Skill Gem /3
Skill Gem Quality /1
Life Remnants(0–10)% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy
Support Gem /2
Heist Equipment mods /4
of Appeasing1Suffix(6–7)% chance on killing an Enemy to not generate Alert Level
of Mollifying45Suffix(8–9)% chance on killing an Enemy to not generate Alert Level
of Placating75Suffix(10–12)% chance on killing an Enemy to not generate Alert Level
of Pacifying82Suffix(13–15)% chance on killing an Enemy to not generate Alert Level
Misc mods /25
of the Medic8FlaskSuffix(21–25)% Chance to gain a Charge when you Kill an Enemy
of the Doctor26FlaskSuffix(26–30)% Chance to gain a Charge when you Kill an Enemy
of the Surgeon45FlaskSuffix(31–35)% Chance to gain a Charge when you Kill an Enemy
1FlaskUniqueUsed when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
of Empowerment1SanctumRelicSuffixRestore (40–59) Honour on killing a Boss
of Championship45SanctumRelicSuffixRestore (60–79) Honour on killing a Boss
of Victory60SanctumRelicSuffixRestore (80–99) Honour on killing a Boss
of Conquest72SanctumRelicSuffixRestore (100–119) Honour on killing a Boss
of Triumph78SanctumRelicSuffixRestore (120–150) Honour on killing a Boss
of Success1JewelSuffixRecover (1–2)% of Life on Kill life
of Osmosis1JewelSuffixRecover (1–2)% of Mana on Kill mana
of Success1JewelSuffixRecover 1% of Life on Kill life
of Osmosis1JewelSuffixRecover 1% of Mana on Kill mana
1JewelUniqueWith 4 Notables Allocated in Radius, When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain 1 of its Modifiers for 20 seconds
local jewel effect base radius [800]
1JewelUnique(20–30)% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
1JewelUniqueRecover 1% of Mana on Kill mana
1JewelUniqueLose 1% of Life on Kill life
1JewelUniqueLose 1% of Energy Shield on Kill defences
1JewelUnique(20–30)% chance to Curse you with Punishment on Kill caster curse
1JewelUniquePassives granting Fire Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius
also grant an equal chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Kill
local jewel effect base radius [1500]
1JewelUniquePassives granting Cold Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius
also grant an equal chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
local jewel effect base radius [1500]
1JewelUniquePassives granting Lightning Resistance or all Elemental Resistances in Radius
also grant an equal chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
local jewel effect base radius [1500]
1JewelUniqueWith at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Raised Spectres have a 50% chance to gain Soul Eater for 20 seconds on Kill
local jewel effect base radius [1200]
1AtlasPrefixPlayers gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
Your Maps contain 6 additional packs of Corrupted Vaal Monsters
3 uses remaining
1AtlasPrefixPlayers gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
Your Maps contain 8 additional packs of Corrupted Vaal Monsters
15 uses remaining
Item /1
Golden Charm
Lasts 1 Second
Consumes 80 of 80 Charges on use
Currently has 80 Charges
20% increased Rarity of Items found
Requires: Level 50
Used when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Unique /6
+(10–20) to maximum Energy Shield
(20–40)% increased Spell Damage
+(5–10) to Intelligence
20% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy
(20–30)% increased Stun Threshold
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(20–40) to Strength
+(20–40) to Dexterity
When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its Modifiers for 20 seconds
(40–60)% increased Armour and Evasion
(40–50)% increased Rarity of Items found
Lose 2% of Life on Kill
+(120–160) to Accuracy Rating
+(75–125) to Accuracy Rating
+(75–125) to Evasion Rating
Leech 5% of Physical Attack Damage as Life
You gain Onslaught for 4 seconds on Kill
Grants Skill: Raise Shield
(60–100)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(40–60) to maximum Mana
Lose 1% of Life on Kill
Lose 1% of Mana on Kill
(30–50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Grants Skill: Lightning Bolt
Grants Skill: Spark
(80–120)% increased Lightning Damage
(10–20)% increased Cast Speed
(20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Trigger Spark Skill on killing a Shocked Enemy
Passive /6
50% chance to gain Onslaught on Killing Blow with Axes
10% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Recover 2% of Life on Kill
+10 to Intelligence
Recover 3% of Life on Kill
Gain 20 Life per Enemy Killed
2% chance to Recover all Life when you Kill an Enemy
30% increased Magnitude of Poison you inflict
Recover 2% of Life on Killing a Poisoned Enemy
Recover 2% of Mana on Kill
25% increased amount of Mana Leeched
Timeless Jewel Passive Additions /3
Show Full Descriptions
5% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on Killkarui_notable_add_endurance_charge_on_kill
5% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Killmaraketh_notable_add_frenzy_charge_on_kill
You gain Onslaught for 8 seconds on Killmaraketh_notable_add_onslaught

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