Life Remnants
Level: (1–20)
Requires: Level (1–90)
Drinks the blood of your enemies to restore your Life. While active, enemies you kill have a chance to spawn a Life Remnant, and Critically Hitting a target spawns a Life Remnant every few seconds. Picking up a Life Remnant grants you Life which can Overflow maximum Life.
25% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy
Spawn a Remnant on Critically Hitting a target, no more than once every 2 seconds
Each Remnant grants (11–410) Life

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–10)% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Support Gems /3
From /1
Level Effect /40
Requires Level
Base Damage
Each Remnant grants 11 Life
100100%, 100%11
230100%, 100%14
360100%, 100%23
4100100%, 100%31
5140100%, 100%41
6180100%, 100%52
7220100%, 100%65
8260100%, 100%81
9310100%, 100%95
10360100%, 100%112
11410100%, 100%131
12460100%, 100%157
13520100%, 100%176
14580100%, 100%205
15640100%, 100%232
16660100%, 100%263
17720100%, 100%301
18780100%, 100%337
19840100%, 100%374
20900100%, 100%410
210100%, 100%448
220100%, 100%490
230100%, 100%531
240100%, 100%574
250100%, 100%616
260100%, 100%657
270100%, 100%706
280100%, 100%752
290100%, 100%799
300100%, 100%851
310100%, 100%900
320100%, 100%952
330100%, 100%1004
340100%, 100%1062
350100%, 100%1114
360100%, 100%1172
370100%, 100%1229
380100%, 100%1287
390100%, 100%1350
400100%, 100%1408
Attribute /7

Life Remnants

AcronymHit, Life
BaseType Life Remnants
Class Skill Gems
TypeBuff, HasReservation, OngoingSkill, Persistent
Life Remnants
Level: (1–20)
Requires: Level (1–90)
Drinks the blood of your enemies to restore your Life. While active, enemies you kill have a chance to spawn a Life Remnant, and Critically Hitting a target spawns a Life Remnant every few seconds. Picking up a Life Remnant grants you Life which can Overflow maximum Life.
25% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy
Spawn a Remnant on Critically Hitting a target, no more than once every 2 seconds
Each Remnant grants (11–410) Life
base deal no damage over time [1]
skill desired amount override [1]

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–10)% chance to spawn a Remnant on killing an enemy
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Supported By /5
  • Active Type: Buff, HasReservation, OngoingSkill, Persistent
  • Precision
    Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Accuracy while the Skill is active.
    Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Mana Regeneration while the Skill is active.
    Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain Life Regeneration while the Skill is active.
    Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to gain increased Life recovery from Flasks while the Skill is active.
    Supports Persistent Buff Skills, causing you to recover Life on kill while the Skill is active.
    Life Remnants
    You create Life Remnants when you kill or Critically Hit enemies. Walking over a Life Remnant consumes it to restore your Life.
    Attribute /4



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