Legacy of the Vaal
Legacy of the Vaal Attr /7
SourceTimeless Jewel
NameLegacy of the Vaal
RandomMin: 3 Max: 4
Legacy of the Vaal
Act 3
Speak to the Hooded One about what do to next.
1Speak to the Hooded One
Speak to the Hooded One about what do to next.
Area: Sandswept Marsh
2Find the Ziggurat
Only one seat of Vaal civilisation remains unlooted: the Sunken City of Utzaal. Explore the Sandswept Marsh in search of its most prominent Ziggurat.
Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • Servi The Lake: The Vaal built massive waterways to turn swamp into richer lands. But when them betrayed nature and cracked the world, nature did what she do best and took back the earth. Sad story, I guess, but too long ago to matter now.
  • Servi Jungle Ruins: The jungle ruins are full of deadly creatures, you know. Quadrillas can tear a man apart in seconds - but at least you can hear them comin'. The real danger? The apes that drop down from above. Life is plenty here, thrivin' for generations, but death always comes for the careless.
  • 3Explore Ziggurat Encampment
    You have found a group of treasure hunters already camped on a ziggurat in the middle of a lake. Explore their camp to find out more.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    4Talk to the Hooded One
    The Sunken City of Utzaal appears to live up to its name. Ask the Hooded One about potentially lowering the water to reveal the city.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    5Talk to the Hooded One
    The Sunken City of Utzaal appears to live up to its name. Ask the Hooded One about potentially lowering the water to reveal the city.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • Alva The Jungle: Something tells me you're the exploring type - we've got that in common. But some places even I steer clear of... I rather enjoy being alive, you see. Still, if you're feeling adventurous, there's fortunes to be made out there in the wilds. I'm especially interested in all things related to the Vaal, for academic reasons of course... but a bit of treasure never goes amiss.
  • The Hooded One Introduction: Somewhere in this region, there were sophisticated canals and waterways. We might be able to use them to drain this lake.
    We must hope that the mechanisms are still functioning, despite their age. It is the only way to reverse the drowning of this once thriving city... the first step in our search for the secret knowledge of the Vaal.
  • Oswald Kingsmarch: Ah, Kingsmarch, so called by the Kalguurans. They're newcomers to Wraeclast, about twenty years now. They're traders by nature. In fact, they've partially funded this very expedition. For some reason, they're very interested in Vaal artefacts. We ship most of what we find back to Kingsmarch, and they pay handsomely for it.
  • Oswald Treasure Hunters: I log everything here, so I can catalogue the thousands of ways to die the jungle offers. If you can, be sure to write some sort of final entry detailing how you die. A death log won't benefit you, of course, but it will certainly benefit me. I don't mean to be overly fatalistic, but the amateurs coming from Kingsmarch are accomplishing nothing but feeding the Chimerals. The most I can do, as Quartermaster, is ensure they're equipped for exploration. That's where the real profit in treasure hunting is, you see. I don't go out there if I can help it. I'm the unluckiest man alive. Yet, I'm the wealthiest in this camp. You have to be good when you're trading with the Kalguurans, or they'll fleece you.
  • Oswald Ziggurat Encampment: The ziggurat beneath us was once the Temple of the Sun God, one of the oldest built in the city of Utzaal's religious district. It was in active use for at least a thousand years, but when the Vaal Cataclysm struck, the city flooded, presumably killing everyone inside. Good thing for us, because this lake is the only reason it hasn't been ransacked by other treasure hunters already. One man's mass death is... another man's treasure, I suppose.
  • Alva Introduction: Hello there, I'm Alva Valai. Sorry about Oswald... He can be a bit... rough with newcomers. But he's really not a bad sort. In any case, we can always use another pair of hands around here. Welcome!
  • The Hooded One Introduction: Somewhere in this region, there were sophisticated canals and waterways. We might be able to use them to drain this lake.
    We must hope that the mechanisms are still functioning, despite their age. It is the only way to reverse the drowning of this once thriving city... the first step in our search for the secret knowledge of the Vaal.
  • 6Search for The Matlan Waterways
    Somewhere in the region are canals that could potentially be used to lower the water and reveal the city. Find The Matlan Waterways.
    Area: Jungle Ruins
  • Servi Door in the Jungle: Strange dreams, my friend. Strange dreams. Chaos doesn't bother me so much, but... we keep far away from that place, ya hear?
  • Servi Infested Barrens: You might think it no big deal, the hive broods livin' round there. But let me tell you, them no ordinary pests. Them are warriors - armies of crawlin' fiends. Them hide under the ground, waitin' to ambush the unwary. If you see hives or nests, keep well clear.
  • Servi The Venom Crypts: There's danger in them Venom Crypts. Long time ago, they were a burial ground for the Vaal, but now snakes make their homes in the ribs of the dead. In there, you see corpses walkin', made slaves by the snakes inside of them... A sight to haunt your dreams, it's true.
  • Servi The Orok Tribe: We been clashin' with the Orok tribe for generations. But their real fight is with the Azak, and them are losin'. The Orok worship the Three-Headed Snake - them poison the jungle, poison themselves, poison us too. Their shaman? Only seen her twice - she move like a panther in the dark. The coward. Evil in the shadows, my friend. Evil in the shadows. If you find the source of their wickedness, you let me know. I must see it for myself to make an antidote.
  • 7Search for The Matlan Waterways
    Somewhere in the region are canals that could potentially be used to lower the water and reveal the city. Find The Matlan Waterways.
    Area: Jungle Ruins
    8Follow the canals
    Ancient ruined canals lead into the jungle. Follow them in search of The Matlan Waterways.
    Area: Infested Barrens
  • The Hooded One Lowering the Water: You have found the Waterways? Search it for a control mechanism. Vaal technology, at least in that era, was based on engraved stonework and latent systems of channeled energy. It should be operational, even after all this time... Drain the city, and let us see what ancient secrets Utzaal has kept protected for us.
  • Servi The Azak Bog: The Azak, them are true monsters. Not cannibals, no, but them will not hesitate to feed you to their war beasts. The Azak and the Orok tribes been fightin' almost as long as the Vaal been gone. But the Azak are beyond cruel. Their queen-witch, Ignagduk, she takes a child every blood moon night... For what, I won't say. If you cross into their territory, only death awaits you there.
  • Servi The Wetlands: The Wetlands are breeding grounds for the jungle's most vicious creatures. Pretty, it's true, with colours like sunshine in rain... but deadly all the same. Plenty a fool treasure hunter head there, but never return - least not alive. Watch out for the flowers that move without a breeze. Them are serpents, hidin' in the jungle, spittin' poison. A massive flyin' beast hunts that place. Some say it got the head of a lion, others say it looks like a Gorebeast. Some talk 'bout a tail like a Maraketh scorpion. But the truth? It doesn't matter. None from my tribe have set foot there in forty-three seasons.
  • The Hooded One Lowering the Water: You have found the Waterways? Search it for a control mechanism. Vaal technology, at least in that era, was based on engraved stonework and latent systems of channeled energy. It should be operational, even after all this time... Drain the city, and let us see what ancient secrets Utzaal has kept protected for us.
  • Servi The Azak Bog: The Azak, them are true monsters. Not cannibals, no, but them will not hesitate to feed you to their war beasts. The Azak and the Orok tribes been fightin' almost as long as the Vaal been gone. But the Azak are beyond cruel. Their queen-witch, Ignagduk, she takes a child every blood moon night... For what, I won't say. If you cross into their territory, only death awaits you there.
  • Servi The Wetlands: The Wetlands are breeding grounds for the jungle's most vicious creatures. Pretty, it's true, with colours like sunshine in rain... but deadly all the same. Plenty a fool treasure hunter head there, but never return - least not alive. Watch out for the flowers that move without a breeze. Them are serpents, hidin' in the jungle, spittin' poison. A massive flyin' beast hunts that place. Some say it got the head of a lion, others say it looks like a Gorebeast. Some talk 'bout a tail like a Maraketh scorpion. But the truth? It doesn't matter. None from my tribe have set foot there in forty-three seasons.
  • 9Ask Alva for advice
    You have discovered a stone altar that seems to be a control mechanism for a canal. Summon Alva to ask her for advice on this ancient mechanism.
    Area: Infested Barrens
    10Talk to Servi
    The stone altar in Infested Barrens requires a large Soul Core for power. Ask Servi if she or her tribe know where one might be found.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • Alva Soul Cores: Death gems, blood crystals... or more colloquially 'Soul Cores'. They were made by sacrificing living people and capturing their energies inside a crystal lattice. Some think the victims are still trapped inside, existing in eternal agony until someone drains the core's energy completely. There's no way to know that for certain, of course, but it is rather chilling to think about...
  • Servi The Search: Ah, so you after blood crystals - the thing Alva call Soul Cores. I knew you were going to be trouble! Out there in the dark, there's an ancient ruin - very old indeed. My tribe has spoke of it for generations. We seen strange creatures there - made of stone, unnatural, with unblinkin' eyes. That place? It is forsaken. I would warn you not to go there. But if it's Soul Cores you seek, then take the risk you must.
  • 11Find the Chimeral Wetlands
    Servi has told you the tale of a ruin where a large Soul Core might be found. Find the Chimeral Wetlands, and cross it in search of the Machinarium.
    Area: Infested Barrens
    12Search for the Machinarium
    Servi has told you the tale of a ruin where a large Soul Core might be found. Search for the Machinarium within the Chimeral Wetlands.
    Area: Chimeral Wetlands
  • Servi The Ruin: Past the Wetlands, there's an ancient ruin. My tribe has spoke of it for generations now. We seen strange creatures there - made of stone, unnatural, with unblinkin' eyes. That place? It is forsaken. I warn you, don't go there. But I know... you won't listen to Servi, will you?
  • Servi The Ruin: Past the Wetlands, there's an ancient ruin. My tribe has spoke of it for generations now. We seen strange creatures there - made of stone, unnatural, with unblinkin' eyes. That place? It is forsaken. I warn you, don't go there. But I know... you won't listen to Servi, will you?
  • 13Defeat Xyclucian, the Chimera
    A massive beast seems to be guarding the entrance to the Machinarium. Defeat it.
    Area: Chimeral Wetlands
    14Enter Jiquani's Machinarium
    You have defeated the Machinarium's guardian chimera. Enter the facility.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    15Search for a large Soul Core
    You have found an ancient Vaal facility. Search within for a large Soul Core.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    16Ask Alva for advice
    You have discovered another stone altar. Summon Alva for advice about how to activate it.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    17Ask Alva for advice
    You have discovered another stone altar. Ask Alva for advice about how to activate it.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    18Search for a small Soul Core
    Your way is blocked by a massive stone door. The operating mechanism requires a small Soul Core. Find one in the vicinity.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    19Activate the Stone Altar
    You have found a small Soul Core. Take it to the Stone Altar to proceed deeper into the ruin.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    20Find Jiquani's Sanctum
    You have found a small Soul Core and opened the door of the Machinarium. Proceed deeper into the ruin.
    Area: Jiquani's Machinarium
    21Explore Jiquani's Sanctum
    You have found Jiquani's Sanctum. Explore it in search of the large Soul Core.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    22Summon Alva
    You've found a mysterious symbol on the floor. Summon Alva to learn more about what is going on here.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    23Speak to Alva
    You've found a mysterious symbol on the floor. Speak to Alva to learn more about what is going on here.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    24Activate two Generators
    To retrieve the large Soul Core you need, Alva has advised you that you must find two medium Soul Cores and use them to activate two Generators in Jiquani's Sanctum.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    25Retrieve the Large Soul Core
    The Large Soul Core near Alva is now retrievable. Collect it.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    26Defeat Zicoatl
    Defeat Zicoatl, Warden of the Core to obtain the Large Soul Core.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    27Pick up the Large Soul Core
    You have defeated Zicoatl, Warden of the Core. Pick up the Large Soul Core.
    Area: Jiquani's Sanctum
    28Return to Infested Barrens
    You have retrieved the large Soul Core. Return to Infested Barrens and activate the Stone Altar to gain passage to The Matlan Waterways.
    Area: Infested Barrens
  • Alva Large Soul Core: Wow! You did it! Now we can use that Soul Core to power the mechanisms in the waterways. Good job with that construct, by the way.
  • 29Enter The Matlan Waterways
    You have gained access to The Matlan Waterways. Enter the area, find the control mechanisms and drain the area.
    Area: Infested Barrens
    30Activate The Matlan Waterways
    You have gained access to The Matlan Waterways. Find the control mechanisms and drain the area.
    Area: The Matlan Waterways
    31Talk to Alva
    You have lowered the water and revealed the Sunken City of Utzaal. Return to town and go down the southwestern stairs to enter it.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • The Hooded One Lowering the Water: The members of this expedition seem to believe the Ziggurat beneath our feet holds an ancient device that was intended to be used against the Cataclysm that destroyed the Vaal.
    The source of that Cataclysm was the previous Beast... which means the device below may be exactly what we need to stop the new one. Find your way into the Ziggurat, and let us see what the greatest minds of the Vaal Empire created.
    If they didn't manage to complete it in time, maybe we can finish their work...
  • Oswald The Drowned City: You drained the entire lake? I was going to ship in some Kalguuran explosives, but that's one way to get into these temples, I suppose. Oh. Alva's found something. She's waiting for you at the base of these stairs. I'd join you, but I'm not sure how much I trust two-thousand-year-old waterways to keep the city dry. You enjoy yourself.
  • Servi The Drained Lake: You shoulda never drained the lake. My tribe depends on the waters for our safety. How will we fend off the Orok or the Azak now? And worse, you have unleashed the horrors of the Vaal once more. Know this: you bring up bad omens from the depths that shoulda stayed buried, and you will regret it.
  • Servi The Azak Tribe: Be warned, friend. The waterways on the Matlan river be a barrier between us and the Azak tribe. The Orok may be trouble, but the Azak... them a true horror. Their queen-witch, Ignagduk, takes a child every blood moon night. Why, I won't guess. If you trespass, only death awaits you. But if you survive, while you are there... please, rip out her {heart!}
  • 32Enter The Drowned City
    The entrance to the Temple of the Sun God is locked. Search for a key in the Aggorat beyond The Drowned City.
    Area: The Drowned City
  • Oswald Treasures of Utzaal: So, the city of Utzaal has been laid bare to the world after all these centuries. I know you're after some particular device, but I can't help but remind you that we are here for a purpose of our own. Treasure hunters hunt treasure, yeah? I'll not be the first to set foot in those deadly sunken ruins, but if you're braving them, you might as well keep an eye out for anything that looks... valuable. In particular, look for buildings with Monkey statues on 'em. If you spy something like that, give me a shout. I'll be waiting with... great anticipation.
  • 33Explore The Drowned City
    The entrance to the Temple of the Sun God is locked. Search for a key in the Aggorat beyond The Drowned City.
    Area: The Drowned City
    34Enter the Apex of Filth
    You have found the entrance to Aggorat. Enter it and seek out a key to unlock the entrance to the Temple of the Sun God.
    Area: Apex of Filth
    35Explore the Apex of Filth
    Explore Aggorat in search of a key to unlock the entrance to the Temple of the Sun God.
    Area: Apex of Filth
    36Defeat the Queen of Filth
    You have found the Queen of Filth. Defeat her as she may contain the key you are looking for.
    Area: Apex of Filth
    37Pick up the Temple Door Idol
    You have defeated the Queen of Filth and she has dropped a Temple Door Idol. It looks like it would fit into the door to the Temple of the Sun God. Pick it up.
    Area: Apex of Filth
    38Return to Alva with the Temple Door Idol
    You have found a key to the Temple of Kopec underneath the treasure hunter encampment. Open the door and enter it.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • Alva Temple of Kopec: You found it! Try placing the idol in the door... Maybe we'll get lucky!
  • 39Open the door to the Temple of Kopec
    You have shown the Temple Door Idol to Alva. She wants you to open the door to the Temple of Kopec.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    40Enter the Temple of Kopec
    You have used the key to open the entrance to the Temple of Kopec. Enter it and seek out the Vaal repository of knowledge.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    41Explore the Temple of Kopec
    You have finally gained access to the Temple of Kopec. Explore it in search of the Vaal repository of knowledge.
    Area: Temple of Kopec
    42Defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun
    Defeat Ketzuli, High Priest of the Sun.
    Area: Temple of Kopec
    43Summon Alva
    Alva may have an interest in what happened in the Temple of Kopec. Summon her and let her know.
    Area: Temple of Kopec
    44Speak to Alva
    Speak to Alva about the significance of this chamber.
    Area: Temple of Kopec
    45Ride the Elevator
    Alva has activated an elevator that appears to go up into Ziggurat Encampment. Ride it up.
    Area: Temple of Kopec
  • The Hooded One Ancient Gateway: This portal provides an opportunity that I had never considered. To consult the greatest minds of the Vaal directly.
    Enter the portal. Find their experts on the Beast, or on Corruption. They may know of ways to control corruption that even I am not aware of.
  • 46Enter the Time Portal
    Enter the Time Portal to go back in time to the past.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • The Hooded One Common Language: You might not know this, but the common tongue we are speaking is derived from ancient Vaal—they were the largest empire on Wraeclast for thousands of years. They {should} be able to understand you.
  • Oswald Time Travel: Ugh, time travel gives me a headache. I'm trying to understand. Vaal priests built a gateway to their future to escape a coming catastrophe. That I can see. They needed someone with Vaal blood to activate the gateway on the other end... the other end being now. Our time. Why didn't they just activate it themselves back then, so that it would still be active now? And isn't needing someone with Vaal blood on this end a critical flaw, given that they were trying to escape a disaster they feared might wipe out their people? Does time pass equally on both ends? Is a day here a day there? What happens when their side has been open long enough for it to be now there, but the far future here? Ugh, I'm probably overthinking this...
  • Servi The Time Portal: You know not what you do. A great darkness comes. You meddle with what has been, and who knows what will happen because of it. What is dead should stay dead. Close the gateway and leave it alone, I say.
  • 47Enter Utzaal in the past
    You have entered the Time Portal and have been taken back in time. Enter Utzaal.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    48Explore Utzaal in the past
    You have somehow traveled to the past! You are no longer looking for an ancient repository. Search for knowledge about the Beast from the living Vaal themselves.
    Area: Utzaal
  • Oswald The Blood Crucible: Now you've done it. You've made me risk my own hide by coming out here. You're lucky, though, because you've just found the temple that supposedly guards the famed Blood Crucible. I've been searching for this for years... it looks like it's been destroyed by time, but we don't have to worry about that anymore, now do we? Take a little trip into the past and fetch me the bloody thing, and I'd be mighty grateful.
  • Oswald The Blood Crucible: Now you've done it. You've made me risk my own hide by coming out here. You're lucky, though, because you've just found the temple that supposedly guards the famed Blood Crucible. I've been searching for this for years... it looks like it's been destroyed by time, but we don't have to worry about that anymore, now do we? Take a little trip into the past and fetch me the bloody thing, and I'd be mighty grateful.
  • 49Defeat Viper Napuatzi
    Viper Napuatzi has had Alva taken to Doryani. Defeat Viper Napuatzi to open the path forward and free Alva.
    Area: Utzaal
    50Rescue Alva
    Alva has been taken to Aggorat. Find her before it's too late.
    Area: Aggorat
    51Enter Aggorat
    You have found Aggorat. Enter it and seek out the Black Chambers to free Alva.
    Area: Aggorat
    52Fight through Aggorat
    Fight your way through Aggorat and find the Black Chambers to free Alva.
    Area: Aggorat
    53Find Doryani in the Black Chambers
    Doryani was the Vaal's foremost expert on the Beast and corruption. Find him and free Alva.
    Area: The Black Chambers
    54Capture Doryani
    Doryani was the Vaal's foremost expert on the Beast and corruption. Capture him, so that you may interrogate him.
    Area: The Black Chambers
    55Travel to Cruel Difficulty
    Travel through the Time Portal in Town to enter Cruel Difficulty.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
  • Alva Doryani: That man is a mystery. Though it appears he is on your side for now, you mustn't forget who he is and all he has done... There is something eerily cold and calculating about him. I believe he will aid you so long as your goals align with his. The moment they do not... I'm just saying, don't turn your back on him.
  • Oswald Doryani's Capture: I can't pretend to guess the consequences of what you've done here. I'm not one to give lectures. If you think it's the best course of action, I can only hope that you are right. I promise you this: if I end up dead because of this Doryani fellow, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of time.
  • Servi Doryani's Capture: You bring someone we only talk 'bout in our darkest tale. That man is not just a myth - him a monster from the shadows of the past. His arrogance helped crack the world. And now you bring him here, to us, and expect him to help you? You would doom us all.
  • 56Speak to Doryani in Ziggurat Encampment
    Speak to Doryani in Ziggurat Encampment.
    Area: Ziggurat Encampment
    57Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have captured the foremost Vaal expert on the Beast, and brought him to the present to aid you now.
    58Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have captured the foremost Vaal expert on the Beast, and brought him to the present to aid you now.
    Legacy of the Vaal
    Act 10
    Speak to Alva about what just happened.
    1Speak to Alva about what happened
    Speak to Alva about what just happened.
    Area: The Ziggurat Refuge (Past)
  • Doryani Cult of the Purple Flame: I had a suspicion that the Cult of the Purple Flame was dangerous. They did not know the true nature of the forces they beseeched. I'm not certain anyone will ever know the breadth of what lies beyond this world... but Chayula alone kept his word, in what little dealings were had. Perhaps one day, we will find out what happened to create this... Xesht.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: You don't look sick or injured. Why are you lingering here? Continue your work.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Keep up your work. It is a long and dangerous task, but there is an end in sight.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Why are you wasting time here? Continue clearing Corruption!
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Continue clearing Corruption. It is the only thing we can do right now.
  • Doryani Landscape Alteration: The tower... the surrounding landscape has been altered! This could be of great use to us. These towers are part of some long ago experiment, perhaps... or a contingency... I will do more research while you continue to explore.
  • Doryani The Flame Seed: I understand that... something... stole the Flame Seed as your battle drew to a close. This is concerning. There is little we can do until we know more.
  • Doryani Cataclysm's Corruption: In a time of minimal sentience—and most of it mad—what you encounter out there can be quite malleable. What we expect to find can shape things. The energies we use in our translocation device can influence outcomes. That device was made possible, after all, by a very special patron. They are likely watching us even now, and finding great humour in our travails...
  • Doryani Guardian of the Flame Seed: From what you've told me, the guardian of the Flame Seed seems to have been purposely molded for his task. The Precursors created him, but he is not one of them. I can only theorise as to his purpose...
  • Doryani Our Work: Place Waystones in the machine, and they will help calibrate the journey. The Corruption at the destination will respond to both the energies we use and that we ourselves expect to find. It may be possible to use this malleability to our advantage.
  • Doryani Patron: I was told many cryptic things. I was asked to—no, I shouldn't say. I don't understand, at least not yet. I was told this was the only way, yet still, I fought to find another path. I believe we make our own fates, but... here we are. If only I had the full picture...
  • Doryani Precursor Towers: The sheer force of the Cataclysm scoured away much of the surface, and disrupted what remained. Sturdier than most, ancient Precursor towers have been left exposed. You should find one, and secure it for our research.
  • Doryani Precursor Tower Network: I believe that the Precursor towers are part of a network created specifically to alter terrain and biomes. This may have been to make Wraeclast more habitable initially... or perhaps it had a larger purpose, later in their era. These ideas are just conjecture, of course.
  • Doryani Precursor Tablets: Now that you have secured a Precursor tower, it has quickly become clear that it requires some sort of tablet to activate. Find a Precursor tablet, and let us take a calculated risk by activating that tower.
  • Doryani The Burning Monolith: There is a tremendous amount of energy radiating from that new structure. If it was Corruption, I would understand, but it is like nothing I have ever seen before. My intuition tells me that you must absolutely be the first to reach it. If it should fall into the hands of the Corrupted, there is no telling what may happen.
  • Doryani A Word of Warning: I should warn you... in my search for ways to stop the Cataclysm, I entreated the ultimate wisdom in this world, and I paid a terrible price. That price is out there, still—and he is even more cunning and dangerous than I am, for he does not have my purity of purpose. When you meet him, destroy him utterly, and do not trouble yourself with your usual moral quandaries.
  • Doryani What now?: We {are} living the worst possible outcome, but I did anticipate {every} contingency. This Ziggurat contains a translocation device which will allow us to open portals to a range of coordinates on Wraeclast. From here, we can more than simply survive. We can reclaim the world from the grasp of Corruption.
  • Doryani Shelter: You made it. Unfortunately, Wraeclast was not so lucky. It has been devastated by the Cataclysm and is no longer habitable. Grieving would only be a waste of precious time. We must face reality, and make difficult choices. {We} must cleanse Corruption so that civilisation can one day return to its former heights.
  • Doryani The Weapon: I have invested considerable resources and many years of effort in the search, but my knowledge of the Precursors still remains scarce. They are as ancient to us as we are to you. On such time scales, geological events tend to obscure remnants of civilisation. There is evidence of great fires. Eruptions. Impacts from the sky. All I know is that they, too, delved into the secrets of this world. Corruption was just one of many forms of energy that they mastered. I have come across simple pictographs in their ruins, intended as a contingency, should others come without knowledge of their language. Most pictographs were quite clear: {'Death lies within.'} One, however, held faded instructions for what we should do if that death should ever escape; if it should ever plague the land. That is how I know the Weapon exists, and... generally... how to find it. Someone in the past wanted us to know about it, in case the worst should ever happen... and clearly, it has...
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: I have had time to increase the capabilities of the machine. We have a few choices to make.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: Valuable resources were located in the area you cleared. We can augment our capabilities.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: The space you cleared allowed us to reclaim several important tools. We can now upgrade our machine.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: With each success, we grow closer to our goal.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: A renowned scientist was... recovered... from the area you cleared. His acumen will add to our own.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: We found a handful of survivors in the area you cleared. We'll put them to work.
  • Doryani Stability: The current situation is finally stable. We have done enough to ensure humanity's survival, however meager their dignity may be. This is not a victory, but it is a success. You may continue to cleanse Corruption as you wish. I will begin work on greater plans...
  • Doryani Gaining a Foothold: You must start with the areas of least Corruption. They are still deadly, but should be survivable for short spans. Cleanse enough of them to give us an outside foothold.
  • Doryani Corrupted Wastelands: Out in the Corrupted wastelands, you will no doubt encounter 'survivors.' Do not fall victim to the trap of empathy. Though their bodies do not yet know it, they are {dead.} They sicken and taint everything they touch. They would slowly kill us by their very presence. They have no future. It would have been a mercy for them to die in the initial devastation. They will slowly waste away, and in their wasting, they will become disoriented... and then, enraged. They will seek to survive as long as possible, even if that means they doom the rest of us. They will be drawn to resources, and to power. {You} cannot allow them to possess that which we need. If you see them, kill them, and do not hesitate for even a moment.
  • Doryani Understanding the Wastelands: In the wake of the Cataclysm, reality is not what it used to be. There are far fewer of us now, and the mad outnumber the sane. You will see things out there that you will not understand. As much as I despise this truth as a man of science, it is quite possible they cannot {be} understood. Carry on with what must be done, and eventually, Wraeclast will... calm.
  • Doryani Tainted Survivors: As I predicted, the Corrupted 'survivors' out in the wastelands have banded together like primal animals. They refuse to accept their own doom. You must become proactive in your approach. Their warlords are perverse figments of reality that the Cataclysm has distorted. Find these tainted realities and cut the head off the snake, so to speak.
  • Doryani Cult of the Purple Flame: I had a suspicion that the Cult of the Purple Flame was dangerous. They did not know the true nature of the forces they beseeched. I'm not certain anyone will ever know the breadth of what lies beyond this world... but Chayula alone kept his word, in what little dealings were had. Perhaps one day, we will find out what happened to create this... Xesht.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: You don't look sick or injured. Why are you lingering here? Continue your work.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Keep up your work. It is a long and dangerous task, but there is an end in sight.
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Why are you wasting time here? Continue clearing Corruption!
  • Doryani Cleanse Corruption: Continue clearing Corruption. It is the only thing we can do right now.
  • Doryani Landscape Alteration: The tower... the surrounding landscape has been altered! This could be of great use to us. These towers are part of some long ago experiment, perhaps... or a contingency... I will do more research while you continue to explore.
  • Doryani The Flame Seed: I understand that... something... stole the Flame Seed as your battle drew to a close. This is concerning. There is little we can do until we know more.
  • Doryani Cataclysm's Corruption: In a time of minimal sentience—and most of it mad—what you encounter out there can be quite malleable. What we expect to find can shape things. The energies we use in our translocation device can influence outcomes. That device was made possible, after all, by a very special patron. They are likely watching us even now, and finding great humour in our travails...
  • Doryani Guardian of the Flame Seed: From what you've told me, the guardian of the Flame Seed seems to have been purposely molded for his task. The Precursors created him, but he is not one of them. I can only theorise as to his purpose...
  • Doryani Our Work: Place Waystones in the machine, and they will help calibrate the journey. The Corruption at the destination will respond to both the energies we use and that we ourselves expect to find. It may be possible to use this malleability to our advantage.
  • Doryani Patron: I was told many cryptic things. I was asked to—no, I shouldn't say. I don't understand, at least not yet. I was told this was the only way, yet still, I fought to find another path. I believe we make our own fates, but... here we are. If only I had the full picture...
  • Doryani Precursor Towers: The sheer force of the Cataclysm scoured away much of the surface, and disrupted what remained. Sturdier than most, ancient Precursor towers have been left exposed. You should find one, and secure it for our research.
  • Doryani Precursor Tower Network: I believe that the Precursor towers are part of a network created specifically to alter terrain and biomes. This may have been to make Wraeclast more habitable initially... or perhaps it had a larger purpose, later in their era. These ideas are just conjecture, of course.
  • Doryani Precursor Tablets: Now that you have secured a Precursor tower, it has quickly become clear that it requires some sort of tablet to activate. Find a Precursor tablet, and let us take a calculated risk by activating that tower.
  • Doryani The Burning Monolith: There is a tremendous amount of energy radiating from that new structure. If it was Corruption, I would understand, but it is like nothing I have ever seen before. My intuition tells me that you must absolutely be the first to reach it. If it should fall into the hands of the Corrupted, there is no telling what may happen.
  • Doryani A Word of Warning: I should warn you... in my search for ways to stop the Cataclysm, I entreated the ultimate wisdom in this world, and I paid a terrible price. That price is out there, still—and he is even more cunning and dangerous than I am, for he does not have my purity of purpose. When you meet him, destroy him utterly, and do not trouble yourself with your usual moral quandaries.
  • Doryani What now?: We {are} living the worst possible outcome, but I did anticipate {every} contingency. This Ziggurat contains a translocation device which will allow us to open portals to a range of coordinates on Wraeclast. From here, we can more than simply survive. We can reclaim the world from the grasp of Corruption.
  • Doryani Shelter: You made it. Unfortunately, Wraeclast was not so lucky. It has been devastated by the Cataclysm and is no longer habitable. Grieving would only be a waste of precious time. We must face reality, and make difficult choices. {We} must cleanse Corruption so that civilisation can one day return to its former heights.
  • Doryani The Weapon: I have invested considerable resources and many years of effort in the search, but my knowledge of the Precursors still remains scarce. They are as ancient to us as we are to you. On such time scales, geological events tend to obscure remnants of civilisation. There is evidence of great fires. Eruptions. Impacts from the sky. All I know is that they, too, delved into the secrets of this world. Corruption was just one of many forms of energy that they mastered. I have come across simple pictographs in their ruins, intended as a contingency, should others come without knowledge of their language. Most pictographs were quite clear: {'Death lies within.'} One, however, held faded instructions for what we should do if that death should ever escape; if it should ever plague the land. That is how I know the Weapon exists, and... generally... how to find it. Someone in the past wanted us to know about it, in case the worst should ever happen... and clearly, it has...
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: I have had time to increase the capabilities of the machine. We have a few choices to make.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: Valuable resources were located in the area you cleared. We can augment our capabilities.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: The space you cleared allowed us to reclaim several important tools. We can now upgrade our machine.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: With each success, we grow closer to our goal.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: A renowned scientist was... recovered... from the area you cleared. His acumen will add to our own.
  • Doryani Corruption Cleansing: We found a handful of survivors in the area you cleared. We'll put them to work.
  • Doryani Stability: The current situation is finally stable. We have done enough to ensure humanity's survival, however meager their dignity may be. This is not a victory, but it is a success. You may continue to cleanse Corruption as you wish. I will begin work on greater plans...
  • Doryani Gaining a Foothold: You must start with the areas of least Corruption. They are still deadly, but should be survivable for short spans. Cleanse enough of them to give us an outside foothold.
  • Doryani Corrupted Wastelands: Out in the Corrupted wastelands, you will no doubt encounter 'survivors.' Do not fall victim to the trap of empathy. Though their bodies do not yet know it, they are {dead.} They sicken and taint everything they touch. They would slowly kill us by their very presence. They have no future. It would have been a mercy for them to die in the initial devastation. They will slowly waste away, and in their wasting, they will become disoriented... and then, enraged. They will seek to survive as long as possible, even if that means they doom the rest of us. They will be drawn to resources, and to power. {You} cannot allow them to possess that which we need. If you see them, kill them, and do not hesitate for even a moment.
  • Doryani Understanding the Wastelands: In the wake of the Cataclysm, reality is not what it used to be. There are far fewer of us now, and the mad outnumber the sane. You will see things out there that you will not understand. As much as I despise this truth as a man of science, it is quite possible they cannot {be} understood. Carry on with what must be done, and eventually, Wraeclast will... calm.
  • Doryani Tainted Survivors: As I predicted, the Corrupted 'survivors' out in the wastelands have banded together like primal animals. They refuse to accept their own doom. You must become proactive in your approach. Their warlords are perverse figments of reality that the Cataclysm has distorted. Find these tainted realities and cut the head off the snake, so to speak.
  • 2Speak to Doryani
    Speak to Doryani.
    Area: The Ziggurat Refuge (Past)
  • Doryani Shelter: You made it. Unfortunately, Wraeclast was not so lucky. It has been devastated by the Cataclysm and is no longer habitable. Grieving would only be a waste of precious time. We must face reality, and make difficult choices. {We} must cleanse Corruption so that civilisation can one day return to its former heights.
  • 3Take a Waystone from Doryani
    Take a Waystone reward from Doryani in The Ziggurat Refuge.
    Area: The Ziggurat Refuge (Past)
    4Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have captured the foremost Vaal expert on the Beast and have been given a Waystone as a reward.

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