Killing Palm
Attack, AoE, Physical, Melee, Strike
Level: 2
Cost: 6 Mana
Attack Speed: 65% of base
Attack Damage: 99%
Requires Level 1, Unarmed, Quarterstaff
Dash to an emeny and strike them with an unarmed Attack, Culling enemies if their life is low enough. Each enemy killed by this strike grants a Power Charge. Enemies around you that can be Culled will be highlighted. This skill is always performed Unarmed, even if you have a Quarterstaff equipped.
5 to 9 Added Attack Physical Damage
Culling Strike
Can't be Evaded
+7% to Critical Strike Chance
This Attack does not benefit from Weapons
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.