Topic /1
LeitisFor what it's worth, my name is Leitis. I appreciate the rescue, but... Eamon... everything I know... it's all gone. It isn't worth much, but take this. Perhaps it will aid you against that monster.
Desert Map Text Audio /89
From what your shade has told us, the situation is dire. This {balbalakh} will live or die based on her usefulness in pursuit of the Seed of Corruption. Ask her what questions you will, then we Ardura will decide her fate.
We know where the Lost City is, yes, for we would never forget the birthplace of our people. It has been reclaimed by the sands, though if what the {balbalakh} says is true about the Faridun scouts, recent sandstorms must have opened a path inside. Find that path, or make one yourself. We shall engage the Faridun elsewhere to distract them from your actions.
Though events demand you tread upon a valley of the dead, do not do so flagrantly. Keep your presence light, cleanse what Corruption you can, and we shall skirmish with the Faridun to protect your flank.
We will take you to the Valley of the Titans, though expect no aid in infiltrating that accursed lowland. The Maraketh do not step foot there. Instead, we shall guard the entrance, delaying the Faridun should they seek to stop you.
We have never made the journey to our Towers without bearing a fallen {dekhara} to bury in the sky. It is not a place for the living... this shall be a disquieting time. Tread lightly. We shall harry the Faridun and draw their ire while you work. We are not permitted to destroy our Honoured Dead... but you are. Do what you must to deny the enemy what he seeks.
[DNT] We have their trail now. They will not escape!
[DNT] Ah yes, there is something in the Wastes that we need. We have heard reports of a glowing rock that fell from the sky. I ask you to investigate this report.
[DNT] Come! He seeks to escape!
Pursue the Enemy
Save the formalities. We must question this Defector. Meet me in the council den in the lead cart of my caravan.
Return to the Caravan
These tusks hold an inherent wisdom. They are the last remnants of a powerful race of creatures, a lesson carved in bone for those whose numbers dwindle from generation to generation.
[DNT] That valley of the Mastodons, where their bones lie rotting under the sun for all time, is proof that a culture can vanish entirely if the world changes too much. I will not let my people diminish and disappear the same way...
So the water goddess was truly there, as Risu claimed. It is a shame that she chose to be burned alive rather than stand and fight, but it is not our shame to bear, only her own.
Before we travel to the dunes over Keth, Zarka wishes to speak with you.
Once the seat of power for our people, now a buried testament to a glorious past. We will build a new Keth someday, when all this is over, and the Maraketh people will shine under the sun once again. That is a promise.
Foreigners often misunderstand the concept of Sekhema. I am no dictator, and do not make some pathetic claim of divine right. Emperors are for nations filled with the weak-minded and soft, as history has proven every time an empire falls and we endure. I am Sekhema because others have put their faith in me as the strongest and most capable among us. I lead because there is no better replacement. It is a role I deserve, by definition.
Why would you show me this? You fool! This folly is only harmless because there are no names on this letter. Otherwise, tradition would demand unhappy duties of me. I value each and every one of my {dekhara}. This is why I say: get this out of my sight.
If her information proves to be truthful, then she will live. If she is a deceiver sent to misdirect us, she will be left to die in the open desert... {again}.
The {balbalakh} has her life, for she was truthful. If she also wishes to be accepted here, that will be up to her.
She is a devoted follower, and there is no difference now between Maraketh and Faridun. Both serve me, under my united banner. The glory days of our people are nigh, {jingakh}. If you wish, you may return once you have destroyed the Seed of Corruption, and you, too, may share in what we build.
I am loathe to allow you access to the sacred burial towers of our people, but better a single {jingakh} than an army of spiteful enemies. The towers must be protected, no matter the cost. They are part of our legacy. We will defend their outskirts while you ascend and undertake your grisly duty.
So our Honoured Dead have been destroyed. Better this fate than letting a foul creature of Corruption consume them. Do not speak of this, lest our {dekharas} fear for their places of honour.
We have their trail now. They will not escape!
We have spent our time wisely. The journey so far has cost us several weeks, but our most distant outriders have managed to distract the Faridun with targeted raids. We should be able to reach at least one more destination before they do.
Our skirmishes against the Faridun's outriders have gone well, but their so-called King has made moves of his own while we have protected your flank. You may very well find that he has ridden ahead of us, but we must still try.
As the tale-women spread word of our victories with my name lauded, I find myself growing stronger. This must be the beginnings of Divinity. I will use this strength to defeat the King of the Faridun. Perhaps it will even be enough to destroy the Seed of Corruption.
You have done as well as can be expected on your own, {jingakh}. It will soon be time for our goals to coincide. Many other {akharas} have heard of our victories, but more have suffered from the sudden tide of Corruption. Our distant sisters have chosen to join the war to defeat this would-be King and destroy the Seed of Corruption.

The Faridun have assembled a tremendous Dreadnought far larger than any one caravan. As we speak, it is barreling through the heart of the Vastiri, leaving devastation in its wake. The Faridun seem to have some unknown destination in mind, but we intend to converge our {akharas} upon them before they can reach it. Join the pursuit. There will undoubtedly be creatures of Corruption in the wake of the Dreadnought.
The time has come for a final confrontation. The Faridun have united, but for the first time in many generations, the Maraketh have as well. I intend to infiltrate the Dreadnought and face the Perennial King myself. If I defeat him in personal combat, I can end this war. The Faridun and the Maraketh alike will witness my victory. That will be my chance to unify them under one banner. I can feel myself on the verge of some great transformation... and so, too, will my people transform, should we win the day. Glory will be ours again, {jingakh}. I want you by my side for this final battle, for the King will no doubt be supported by legions of Corrupted abominations.

The future beckons. Are you prepared?
The future is now ours to mold. It has been thousands of years since the Maraketh were united enough to create a new goddess, and I am honoured to become their divine Sekhema of Sekhemas. I am finally able to deliver the return to glory that I have always promised.

I understand that you wish to continue pursuing the Seed of Corruption. We will assist you when the task of solidifying our new unity is complete.
{Jingakh}, to me!
The Maraketh will destroy the Seed. The Maraketh will destroy {you!}
Not so mortal as you expect!
Then force of arms must do. {Jingakh}, we fight!
Even abominations bleed!
We must defeat the King before we pursue the Seed!
Do not waver! He struggles!
Your people are now mine.
This... this is Divinity...
I am your new Sekhema of Sekhemas. I am your Goddess. With the power you have given me, I grant amnesty to the Faridun, should they surrender and agree to follow me. We are now... one people.
The day is won, my friend. You are a foreigner no longer. For fighting at my side, I consider you one of us. Let us return home.
That foreigner escaped with the Seed of Corruption, but my outriders have found their trail. It leads away from the path that I must follow for now. There are some among the Faridun and the Maraketh who refuse my rule. I must unite the Vastiri Plains under a single leader if we are to restore this land to its former glory. I assume you will choose to part from us here and pursue the Seed. I understand that choice. I will send reinforcements to help you when the unification is over. Until then, I wish you luck in the Wastes to which the enemy has escaped.
What would you have me do?
Our way of life is {built} on force.
To change our way of life would be to erase ourselves. You knew what we were when you asked for our help.
My faithful friend. I believe you should take your shade home. He has developed a grievance against us for things we have always done.
I do not desire to overcome it. I give myself up to the will of my people. I live for {them}. I will manifest their dreams upon these very sands. Conquest, domination, and power - these have always been Maraketh values. That has not changed. Only our capability has grown.
So be it. You have chosen to betray us!
My people's faith burns through me!
Save... my people...
[DNT] If we have all we need, we can clear the Sandstorm!
[DNT] Good job. Now we can reach our Burial Towers once again.
I am Asala, the Sekhema of the Ardura. I have heard of you, of course, but Zarka assures me you have almost served your time of banishment. Time will tell.
I am Asala, the Sekhema of the Ardura. I care not where you came from, nor what caste you might have been there. All that matters is that you have shown yourself capable in battle, {jingakh}. Remain a friend to the Ardura, and you shall have nothing but respect from us.
So, the Beast {has} entered the world once more. We were following a trail of corruption before we were waylaid, and now we shall resume the hunt. We Maraketh are honor bound to seek and contain Corruption wherever it may be found. It seems this sacred duty falls on us once more. The trail connects to two locations, but we don't know where the Beast currently resides. I am willing to begin wherever you and your Shade think is wisest.
Pursuing the Beast
Corruption has returned to the Vastiri. Before this season, the hyenic warriors you fought would never have dared raid a caravan. The dead have begun to rise again, and other creatures of the desert have started... changing. By Zarka's accounts, the land is returning to the way it was before. These are ill times.
Recent Events
Foreigners often misunderstand the concept of the Sekhema. I am no dictator, and do not make some pathetic claim of divine right. Emperors are for nations filled with the weak-minded and soft, as history has proven every time an empire falls and we endure. I am Sekhema because others have put their faith in me as the strongest and most capable among us. I lead because there is no better replacement. It is a role I deserve, by definition.
Rank and Status
One of the trails of corruption leads towards the Halani Gates. Anyone who would wish to leave this region must pass through them.
Travel to the Halani Gates
The Halani Gates are closed for the first time in one thousand years! This can only be related to the Beast. We should investigate the Faridun camp and demand answers.
The Closed Gates
The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to find another way.
The Closed Gates
The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to use this... traitors passage instead.
Travel to the Halani Gates
We have reclaimed the Halani Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Speak to Zarka. She may know of some way forward.
Travel to the Halani Gates
We have reclaimed the Ancient Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Only a reforged Horn of Vastiri can open a way through.
Travel to the Halani Gates
It is time to use the reforged Horn of the Vastiri to open the way through. Prepare yourself. War is nigh.
Clear the Sandstorm
Outcasts currently make their home in the forgotten Quarry in the hills of Mawdun. They call themselves the Faridun. We should travel there and find out what it is they are doing.
Travel to Mawdun Quarry
Let us see if the defector's information is truthful. Infiltrate this passage, find your way to the top of the Halani Gates without being detected, and then call for aid. I shall answer.
Travel to Traitor's Passage
Once the seat of power for our people, now a buried testament to a glorious past. We will build a new Keth someday, when all this is over, and the Maraketh will shine under the sun once again. That is a promise.
Glorious Keth
That valley of the Badlands, where Mastodon bones rot under the sun for all time, is proof that a culture can vanish entirely if the world changes too much. I will not let my people diminish and disappear the same way...
Mastodon Badlands
I am forbidden by the terms of the Third Pact from invoking the Rite of Flame myself. I must send an emissary... as must they. I do not know in what form it will come.
Valley of the Titans
Enter Deshar, and take our vengeance upon the Faridun within! We will flank them while you ascend and undertake your duty.
We have their trail now. They will not escape!
Continue the Pursuit
[DNT] Dreadnought's Wake or Oasis?
[DNT] Travel to Oasis/Dreadnought's Wake
This {balbalakh} will live or die based on her usefulness in pursuit of the Beast. Ask her what questions you will, then we Ardura will decide her fate.
Question the Defector
So, the outcasts have raised their new 'King' from the grave, and he seeks to violate Deshar— to feed our honoured dead to the Beast. Such a transgression... those {vile dogs!} Our city of the dead lies beyond the Halani Gates—we should move to crush the Faridun immediately. Let us see if this defector's information is truthful. Infiltrate this supposed passage, find your way to the top of the Gates without being detected, and then call for aid. I shall answer.
Assaulting the Gates
If her information proves to be truthful, {then} she will live. If she is a deceiver sent to misdirect us, she will be left to die in the open desert... again.
Risu's Fate
The {balbalakh} has her life, for she was truthful. If she also wishes to be accepted here, that will be up to her.
Risu's Fate
Your success in the trial will go a long way to redeeming you with your {akhara}. I congratulate you. You will always have a place aboard my caravan.
Trial of the Sekhemas
You participated in our trial, {jingakh?} Well, it is unusual, but no less impressive. We welcome you now as a {dekhara.} As far as I am concerned, you are one of us.
Trial of the Sekhemas
Ah, yes, the Horn of the Vastiri... I know the tale. The ancient city of Keth, the Badlands, and the Valley of the Titans... we can retrace Orbala's steps in any order.
The Horn of the Vastiri
The last remnants of a wise and powerful race of creatures. A lesson in bone for those whose numbers dwindle from generation to generation.
Ah, you found the essence of water! I expected something like this to be tended to by a goddess, but I suppose Keth has been abandoned far too long for that.
The Water Goddess
There was a {water goddess} in Keth? It is a shame that she chose to be burned alive rather than to stand and fight, but it is not our shame to bear, only her own.
The Water Goddess
I am hesitant to allow you access to sacred Deshar, but better a single {jingakh} than an army of spiteful enemies. Our city of the dead must be protected, no matter the cost.
Why would you show me this? You fool! This folly is only harmless because there are no names on this letter. Otherwise, tradition would demand unhappy duties of me. I value each and every one of my dekhara. This is why I say: get this out of my sight.
Show Asala the Final Letter
The Faridun have assembled a tremendous Dreadnought, a war caravan larger than we have ever seen. As we speak, it is barreling through the heart of the Vastiri, leaving devastation in its wake.
Assault the Dreadnought
The time has come for a final confrontation. We must attack the Dreadnought and face Jamanra and the Beast ourselves. This must end here.
Assault the Dreadnought
Ah. There you are.
Yes, we can take you to the edge of the desert. Then, we will continue to track the Beast. You {must} find a way to contain it. When we find out where it is being taken, we will seek you out. Until then, may the winds ever be calm on your path.
Travel to the Sandswept Marsh
This 'Oriana' would find no allies among our {akharas...} we are no strangers to the eternal war against Corruption. If she has allies in this region, they cannot be of the Maraketh.
After the Beast of Highgate was slain, all other {akharas} vowed to pursue and eradicate Corruption should it ever return. Never again will a sole akhara suffer the weight of history.
Honour Bound
Jamanra is back where he belongs. I have given him a proper death. By removing his head, I acknowledged him. Though, he was never a King, despite what the Faridun may choose to believe. Those who have survived this war will be given a choice. It would be a waste to kill the Faridun who have proven themselves in battle... they may choose to be acknowledged. To have a place at the table. Or... they can remain outcasts. Either way, it is time to write a new chapter. Who knows what the future holds? After what has happened here, the other {akharas} must consider joining the Ardura. I intend to be... persuasive.
The Fate of the Faridun

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