — ZanaEncounterSirusFour |
ZanaEncounterSirusFive — ZanaEncounterSirusFive |
Kirac, now! — ZanaEncounterSirusSix |
ごめんなさい... シラス... 全ては私の過ちよ。ごめんなさい。本当にごめんなさい。 — ZanaEncounterSirusSeven |
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— 313Zana_Farewell_11.ogg |
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— 313Zana_Greeting_15.ogg |
— 313Zana_Farewell_01.ogg |
— 313Zana_Farewell_02.ogg |
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— 313Zana_Farewell_15.ogg |