第 1 章
Una has told you to get to the village by cutting through the Hunting Grounds. Return to the Graveyard and enter the Hunting Grounds.
The Trail of Corruption
1Enter the Hunting Grounds
Una has told you to get to the village by cutting through the Hunting Grounds. Return to the Graveyard and enter the Hunting Grounds.
Area: 猎场
  • 芬恩 不详祭坛: 英雄,我有个伟大的使命要交给{你}!能使你成为传奇人物的任务。绝对不是什么无足轻重的私事。怎么说呢?在来到这个阴郁之地前,可以说{我}曾是一名……游荡者。猎场上方的树冠之中有个放逐者的领地,这些年来他们帮过我一两次。我上次探访时,发生了些……诡异的事情。暗影中有低语声,视线边缘总有虫子爬动。还有他们制作的这些……我觉得可以称为祭坛的存在。那是我所见过最骇人的东西。你瞧,我开始思考。如果伯爵和他的手下疯狂到烧毁了村庄,那么,也许,只是也许……那些被放逐者也遇到了麻烦。你愿意去探望下他们吗?我过去对其中一些人还算有点好感。
  • 芬恩 不详祭坛: 英雄,我有个伟大的使命要交给{你}!能使你成为传奇人物的任务。绝对不是什么无足轻重的私事。怎么说呢?在来到这个阴郁之地前,可以说{我}曾是一名……游荡者。猎场上方的树冠之中有个放逐者的领地,这些年来他们帮过我一两次。我上次探访时,发生了些……诡异的事情。暗影中有低语声,视线边缘总有虫子爬动。还有他们制作的这些……我觉得可以称为祭坛的存在。那是我所见过最骇人的东西。你瞧,我开始思考。如果伯爵和他的手下疯狂到烧毁了村庄,那么,也许,只是也许……那些被放逐者也遇到了麻烦。你愿意去探望下他们吗?我过去对其中一些人还算有点好感。
  • 蓝礼 芬恩: 芬恩还在的时候,我的熔炉经常会莫名其妙地丢失物件,但我也不能怨恨那个小子。他父亲拒绝认可他,他从很小的时候就无依无靠了。
  • 蓝礼 变异动物: 诅咒降临了这片土地。乌娜感觉到了,我也是。欧甘的野兽向来是人类的朋友,直到某个阴影从庄园中涌出。
  • 乌娜 关于丢失的鲁特琴: 我不知该如何向你开口……当我被迫逃离时,不得不抛下一件对我意义重大的东西——由我母亲亲手雕刻的鲁特琴,她最初就是用它来教我歌唱。它还留在我……田间的……家中……如果你碰巧路过那里,能找回我的鲁特琴,对我来说意义非凡。
  • 乌娜 关于丢失的鲁特琴: 我不知该如何向你开口……当我被迫逃离时,不得不抛下一件对我意义重大的东西——由我母亲亲手雕刻的鲁特琴,她最初就是用它来教我歌唱。它还留在我……田间的……家中……如果你碰巧路过那里,能找回我的鲁特琴,对我来说意义非凡。
  • 2Find the entrance to the Village
    Cut through the Hunting Grounds and find the entrance to Ogham Village.
    Area: 猎场
    3Find the entrance to the Village
    Continue through Ogham Farmlands to look for the entrance to Ogham Village.
    Area: 农地
  • 芬恩 芬恩: {啊,那个芬恩的影响很不好!我的女儿是不会和那种人交往的!我们该让村里的卫兵好好地揍他一顿,给他一个教训!}不过我想这时候记仇也没意义了,因为他们可能都死了……
  • 蓝礼 The Mad Wolf: 我们的村子,只剩下燃烧的废墟了……这真是最黑暗的日子。残酷的事实摆在面前:乔诺尔伯爵生来就肩负着保护欧甘的使命,但他却背叛了我们。
  • 芬恩 芬恩: {啊,那个芬恩的影响很不好!我的女儿是不会和那种人交往的!我们该让村里的卫兵好好地揍他一顿,给他一个教训!}不过我想这时候记仇也没意义了,因为他们可能都死了……
  • 蓝礼 The Mad Wolf: 我们的村子,只剩下燃烧的废墟了……这真是最黑暗的日子。残酷的事实摆在面前:乔诺尔伯爵生来就肩负着保护欧甘的使命,但他却背叛了我们。
  • 4Search for the Seed of Corruption
    You have found Ogham Village. Look for the Seed of Corruption.
    Area: 欧甘村庄
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……蓝礼的房子……他们曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但他们……他们现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……{这里}就是新家了?你,啊……让你看到我多愁善感的样子了,抱歉啊,英雄。
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……蓝礼的房子……他们曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但他们……他们现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……{这里}就是新家了?你,啊……让你看到我多愁善感的样子了,抱歉啊,英雄。
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……{你的}房子!……你曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但你……你现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……这里就是新家了……?那我们算是室友了?我要睡上铺!
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……{你的}房子!……你曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但你……你现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……这里就是新家了……?那我们算是室友了?我要睡上铺!
  • 兜帽密师 关于村庄: 村庄被摧毁了吗?那么伯爵的手下已经疯狂至极了。你必须潜入庄园,用一切必要手段来终结这一切。欧甘村庄的命运仅是即将来临的狂风暴雨中的一滴雨水而已。
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……蓝礼的房子……他们曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但他们……他们现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……{这里}就是新家了?你,啊……让你看到我多愁善感的样子了,抱歉啊,英雄。
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……蓝礼的房子……他们曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但他们……他们现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……{这里}就是新家了?你,啊……让你看到我多愁善感的样子了,抱歉啊,英雄。
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……{你的}房子!……你曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但你……你现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……这里就是新家了……?那我们算是室友了?我要睡上铺!
  • 芬恩 关于村庄: 乌娜的房子……{你的}房子!……你曾经有过真正的家!我一直很羡慕,但你……你现在就像我一样了!变成了流浪者,无家可归。除非……这里就是新家了……?那我们算是室友了?我要睡上铺!
  • 兜帽密师 关于村庄: 村庄被摧毁了吗?那么伯爵的手下已经疯狂至极了。你必须潜入庄园,用一切必要手段来终结这一切。欧甘村庄的命运仅是即将来临的狂风暴雨中的一滴雨水而已。
  • 5击败刽子手
    Area: 欧甘村庄
    Area: 欧甘村庄
  • 莱蒂斯 逃出生天: 他杀了伊蒙。就这么杀了他。我……我不知道该怎么办了……我……
  • 7与【莱蒂斯】交谈
    Area: 欧甘村庄
    Area: 克里费尔营地
  • 蓝礼 关于伯爵: 有些人不需要赢得荣誉,他们生来就地位显赫。乔诺尔之所以罪孽深重,是因为他生来就拥有其他人一生都在追求的东西,却毫不珍惜。
  • 9任务完成
    你击败了【处刑者】,并解救了莱蒂斯。你获得了 1 颗未切割的技能宝石作为奖励。
    第 2 章
    You have boarded the Ardura Caravan. Speak to the Hooded One for information on what your next move should be.
    The Trail of Corruption
    You have boarded the Ardura Caravan. Speak to the Hooded One for information on what your next move should be.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    3Consult with Asala
    Consult with Asala to learn more about the Beast.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    4Investigate areas of Corruption
    Scouts have reported Corruption in two areas. Use the Desert Map to travel to either in search of the Beast.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队, 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 荣光之诺: 在二十年前,统治者之殿的邪兽被斩除后,奇亚托{阿卡拉}肩负的漫长职责终于结束了。此后,所有其他{阿卡拉}都发誓,若腐化再次重现,就要追击并根绝它。从此以后,再也不会有任何一个{阿卡拉}独自承担这历史的重担。
  • 5登上【叛徒小径】
    The Halani Gates are unexpectedly closed. Ask Asala what to do next.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队, 上古之门
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 紧闭的关门: 上古之门关闭了,法里顿人把守着那里以保护邪兽。我们必须找到另一条路。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 紧闭的关门: 上古之门在千年以来首次关闭了!这必定与邪兽有关。我们应该调查下法里顿营地,在那里探寻答案。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 突袭大门: 那个冒牌国王竟然觊觎我们的墓塔?用我们尊贵的逝者喂养邪兽!这种罪行已经超出了我对那些卑劣之徒罪行最糟糕的预想。墓塔就在上古之门之后——我们应立即行动,粉碎他们的阴谋。让我们看看叛逃者的情报是否属实。潜入这条传说中的小径,悄悄地找到通向上古之门顶端的路,然后呼叫支援。我将作出回应。
  • 里苏 叛徒小径: 哈拉尼之门紧闭不开!看来国王已经占据了那里。他打算占领并封闭所有关门,使马拉克斯人无法打断他恼人的收割行动。正面围攻已经没有胜算了。不过还有一条路,一条被时光吞没的上古小径。叛徒贝尔巴拉曾经走过那里。如果你愿意在无可挽回之前阻止国王,那我就带你去。
  • 6Use the Desert Map to travel to Mawdun Quarry
    Use the Desert Map to travel to Mawdun Quarry in search of the Faridun, who may have closed the Halani Gates.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 上古之门在千年以来首次关闭了!这必定与邪兽有关。我们应该调查下法里顿营地,在那里探寻答案。
  • 7Explore the area
    Explore Mawdun Quarry in your search for the Beast.
    Area: 采石场
    8Enter Mawdun Mine
    Enter Mawdun Mine and continue your search for the Beast.
    Area: 熔炉锻坊
    9Investigate Mawdun Mine
    You have discovered a foundry run by the Faridun, which now seems to be abandoned. Investigate it.
    Area: 熔炉锻坊
    10Defeat Rudja, Dread Engineer
    Destroy Rudja, Dread Engineer.
    Area: 熔炉锻坊
    Area: 熔炉锻坊
    12Return to the Caravan with the Defector
    Return to town and find Asala at the lead cart to question the Defector about Jamanra, the Risen King's destinations.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 上古之门关闭了,法里顿人把守着那里以保护邪兽。我们必须找到另一条路。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 审问叛逃者: 这个{叛逃者}是生是死取决于她是否能帮忙找到邪兽。你有什么问题就问她吧,之后,阿杜拉会裁决她的命运。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 里苏的命运: 如果她说的是实话,那她就可以活下来。如果她是被派来误导我们的骗子,她就会{再次}被扔在旷野里等死……
  • 兜帽密师 里苏: 违抗同族需要勇气,我也曾面对相似的抉择。曾经有过一群像我这样的男男女女,自命不凡。而事实也的确如此……到了令人恐惧的地步。我背叛了他们,于是落得被自己人永世放逐的下场。我并非肉体凡胎,也被神祇憎恨,只有孑然一身。如果再给我一次机会,我还是会做同样的事……以后也不会改变。
  • 兜帽密师 关于法里顿人: 他们在这个时代称自己为法里顿人,他们反反复复地灭亡,却一次又一次地重生。他们不是一支独立的民族,而是马拉克斯的黑暗秘密,是生命的偶然性带来的必然结果。社会不能将老弱病残轻易剔除。那些达不到要求的新生儿会被遗弃在沙丘上……但不管马拉克斯人多么希望他们烟消云散,但他们总能保住一条性命。不,他们不会死。法里顿人是马拉克斯人的影子,总是在他们的视线之外默默观察。法里顿人救起被抛弃的孩子,一边监视马拉克斯人,一边在部落外抚养孩子长大。对于必须放弃孩子的父母而言,这是一种无言的宽慰,但也是一场逐渐汇聚的风暴,有朝一日注定会携卷怒火回到家中。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 返回商队: 别管那些繁文缛节了,我们必须审问这个叛逃者。去商队领头车的议会书房里与我碰面。
  • 岑柏琳 里苏: 阿杜拉永远也不会接纳里苏,她是个叛逃者。你想信任她也可以,也许她还能为你提供有关敌人意图的有效情报,但请记住——她背叛了自己的族人。我们处理叛徒的手段非常……耸人听闻。她不属于我们,所以我们没有理由惩罚她,但在关键时刻我们也不会保护她的。
  • 岑柏琳 关于法里顿人: 在公共场合下,我会和其他人一样高声谴责他们。不过私底下,我很理解他们。我并不认同他们的行径,但他们终生无法摆脱的那种苦难,我也经历过一点点。实话实说,我{料到}我们早晚会兵戎相见。
  • 13Use the Desert Map to travel to the Halani Gates
    Use the Desert Map to travel to the Halani Gates.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    Return to town and talk to Risu about the locked Halani Gates.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 兜帽密师 Jamanra: I was asleep during the era of Jamanra. I cannot attest to the truth of Risu's tale... though I cannot say it is outside the realm of possibility. The Maraketh have strict traditions, erring on the side of brutal.
  • 扎卡 Jamanra: Jamanra? That's a tale I rarely tell. Every few generations, the Faridun stir up trouble. Jamanra was their most successful attempt at causing problems. A very long time ago, he spread dangerous ideas among the outcasts, and spoke to the Maraketh as if they were equals. His offenses were so great, the Sekhemas joined together to approach and rebuke him. The tale says that he was so in awe of the glory of our leaders, he ended his own life, and chose to fall forgotten in the sands. It is a strange conclusion to his tale, I must admit. But this is what is told. If he has been somehow reanimated through Corruption, he will have only one goal: harming us.
  • 15Talk to Asala about Risu's information
    Talk to Asala about Risu's information.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 上古之门关闭了,法里顿人把守着那里以保护邪兽。我们必须走上这条……叛徒小径。
  • 荒漠地图 前往叛徒小径: 让我们看看叛逃者的情报是否属实。潜入这条小径,悄悄地找到通向上古之门顶端的路,然后呼叫支援。我将作出回应。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 突袭大门: 那个冒牌国王竟然觊觎我们的墓塔?用我们尊贵的逝者喂养邪兽!这种罪行已经超出了我对那些卑劣之徒罪行最糟糕的预想。墓塔就在上古之门之后——我们应立即行动,粉碎他们的阴谋。让我们看看叛逃者的情报是否属实。潜入这条传说中的小径,悄悄地找到通向上古之门顶端的路,然后呼叫支援。我将作出回应。
  • 岑柏琳 恶人的结局: 如果你想要穿越叛徒小径,我有件事想让你帮忙。有个叛徒,贝尔巴拉。根据传说,她依然被封印在这里,就在隧道的某个地方。她的刑期早就结束了,但那个地方的下落已经失传。她早就应该脱离囚牢了。如果你愿意,我可以和你讲讲她的故事,但这对{外来人}可能没多少意义。
  • 岑柏琳 恶人的结局: 如果你想要穿越叛徒小径,我有件事想让你帮忙。你们的{阿卡拉}还在讲述叛徒贝尔巴拉的故事吗?她依然被封印在这里,就在隧道的某个地方。她的刑期早就结束了,但那个地方的下落已经失传。她早就应该脱离囚牢了。
  • 16Use the Desert Map to travel to Traitor's Passage
    Use the Desert Map to travel to Traitor's Passage.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    Area: 叛徒小径
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 里苏的命运: {叛逃者}可以活下去,她没有说谎。如果她愿意,也可以留在这里。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 里苏的命运: {叛逃者}可以活下去,她没有说谎。如果她愿意,也可以留在这里。
  • 18打开第二扇【上古之门】
    Area: 上古之门
  • 兜帽密师 关于岑柏琳: 当我的目光落在人们身上时,我已经习惯了他们瑟瑟发抖或是别过脸去。但我得承认,这次轮到我体会这种感觉了。虽然她双目失明,但有时我却会异想天开,感觉她正在看我——连夜里也不例外。
  • 兜帽密师 扎卡: 你真的不知道,听到她讲述我认识的人和去过的地方却{不}纠正她,这得需要多大的自制力。她讲的故事与事实很接近,这点我承认。有些细节和事件发展的顺序准确到令人震惊。但几千年前的事件的精髓,那段历史的{本质}……已经被润色过了。其他传说则只是史实的苍白倒影,无法反映当年的辉煌。真是这样吗?还是我的记忆随着时间流逝而歪曲了?我们永远也不会知道了,因为那些日子一去不复返……我曾经爱过的一切,在你还没有出生的几百年前就已化为尘土。
  • 扎卡 里苏: 年轻人都一样,法里顿人也罢,马拉克斯也好,对我这样的老妇人而言有什么区别?其他人可能会因为我让里苏坐下听故事而不高兴,但没人敢命令我闭嘴。
  • 岑柏琳 关于兜帽密师: 当我面向他时,我会隐约……产生一丝印象。就连太阳也没法让我的盲眼有任何感觉,所以这对我来说非常新鲜。我从你的奇怪同伴身上看到的到底是什么呢?
  • 兜帽密师 关于岑柏琳: 当我的目光落在人们身上时,我已经习惯了他们瑟瑟发抖或是别过脸去。但我得承认,这次轮到我体会这种感觉了。虽然她双目失明,但有时我却会异想天开,感觉她正在看我——连夜里也不例外。
  • 兜帽密师 扎卡: 你真的不知道,听到她讲述我认识的人和去过的地方却{不}纠正她,这得需要多大的自制力。她讲的故事与事实很接近,这点我承认。有些细节和事件发展的顺序准确到令人震惊。但几千年前的事件的精髓,那段历史的{本质}……已经被润色过了。其他传说则只是史实的苍白倒影,无法反映当年的辉煌。真是这样吗?还是我的记忆随着时间流逝而歪曲了?我们永远也不会知道了,因为那些日子一去不复返……我曾经爱过的一切,在你还没有出生的几百年前就已化为尘土。
  • 扎卡 里苏: 年轻人都一样,法里顿人也罢,马拉克斯也好,对我这样的老妇人而言有什么区别?其他人可能会因为我让里苏坐下听故事而不高兴,但没人敢命令我闭嘴。
  • 岑柏琳 关于兜帽密师: 当我面向他时,我会隐约……产生一丝印象。就连太阳也没法让我的盲眼有任何感觉,所以这对我来说非常新鲜。我从你的奇怪同伴身上看到的到底是什么呢?
  • 19Open the second Gate
    Area: 上古之门
    20Open the third Gate
    Area: 上古之门
    Area: 上古之门
    22Defeat Jamanra, the Risen King
    A Corrupted leader known as Jamanra, the Risen King has united the Faridun and attacked the Maraketh. Help Asala defeat him.
    Area: 上古之门
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 瓦斯提里号角: 啊,是的,瓦斯提里号角……我知道那个传说。远古之城克斯、长毛象荒原、巨人之谷……我们可以按任意顺序追溯欧巴拉的足迹。
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 我们已从法里顿人手中夺回了上古之门,但冒牌国王用巫术召唤出的沙暴阻挡了我们。和扎卡谈谈,她或许知道如何继续前进。
  • 荒漠地图 前往克斯: 此处曾是我族的权力中心,如今被掩埋,成了见证过光辉过往的化石。有朝一日,当这一切都结束后,当马拉克斯重新沐浴在阳光之下时,我们会建立一座全新的克斯。我说到做到。
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to Mastodon Badlands: 长毛象的遗骨散落在那个山谷里,永远遭受着风吹日晒。这证实了在世界巨变面前,一种文明可能完全湮灭。我绝不会让我的族人以同样的方式凋零……
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to Valley of the Titans: 第三盟约的规定禁止我亲自施展烈焰仪式。我必须派遣一名使者……对方也必须这么做。我不清楚使者将以何种形态出现。
  • 兜帽密师 下一步行动: 伯爵夫人正与这位“千年国王”合作,他们带着邪兽逃走了......还好,我们知道法里顿人的意图。我们必须尽快到达马拉克斯墓塔。
  • 岑柏琳 里苏: 里苏已经证明了自己,至少我这么认为。她所言非虚,而且我相信她意图良善。在另一个世界里,我们也许会成为并肩作战的{德卡拉},甚至是朋友。
  • 扎卡 驱散沙暴: 那“千年国王”能够控制沙子?传说中还{真}有能够帮助我们面对那种力量的东西。据说,瓦斯提里号角能够呼风唤雨。号角早已在时光中迷失了……{不过}……也许我们还有机会重铸它。我们必须追溯最大的女英雄的脚步,重走欧巴拉最后的冒险之旅。去问问艾萨拉吧。她知道那个传说,也知道我们将为此前往何方。把你的想法告诉她,如果你有疑问,也可以向她讨教智慧。
  • 24调查腐化的区域
    Zarka has determined that only recreating the Horn of the Vastiri will serve to dispel Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Speak to Asala to learn about Orbala's footsteps.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 扎卡 号角的传说: 这不是头一回有人操控飞沙与我们作对了。在那个时代,腐泣的死灵师沙利希曾经向新生的沙漠地区的马拉克斯人宣战。他统率的不只是亡灵大军,还有猛烈的风暴。听闻这个威胁,欧巴拉踏上了掌控元素的旅程,在那三个威能之地,她向风暴证明了自己。她获得的嘉奖就是瓦斯提里号角。当她深沉地呼吸并吹响号角,那股{强大}的力量吹开了整个平原上的帐篷。想象一下死灵师的沙暴会有什么遭遇吧……联合起来的阿卡拉抓住了这个机会,突袭并歼灭了沙利希的亡灵大军。为了纪念这场胜利,欧巴拉成为了丝克玛之王,凭借力量和计谋统治了多年,日后成为了我们了风暴女神,最伟大的马拉克斯女神。她的圣名格鲁坎代表着“无上君威”。只可惜,这个传说再没提到过号角的下落。
  • 扎卡 重铸号角: 啊,号角……那个故事长达七天,我该怎么长话短说呢?它是在欧巴拉的第八次,也是最后一次冒险中制作的,后来她就成为了丝克玛之王……她当时对抗并控制了三种元素。她忠实的战驹,雄伟的长毛象伊科巴,献出了獠牙用于雕刻,还能引导闪电的力量。水之精华是深埋在克斯之心的一个秘密……始源之火更是得来不易,只能从为瓦尔克拉斯带来烈焰的人手中夺得。我们能够在巨人之谷找到{他们}。对……我们需要的正是这三种元素。
  • 25Recreate the Horn of the Vastiri
    Zarka has determined that only recreating the Horn of the Vastiri will serve to dispel Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Retrace the legendary Orbala's footsteps to make a Horn of your own.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 我们已从法里顿人手中夺回了上古之门,但冒牌国王用巫术召唤出的沙暴阻挡了我们。只有重铸的瓦斯提利号角能开辟出一条通路。
  • 26找寻打开【上古之门】的办法
    You have provided everything required to recreate the Horn of the Vastiri. Speak to Zarka to obtain it.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    You and Zarka have recreated the Horn of the Vastiri. Use the Desert Map to return to the Sandstorm to dispel it.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to the Halani Gates: 是时候用重铸的瓦斯提利号角开辟道路了。做好准备吧,战争即将来临。
  • 荒漠地图 前往沙暴: 我们找到他们的踪迹了,不会让他们跑掉的!
  • 28Use the Horn of the Vastiri
    You have returned to the Sandstorm. Use the Horn of the Vastiri to dispel it.
    Area: 沙暴屏障
    You have sounded the Horn of the Vastiri and dispelled Jamanra, the Risen King's sandstorm. Speak to Asala.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 Deshar: 我本不愿让你进入我族的神圣墓塔,但比起穷凶极恶的敌人,我宁愿让{外人}入内。我们会不惜一切代价保护这些墓塔,它们是我族传承的重要部分。在你登塔去执行你的职责时,我们将切断他们的退路。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 Deshar: 进入墓塔,向里面的法里顿人复仇!在你登塔去履行职责时,我们将切断他们的退路。
  • 兜帽密师 下一步行动: 通往墓塔的道路已经开启。进入墓塔,绝不能让法里顿人喂养邪兽!
  • 岑柏琳 Jamanra: Now the sandstorm is cleared, we have a chance to chase down Jamanra. Though I am not gifted with sight, I clearly see the dangers ahead of us. You must keep your wits about you.
  • 岑柏琳 传统的重负: 墓塔越来越近了,我不得不再向你提出一个请求。有一个……我关心的人……我不想说太多。她在三个月前独自去了墓塔,至今未归。我不能让其他人知道这件事,因为她既没有生病也并未衰弱。你能明白吗?我只想知道事情的真相,结束这种未知的痛苦,她的解脱成了我的煎熬。如果你找到莱露玛的遗体,如果你给我带来她的遗物,那我就能确定了。如果你不愿意,那就永远也不会有别人去找她了……
  • 30Use the Desert Map to travel to Deshar
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead at the Maraketh Burial Spires to the Beast. Use the Desert Map to travel there and confront them.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 荒漠地图 Travel to Deshar: 我本不愿让你进入我族的神圣墓塔,但比起穷凶极恶的敌人,我宁愿让{外人}入内。我们会不惜一切代价保护这些墓塔,它们是我族传承的重要部分。在你登塔去执行你的职责时,我们将切断他们的退路。
  • 31Ascend Deshar
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead to the Beast. Ascend Deshar and confront them.
    Area: 仪葬墓塔
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. Deshar is our most sacred monument... I myself will soon make the journey there, once I train a replacement. Most do wait for their bodies to fail, but I would prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. It might not look like it now, but I was a rather powerful Sorceress in my time.
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. I will soon make the journey to Deshar myself, once I train a replacement. I could wait, but I prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. I might not look the part now, but when I was younger, you would have found me to be a formidable rival!
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. Deshar is our most sacred monument... I myself will soon make the journey there, once I train a replacement. Most do wait for their bodies to fail, but I would prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. It might not look like it now, but I was a rather powerful Sorceress in my time.
  • 扎卡 Deshar: Ah, Deshar, the City of the Dead! In these harrowing times, one could be forgiven for thinking the risen dead live there—if that form of existence can even be called living. No, no. Long before we had to worry about the dead rising, we built towering spires to return our people to the sky. Our Honoured Dead lie openly, enjoying the sun, not hidden from it under the earth. Over time, they are scoured away, becoming the wind and sand you feel on your skin at this very moment. I will soon make the journey to Deshar myself, once I train a replacement. I could wait, but I prefer to meet Death on my feet. Who knows? I may even be the first mortal to win my battle, and defeat Nekraata in spiritual combat. I might not look the part now, but when I was younger, you would have found me to be a formidable rival!
  • 32Travel through the Path of Mourning
    The Faridun may already be feeding the Honoured Dead to the Beast. Travel through the Path of Mourning and confront them.
    Area: 哀亡道途
    33Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    The Faridun are atop Deshar. Find their King and confront him.
    Area: 圣墓塔尖
    34Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination atop Deshar.
    Area: 圣墓塔尖
  • 岑柏琳 Jamanra: Jamanra has risen... It is... Almost unthinkable. To resort to necromancy and corruption... The Faridun's desperation knows no limits. In a way, it is rather sad. In another, it is harrowing. Either way, this King of theirs, must return to his death.
  • 35打开第二扇【上古之门】
    Area: 圣墓塔尖
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 突袭无畏战车: 他们又一次逃脱了!法里顿人组建了庞大的无畏战车。一支沙漠中前所未见的大型战队。就在我们说话的当下,它正横冲直撞地穿过瓦斯提里的核心地带,留下满目疮痍。他们似乎有某个未知的目的地。我们必须在他们抵达那里之前集结我们的战士。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 继续追寻: 我们找到他们的踪迹了,不会让他们跑掉的!
  • 37Use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought
    Use the Desert Map to travel to the Dreadnought.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    According to Risu, the Beast is kept in a cage behind Jamanra, the Abomination's throne. Fight your way there.
    Area: 无畏战车
  • 兜帽密师 下一步行动: 我们没时间了。邪兽可能已经变得过于危险,凡世的手段可能不足以扼制它了。全面战争的时刻已经到来。去帮助阿杜拉人袭击法里顿的无畏战车,希望一切还来及!
  • 兜帽密师 下一步行动: 我们没时间了。邪兽可能已经变得过于危险,凡世的手段可能不足以扼制它了。全面战争的时刻已经到来。去帮助阿杜拉人袭击法里顿的无畏战车,希望一切还来及!
  • 39击败【千年国王】
    According to Risu, the Beast is kept in a cage behind Jamanra, the Abomination's throne. Fight your way there.
    Area: 无畏战车先锋
    40Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination
    Defeat Jamanra, the Abomination in combat.
    Area: 无畏战车先锋
    41Speak to the Hooded One in the Shrine to the Northwest
    The Countess escaped with the Beast once again. Speak to the Hooded One for further clarity on what to do next. He can be found in a shrine to the northwest of the caravan, that you must travel to on foot.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 The Fall of the King: 我族文化核心的分歧必须就此终止。是时候治愈这自我蹂躏的创伤了。我赐予了他一个战士的死法,也就认可了他及他所有的追随者。这场战争中幸存的法里顿人今后将被视为马拉克斯人。鉴于我们的所见所闻,他们当之无愧。况且,我已疲倦不堪,实在没精力在接下来的一周里砍人头了。让我们回家吧。
  • 里苏 关于马拉克斯人: 马拉克斯人抛弃了我们,但他们严格的传统中也蕴含着美。他们别无选择,正如他们所说,沙漠是一位严酷的丝克玛。作为一个民族团结起来,把资源放在一处——这是所有人都能平静生活的唯一途径。
  • 兜帽密师 最坏的打算: 我最深的恐惧成真了。邪兽已经不是我们所能掌控的了。
  • 岑柏琳 Jamanra: The risen {King} is dead once again. His tale is yet another tragic outcome of the harsh desert. At least this time, the death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. The Faridun have already begun the process of taking his body to Deshar for a proper sky burial. Asala allowed this. It feels like... We could be stepping into the light of a new era for the Maraketh.
  • 岑柏琳 Jamanra: The risen {King} is dead once again. Another tale of the harsh desert. This time, his death was honourable. Asala did this intentionally and I admire her for it. The Faridun have already begun the process of taking his body to Deshar for a proper sky burial. Asala allowed this... You understand the significance here. Perhaps... We could be stepping into the light of a new era for our people.
  • 42Head down a ramp northwest of the Caravan's midpoint
    The Countess escaped with the Beast once again. Speak to the Hooded One for further clarity on what to do next. He can be found in a shrine to the northwest of the caravan, that you must travel to on foot.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
    43Talk to Asala to travel south to the Sandswept Marsh
    The lost empire of the Vaal may hold ancient knowledge that will aid in containing the Beast. Talk to Asala to travel south. The Maraketh will bring you to the Sandswept Marsh.
    Area: 阿杜拉的商队
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 Travel to the Sandswept Marsh: 我们将继续追踪邪兽。去吧,寻找控制它的方法。我们确定了它的去向后就会来找你。在那之前,祝你一路顺风。
  • 丝克玛艾萨拉 The Fate of the Faridun: Jamanra is back where he belongs. I have given him a proper death. By removing his head, I acknowledged him. Though, he was never a King, despite what the Faridun think. Those who have survived this war will be given a choice. It would be a waste to kill the Faridun who have proven themselves in battle... they may choose to be acknowledged. To have a place at the table. Or... They can remain outcasts. Either way, it is time to write a new chapter. Who knows what the future holds? After what has happened here, the other akharas must consider joining the Ardura. I intend to be... Persuasive.
  • 兜帽密师 下一步行动: 阿杜拉人可以带我们前往南方,一直走到丛林的边缘。沉沦之城乌扎尔并不隐秘,要抵达那里并不困难……保护它的是另一种危险,但到了那个时候,我们仍要对付它。等你准备好了,我们该尽早动身。
  • 兜帽密师 To Utzaal: The Beast has grown beyond our ability to contain it. We must search for something greater than we currently possess, something that can drain its power and bring it back to a more manageable form. While I slumbered under the numbing effects of Corruption, there was an empire that mastered the use of that deadly energy. We must go to the jungles of the long-ago Vaal. Their ruins may yet hold the secrets we need. That is where we must go, to the sunken city of Utzaal. It is our only hope.
  • 兜帽密师 Daughter: You want the truth? I betrayed her, and had her killed. There are not enough excuses in all of Wraeclast to make up for what I did. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time. I thought it was the only way to save humanity. And yet, here we are again, chasing the Beast and fighting for the fate of the world. I am beginning to suspect that the cycle of history may never end, unless we surpass ourselves and find another way. But until we do, we will solve this the only way we know how: with violence.
  • 兜帽密师 The Shrine: I am thousands of years old. I was mortal first, but then I was deified against my will by my brother... but that is a story for another time. I spent my early divine life in Keth. I loved, and was loved. I even had a daughter. This shrine depicts them both. They were revered by the Maraketh.
  • 兜帽密师 Wife: Garukhan was the true jewel of the Vastiri, at least to me. Divine love is much like mortal love, at least from what I can remember, and we were happy for a time longer than the lives of many mortal men. The time came, however, when love was not enough. Her humanity sifted through the cracks of her life like fine sand, leaving a divine shell that held her image, but nothing of her soul. It is a trap, you see. Divinity. Faith empowers, but faith also shapes. To gather more power, a god must play the part, becoming more and more the icon their followers perceive. When does perception become reality? It's impossible to pinpoint, and that's the most sinister thing about it. You never know the moment you cross the line.
  • 44任务完成
    Quest Complete - You have pursued the Beast across the Vastiri Outskirts and defeated Jamanra, the Abomination in combat.

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