Supercharged Slam
Attack, AoE, Channelling, Slam, Melee
Level: 12
Cost: 19.47 Mana per second
Attack Time: 1.00 sec
Attack Damage: 94%
Requires Level 42, 96 Str, Two Hand Mace
Channel to charge up a heavy swing, drawing earth from the ground to enlarge your mace. Release to Slam the ground, dealing damage in an area around the impcat, followed by Aftershocks dealing damage in a large area.
Minimum Channeling Time is 1.00 second
Base radius is 1.6 metres
This Skill's Attack Speed cannot be modified
This Attack can be exerted as though it was not Channelled
100% more Damage with Hits for each stage
Maximum 3 Stages
Channelling ends 1 second after reaching maximum Stages
Releases 1 Aftershock per Stage
Base radius is 2.8 metres
+5 to Radius per stage per previous Aftershock
100% more Damage with Hits for each stage
Place into a Skill Gem socket to gain this skill. These are found in the Skill Gems panel.