Second Wind
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost Multiplier: 150%
Support Requirements: +5 Dex
Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown.
Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Supported Skills have 50% less Cooldown Recovery Rate
Supported Skills have twice as many Cooldown Uses
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.

Skill Gems /7
From /1
Uncut Support Gem Tier 1
Level Effect /1
Implicit |
Cost Multiplier: 150% |
Level | Requires Level | Dex |
1 | 0 | 6 |
Attribute /4
Second Wind
Key | Value |
Acronym | Cooldown, Recovery |
BaseType | Second Wind |
Class | Support Gems |
ItemType | Metadata/Items/Gems/SupportGemSecondWind |
Second Wind
Tier: 1
Level: 1
Cost Multiplier: 150%
Support Requirements: +5 Dex
Supports skills with cooldowns, giving them extra uses of that cooldown.
Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Cannot support instant or triggered skills.
Supported Skills have 50% less Cooldown Recovery Rate
Supported Skills have twice as many Cooldown Uses
Place into a Skill's Support Gem socket in the Skills Panel to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.

Supported Gem /26
Shield Charge
Channel to charge in the target direction. You will crash into enemies on your path, stopping your charge and dealing damage to enemies in an area, and extra damage to the enemies you collided with. While charging, your Shield is raised and you will Block all incoming Blockable hits.
Launches a spray of sparking Projectiles that travel erratically along the ground until they hit an enemy or expire.
Frost Wall
Creates a wall of Ice Crystals which holds back enemies. The Crystals explode if sufficiently damaged, or if pushed hard enough, damaging nearby enemies.
Sniper's Mark
Marks a target. The next Critical Hit the target receives consumes the Mark to deal extra damage and grant you a Frenzy Charge.
Ready a volley of arrows, Empowering your next Bow Attack to repeat multiple times. Consumes your Frenzy Charges on use to add additional repeats.
Infernal Cry
Performs a warcry, Empowering subsequent Attacks. Consumes all Endurance Charges to Empower additional attacks. Enemies in the warcry's area are destabilised and will Combust on death.
Frost Bomb
Creates a pulsing Orb of frost. Each pulse inflicts Cold Exposure on nearby enemies. When the Orb's duration ends, it explodes, dealing Cold damage to surrounding enemies.
Seismic Cry
Performs a damaging warcry, Knocking Back nearby enemies. If a Heavy Stunned enemy is hit, your next Slam is Empowered to perform an additional Aftershock. If not, this skill's cooldown is reset. Only counts Heavily Stunned enemies for purposes of counting Power Gained.
Sigil of Power
Places a Sigil on the ground, providing a powerful Spell Damage Buff to you and Allies while standing in it. The Buff becomes more powerful the more mana you spend while standing in the Sigil.
Escape Shot
Leap backwards and fire an arrow which can Chill or Freeze enemies around the location you escaped from.
Mana Tempest
Creates a storm of arcane energies that Empowers your Mana-costing Spells while you remain inside it. Maintaining the storm constantly drains your Mana, and each Spell you cast causes it to drain faster. The storm will dissipate when you exit it or run out of Mana.
Infuses your staff arcane energy for a short duration, Empowering the next spell you cast to reoccur.
Explosive Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a devastating fiery blast when its fuse expires.
Flash Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that unleashes a Blinding, Stunning explosion when its fuse expires. This explosion can Blind both Allies and Enemies.
Gas Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that causes a burst of Poison gas when its fuse expires, damaging enemies and leaving behind a growing Poison cloud. Burning effects or Detonator skills will cause the cloud to explode in a fiery blast.
Oil Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that bursts in a spray of Oil when the fuse expires or when it impacts an Enemy, dealing minimal damage but covering the ground and nearby enemies in Oil. Oil created this way can be Ignited by Detonator Skills or Ignited Ground.
Voltaic Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that discharges an Electrocuting Lightning blast when its fuse expires.
Hammer of the Gods
Entreats the Ancestors to crush your enemies, manifesting a massive hammer that falls from the sky onto your target, Slamming into the ground after a short duration and dealing immense damage based on your weapon.
Channels to Recharge Energy Shield. Can overcharge your Energy Shield up to double its normal maximum. Channelling ends when you take damage or your Energy Shield is double its normal maximum. This skill cannot be used if your Energy Shield is already double its normal maximum or you have no maximum Energy Shield.
Encase in Jade
Consumes all stacks of Jade to grant a Buff for a duration that absorbs all Damage from Hits, up to a maximum based on the amount of Jade consumed. While encased you cannot move or perform actions.
Temporal Rift
Passively leaves afterimages of your recent past. Cast the Spell to return to the oldest afterimage, teleporting to that location and resetting your Life, Mana and Energy Shield to the values they had at the time.
Time Freeze
Releases a large wave that stops time for all affected enemies for a duration. Duration is lower the more times the enemy has had time stopped for them.
Time Snap
Manipulates time, resetting the cooldowns of your other Skills.
Demon Form
Shapeshift into a demon, vastly boosting the power of your Spells. You gain Demonflame every second you remain in demon form, causing your Life to be lost at an ever-increasing rate. Revert to human form if you reach 1 Life, use a Skill that isn't a Spell, or reactivate this Skill.
Cluster Grenade
Fires a bouncing Grenade that explodes when its fuse expires, throwing out a nova of mini Grenades that explode when they come to a stop.
Teleports a fixed distance in the target direction.
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