Weight information cannot be obtained.
Sceptres / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
07712mana# to maximum Mana
0769damagephysicalattackAllies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Physical Damage
0769damageelementalfireattackAllies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Fire Damage
0779damageelementalcoldattackAllies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Cold Damage
0769damageelementallightningattackAllies in your Presence deal # to # additional Attack Lightning Damage
0828damageAllies in your Presence deal #% increased Damage
0638attackAllies in your Presence have # to Accuracy Rating
0828#% increased Spirit
0787#% increased Spirit
# to maximum Mana
# to maximum Mana
0748attribute# to Strength
0748attribute# to Intelligence
0806elementalresistanceAllies in your Presence have #% to all Elemental Resistances
0605#% reduced Attribute Requirements
0815miniongem# to Level of all Minion Skills
07510lifeAllies in your Presence Regenerate # Life per second
0796mana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
0554attackspeedAllies in your Presence have #% increased Attack Speed
0564casterspeedAllies in your Presence have #% increased Cast Speed
0766criticalAllies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Hit Chance
0736damagecriticalAllies in your Presence have #% increased Critical Damage Bonus
0303mana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% increased Light Radius
#% increased Light Radius
0724#% increased Presence Area of Effect
0806lifeminionMinions have #% increased maximum Life
Sceptres Unique /4

+(20–30) to maximum Mana
+(5–10) to Intelligence
(10–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 5% of Damage as Chaos Damage per Undead Minion

(30–50)% increased Spirit
+(40–60) to maximum Mana
(20–30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
When a Party Member in your Presence Casts a Spell, you
Sacrifice 20% of Mana and they Leech that Mana
Sacrifice 20% of Mana and they Leech that Mana

Gain (40–60)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Gain (20–30)% of Damage as Extra Fire Damage
Allies in your Presence Regenerate (2–3)% of their Maximum Life per second
Enemies in your Presence Resist Elemental Damage based on their Lowest Resistance

Allies in your Presence deal (4–6) to (7–10) additional Attack Fire Damage
+(5–10) to all Attributes
25% increased Light Radius
50% of your Life Regeneration is granted to Allies in your Presence
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.