Ancestral Spirits
Level: (1–20)
Requires: Level (1–90)
Each of your Totems will summon an Ancestral Spirit Minion to fight for you. If the Totem that summoned the Minion dies then the Ancestral Spirit will too.
Modifiers to Totem Life also affects Minions from this Skill

Additional Effects From Quality:
Minions have (0–20)% more Maximum Life
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Level Effect /40
Requires Level
Base Damage
Minion Level
100100%, 100%2
230100%, 100%4
360100%, 100%6
4100100%, 100%8
5140100%, 100%10
6180100%, 100%12
7220100%, 100%14
8260100%, 100%16
9310100%, 100%18
10360100%, 100%20
11410100%, 100%22
12460100%, 100%24
13520100%, 100%26
14580100%, 100%28
15640100%, 100%30
16660100%, 100%32
17720100%, 100%34
18780100%, 100%36
19840100%, 100%38
20900100%, 100%40
210100%, 100%42
220100%, 100%44
230100%, 100%46
240100%, 100%48
250100%, 100%50
260100%, 100%52
270100%, 100%54
280100%, 100%56
290100%, 100%58
300100%, 100%60
310100%, 100%62
320100%, 100%64
330100%, 100%66
340100%, 100%68
350100%, 100%70
360100%, 100%72
370100%, 100%74
380100%, 100%76
390100%, 100%78
400100%, 100%80
Attribute /7

Ancestral Spirits

AcronymMinion, Totem, Modifiers, Life
BaseType Ancestral Spirits
Class Skill Gems
TargetTypesGround, , ,
TypeMinion, Duration, Triggerable, InbuiltTrigger, CreatesMinion, Triggered
Ancestral Spirits
Level: (1–20)
Requires: Level (1–90)
Each of your Totems will summon an Ancestral Spirit Minion to fight for you. If the Totem that summoned the Minion dies then the Ancestral Spirit will too.
Modifiers to Totem Life also affects Minions from this Skill
base deal no damage [1]
triggerable in any set [1]

Additional Effects From Quality:
Minions have (0–20)% more Maximum Life
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Supported By /9
  • Active Type: Minion, Duration, Triggerable, InbuiltTrigger, CreatesMinion, Triggered
  • Elemental Army
    Supports skills which create Minions, bolstering the Elemental Resistances of those Minions.
    Feeding Frenzy
    Supports skills which create Minions, making them deal and take more damage.
    Meat Shield
    Supports skills which create Minions, granting them more life but making them deal less damage.
    Infernal Legion
    Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the Burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.
    Fast Forward
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.
    Minion Instability
    Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to Low Life.
    Minion Mastery
    Supports Minion skills, granting them an additional level.
    Supports any skill, causing inflicted Slows to be more powerful.

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