Spectre: {0}
等级: (1–20)
消耗: (10–137) 点魔力
保留: 50 Spirit
需求: 等级 (1–90), (1–205) Int
Minion Info
该技能的召唤生物的所有元素抗性 +(0–19)%

保留效果降低 (0–5)%
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Level Effect /40
保留: 50
等级需求等级IntBase Damage该技能的召唤生物的所有元素抗性 {0:+d}%Minion Level
101100%, 100%02
239100%, 100%14
3616100%, 100%26
41025100%, 100%38
51434100%, 100%410
61843100%, 100%512
72252100%, 100%614
82661100%, 100%716
93172100%, 100%818
103683100%, 100%920
114195100%, 100%1022
1246106100%, 100%1124
1352119100%, 100%1226
1458133100%, 100%1328
1564146100%, 100%1430
1666151100%, 100%1532
1772164100%, 100%1634
1878178100%, 100%1736
1984191100%, 100%1838
2090205100%, 100%1940
21100%, 100%2042
22100%, 100%2144
23100%, 100%2246
24100%, 100%2348
25100%, 100%2450
26100%, 100%2552
27100%, 100%2654
28100%, 100%2756
29100%, 100%2858
30100%, 100%2960
31100%, 100%3062
32100%, 100%3064
33100%, 100%3166
34100%, 100%3168
35100%, 100%3270
36100%, 100%3272
37100%, 100%3374
38100%, 100%3376
39100%, 100%3478
40100%, 100%3480
Attribute /7

Spectre: {0}

关键字召唤生物, 抗性
BaseType Spectre: {0}
Class 技能宝石
Type召唤物, 召唤物爆炸, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 法术可重复, 可触发, 可齐射, 创造召唤物, CreatesUndeadMinion, 消耗保留, Persistent, MultipleReservation
Spectre: {0}
等级: (1–20)
消耗: (10–137) 点魔力
保留: 50 Spirit
需求: 等级 (1–90), (1–205) Int
Minion Info
该技能的召唤生物的所有元素抗性 +(0–19)%
display statset no hit damage [1]
is resummoning minion [1]
minion base resummon time ms [12000]

保留效果降低 (0–5)%
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
商城 /8
Bloodletter of the Vaal
The Bloodletter of the Vaal possesses your character
Bone Wings
Adds the Bone Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Void Emperor Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Void Emperor Effect.
Celestial Summon Skeletons Skin
Your Summoned Skeletons' Skins become Celestial.
Coldsnap Bow
Changes the appearance of any equipped Bow to the Coldsnap Bow.
Temple Lancing Steel Effect
Your Lancing Steel becomes a Temple Effect.
Apollyon Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Apollyon Body Armour.
Oblivion Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Oblivion Helmet.
Supported By /10
  • Active Type: 召唤物, 召唤物爆炸, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 法术可重复, 可触发, 可齐射, 创造召唤物, CreatesUndeadMinion, 消耗保留, Persistent, MultipleReservation
  • Magnified Effect
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, making it larger.
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, causing that area to be smaller but any area damage it deals to be higher.
    Supports skills which create Minions, bolstering the Elemental Resistances of those Minions.
    Supports skills which create Minions, making them deal and take more damage.
    Supports skills which create Minions, granting them more life but making them deal less damage.
    Supports skills which create Minions, causing them and enemies near them to Burn. Damage dealt by the Burning is based off the Life of the supported Minion.
    Supports skills which create Minions, causing them to violently explode when reduced to Low Life.
    Supports skills that create Persistent Minions, causing those Minions to fight on for a short duration before dying when they are fatally wounded.
    Minion Mastery
    Supports Minion skills, granting them an additional level.
    Supports any skill, causing inflicted Slows to be more powerful.

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