Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost Multiplier: 150%
Support Requirements: +5 Int
Supports Spells you cast yourself, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support Channelling Skills or Skills with a Cooldown.
Supported Spells gain a Seal every 200% of cast time, to a maximum of 2 Seals
Supported Spells are Unsealed when cast, and their effects Reoccur for each Seal lost
Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage when Reoccurring
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
From /1
Level Effect /1
Cost Multiplier: 150%
Requires Level
Attribute /3


BaseType Unleash
Class Support Gems
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost Multiplier: 150%
Support Requirements: +5 Int
Supports Spells you cast yourself, making their effect reoccur when cast. Cannot support Channelling Skills or Skills with a Cooldown.
Supported Spells gain a Seal every 200% of cast time, to a maximum of 2 Seals
Supported Spells are Unsealed when cast, and their effects Reoccur for each Seal lost
Supported Skills deal 50% less Damage when Reoccurring
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.
Level: 1
Cooldown Time: 0.50 s
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Requires: Level 1, 1 Int
Infuses your staff arcane energy for a short duration, Empowering the next spell you cast to reoccur.
Grants 2 Seals to the next Unleashable Spell you cast
The Cooldown of this skill is 650% of the Total Cast Time of the Spell that the Seals are granted to

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Support Gems /2
From /1
Level Effect /1
Requires Level
Attribute /7


BaseType Unleash
Class Skill Gems
TypeSpell, Cooldown, Buff, ModifiesNextSkill, Duration, EmpowersOtherSkill, Nonpathing
Level: 1
Cooldown Time: 0.50 s
Cast Time: 0.75 sec
Requires: Level 1, 1 Int
Infuses your staff arcane energy for a short duration, Empowering the next spell you cast to reoccur.
Grants 2 Seals to the next Unleashable Spell you cast
The Cooldown of this skill is 650% of the Total Cast Time of the Spell that the Seals are granted to
base skill effect duration [4000]
can perform skill while moving [1]
movement speed +% final while performing action [-70]
movement speed acceleration +% per second while performing action [160]
movement speed while performing action locked duration % [60]

Additional Effects From Quality:
(0–10)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Supported By /13
  • Active Type: Spell, Cooldown, Buff, ModifiesNextSkill, Duration, EmpowersOtherSkill, Nonpathing
  • Arcane Tempo
    Supports Spells, causing them to cast faster.
    Arcane Surge
    Supports Spells you cast yourself, tracking the mana you spend to cast them. Spending enough mana grants a burst of Mana Regeneration and Cast Speed.
    Second Wind
    Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown. Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
    Fast Forward
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration shorter.
    Supports any skill that has a duration, making that duration longer.
    Supports skills that can be used while moving, allowing you to move faster while using them.
    Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to deal more damage.
    Murderous Intent
    Supports skills that can Empower skills other than themselves, causing skills they Empower to Cull enemies.
    Supports any skill, causing Armour Break it inflicts to be stronger.
    Supports any skill, causing inflicted Slows to be more powerful.
    Supports skills with Cooldowns, increasing the rate at which those Cooldowns Recover.
    Strip Away
    Supports Skills which apply Exposure to Enemies, increasing the effect of applied Exposure.
    Considered Casting
    Supports Spell Skills that Hit Enemies and you cast yourself, boosting Damage at the cost of Cast Speed.
    Supported Gem /53
  • Allow Type: CanRapidFire, Spell
  • Excluded Type: SummonsTotem, UsedByTotem, Trapped, RemoteMined, Triggered, HasReservation, Vaal, Instant, Channel, Cooldown, Attack
  • Firebolt
    Launches a fiery Projectile towards a target. The Projectile explodes on impact, damaging foes in a small area.
    Ice Nova
    A nova of ice expands from you, Knocking Back enemies based on how close they are to you. Casting Ice Nova targeting near a Frostbolt Projectile will cause it to originate from the Frostbolt instead of you, and cause more Freeze buildup.
    Detonate Dead
    Causes a Corpse to violently explode, damaging surrounding enemies.
    Volatile Dead
    Consumes a Corpse to create a fireball that seeks out enemies and explodes.
    Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
    Shock Nova
    Unleashes a Nova of Lightning damage to Electrocute enemies.
    Temporal Chains
    Curses all enemies in an area, Slowing them and making other effects on them expire more slowly.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making them deal less damage.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Chaos Resistance.
    Lightning Warp
    Teleports you inside the target's body, causing it to violently explode. Highlights enemies that can be Culled, and can only be used on these enemies or Ball Lightning Projectiles. The target is destroyed, and the explosion deals Lightning Damage to surrounding enemies and creates Shocked Ground.
    Rains flaming bolts over the targeted area. Ignites on enemies in front of you are Consumed to fuel the Firestorm, causing one bolt to be improved for each Ignite Consumed.
    Power Siphon
    Attempts to rip the lifeforce from an enemy. Enemies within Culling range will be highlighted and instantly killed on Hit, granting a Power Charge. Can only target Enemies in Culling range.
    An arc of Lightning stretches from the caster to a targeted enemy and Chains on to other nearby enemies.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Fire Resistance.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Cold Resistance.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, lowering their Lightning Resistance.
    Ball Lightning
    Fires a slow-moving Projectile that repeatedly shoots bolts of Lightning at nearby enemies.
    Bone Offering
    Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to shield your Minions while the spike remains. The shield absorbs all damage from the next Hit each Minion takes, then explodes. The bone spike is itself a Minion, and shields itself. If it dies, shields on your other Minions disappear.
    Orb of Storms
    Creates an Orb of electricity that fires Chaining Lightning bolts at nearby enemies.
    Afflicts a single enemy with a Debuff that deals Chaos damage over time. If the enemy dies while affected by Contagion, it and all other Chaos damage over time Debuffs spread to nearby enemies and refresh their durations. Reanimating or detonating a corpse affected by Contagion will cause the Minion or explosion to spread Contagion on hit.
    Essence Drain
    Fires a Projectile that applies a powerful Chaos damage over time debuff to enemies it hits.
    Fires a slow-moving Piercing Projectile that leaves a wake of Chilled Ground, deals Cold damage and explodes on colliding with terrain.
    Dark Pact
    Sacrifices the life of a Reviving Minion to deal Chaos damage in an area around it. If you have no Minions, your own life is sacrificed instead.
    Curses all targets in an area after a short delay, making Hits against them ignore a portion of their Armour.
    Fires a Piercing Projectile that seeks out enemies. Enemies hit are inflicted with a Debuff that Hinders them and deals Chaos damage over time for a short duration.
    Flame Wall
    Create a wall of Fire in front of the character, which Ignites everything within its area. Any Projectiles fired through the wall by you and Allies deal added Fire damage and inflict the Ignite on hit.
    Detonates a Curse on every enemy in an area, causing explosions of Chaos damage but removing the Curse.
    Expel your own blood as Chaining blood tendrils in a cone in front of you. Enemies hit by the tendrils take Physical damage and are inflicted with a Debuff that deals Physical damage over time.
    Conjures a bloody scythe that sweeps across the targeted area, dealing Physical damage to enemies and applying Critical Weakness.
    Eye of Winter
    Fires a single Eye Projectile which does not Hit enemies. The Eye constantly releases damaging shard Projectiles in a spiral as it flies, plus an extra burst of shards at the end of its flight. If the Eye passes over an Elemental ground surface, it will take on that surface's effect, applying it to nearby enemies and causing shards to deal more damage of the corresponding Type.
    Lightning Conduit
    Calls down lightning to strike all enemies in a cone in front of you. Deals significantly more damage to Shocked enemies but Consumes Shock from them after damaging them. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
    Galvanic Field
    Grants a Buff that boosts your Shock chance. Shocking an enemy consumes the Buff to attach an Orb of electricity to that enemy. The Orb fires bolts of electricity at nearby enemies until it expires.
    Calls down a mass of ice from the sky, dealing high damage at the targeted location. Targeting close to you will cause you to jump back as you cast.
    Creates an area of Consecrated Ground around you.
    Lightning Bolt
    Call down a Shocking bolt of Lightning to strike enemies in a small area.
    Pain Offering
    Impales a Skeleton on a bone spike to send nearby Minions into a frenzy as long as the spike remains, causing them to use skills more quickly and deal more damage. The bone spike is itself a Minion. If it dies, the effect ends immediately.
    Charged Staff
    Consume all Power Charges to infuse your Quarterstaff with electricity, adding Lightning damage and a Lightning shockwave to your Quarterstaff Attacks. Reusing this skill while the Buff is active adds to the Buff's duration and damage.
    Chaos Bolt
    Fires a burst of Chaos energy at the target.
    Bone Cage
    Raises a ring of bone spikes around you. The spikes are destroyed when enemies touch them, damaging and Pinning those enemies.
    Raises spikes of bone from the earth in front of you, damaging enemies. The bones of Corpses in the area are ripped out and reassembled into short-lived Bone Construct Minions that fight for you.
    Solar Orb
    Creates a fiery Orb that periodically releases fiery pulses. Enemies that are very close to the Orb are Ignited.
    Launches a large ball of Fire which explodes on impact, creating a nova of smaller firebolts.
    Cold Snap
    Shatters the frost on a Frozen enemy, Consuming the Freeze to deal a large amount of Cold Damage to enemies caught in the blast. Can also be cast on a Frostbolt to cause it to explode immediately. Any Frozen enemies hit by the Frostbolt's explosion will be dealt Cold Snap's damage and have their Freeze Consumed.
    Freezing Shards
    Launches icy Projectiles in a sweeping arc. Multiple Projectiles can hit the same enemy.
    Consumes a Corpse to create a cloud of flammable Poisonous gas. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.
    Profane Ritual
    Marks a Corpse with a profane rune, dealing Chaos damage over time to nearby enemies. When the ritual is complete the Corpse is consumed and you gain a Power Charge.
    Mana Drain
    Siphons power from an enemy, briefly Hindering them and Leeching Mana.
    Bone Blast
    Conjures a circle of ritual inscriptions that last for a short duration. When the duration ends, spikes of bone erupt from enemies in the area, damaging them and potentially causing Bleeding.
    Living Bomb
    Plant a seed of Fire inside an enemy, which grows over a duration. When the duration expires, the seed explodes, damaging the enemy and all other enemies nearby.
    Ember Fusillade
    Conjures a blazing Ember that hovers above you. After a short duration, the Ember launches at an enemy, dealing Fire damage in an area on impact and prioritising the last enemy targeted. Recasting this spell resets the duration for all active Embers. Multiple Embers fired in the same Fusillade will attempt to target different enemies.
    Consumes a Corpse to create a cloud of flammable Poisonous gas. Any Burning effects or Detonator skills will explode the gas cloud, creating a fiery explosion.
    Freezing Mark
    Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Frozen. When the Marked target dies, a Cold nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.
    Voltaic Mark
    Marks a target, making them more susceptible to being Shocked. When the Marked target dies, a Lightning nova erupts from their corpse. This nova does not use your Weapon Damage, and instead uses its own base Attack Damage.

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