The Trail of Corruption
Act 1
Una has told you to get to the village by cutting through the Hunting Grounds. Return to the Graveyard and enter the Hunting Grounds.
1Enter the Hunting Grounds
Una has told you to get to the village by cutting through the Hunting Grounds. Return to the Graveyard and enter the Hunting Grounds.
Area: Hunting Grounds
  • Finn Ominous Altars: I have a grand quest for you, hero. The kind that'll get you woven into legend. It's not at all a minor personal matter that you might ignore. How do I explain this? Before this dreary place, you could say I was something of a, uh... wanderer. There's a clanless enclave known as The Freythorn that makes its home high in the trees near the Hunting Grounds. They helped me out a time or two over the years. A little while back, a group of strangers arrived out of the deep woods. They made strange altars, and started whispering to the others about their 'religion'. That was when I decided to move on. See, now I got to thinking. If Count Geonor and his men are mad enough to burn the village, then maybe the clanless are in trouble, too. Will you pay them a visit? I used to be mildly fond of a fair few of them.
  • Finn Ominous Altars: I have a grand quest for you, hero. The kind that'll get you woven into legend. It's not at all a minor personal matter that you might ignore. How do I explain this? Before this dreary place, you could say I was something of a, uh... wanderer. There's a clanless enclave known as The Freythorn that makes its home high in the trees near the Hunting Grounds. They helped me out a time or two over the years. A little while back, a group of strangers arrived out of the deep woods. They made strange altars, and started whispering to the others about their 'religion'. That was when I decided to move on. See, now I got to thinking. If Count Geonor and his men are mad enough to burn the village, then maybe the clanless are in trouble, too. Will you pay them a visit? I used to be mildly fond of a fair few of them.
  • Renly Finn: I've had a few things go missing around the forge when Finn was nearby, but I can't begrudge the lad. His father refused to acknowledge him, so he was left clanless at an early age.
    Underneath that boastful exterior, there's just—well, I'm sure it's obvious, even to strangers. His mother was a kind and honest woman. Shame he doesn't take after her.
  • Renly Twisted Animals: A curse has befallen this land. That's what Una feels. That's what I say, too. The beasts of Ogham have been friendly to men until a shadow started oozing out of the Manor.
    These rabid and misshapen animals are not to blame. They've been driven mad by something we can't see, only feel in our bones. Last time I felt something like this, I was a much younger man...
  • Una The Lost Lute: I don't know how to ask this of you... but I was forced to leave behind something of great importance to me when I fled—my lute. It was carved by my mother, when she first taught me to sing. It's in my... family home... in the farmlands... If you happen to travel near those ways, it would mean the world to me if you could look for it.
  • Una The Lost Lute: I don't know how to ask this of you... but I was forced to leave behind something of great importance to me when I fled—my lute. It was carved by my mother, when she first taught me to sing. It's in my... family home... in the farmlands... If you happen to travel near those ways, it would mean the world to me if you could look for it.
  • 2Find the entrance to the Village
    Cut through the Hunting Grounds and find the entrance to Ogham Village.
    Area: Hunting Grounds
    3Find the entrance to the Village
    Continue through Ogham Farmlands to look for the entrance to Ogham Village.
    Area: Ogham Farmlands
  • Finn Finn: {Oh, that Finn's a bad influence! No daughter of mine will consort with such a type! We should have the village guards give him a good beatin' just to teach him a lesson!} Though I suppose nursing a grudge is foolish, given they're likely all dead now...
  • Renly The Mad Wolf: Our village, a burning ruin... we find ourselves in the darkest of days. One stark truth is clear: Count Geonor, tasked by birthright with stewardship of Ogham, has betrayed us.
    Enacting ruthless laws was bad enough, but actually attacking his own people? I despise myself for this request, but I must ask you to enter the Manor and remove him from power.
    He has become a tyrannical madman, and if you must resort to violence... so be it.
  • Finn Finn: {Oh, that Finn's a bad influence! No daughter of mine will consort with such a type! We should have the village guards give him a good beatin' just to teach him a lesson!} Though I suppose nursing a grudge is foolish, given they're likely all dead now...
  • Renly The Mad Wolf: Our village, a burning ruin... we find ourselves in the darkest of days. One stark truth is clear: Count Geonor, tasked by birthright with stewardship of Ogham, has betrayed us.
    Enacting ruthless laws was bad enough, but actually attacking his own people? I despise myself for this request, but I must ask you to enter the Manor and remove him from power.
    He has become a tyrannical madman, and if you must resort to violence... so be it.
  • 4Search for the Seed of Corruption
    You have found Ogham Village. Look for the Seed of Corruption.
    Area: Ogham Village
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
  • The Hooded One The Village: The village has been destroyed? Then madness has already reached a boiling point in the minds of the Count's men. You must infiltrate the Manor and put a stop to this by any means necessary. The fate that befell Ogham Village is only a single raindrop in the storm that is coming.
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... Renly's house... They had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... they're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is {this} home now? You've caught me in a moment of sappiness, hero. My apologies.
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
  • Finn The Village: Una's house... {your} house!... You lot had real places to live! I was always so envious, but I guess... you're like me now. Vagabonds. Vagrants. It begs the question... is this our home now? Does that make us bunkmates? I call the top bunk!
  • The Hooded One The Village: The village has been destroyed? Then madness has already reached a boiling point in the minds of the Count's men. You must infiltrate the Manor and put a stop to this by any means necessary. The fate that befell Ogham Village is only a single raindrop in the storm that is coming.
  • 5Kill the Executioner
    You have spotted the Executioner that tried to hang you before your escape. Kill him.
    Area: Ogham Village
    6Free the Prisoner
    The Executioner had an imprisoned woman nearby. Free her.
    Area: Ogham Village
  • Leitis Rescued: He killed Eamon. Just killed him. I... I don't know what to do... I...
  • 7Talk to Leitis
    You have freed the Executioner's prisoner. Talk to her.
    Area: Ogham Village
    8Talk to Leitis in Clearfell
    You have freed Leitis and she has returned to Clearfell. Return to Clearfell and speak to her.
    Area: Clearfell Encampment
  • Renly The Count: Some men do not have to earn honour. Some are simply born with it by virtue of their status. Geonor is doubly a monster for giving away what others have sought their entire lives.
    He was born into the role rather than being chosen by the clan, and now he has squandered that by serving himself above all others. I used to believe in him, but now I cannot even stand the thought of him.
  • 9Quest Complete
    You have killed the Executioner and freed Leitis. You have been rewarded with an Uncut Skill Gem.
    The Trail of Corruption
    Act 2
    You have boarded the Ardura Caravan. Speak to the Hooded One for information on what your next move should be.
    1Speak to the Hooded One
    You have boarded the Ardura Caravan. Speak to the Hooded One for information on what your next move should be.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
    2Speak to the Sekhema
    The Hooded One believes the Ardura will aid in the pursuit of the Seed of Corruption. Speak with the Sekhema to request their support.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
    3Consult with Asala
    Consult with Asala to learn more about the Beast.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
    4Investigate areas of Corruption
    Scouts have reported Corruption in two areas. Use the Desert Map to travel to either in search of the Beast.
    Area: Mawdun Quarry, The Halani Gates
  • Sekhema Asala Honour Bound: After the Beast of Highgate was slain, all other {akharas} vowed to pursue and eradicate Corruption should it ever return. Never again will a sole akhara suffer the weight of history.
  • 5Talk to Asala
    The Halani Gates are unexpectedly closed. Ask Asala what to do next.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan, The Halani Gates
  • Sekhema Asala The Closed Gates: The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to find another way.
  • Sekhema Asala The Closed Gates: The Halani Gates are closed for the first time in one thousand years! This can only be related to the Beast. We should investigate the Faridun camp and demand answers.
  • Sekhema Asala Assaulting the Gates: So, the outcasts have raised their new 'King' from the grave, and he seeks to violate Deshar— to feed our honoured dead to the Beast. Such a transgression... those {vile dogs!} Our city of the dead lies beyond the Halani Gates—we should move to crush the Faridun immediately. Let us see if this defector's information is truthful. Infiltrate this supposed passage, find your way to the top of the Gates without being detected, and then call for aid. I shall answer.
  • Risu Traitor's Passage: The Halani Gates are closed! Then Jamanra must have succeeded in capturing them. He planned to close the gates to prevent the Maraketh from interrupting his... harvest. A siege from the front would be impossible now. But there is another way. An ancient passage lost to time. It was used by the traitor Balbala. I can show you where it is, if you will use it to stop Jamanra before it is too late.
  • 6Use the Desert Map to travel to Mawdun Quarry
    Use the Desert Map to travel to Mawdun Quarry in search of the Faridun, who may have closed the Halani Gates.
    Area: Mawdun Quarry
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: The Halani Gates are closed for the first time in one thousand years! This can only be related to the Beast. We should investigate the Faridun camp and demand answers.
  • 7Explore the area
    Explore Mawdun Quarry in your search for the Beast.
    Area: Mawdun Quarry
    8Enter Mawdun Mine
    Enter Mawdun Mine and continue your search for the Beast.
    Area: Mawdun Mine
    9Investigate Mawdun Mine
    You have discovered a foundry run by the Faridun, which now seems to be abandoned. Investigate it.
    Area: Mawdun Mine
    10Defeat Rudja, Dread Engineer
    Destroy Rudja, Dread Engineer.
    Area: Mawdun Mine
    11Talk to the Defector
    You have found a Faridun defector. Question her.
    Area: Mawdun Mine
    12Return to the Caravan with the Defector
    Return to town and find Asala at the lead cart to question the Defector about Jamanra, the Risen King's destinations.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to find another way.
  • Sekhema Asala Question the Defector: This {balbalakh} will live or die based on her usefulness in pursuit of the Beast. Ask her what questions you will, then we Ardura will decide her fate.
  • Sekhema Asala Risu's Fate: If her information proves to be truthful, {then} she will live. If she is a deceiver sent to misdirect us, she will be left to die in the open desert... again.
  • The Hooded One Risu: It takes courage to go against one's people. I once faced a similar decision. There were men and women like me, who believed themselves to be exceptional, and they were correct... terribly, horribly correct. I cursed myself to a permanent exile from my own peers by betraying them. I was unlike mortals, but hated by immortals. I was alone. I would do it all again... and I still might.
  • The Hooded One The Faridun: They call themselves the Faridun in this era, but they have died out and been reborn many times. They are not an independent culture. They are the Maraketh's dark secret, the inevitable consequence of life's haphazard nature. A society cannot simply purge itself of the weak, the ill, or the disadvantaged. Those unwanted newborns who are abandoned among the dunes... they rarely die, no matter how much the Maraketh wish to make them simply disappear. No, they live. The Faridun are the shadow of the Maraketh, always just out of sight, always watching. They rescue those children and raise them on the outside, looking in. An unspoken relief for the father and mother that must give up their child, but a gathering storm fated to one day return home with a fury.
  • Sekhema Asala Return to the Caravan: Save the formalities. We must question this Defector. Meet me in the council den in the lead cart of my caravan.
  • Shambrin Risu: This defector, Risu, will never be accepted by the Ardura. You may trust her, and she may provide information about the enemy's intentions, but remember, she is a traitor to her people. We deal with our own traitors using... excessive means. She is not one of us, so we do not consider it our duty to punish her, but neither will we protect her when the time comes.
  • Shambrin The Faridun: Publicly, I will decry them as loudly as anyone else. Privately, I understand. I do not condone their actions, but I have suffered some small portion of what they must feel their entire lives. To be honest, I {expected} them to turn on us eventually.
  • 13Use the Desert Map to travel to the Halani Gates
    Use the Desert Map to travel to the Halani Gates.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    14Talk to Risu about the closed Gates
    Return to town and talk to Risu about the locked Halani Gates.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • The Hooded One Jamanra: I was asleep during the era of Jamanra. I cannot attest to the truth of Risu's tale... though I cannot say it is outside the realm of possibility. The Maraketh have strict traditions, erring on the side of brutal.
  • Zarka Jamanra: Jamanra? That's a tale I rarely tell. Every few generations, the Faridun stir up trouble. Jamanra was their most successful attempt at causing problems. A very long time ago, he spread dangerous ideas among the outcasts, and spoke to the Maraketh as if they were equals. His offenses were so great, the Sekhemas joined together to approach and rebuke him. The tale says that he was so in awe of the glory of our leaders, he ended his own life, and chose to fall forgotten in the sands. It is a strange conclusion to his tale, I must admit. But this is what is told. If he has been somehow reanimated through Corruption, he will have only one goal: harming us.
  • 15Talk to Asala about Risu's information
    Talk to Asala about Risu's information.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: The Halani Gates are closed, and the Faridun hold them in defense of the Beast. We will have to use this... traitors passage instead.
  • Desert Map Travel to Traitor's Passage: Let us see if the defector's information is truthful. Infiltrate this passage, find your way to the top of the Halani Gates without being detected, and then call for aid. I shall answer.
  • Sekhema Asala Assaulting the Gates: So, the outcasts have raised their new 'King' from the grave, and he seeks to violate Deshar— to feed our honoured dead to the Beast. Such a transgression... those {vile dogs!} Our city of the dead lies beyond the Halani Gates—we should move to crush the Faridun immediately. Let us see if this defector's information is truthful. Infiltrate this supposed passage, find your way to the top of the Gates without being detected, and then call for aid. I shall answer.
  • Shambrin Rest for the Wicked: If you are traveling through Traitor's Passage, there is something I wish to ask of you. The Traitor, Balbala. According to the tales, she is still sealed there, somewhere along the tunnel, as an undying Djinn. She served her sentence long ago, but knowledge of the location was lost. It is long past time to release her. I will tell you her story, if you wish, but I doubt it will mean much to a {jingakh.}
  • Shambrin Rest for the Wicked: If you are traveling through Traitor's Passage, there is something I wish to ask of you. Did your {akhara} keep the tale of the Traitor, Balbala? She is still sealed there, somewhere along the tunnel as an undying Djinn. She served her sentence long ago, but knowledge of the location was lost. It is long past time to release her.
  • 16Use the Desert Map to travel to Traitor's Passage
    Use the Desert Map to travel to Traitor's Passage.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    17Ascend Traitor's Passage
    Risu, a defector of the Faridun, has informed you of a way to the top of the gates. Ascend Traitor's Passage to reach them.
    Area: Traitor's Passage
  • Sekhema Asala Risu's Fate: The {balbalakh} has her life, for she was truthful. If she also wishes to be accepted here, that will be up to her.
  • Sekhema Asala Risu's Fate: The {balbalakh} has her life, for she was truthful. If she also wishes to be accepted here, that will be up to her.
  • 18Assist Asala in opening the Gates
    The Ardura Maraketh have run into some trouble. Assist Sekhema Asala in fighting the enemy and opening the Gates.
    Area: The Halani Gates
  • The Hooded One Shambrin: I am accustomed to others shivering and turning away when my gaze falls upon them, but I must confess, for once the feeling is reversed. Although she is blind, I sometimes have the strangest notion that she is looking at me - even at night.
  • The Hooded One Zarka: You have no idea how much restraint it requires to listen to tales of peoples and places I knew, yet {not} correct her. She's close, I shall grant her that. Often startlingly so, in certain details or sequences of events, but the spirit of what happened thousands of years ago, the {essence} of that life... it has been embellished. Yet other times, the stories convey only a pale shadow, and the true magnificence is lost. Or is it my memories that have drifted with time? I suppose we shall never know, because those days are gone, never to return... all that I once loved has been dust hundreds of years longer than you have even been alive.
  • Zarka Risu: Each young one is much like another. Faridun, Maraketh, what does it matter to an old woman? Others may scowl for letting Risu sit and listen to my stories, but none may order me silent.
  • Shambrin The Hooded One: When I face his direction, there is a faint... impression. Even the sun does not intrude upon my blindness, so this is a new sensation for me. What am I seeing from your strange companion?
  • The Hooded One Shambrin: I am accustomed to others shivering and turning away when my gaze falls upon them, but I must confess, for once the feeling is reversed. Although she is blind, I sometimes have the strangest notion that she is looking at me - even at night.
  • The Hooded One Zarka: You have no idea how much restraint it requires to listen to tales of peoples and places I knew, yet {not} correct her. She's close, I shall grant her that. Often startlingly so, in certain details or sequences of events, but the spirit of what happened thousands of years ago, the {essence} of that life... it has been embellished. Yet other times, the stories convey only a pale shadow, and the true magnificence is lost. Or is it my memories that have drifted with time? I suppose we shall never know, because those days are gone, never to return... all that I once loved has been dust hundreds of years longer than you have even been alive.
  • Zarka Risu: Each young one is much like another. Faridun, Maraketh, what does it matter to an old woman? Others may scowl for letting Risu sit and listen to my stories, but none may order me silent.
  • Shambrin The Hooded One: When I face his direction, there is a faint... impression. Even the sun does not intrude upon my blindness, so this is a new sensation for me. What am I seeing from your strange companion?
  • 19Open the second Gate
    The Ardura Maraketh have run into some trouble. Assist Sekhema Asala in fighting the enemy and opening the Gates.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    20Open the third Gate
    The Ardura Maraketh have run into some trouble. Assist Sekhema Asala in fighting the enemy and opening the Gates.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    21Press on with Asala
    The third Gate mechanism has been destroyed. Fight your way forward.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    22Defeat Jamanra, the Risen King
    A Corrupted leader known as Jamanra, the Risen King has united the Faridun and attacked the Maraketh. Help Asala defeat him.
    Area: The Halani Gates
    23Return to the Caravan
    You have found a desert sandstorm that is blocking the path forward. Return to the caravan and speak to Zarka to find out how to proceed.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Sekhema Asala The Horn of the Vastiri: Ah, yes, the Horn of the Vastiri... I know the tale. The ancient city of Keth, the Badlands, and the Valley of the Titans... we can retrace Orbala's steps in any order.
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: We have reclaimed the Halani Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Speak to Zarka. She may know of some way forward.
  • Desert Map Travel to Keth: Once the seat of power for our people, now a buried testament to a glorious past. We will build a new Keth someday, when all this is over, and the Maraketh will shine under the sun once again. That is a promise.
  • Desert Map Travel to Mastodon Badlands: That valley of the Badlands, where Mastodon bones rot under the sun for all time, is proof that a culture can vanish entirely if the world changes too much. I will not let my people diminish and disappear the same way...
  • Desert Map Travel to Valley of the Titans: I am forbidden by the terms of the Third Pact from invoking the Rite of Flame myself. I must send an emissary... as must they. I do not know in what form it will come.
  • The Hooded One Our Next Move: The Countess has used Corruption to resurrect Jamanra, and they have escaped with the Beast... thankfully, we have some idea what the Faridun intend. We must reach Deshar as soon as possible.
  • Shambrin Risu: Risu has proven herself, at least to me. She has spoken only the truth, and I believe she means well. In another life, we might have been fellow {dekhara,} or even friends.
  • Zarka Dispelling the Sandstorm: Jamanra can control the sands? This was not an ability he had in life. It must be born of Corruption. There {is} something in the tales that could help us overcome such a power. It was said that the Horn of the Vastiri could control the winds. I believe the Horn's location has been lost to time... {but}... perhaps it is possible that we can reconstruct it. We would have to retrace the steps of our greatest heroine, Orbala, on her final adventure. Speak to Asala. She knows the tale, and where it might take us. Let her know how you wish to begin. Or, you may seek my wisdom if you have further questions.
  • 24Speak to Asala
    Zarka has determined that only recreating the Horn of the Vastiri will serve to dispel Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Speak to Asala to learn about Orbala's footsteps.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Zarka The Tale of the Horn: This is not the first time the sands themselves have been used against us. The Necromancer of Weeping Black, Saresh, once waged war upon the Maraketh out of the nascent desert regions of that era. He commanded not only armies of the dead, but vast roiling storms as well. Hearing of this threat, Orbala set forth on a quest to master the elements, and, in three places of power, she proved herself to the winds. Her reward came to be known as the Horn of the Vastiri. When she drew in a mighty breath and sounded the Horn, it was {so powerful}, every tent across the entire Plains blew open. You can imagine what it did to the Necromancer's sandstorms... Seizing their moment, the united {akharas} stormed forth to savage the undead armies of Saresh. For this victory, Orbala was made the Sekhema of Sekhemas, and, after ruling with strength and cunning for many years, later became our Queen of the Wind, greatest goddess of the Maraketh. Her divine name was Garukhan, which means 'ultimate sovereign.' The tales, unfortunately, make no further mention of the Horn after that.
  • Zarka Recreating the Horn: Ah, the Horn... how to condense a seven-day tale? It was created during Orbala's eighth adventure, her final quest before becoming the Sekhema of Sekhemas... she wrested control of the three elements. Her trusty war-steed, the great mastodon Ekbab, gave its tusks for the carving and the channeling of lightning. The essence of water was a secret held at the heart of Keth... and primordial fire must be earned from those that originally brought it to Wraeclast. We will find {them} at the Valley of Titans. Yes... those are the three elements we will need.
  • 25Recreate the Horn of the Vastiri
    Zarka has determined that only recreating the Horn of the Vastiri will serve to dispel Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Retrace the legendary Orbala's footsteps to make a Horn of your own.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: We have reclaimed the Ancient Gates from the Faridun, but Jamanra's foul sorcery holds us at bay with a sandstorm. Only a reforged Horn of Vastiri can open a way through.
  • 26Take the Horn of the Vastiri
    You have provided everything required to recreate the Horn of the Vastiri. Speak to Zarka to obtain it.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
    27Use the Desert Map to return to the Sandstorm
    You and Zarka have recreated the Horn of the Vastiri. Use the Desert Map to return to the Sandstorm to dispel it.
    Area: The Halani Gates
  • Desert Map Travel to the Halani Gates: It is time to use the reforged Horn of the Vastiri to open the way through. Prepare yourself. War is nigh.
  • Desert Map Travel to the Sandstorm: We now have their trail. They will not escape!
  • 28Use the Horn of the Vastiri
    You have returned to the Sandstorm. Use the Horn of the Vastiri to dispel it.
    Area: The Sandstorm Barrier
    29Speak to Asala
    You have sounded the Horn of the Vastiri and dispelled Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Speak to Asala.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Sekhema Asala Deshar: I am hesitant to allow you access to sacred Deshar, but better a single {jingakh} than an army of spiteful enemies. Our city of the dead must be protected, no matter the cost.
  • Sekhema Asala Deshar: Enter Deshar, and take our vengeance upon the Faridun within! We will flank them while you ascend and undertake your duty.
  • The Hooded One Our Next Move: The path to Deshar has been opened. Infiltrate the towers, and stop the Faridun from feeding the Beast!
  • Shambrin Jamanra: Now the sandstorm is cleared, we have a chance to chase down Jamanra. Though I am not gifted with sight, I clearly see the dangers ahead of us. You must keep your wits about you.
  • Shambrin Tradition's Toll: As we approach Deshar, I feel I must ask something of you once more. There is someone... I care about. Let us leave it at that. I have learned she went on a lone journey to the spires three moons past... and she has not returned. The others cannot know of this, for there was neither sickness nor injury involved. Do you understand? I simply wish to know the truth of what happened, to end the pain of not knowing. If you happen to find Lailuma's body in the dunes below the spires... And if you bring me something of hers, then I will know. If you do not, then no one ever will...
  • 30Use the Desert Map to travel to Deshar
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead at the Maraketh Burial Spires to the Beast. Use the Desert Map to travel there and confront them.
    Area: Deshar
  • Desert Map Travel to Deshar: Enter Deshar, and take our vengeance upon the Faridun within! We will flank them while you ascend and undertake your duty.
  • 31Ascend Deshar
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead to the Beast. Ascend Deshar and confront them.
    Area: Deshar
  • Zarka Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. Deshar is our most sacred monument... I myself will soon make the journey there, once I train a replacement. Most do wait for their bodies to fail, but I would prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. It might not look like it now, but I was a rather powerful Sorceress in my time.
  • Zarka Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. I will soon make the journey to Deshar myself, once I train a replacement. I could wait, but I prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. I might not look the part now, but when I was younger, you would have found me to be a formidable rival!
  • Zarka Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. Deshar is our most sacred monument... I myself will soon make the journey there, once I train a replacement. Most do wait for their bodies to fail, but I would prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. It might not look like it now, but I was a rather powerful Sorceress in my time.
  • Zarka Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. I will soon make the journey to Deshar myself, once I train a replacement. I could wait, but I prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. I might not look the part now, but when I was younger, you would have found me to be a formidable rival!
  • 32Travel through the Path of Mourning
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead to the Beast. Travel through the Path of Mourning and confront them.
    Area: Path of Mourning
    33Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    The Faridun are atop Deshar. Find their King and confront him.
    Area: The Spires of Deshar
    34Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination atop Deshar.
    Area: The Spires of Deshar
  • Shambrin Jamanra: Jamanra has risen... It is... Almost unthinkable. To resort to necromancy and corruption... The Faridun's desperation knows no limits. In a way, it is rather sad. In another, it is harrowing. Either way, this King of theirs, must return to his death.
  • 35Defeat Tor Gul, the Defiler
    The Faridun have escaped with the Beast. Defeat Tor Gul, the Defiler, so that you may continue pursuing them.
    Area: The Spires of Deshar
    36Speak to Asala
    The Ardura have finally caught up to the Faridun. Speak to Asala to learn about the final battle.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Sekhema Asala Assault the Dreadnought: The Faridun have assembled a tremendous Dreadnought, a war caravan larger than we have ever seen. As we speak, it is barreling through the heart of the Vastiri, leaving devastation in its wake.
  • Sekhema Asala Continue the Pursuit: We have their trail now. They will not escape!
  • 37Use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought
    Use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought.
    Area: The Dreadnought
    38Fight your way forward
    According to Risu, the Beast is kept in a cage behind Jamanra, the Abomination's throne. Fight your way there.
    Area: The Dreadnought
  • The Hooded One Our Next Move: We are out of time. The Beast may already be too dangerous to contain through mortal means. The time for all-out war has arrived. Help the Ardura attack the Faridun war machine before it is too late!
  • The Hooded One Our Next Move: We are out of time. The Beast may already be too dangerous to contain through mortal means. The time for all-out war has arrived. Help the Ardura attack the Faridun war machine before it is too late!
  • 39Fight your way to the the Throne
    According to Risu, the Beast is kept in a cage behind Jamanra, the Abomination's throne. Fight your way there.
    Area: Dreadnought Vanguard
    40Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination in combat.
    Area: Dreadnought Vanguard
    41Speak to the Hooded One in the Shrine to the Northwest
    The Countess escaped with the Beast once again. Speak to the Hooded One for further clarity on what to do next. He can be found in a shrine to the northwest of the caravan, that you must travel to on foot.
    Area: The Ardura Caravan
  • Sekhema Asala The Fall of the King: The war is over. I have given him an honourable death. This may prove to heal the wound between the Faridun and the Maraketh. Return with me. I must address my people.
  • Risu The Maraketh: The Maraketh abandoned us, but there is beauty in their strict traditions. They do not have a choice. The desert is a harsh Sekhema, as they say. Uniting as one people, combining our resources - that is the only way we can all live in peace.
  • The Hooded One Worst Fears: My worst fears have been realised. The Beast is beyond our means now.
  • Shambrin Jamanra: The risen {King} is dead once again. His tale is yet another tragic outcome of the harsh desert. At least this time, the death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. The Faridun have already begun the process of taking his body to Deshar for a proper sky burial. Asala allowed this. It feels like... We could be stepping into the light of a new era for the Maraketh.
  • Shambrin Jamanra: The risen {King} is dead once again. Another tale of the harsh desert. This time, his death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. The Faridun have already begun the process of taking his body to Deshar for a proper sky burial. Asala allowed this... You understand the significance here. Perhaps... We could be stepping into the light of a new era for our people.
  • 42Head down a ramp northwest of the Caravan's midpoint
    The Countess escaped with the Beast once again. Speak to the Hooded One for further clarity on what to do next. He can be found in a shrine to the northwest of the caravan, that you must travel to on foot.
    Area: Sandswept Marsh
    43Talk to Asala to travel south to the Sandswept Marsh
    The lost empire of the Vaal may hold ancient knowledge that will aid in containing the Beast. Talk to Asala to travel south. The Maraketh will bring you to the Sandswept Marsh.
    Area: Sandswept Marsh
  • Sekhema Asala Travel to the Sandswept Marsh: Yes, we can take you to the edge of the desert. Then, we will continue to track the Beast. You {must} find a way to contain it. When we find out where it is being taken, we will seek you out. Until then, may the winds ever be calm on your path.
  • Sekhema Asala The Fate of the Faridun: Jamanra is back where he belongs. I have given him a proper death. By removing his head, I acknowledged him. Though, he was never a King, despite what the Faridun may choose to believe. Those who have survived this war will be given a choice. It would be a waste to kill the Faridun who have proven themselves in battle... they may choose to be acknowledged. To have a place at the table. Or... they can remain outcasts. Either way, it is time to write a new chapter. Who knows what the future holds? After what has happened here, the other {akharas} must consider joining the Ardura. I intend to be... persuasive.
  • The Hooded One Our Next Move: The Ardura can take us south, to the edge of the jungle. The sunken city of Utzaal is not hidden, nor hard to reach... it is protected by a different danger, but we will deal with that when we come to it. When you are ready, we should begin the journey as soon as possible.
  • The Hooded One To Utzaal: The Beast has grown beyond our ability to contain it. We must search for something greater than we currently possess, something that can drain its power and bring it back to a more manageable form. While I slumbered under the numbing effects of Corruption, there was an empire that mastered the use of that deadly energy. We must go to the jungles of the long-ago Vaal. Their ruins may yet hold the secrets we need. That is where we must go, to the sunken city of Utzaal. It is our only hope.
  • The Hooded One Daughter: You want the truth? I betrayed her, and had her killed. There are not enough excuses in all of Wraeclast to make up for what I did. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. I thought it was the only way to save humanity. And yet, here we are again, chasing the Beast and fighting for the fate of the world. I am beginning to suspect that the cycle of history may never end, unless we surpass ourselves and find another way. But until we do, we will solve this the only way we know how: with violence.
  • The Hooded One The Shrine: I am thousands of years old. I was mortal first, but then I was deified against my will by my brother... but that is a story for another time. I spent my early divine life in Keth. I loved, and was loved. I even had a daughter. This shrine depicts them both. They were revered by the Maraketh.
  • The Hooded One Wife: Garukhan was the true jewel of the Vastiri, at least to me. Divine love is much like mortal love, at least from what I can remember, and we were happy for a time longer than the lives of many mortal men. The time came, however, when love was not enough. Her humanity sifted through the cracks of her life like fine sand, leaving a divine shell that held her image, but nothing of her soul. It is a trap, you see. Divinity. Faith empowers, but faith also shapes. To gather more power, a god must play the part, becoming more and more the icon their followers perceive. When does perception become reality? It's impossible to pinpoint, and that's the most sinister thing about it. You never know the moment you cross the line.
  • 44Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have pursued the Beast across the Vastiri Outskirts and defeated Jamanra, the Abomination in combat.

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