Gender: M
힘: 11
민첩: 7
지능: 11
Weapon: Primal
속성: 타고난 번개 저항
내가 신의 종이라 해서 변변치 않고 약하다고 착각하지는 마라. 아니, 우리 템플러는 지상의 문제는 우리 손으로 직접 처리해야 한다는 사실을 배웠다. 신이 부재하더라도, 악의 처벌을 외면할 수는 없으니까.
Community Wiki
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Lightning Storm is a long-lasting spell that Shocks enemies.
Volcano fires projectiles around itself and lasts a long time. Hold the Button down longer to fire more initial projectiles.
While your spells are active, transform into a bear!
Use Bear Maul to Generate Rage.
Use Rampage to slam the ground repeatedly while consuming your Rage.
Use Furious Slam to Stun nearby enemies.
Use Ferocious Roar near Stunned enemies to empower your Slams with a second aftershock.
Any Slam near a Volcano will trigger more projectiles, including aftershocks!
Use Summon Wolf to distract enemies! They also debuff enemies when they appear.
If you are dying a lot, use Dodge Roll! It's on space bar!
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