Skill Gem 画质 /2
迅风爆击退距离延长 (0–30)%
Into the BreachA Flame of Chayula manifests nearby every (-0.3–0) seconds
Flames of Chayula fade after 25 seconds if not picked up
Support Gem /2
怪物 词缀 /25
1传奇knockback distance +% final from rarity [-50]
1传奇knockback distance +% final from rarity [-75]
1传奇spell maximum action distance +% [-10,10]
1传奇spell maximum action distance +% [-20,20]
复仇的1传奇monster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [50]
1传奇monster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [50]
1传奇main hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
攻击 速度
1传奇获得额外火焰伤害, 其数值等同于物理伤害的 100%
main hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰 攻击 速度
1传奇active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
main hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
攻击 速度
1传奇attack maximum action distance + [-3]
stance movement speed +% final [204]
1传奇attack maximum action distance + [5]
stance movement speed +% final [436]
1传奇-5 近战打击范围
spell maximum action distance +% [-40]
stance movement speed +% final [0]
1传奇attack maximum action distance + [-3]
1传奇monster summons monkeys from nearby trees text [1]
烈士之触1责难base monster will be deleted on death [1]
monster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [55]
伤害 元素 火焰
1传奇cyclone extra distance [10]
1传奇移动速度加快 50%
攻击速度加快 50%
施法速度加快 50%
击中时有 100% 的几率击退敌人
击退距离延长 400%
攻击 施法 速度
1传奇spell maximum action distance +% [-80]
1传奇spell maximum action distance +% [-50]
1传奇base secondary skill effect duration [2000]
spell maximum action distance +% [-55]
1传奇projectile distance override [15]
1传奇attack maximum action distance + [9]
1传奇attack maximum action distance + [13]
1传奇+7 近战打击范围
attack maximum action distance + [3]
1传奇击退距离延长 100%
其他属性 词缀 /8
chest play warning sound [1]
of Lunging1SanctumRelic后缀闪避翻滚距离 +(0.3–0.4)
of Eluding70SanctumRelic后缀闪避翻滚距离 +(0.5–0.7)
抵御之1Jewel后缀击退距离延长 (5–15)%
抵御之1Jewel后缀击退距离延长 (3–7)%
of Madness1Tower后缀地图内镜子远方的惊悸迷雾强化速度加快 (5–10)%
传奇 /3
+(10–15) 敏捷
+(40–60) 最大生命
+(5–15) 敏捷
闪避翻滚距离 +1
若你近期使用过闪避翻滚,闪避值提高 50%
该装备的能量护盾提高 (60–100)%
+(40–60) 最大生命
+(10–20) 智慧
混沌抗性 +(13–19)%
每 3 秒消耗附近的一个灵柩,并恢复 20% 的生命
该装备的护甲与闪避提高 (60–80)%
+(30–50) 最大生命
+(30–50) 最大魔力
闪电抗性 +(10–15)%
Passive /7
生命在你格挡时恢复 20
被格挡的击中击退距离总降 80%
投射物25% 的几率穿透距离你 3 米内的敌人
暴击伤害加成提高 20%
击退距离延长 20%
物理伤害提高 20%
[晕眩]积蓄值提高 20%
击退距离延长 20%
+10 力量
击退距离延长 20%
20% chance to Knock Enemies Back with Hits at Close Range
若你近期内击中过敌人,则闪避提高 25%
徒手攻击技能的冲刺距离上限提高 50%
Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found from non-Unique Monsters in your Maps
升华试炼 Passive /1
升华: 锐眼
角色: 游侠
永恒珠宝 Passive /1
永恒 钥石
击中你的敌人有 10% 的几率获得一个耐力球,
优雅的狂妄: Victario

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