Skill Gem Quality /2
Wind Blast(0–30)% increased Knockback Distance
Into the BreachA Flame of Chayula manifests nearby every (-0.3–0) seconds
Flames of Chayula fade after 25 seconds if not picked up
Support Gem /2
Monsters mods /25
1Uniqueknockback distance +% final from rarity [-50]
1Uniqueknockback distance +% final from rarity [-75]
1Uniquespell maximum action distance +% [-10,10]
1Uniquespell maximum action distance +% [-20,20]
Vengeful1Uniquemonster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [50]
1Uniquemonster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [50]
1Uniquemain hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
attack speed
1UniqueGain 100% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage
main hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
damage physical elemental fire attack speed
1Uniqueactive skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
main hand base maximum attack distance [6]
off hand base maximum attack distance [6]
stance movement speed +% final [50]
attack speed
1Uniqueattack maximum action distance + [-3]
stance movement speed +% final [204]
1Uniqueattack maximum action distance + [5]
stance movement speed +% final [436]
1Unique-5 to Melee Strike Range
spell maximum action distance +% [-40]
stance movement speed +% final [0]
1Uniqueattack maximum action distance + [-3]
1Uniquemonster summons monkeys from nearby trees text [1]
Martyr's Touch1Tormentbase monster will be deleted on death [1]
monster grants frenzy charges to allies within distance on death [55]
damage elemental fire
1Uniquecyclone extra distance [10]
1Unique50% increased Movement Speed
50% increased Attack Speed
50% increased Cast Speed
100% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit
400% increased Knockback Distance
attack caster speed
1Uniquespell maximum action distance +% [-80]
1Uniquespell maximum action distance +% [-50]
1Uniquebase secondary skill effect duration [2000]
spell maximum action distance +% [-55]
1Uniqueprojectile distance override [15]
1Uniqueattack maximum action distance + [9]
1Uniqueattack maximum action distance + [13]
1Unique+7 to Melee Strike Range
attack maximum action distance + [3]
1Unique100% increased Knockback Distance
Misc mods /8
1FlaskUniqueTaunts nearby Enemies on use
Reaper's1StrongboxPrefixRevives nearby dead Monsters with Onslaught
Putrifying4StrongboxPrefixDetonates nearby corpses
chest play warning sound [1]
of Lunging1SanctumRelicSuffix+(0.3–0.4) metres to Dodge Roll distance
of Eluding70SanctumRelicSuffix+(0.5–0.7) metres to Dodge Roll distance
of Fending1JewelSuffix(5–15)% increased Knockback Distance
of Fending1JewelSuffix(3–7)% increased Knockback Distance
of Madness1TowerSuffixDelirium in your Maps increases (5–10)% faster with distance from the mirror
Unique /3
+(10–15) to Dexterity
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(5–15) to Dexterity
+1 metre to Dodge Roll distance
50% increased Evasion Rating if you've Dodge Rolled Recently
(60–100)% increased Energy Shield
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(10–20) to Intelligence
+(13–19)% to Chaos Resistance
Every 3 seconds, Consume a nearby Corpse to Recover 20% of Life
(60–80)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30–50) to maximum Life
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
+(10–15)% to Lightning Resistance
You have no Accuracy Penalty at Distance
Passive /7
Recover 20 Life when you Block
80% less Knockback Distance for Blocked Hits
25% chance for Projectiles to Pierce Enemies within 3m distance of you
20% increased Critical Damage Bonus
20% increased Knockback Distance
20% increased Physical Damage
20% increased Stun Buildup
20% increased Knockback Distance
+10 to Strength
20% increased Knockback Distance
20% chance to Knock Enemies Back with Hits at Close Range
25% increased Evasion if you have Hit an Enemy Recently
50% increased maximum Dash Distance with Unarmed Attack Skills
Delirium Fog in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the Mirror
100% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found from non-Unique Monsters in your Maps
Ascendancy Passive /1
Ascendancy: Deadeye
Character: Ranger
You have no Accuracy Penalty at Distance
Timeless Jewel Passive /1
Supreme Grandstanding
Eternal Keystone
Nearby Allies and Enemies Share Charges with you
Enemies Hitting you have 10% chance to gain an Endurance,
Frenzy or Power Charge
Your fiery passion inspires everyone around you - especially your foes.
Elegant Hubris: Victario

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