— Dex4_Gameplay_A3_133 |
I've not seen a wilderness like this before. There'll be some dark days ahead. — Ranger1 |
There's no justice in a place like this. Only misery. — Ranger2 |
I've done for you what I would do for any wounded animal, Brutus. — Ranger3 |
Life and death live side by side. This is a strange land. — Ranger4 |
You were a good man in a bad situation, Fairgraves. — Ranger5 |
Your love for a man... that's what did this to you, Merveil. — Ranger6 |
Do some good for once in your sorry life, bandit. Feed the worms. — Ranger7 |
The king of rats? A feast for rats now. — Ranger8 |
I hate to pluck a pretty flower. Even a poisonous one like you.
— Ranger9 |
Luxury and cruelty go hand in hand. — Ranger10 |
This shouldn't be happening. Not in the world I know. — Ranger11 |
Spread the word amongst your kind, nightmare. You're not welcome in my world. — Ranger12 |
Life is nothing without death. That simple truth's been forgotten from time to time. — Ranger13 |
I've never felt further from what I know and love. — Ranger14 |
Piety... you've so much to answer for. — Ranger15 |
Without men like you, Gravicius, this land might just start healing itself.
— Ranger16 |
Your death doesn't fix anything, Piety. But at least it won't get any worse. — Ranger17 |
Why do we insist on building mountains? Why not just go and climb them? — Ranger18 |
Some of us live to regret our mistakes. Some of us don't. Try not to take it personally. — Ranger19 |
Cities are a blight upon nature, and Sarn was the foulest of them all. — Ranger20 |
A lake drained, a million creatures lost, just so Sarn could keep its privies flowing. — Ranger21 |
This land won't miss your kind, Voll. — Ranger22 |
That's no natural earthquake. — Ranger23 |
Feels like something stirring in its sleep. — Ranger24 |
My gift, from one fighting woman to another, Deshret. — Ranger25 |
This is one deeply troubled mountain. — Ranger26 |
The only love you had, Daresso, was for yourself. — Ranger27 |
This isn't the Karui that I know. — Ranger28 |
One less little, angry boy for the world to deal with. — Ranger29 |
So this is what life inside of a nightmare looks like. — Ranger30 |
Every crime against nature imaginable. — Ranger31 |
Your kind leave nothing but scars, Maligaro. — Ranger32 |
We destroy so much beauty in our pursuit of 'prettiness'. — Ranger33 |
You were your own worst enemy, Doedre. — Ranger34 |
Piety, you never should have resisted Death. Nature wills it, like all else. — Ranger35 |
You were going to put to death the world that I love. Do you really think I would let you and your Beast do that, Malachai? — Ranger36 |
I'm not up to that just yet. — Ranger37 |
I'm not up to that just yet. — Ranger38 |
My Mana is gone. — Ranger39 |
My Mana is gone. — Ranger40 |
That would only slow me down. — Ranger41 |
That would only slow me down. — Ranger42 |
Ahhhh..that feels better. — Ranger43 |
Ahhhh..that feels better. — Ranger44 |
I'll need to toughen up for that one. — Ranger45 |
I'll need to toughen up for that one. — Ranger46 |
I'm no fool, but this one's got me beat. — Ranger47 |
I'm no fool, but this one's got me beat. — Ranger48 |
I need to sharpen the reflexes before I use that. — Ranger49 |
I need to sharpen the reflexes before I use that. — Ranger50 |
I have a hunch I'll be needing this. — Ranger51 |
I have a hunch I'll be needing this. — Ranger52 |
Can't see why I'd want to do that here. — Ranger53 |
Can't see why I'd want to do that here. — Ranger54 |
Beauty will grow from your remains. — Ranger55 |
Beauty will grow from your remains. — Ranger56 |
Poor, corrupted creature. — Ranger57 |
Poor, corrupted creature. — Ranger58 |
Pruning a branch can save a tree. — Ranger59 |
Pruning a branch can save a tree. — Ranger60 |
I give you to the earth. — Ranger61 |
I give you to the earth. — Ranger62 |
I put you out of your misery. — Ranger63 |
I put you out of your misery. — Ranger64 |
I live and learn. — Ranger65 |
I'm still breathing. That's a good sign. — Ranger66 |
The worms'll have to wait a bit longer for this meal. — Ranger67 |
Pain brings strength. That's nature for you. — Ranger68 |
As the prey grows more fierce, so must the Huntress. — Ranger69 |
One rung closer to the top of the food chain. — Ranger70 |
Looks like this land and I are coming to an understanding. — Ranger71 |
You've given me so much. What can I do for you, Wraeclast? — Ranger72 |
The echos are strange here. Like whispers carried on the winds. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_08 |
Into the depths we go. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_19 |
It was a joy to put you down! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_18 |
This place feels truly ancient. How much bloodshed have these sands seen? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_15 |
They bring the very bones back to life. Let's hope they don't try this on something... bigger. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_30_Combat |
The light here is.... unnatural. This place is cursed. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_31 |
So these are the "Daughters of the Sand". They must be tough indeed to survive in this wasteland. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_01 |
Perhaps the Maraketh will be open to ferrying us across these sands if I can help them. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_02 |
There! On top of those rocks! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_03 |
Where did they come from?! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_04_01 |
Incoming! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_04_02 |
Now that was a good hunt. I should go back to the caravan and see if these Maraketh will be more willing to help. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_05 |
Clever. A village that moves is a village that survives. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_06 |
At last. We've arrived. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_07 |
Six statues. Six tribes. Six Sekhemas. What happened here? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_09 |
These bodies are fresh. Time for the real hunt to begin. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_10 |
How did your people even build this? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_11 |
The seed... It's corruption is here. These Faridun have been infected. We must move quickly. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_12 |
Destroy the Idols! They are born of corruption! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_13_01 |
Destroy the Idols! They are born of corruption! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_13_02 |
I should talk to Asala. She must understand the madness that the seed can bring. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_14 |
Ugh! I hate snakes! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_16 |
Undead snakes! Even worse! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_17 |
Who does this to an oversized bug? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_20_01 |
Who does this to an oversized bug? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_20_02 |
They're endless! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_21_01 |
They're endless! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_21_02 |
By the Spirit! This place is enormous. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_22 |
Oh shite! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_23_01 |
Oh shite! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_23_02 |
How can a water goddess survive in such a place? It's dry as a bone down here. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_24 |
By the Spirit! What did he do to you? — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_25 |
The fire... Over there. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_26 |
Your torment ends. It seems even the gods can suffer. I must tell Asala of what happened here. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_27 |
Noble creatures.... An ignoble end. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_28 |
You! Stop! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_29 |
They bring the very bones back to life. Let's hope they don't try this on something... bigger. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_30_NoCombat |
Your beast is dead! I'm coming for you next! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_32 |
Your master is dead! I'll put you back in the ground! — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_33 |
This was one hunt I don't care to repeat. I should take these tusks to Asala. — Dex4b_Gameplay_A2_34 |
I'm not ready yet! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_01_01 |
I'm not ready yet! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_01_02 |
I'm not ready yet! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_01_03 |
I need more time! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_02_01 |
I need more time! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_02_02 |
I need more time! — Dex4b_Cooldown_Combat_02_03 |
I'm not ready yet. — Dex4b_Cooldown_NoCombat_01_01 |
I'm not ready yet. — Dex4b_Cooldown_NoCombat_01_02 |
I need more time. — Dex4b_Cooldown_NoCombat_02_01 |
I need more time. — Dex4b_Cooldown_NoCombat_02_02 |
Empty! — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_Combat_01_01 |
Empty! — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_Combat_01_02 |
Empty! — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_Combat_01_03 |
Empty! — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_Combat_01_04 |
Empty. — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_NoCombat_01_03 |
Empty. — Dex4b_EmptyFlask_NoCombat_01_02 |
I have enough equipment. — Dex4b_InventoryFull_01_01 |
I have enough equipment. — Dex4b_InventoryFull_01_02 |
Time to find bigger game. — Dex4b_LevelUp_01 |
I am starting to understand this land. — Dex4b_LevelUp_02 |
Faster! Stronger! — Dex4b_LevelUp_03 |
Nothing will stop me! — Dex4b_LevelUp_04 |
The hunt continues. — Dex4b_LevelUp_05 |
A little more dexterity. — Dex4b_LowDex_01 |
I've not got the brains for that. — Dex4b_LowInt_01 |
Strength isn't my best attribute. — Dex4b_LowStr_01 |
No mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_01_01 |
No mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_01_02 |
No mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_01_03 |
Out of mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_02_01 |
Out of mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_02_02 |
Out of mana! — Dex4b_NoMana_02_03 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4b_NoSpirit_Combat_01_01 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4b_NoSpirit_Combat_01_02 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4b_NoSpirit_Combat_01_03 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4b_NoSpirit_NoCombat_01_01 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4b_NoSpirit_NoCombat_01_02 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4b_NoSpirit_NoCombat_01_03 |
This is not the place for that. — Dex4b_TownCombat_01_01 |
This is not the place for that. — Dex4b_TownCombat_01_02 |
I'll need this. I'm sure of it. — Dex4b_QuestItem_01_01 |
Now this I can use! — Dex4b_RareCurrency_01_01 |
Now if only I had had this for my last fight. — Dex4b_UniqueItem_01_01 |
Another trophy! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_01_01 |
Another trophy! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_01_02 |
Proof of my prowess! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_02_01 |
Proof of my prowess! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_02_02 |
The hunt ends! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_03_01 |
The hunt ends! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_03_02 |
Victory! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_04_01 |
Victory! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_04_02 |
Not even a challenge! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_05_01 |
Not even a challenge! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_05_02 |
Not even a challenge! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_05_03 |
Not even a challenge! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_05_04 |
A worthy foe! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_06_01 |
A worthy foe! — Dex4b_RareKill_Combat_06_02 |
Another trophy. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_01_01 |
Another trophy. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_01_02 |
Proof of my prowess. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_02_01 |
Proof of my prowess. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_02_02 |
The hunt ends. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_03_01 |
The hunt ends. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_03_02 |
Victory. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_04_01 |
Victory. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_04_02 |
Not even a challenge. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_05_01 |
Not even a challenge. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_05_02 |
A worthy foe. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_06_01 |
A worthy foe. — Dex4b_RareKill_NoCombat_06_02 |
Let the hunt begin! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_01_01 |
Let the hunt begin! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_01_02 |
Let the hunt begin! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_01_03 |
Let the hunt begin! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_01_04 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_02_01 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_02_02 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_02_03 |
Spirit's wrath! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_03_01 |
Spirit's wrath! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_03_02 |
Spirit's wrath! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_03_03 |
Spirit's wrath! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_03_04 |
I've got you! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_04_01 |
I've got you! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_04_02 |
I've got you! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_04_03 |
I've got you! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_04_04 |
For the Azmeri! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_05_01 |
For the Azmeri! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_05_02 |
For the Azmeri! — Dex4b_GeneralEngage_05_03 |
Stay still! — Dex4b_EngageFastMonsters_01_01 |
Stay still! — Dex4b_EngageFastMonsters_01_02 |
Stay still! — Dex4b_EngageFastMonsters_01_03 |
Wind's fury! — Dex4b_WhirlingSlash_01_01 |
Wind's fury! — Dex4b_WhirlingSlash_01_02 |
Wind's fury! — Dex4b_WhirlingSlash_01_03 |
Wind's fury! — Dex4b_WhirlingSlash_01_04 |
Wind's fury! — Dex4b_WhirlingSlash_01_05 |
Bleed! — Dex4b_Engage_01_01 |
Bleed! — Dex4b_Engage_01_02 |
Bleed! — Dex4b_Engage_01_03 |
Bleed! — Dex4b_Engage_01_04 |
Bleed! — Dex4b_Engage_01_05 |
Take this! — Dex4b_Engage_02_01 |
Take this! — Dex4b_Engage_02_02 |
Take this! — Dex4b_Engage_02_03 |
Take this! — Dex4b_Engage_02_04 |
Take this! — Dex4b_Engage_02_05 |
Face me! — Dex4b_Engage_03_01 |
Face me! — Dex4b_Engage_03_02 |
Face me! — Dex4b_Engage_03_03 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_01 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_02 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_03 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_04 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_05 |
Come at me! — Dex4b_Spearfield_01_06 |
A thousand spears! — Dex4b_Spearfield_02_01 |
A thousand spears! — Dex4b_Spearfield_02_02 |
A thousand spears! — Dex4b_Spearfield_02_03 |
A thousand spears! — Dex4b_Spearfield_02_04 |
A thousand spears! — Dex4b_Spearfield_02_05 |
Lightning's fury! — Dex4b_StormSpear_01_01 |
Lightning's fury! — Dex4b_StormSpear_01_02 |
Lightning's fury! — Dex4b_StormSpear_01_03 |
Lightning's fury! — Dex4b_StormSpear_01_04 |
Heart of the storm! — Dex4b_StormSpear_02_01 |
Heart of the storm! — Dex4b_StormSpear_02_02 |
Heart of the storm! — Dex4b_StormSpear_02_03 |
Heart of the storm! — Dex4b_StormSpear_02_04 |
Heart of the storm! — Dex4b_StormSpear_02_05 |
Burn! — Dex4b_BlazingLance_01_01 |
Burn! — Dex4b_BlazingLance_01_02 |
Burn! — Dex4b_BlazingLance_01_03 |
Burn! — Dex4b_BlazingLance_01_04 |
Winter's bite! — Dex4b_IceSpear_01_01 |
Winter's bite! — Dex4b_IceSpear_01_02 |
Winter's bite! — Dex4b_IceSpear_01_03 |
Winter's bite! — Dex4b_IceSpear_01_04 |
It'll take a better snare than that to catch me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_01 |
Another string to my bow. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_02 |
Unnatural... but effective. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_03 |
Man or beast - they die the same. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_04_01 |
This place reeks of desperation. Best be careful who I trust. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_05 |
These tunnels run deep. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_06 |
It had to be done. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_08 |
The tail! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_09 |
The Grelwood feels darker somehow. It is no longer the home I once knew. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_10 |
Has the Tree not endured enough? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_11 |
I know this place. The crimson remnants of man's folly lay scattered here. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_12 |
Perhaps this holds the runes I seek. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_13 |
That should hold the last piece. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_14 |
Rust away into nothing. Your war is long over. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_15_01 |
Let's hope Nature is listening. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_17 |
What {is} he? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_18 |
That man's mind seems as dead as this cemetery. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_21 |
Time to seek out this... 'Draven'. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_22 |
Arrogance, humbled by my hand. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_23 |
May your name be forgotten by the clans, once and for all. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_24 |
I knew something wasn't right with him. I suppose... this was a mercy. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_27 |
Tools of the forge turned tools of war. These are dangerous times. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_28 |
A songbird makes for easy prey. She'd best watch her back. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_29 |
At least he's honest about being a liar. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_30 |
This looks sinister. Perhaps Finn will know more. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_31 |
That is unlike any bird I've seen. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_32 |
You won't escape! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_33 |
Not screaming anymore, are you? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_34 |
What's this feeling? It's as though the trees themselves are watching me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_35 |
That voice... Why do I feel like I've heard it before? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_36 |
Stupid cultists... this ritual is an affront to Nature. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_37 |
Return to the void! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_38 |
These lands produce naught but disease, now. I pity the farmers and their families. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_39 |
Hmm... A waste of wood if you ask me. But the Songbird seems attached to it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_40 |
I'll pass on the song - but, that ought to get her off my back. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_41 |
So... the Mad Wolf's 'justice' now razes Ogham to the ground. This must end. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_42 |
That execution will be your last. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_43 |
More... from above! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_44 |
The axe edge is dulled. Count Geonor's mongrel is no longer. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_45 |
It's a cowardly wolf that hides in his den... — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_46 |
It moves! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_47 |
Is there nothing safe from Corruption? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_48 |
The hawk circles its prey. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_49 |
What is that abomination? Are they... feeding it?! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_50 |
Many have tried. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_51 |
The once proud Wolf of Ogham... Now a rabid dog. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_52 |
Must stay in the light! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_53 |
All bark... no bite. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_54 |
Sand as far as the eye can see. Who would choose to live in such a place? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_01 |
Proving myself in the wilderness? Hah. Simple enough. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_02 |
The leader - up there! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_03 |
An entire pack! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_04_01 |
Odd mutations... Good riddance. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_05 |
I like to keep moving... but this is something else. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_06 |
It appears the Faridun have been busier than the Ardura expected. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_07 |
It seems people were still alive down here when the entrance was sealed... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_08 |
Best you start talking. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_09 |
Something's wrong. Why have we stopped? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_10 |
Hmm... Seems these doors were to remain closed. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_11 |
So this is where the 'traitor' resides. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_12 |
Caged for a thousand years... must've been quite the betrayal. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_13 |
What crime is worthy of such punishment? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_14 |
So that's my reward for freeing you: a murder attempt and an old coin. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_15 |
Hmm... This is rather curious. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_16 |
I don't usually do requests... but then again... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_17 |
There's a faint scent on the air... The Beast is near... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_18 |
Forward! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_19 |
Corruption has driven them all insane. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_20 |
Scarabs! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_21 |
Look at him run. Bravery befitting a king... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_22 |
Jamanra thinks himself safe inside that sandstorm. We'll see about that... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_23 |
A verdant paradise now simply sand... Tragic. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_24 |
All these snake-women make me miss the Grelwood. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_25 |
Once a bustling city... Now a sand-choked tomb. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_26 |
What have they done to you? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_27 |
Opulence and madness go hand in hand. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_28 |
Saw that coming. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_30 |
I hear voices. Distant... but living. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_31 |
This woman's certainly seen better days... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_32 |
Few deserve such a fate. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_33 |
Not the most peaceful way to go... but her pain is ended. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_34 |
I've never seen such death. Bones, stacked on bones... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_35 |
You next! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_36 |
You're free of his influence! Now yield! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_37 |
If I ever see another necromancer, it'll be too soon. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_38 |
They won't be needing these anymore... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_39 |
I've never met a challenge I couldn't overcome. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_40 |
This valley is not natural. It's been carved... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_41 |
I get the feeling... that I am not welcome here. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_42 |
Whoever chose this as their burial place thought highly of themselves... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_43 |
A myth, made real! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_44 |
Strength is wasted on a brute such as you. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_45 |
It's hot to the touch. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_46 |
One of these days, the gate will open on the first try. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_47 |
That's all three. Time to reconstruct the Horn. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_48 |
I'm not musically inclined. But if I must... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_49 |
You can't hide forever, Jamanra... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_51 |
I was never a fan of heights... Best not to look down. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_52 |
What have you done with the Beast? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_53 |
They can keep resurrecting the dead... and I'll keep putting them back where they belong. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_54 |
The hunt nears its end. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_55 |
I always do. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_56 |
This ends now! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_57 |
Asala! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_61 |
It's done. He never stood a chance. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_62 |
It doesn't matter what you've done. Only what you're going to do about it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_63 |
— Dex4_SavageHit_01 |
— Dex4_SavageHit_02 |
— Dex4_SavageHit_03 |
— Dex4_SavageHit_04 |
The journey has not been kind to you, Miller. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_55 |
Return to the earth. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_56 |
It seems someone refuses to let go... — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_57 |
The Praetor's wife must be in here somewhere. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_58 |
It seems something has tainted the bounty of Ogham. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_59 |
Scream all you like - it won't help you! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_60 |
The Nameless have no place in Wraeclast! — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_61 |
All this rock and stone cannot hide the rot within. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_63 |
I cannot allow Corruption to fester here. It must be cleansed. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_64 |
One step closer to cleansing this land. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_65 |
Looks like someone left in a hurry... — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_66 |
Home of the Grelwood witch... What happened here? — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_67 |
Corruption claims another victim. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_68 |
Even the trees have become twisted with Corruption. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_69 |
The roots have grown like a scab covering a wound. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_71 |
Hmmm.... That was quite remarkable. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_72 |
Oh... Not you as well, Druid. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_73 |
You're better off this way. — Dex4_Gameplay_A1_74 |
I should ask Asala about this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_64 |
Well... at least there's some shade in here. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_65 |
Seems there's a meeting at the main cart. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_67 |
Knaves and their rituals. When will they learn? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_71 |
So much ash... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_72 |
So {you're} the one responsible for all this death. Let me return the favour. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_73 |
I'm unsure what I've gotten myself into here... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_75 |
A monstrosity born of earth and stone. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_76 |
You were no match for me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_77 |
Decisions, decisions... — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_78 |
If a way exists, I will find it. If it does not, I will make it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_79 |
By the time they see my arrow, it's already too late. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_80 |
You fought well... but not well enough. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_83 |
One down! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_84 |
I think I'm starting to get the hang of this place. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_85 |
You won't get the better of me, Djinn! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_86 |
My victory was never in doubt. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_87 |
A city of the dead... Why not just bury them and be done with it? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_88 |
Who... or {what}... are you? — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_90 |
Slaves? The Maraketh really are a brutal people. — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_91 |
A trap! — Dex4_Gameplay_A2_92 |
First a barren desert, now a festering swamp. Oh how I miss the forest. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_01 |
Get off! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_02 |
There was a time when I considered the trees my friends... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_05 |
Treasure hunters... Buzzards picking at the corpse of Wraeclast. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_06 |
She's friendly... A bit {too} friendly. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_07 |
She has wisdom to share. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_08 |
I can smell the fear on him. How unbecoming. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_09 |
Best give the hives a wide berth. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_10 |
This is nothing like the forests back home. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_11 |
Apes?! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_12 |
Where did you come from?! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_13 |
You're strong, I'll give you that. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_14 |
It's a shame to kill such a creature... but you left me with little choice. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_15 |
Bones that writhe in the dark... I should keep my weapon at the ready. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_16 |
Hmm... This is a bad sign. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_17 |
I suppose... I should talk to Alva about this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_18 |
Everything here looks like it wants to kill me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_19 |
For all their inventions, the Vaal still couldn't save themselves... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_21 |
As I expected. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_22 |
So, this is a Soul Core. Let's hope Alva was right about these. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_25 |
Curious. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_27 |
Another Soul core. Are there more doors? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_28 |
Are these crystals... alive? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_29 |
This will need another Soul Core. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_30 |
Another Soul Core will get me through. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_31 |
Yet again, I must call upon Alva... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_33 |
I need to find another Soul Core to use this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_34 |
Powering up an ancient generator... What could go wrong? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_35 |
This Soul Core is larger. I wonder what it's for? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_36 |
I don't trust this thing. Best keep moving. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_37 |
That should do it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_38 |
That looks ominous. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_39 |
You should have shared... Now the core is mine. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_40 |
Here goes nothing. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_41 |
If the Azak value their lives, they'll steer clear of me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_42 |
If only the Vaal lasted half as long as their contraptions. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_43 |
It's done. Finally. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_44 |
So this is what the Vaal were capable of... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_45 |
These Azak treat their land with no respect. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_46 |
I'll do to you what you've done to this land. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_47 |
Ugh... Disgusting thing. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_49 |
One less blight on the land. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_50 |
Nature... has reclaimed the city. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_51 |
Nice of him to risk {my} neck. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_52 |
There's a strange heat within this temple. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_53 |
{Another} ancient contraption. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_54 |
What's that knocking? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_55 |
What is this fool doing? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_56 |
No, thank you. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_57 |
He draws strength from the heat! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_58 |
All this heat and I barely broke a sweat. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_61 |
A 'finder's fee' for doing all the heavy lifting. Typical treasure hunter. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_62 |
So this is what I could smell? How repulsive. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_63 |
Her selfishness doomed her people. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_64 |
I think not. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_65 |
There's a sight I won't soon forget! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_66 |
I just did the world a huge favour. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_67 |
This should grant us access to the temple. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_68 |
There we go. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_69 |
The light... It's immense. Overwhelming. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_70 |
This heat is unbearable. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_71 |
Can't kill what you can't catch. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_73 |
A trapped animal will lose it's mind... eventually. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_74 |
Where are we? How is this possible? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_77 |
Incredible. An entire civilization... brought back from ruin... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_78 |
Never seen a heart this big, even from an animal. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_79 |
This looks like trouble. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_80 |
Guess we can't talk this out! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_81 |
What trickery is this? Where did she go? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_82 |
Rulers are never as beautiful as their statues portray them to be. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_83 |
To think everyone here will die... All because of one woman and her pet thaumaturge. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_84 |
How many were sacrificed at this altar? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_85 |
Just like gutting an animal... in a sense. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_86 |
Ah yes. Another arrogant man erects a statute in his own honour. How vulgar. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_87 |
I've had worse welcomes. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_88 |
So be it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_89 |
Your infernal machines won't save you. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_91 |
All that, and your machines still fall short! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_92 |
So, you've come to your senses. About time. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_93 |
I will overcome. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_94 |
Well, aren't you impressive? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_95 |
Not as impressive as me. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_96 |
You're a strange one. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_97 |
Another success. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_98 |
Come on then. Let's do this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_99 |
Somehow, I expected this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_101 |
I continue to grow. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_103 |
This must be poor Servi's son... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_105 |
They look a long way from home. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_106 |
They all escape with their lives... this time. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_107 |
Let the dead be a lesson to the living. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_108 |
You explorers never learn. Nature is not your playground. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_109 |
If you had any sense, you'd go home and stay there. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_110 |
Those explorers have bitten off more than they can chew. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_111 |
They'd all be dead had I not come along. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_112 |
Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_113 |
They were fools to come here unprepared. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_114 |
Next time, you may not be so lucky. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_115 |
This is what happens when I'm not around to save the day. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_116 |
Maggots... my favourite... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_118 |
As deadly as they are beautiful. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_119 |
This could come in handy. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_121 |
Possessions don't interest me, but perhaps this will be put to good use... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_122 |
Hmm... I wonder what this would do once powered? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_123 |
Dark energy flows through this device. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_124 |
Unnatural... Unpredictable. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_125 |
Effigies of death... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_126 |
This... is not what I expected... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_127 |
Perversions of nature... and ugh... the smell... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_129 |
The stink... How could they live like this? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_130 |
Degenerate creations... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_131 |
Crawlers! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_132 |
This mushroom looks edible... Famous last words... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_134 |
Here's another! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_135 |
That makes three. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_136 |
She doesn't look like the friendly type... but nor does she look hostile. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_137 |
Why do I feel like she's disappointed in me? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_138 |
I should look for more mushrooms. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_139 |
I'll let you be the one to taste-test these. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_140 |
These look... surprisingly non-lethal. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_141 |
These cores might cool the molten gold! — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_142 |
Oswald would burst a blood vessel if he saw this. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_144 |
Another idol. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_145 |
What purpose did these serve, I wonder? — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_146 |
If Oswald's lucky, I might just let him have these. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_147 |
There must be more to this. I should keep looking. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_148 |
Hmm... One more piece is needed. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_149 |
It is complete. Now to find where to use it. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_150 |
So this is the den of the snake... Nothing special really. — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_151 |
If only they knew the truth... — Dex4_Gameplay_A3_153 |
I suppose this is home... for now. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_01 |
Pretty sure I've killed him... How awkward. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_03 |
Beautiful... but cold as ice. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_04 |
An unnatural rift! — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_05 |
I must seal any rifts I find. They can only bring doom. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_06 |
Who... is this? — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_07 |
Four on one and I'm still standing. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_08 |
Such a dangerous little thing. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_09 |
You won't fool me. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_11 |
I fear nothing. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_12 |
Were you even real to begin with? — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_13 |
I make my own luck. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_14 |
A kind man. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_15 |
So sure of himself... Ugh. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_16 |
Well... he's certainly unique. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_17 |
Forgive me, Wraeclast. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_18 |
That felt better than it should've. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_19 |
Spiders... not my favourite of Nature's creations. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_22 |
Things are about to get messy. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_23 |
Death is abundant here. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_24 |
For how long has this poor forest burned? — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_25 |
Red sands... A reminder of the Vastiri. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_26 |
The hunt is on. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_27 |
Let's make this quick. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_28 |
Beautiful, and deadly. A dangerous combination. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_30 |
No fortress is impenetrable. Especially where I'm concerned. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_31 |
I'd sooner die than let myself be taken prisoner again. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_32 |
The only way is up. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_33 |
The heat of the forge won't slow {me} down. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_34 |
My return to the forest can't come soon enough. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_35 |
Time to profane another temple, I suppose. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_36 |
Easy to put a foot wrong here. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_37 |
I've never known Nature to birth a place like this. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_38 |
This place seems twisted by Corruption. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_39 |
Ugh. Lovely... — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_40 |
Something about this place... I've never felt less at home in a forest before. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_41 |
Now this is more like it. Reminds me of back home. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_42 |
If the beasts don't get me, the fumes will. Best keep moving. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_43 |
I long for some nice, {flat} terrain. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_44 |
My travels have certainly taken me to worse places. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_45 |
A sandscoured wasteland. Of course. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_46 |
Leaves underfoot and branches overhead. Just the way I like it. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_47 |
What secrets hide here? — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_48 |
The very earth boils. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_49 |
When did it last rain here? Not for some time, I'd wager. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_50 |
I hear the shambling of undead feet... — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_51 |
Let me guess. Necromancers... — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_52 |
One could fall a long way here... — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_53 |
The air is rank and stale down here. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_54 |
Curious. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_55 |
Hmm. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_56 |
What's this? — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_57 |
That's new. — Dex4_Gameplay_EndGame_58 |
Nimble and fleet. — Dex4_Acrobatics_01 |
My ancestral duty endures. — Dex4_AncestralBond_01 |
Fury and fire. — Dex4_AvatarOfFire_01 |
Purity of purpose. — Dex4_ChaosInnoculation_01 |
A herd survives as one. — Dex4_Conduit_01 |
Scorpions only need one stinger. — Dex4_DanceWithDeath_01 |
Faith fuels the fight. — Dex4_EldritchBattery_01 |
The seasons always change. — Dex4_ElementalEquilibrium_01 |
Unnatural abilities. — Dex4_EternalYouth_01 |
Forbidden techniques. — Dex4_BloodMagic_01 |
What's yours is mine. — Dex4_GhostReaver_01 |
A dual lineage. — Dex4_GiantsBlood_01 |
Reckless, but agile. — Dex4_GlancingBlows_01 |
Nature is full of poisons. It's only a matter of knowledge. — Dex4_Heartstopper_01 |
Light is nothing without darkness. — Dex4_HexMaster_01 |
No weapon, no tether. — Dex4_HollowPalmTechnique_01 |
Grace becomes grit. — Dex4_IronReflexes_01 |
A keen mind. — Dex4_MindOverMatter_01 |
Let them fight once more. — Dex4_NecromanticTalisman_01 |
The elixir of life. — Dex4_Oasis_01 |
I only grow more savage. — Dex4_PainAttunement_01 |
The eyes of an eagle. — Dex4_ResoluteTechnique_01 |
I stand determined. — Dex4_UnwaveringStance_01 |
Hunt to survive. — Dex4_VaalPact_01 |
I believe in more than myself. — Dex4_ZealotsOath_01 |
Adapt... and survive. — Dex4_LevelUp2_01 |
My survival is no stroke of fortune. — Dex4_LevelUp3_01 |
Prepare, persist, and overcome. — Dex4_LevelUp5_01 |
Wind at my back and prey in my sights. — Dex4_LevelUp10_01 |
The wilds are my weapon. — Dex4_LevelUp15_01 |
Nature rewards the fleet of foot. — Dex4_LevelUp20_01 |
Survival isn't just a skill; it's an instinct. — Dex4_LevelUp30_01 |
No fear, only precision. — Dex4_LevelUp40_01 |
My reflexes grow sharper still. — Dex4_LevelUp50_01 |
Fluidity in motion, mastery in action. — Dex4_LevelUp60_01 |
Poised for battle, fierce in resolve. — Dex4_LevelUp70_01 |
My skill exceeds even my own expectations. — Dex4_LevelUp80_01 |
Few could challenge me now. — Dex4_LevelUp90_01 |
The wilds shall hold no secrets from me now! — Dex4_LevelUp100_01 |
Detonation! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_01_01 |
Detonation! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_01_02 |
Detonation! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_01_03 |
Better watch out! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_02_01 |
Better watch out! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_02_02 |
Burn! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_03_01 |
Burn! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_03_02 |
Burn! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_03_03 |
Engulf! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_04_01 |
Engulf! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_04_02 |
Engulf! — Dex4_Skills_DetonatingArrow_04_03 |
Pain incoming! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_01_01 |
Pain incoming! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_01_02 |
Pain incoming! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_01_03 |
Electrocute! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_02_01 |
Electrocute! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_02_02 |
Electrocute! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_02_03 |
Electrify! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_03_01 |
Electrify! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_03_02 |
Electrify! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrow_03_03 |
Dance! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_01_01 |
Dance! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_01_02 |
Dance! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_01_03 |
Shocked! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_02_01 |
Shocked! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_02_02 |
Shocked! — Dex4_Skills_ElectrocutingArrowTrigger_02_03 |
Become ice! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_01_01 |
Become ice! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_01_02 |
Become ice! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_01_03 |
Stay put! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_02_01 |
Stay put! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_02_02 |
Stay put! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_02_03 |
Don't move! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_03_01 |
Don't move! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_03_02 |
Don't move! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingMark_03_03 |
Freezing Salvo! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_01_01 |
Freezing Salvo! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_01_02 |
Freezing Salvo! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_01_03 |
Ice barrage! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_02_01 |
Ice barrage! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_02_02 |
Ice barrage! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_02_03 |
Try running now! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_03_01 |
Try running now! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_03_02 |
Try running now! — Dex4_Skills_FreezingSalvo_03_03 |
Freeze! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_01_01 |
Freeze! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_01_02 |
Freeze! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_01_03 |
Too slow! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_02_01 |
Too slow! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_02_02 |
Too slow! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_02_03 |
Nice try! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_03_01 |
Nice try! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_03_02 |
Nice try! — Dex4_Skills_FrostEscape_03_03 |
Miasma! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_01_01 |
Miasma! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_01_02 |
Miasma! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_01_03 |
Choking cloud! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_02_01 |
Choking cloud! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_02_02 |
Choking cloud! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_02_03 |
Toxic rain! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_03_01 |
Toxic rain! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_03_02 |
Toxic rain! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrow_03_03 |
Ignite! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrowExplode_01_01 |
Ignite! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrowExplode_01_02 |
Ignite! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrowExplode_01_03 |
Explode! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrowExplode_02_01 |
Explode! — Dex4_Skills_GasArrowExplode_02_02 |
Hmm... shocking. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_01_01 |
Hmm... shocking. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_01_02 |
Hmm... shocking. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_01_03 |
Nature's fury. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_02_01 |
Nature's fury. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_02_02 |
Nature's fury. — Dex4_Skills_HeraldOfThunder_02_03 |
Ice shot! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_01_01 |
Ice shot! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_01_02 |
Ice shot! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_01_03 |
Cool off! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_02_01 |
Cool off! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_02_02 |
Cool off! — Dex4_Skills_IceShot_02_03 |
Fury! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_01_01 |
Fury! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_01_02 |
Fury! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_01_03 |
Fury! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_01_04 |
Thunderous shot! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_02_01 |
Thunderous shot! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_02_02 |
Storming arrow! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_03_01 |
Storming arrow! — Dex4_Skills_LightningArrow_03_02 |
Storm point! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_01_01 |
Storm point! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_01_02 |
Storm point! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_01_03 |
Charged arrow! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_02_01 |
Charged arrow! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_02_02 |
Charged arrow! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_02_03 |
Take this! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_03_01 |
Take this! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_03_02 |
Take this! — Dex4_Skills_LightningRod_03_03 |
None can pass! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_01_01 |
None can pass! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_01_02 |
None can pass! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_01_03 |
Hold the line! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_02_01 |
Hold the line! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_02_02 |
Hold the line! — Dex4_Skills_LightningWall_02_03 |
Lightning barrage! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_01_01 |
Lightning barrage! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_01_02 |
Lightning barrage! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_01_03 |
Electrocution! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_02_01 |
Electrocution! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_02_02 |
Electrocution! — Dex4_Skills_MagneticSalvo_02_03 |
Incubate. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_01_01 |
Incubate. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_01_02 |
Incubate. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_01_03 |
Infect. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_02_01 |
Infect. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_02_02 |
Infect. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_02_03 |
Chaos spreads. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_03_01 |
Chaos spreads. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_03_02 |
Chaos spreads. — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearer_03_03 |
Spread forth! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_01_01 |
Spread forth! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_01_02 |
Spread forth! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_01_03 |
Spread the infection! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_02_01 |
Spread the infection! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_02_02 |
Spread the infection! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_02_03 |
Diffusion! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_03_01 |
Diffusion! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_03_02 |
Diffusion! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_03_03 |
Sprawling death! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_04_01 |
Sprawling death! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_04_02 |
Sprawling death! — Dex4_Skills_PlagueBearerActivate_04_03 |
Suffocate! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_01_01 |
Suffocate! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_01_02 |
Suffocate! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_01_03 |
Suffer! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_02_01 |
Suffer! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_02_02 |
Suffer! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_02_03 |
Burst! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_03_01 |
Burst! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_03_02 |
Burst! — Dex4_Skills_PoisonburstArrow_03_03 |
Death from above! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_01_01 |
Death from above! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_01_02 |
Death from above! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_01_03 |
Raining death! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_02_01 |
Raining death! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_02_02 |
Raining death! — Dex4_Skills_RainOfArrows_02_03 |
Advance! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_01_01 |
Advance! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_01_02 |
Advance! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_01_03 |
Forward! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_02_01 |
Forward! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_02_02 |
Forward! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_02_03 |
Let's go! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_03_01 |
Let's go! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_03_02 |
Let's go! — Dex4_Skills_RhoaMountCombat_03_03 |
You're mine! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_01_01 |
You're mine! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_01_02 |
You're mine! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_01_03 |
That one! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_02_01 |
That one! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_02_02 |
That one! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_02_03 |
Marked! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_03_01 |
Marked! — Dex4_Skills_SnipersMark_03_02 |
In my sights! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_01_01 |
In my sights! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_01_02 |
In my sights! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_01_03 |
Deadly aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_02_01 |
Deadly aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_02_02 |
Deadly aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_02_03 |
Take aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_03_01 |
Take aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_03_02 |
Take aim! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_03_03 |
Hold still! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_04_01 |
Hold still! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_04_02 |
Hold still! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeStart_04_03 |
Bullseye! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_01_01 |
Bullseye! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_01_02 |
Perfect! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_02_01 |
Perfect! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_02_02 |
Perfect! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_02_03 |
Headshot! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_03_01 |
Headshot! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_03_02 |
Headshot! — Dex4_Skills_SnipeSuccess_03_03 |
You won't get away! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_01_01 |
You won't get away! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_01_02 |
You won't get away! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_01_03 |
No escape! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_02_01 |
No escape! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_02_02 |
No escape! — Dex4_Skills_SpinShot_02_03 |
From above! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_01_01 |
From above! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_01_02 |
From above! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_01_03 |
Stormcall! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_02_01 |
Stormcall! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_02_02 |
Storm! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_03_01 |
Storm! — Dex4_Skills_StormcallArrow_03_02 |
Tornado! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_01_01 |
Tornado! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_01_02 |
Tornado! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_01_03 |
Fly! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_02_01 |
Fly! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_02_02 |
Fly! — Dex4_Skills_TornadoShot_02_03 |
Toxicity! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_01_01 |
Toxicity! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_01_02 |
Toxicity! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_01_03 |
Poisonous fumes! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_02_01 |
Poisonous fumes! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_02_02 |
Poisonous fumes! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_02_03 |
Pollution! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_03_01 |
Pollution! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_03_02 |
Pollution! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicDomain_03_03 |
Toxic growth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_01_01 |
Toxic growth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_01_02 |
Toxic growth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_01_03 |
Deadly harvest! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_02_01 |
Deadly harvest! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_02_02 |
Deadly harvest! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_02_03 |
Spring forth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_03_01 |
Spring forth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_03_02 |
Spring forth! — Dex4_Skills_ToxicGrowth_03_03 |
Can't run from this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_01_01 |
Can't run from this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_01_02 |
Can't run from this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_01_03 |
Dodge this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_02_01 |
Dodge this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_02_02 |
Dodge this! — Dex4_Skills_TrickShot_02_03 |
Grow! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_01_01 |
Grow! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_01_02 |
Grow! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_01_03 |
Cultivate! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_02_01 |
Cultivate! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_02_02 |
Cultivate! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_02_03 |
Flourish! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_03_01 |
Flourish! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_03_02 |
Flourish! — Dex4_Skills_VineArrow_03_03 |
Fleet footwork. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_01_01 |
Fleet footwork. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_01_02 |
Fleet footwork. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_01_03 |
Swift as an arrow. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_02_01 |
Swift as an arrow. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_02_02 |
Swift as an arrow. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_02_03 |
Dance with the wind. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_03_01 |
Dance with the wind. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_03_02 |
Dance with the wind. — Dex4_Skills_WindDancer_03_03 |
I accept this gift. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_01_01 |
I accept this gift. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_01_02 |
I accept this gift. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_01_03 |
I will put this to good use. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_02_01 |
I will put this to good use. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_02_02 |
I will put this to good use. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_02_03 |
The fruits of victory. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_03_01 |
The fruits of victory. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_03_02 |
The fruits of victory. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_03_03 |
No less than I deserve. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_04_01 |
No less than I deserve. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_04_02 |
No less than I deserve. — Dex4_BossQuestItem_04_03 |
Need more time! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_01_01 |
Need more time! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_01_02 |
Need more time! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_01_03 |
Not yet! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_02_01 |
Not yet! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_02_02 |
Not yet! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_02_03 |
Not ready! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_03_01 |
Not ready! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_03_02 |
Not ready! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_03_03 |
Patience! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_04_01 |
Patience! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_04_02 |
Patience! — Dex4_Cooldown_Combat_04_03 |
I need more time. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_01_01 |
I need more time. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_01_02 |
I need more time. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_01_03 |
Not yet. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_02_01 |
Not yet. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_02_02 |
Not yet. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_02_03 |
I'm not ready. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_03_01 |
I'm not ready. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_03_02 |
I'm not ready. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_03_03 |
Patience. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_04_01 |
Patience. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_04_02 |
Patience. — Dex4_CooldownNoCombat_04_03 |
Hateful machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_01_01 |
Hateful machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_01_02 |
Hateful machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_01_03 |
Hateful machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_01_04 |
Accursed machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_02_01 |
Accursed machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_02_02 |
Accursed machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_02_03 |
Accursed machine! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_02_04 |
I will destroy you! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_03_01 |
I will destroy you! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_03_02 |
I will destroy you! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_03_03 |
I will destroy you! — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_03_04 |
Die like a beast. — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_04_01 |
Die like a beast. — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_04_02 |
Die like a beast. — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_04_03 |
Die like a beast. — Dex4_EngageAutomaton_04_04 |
Easy prey! — Dex4_EngageBeast_01_01 |
Easy prey! — Dex4_EngageBeast_01_02 |
Easy prey! — Dex4_EngageBeast_01_03 |
Easy prey! — Dex4_EngageBeast_01_04 |
Meet your end! — Dex4_EngageBeast_02_01 |
Meet your end! — Dex4_EngageBeast_02_02 |
Meet your end! — Dex4_EngageBeast_02_03 |
Meet your end! — Dex4_EngageBeast_02_04 |
Pitiful! — Dex4_EngageBug_01_01 |
Pitiful! — Dex4_EngageBug_01_02 |
Pitiful! — Dex4_EngageBug_01_03 |
Pitiful! — Dex4_EngageBug_01_04 |
Damn insect! — Dex4_EngageBug_02_01 |
Damn insect! — Dex4_EngageBug_02_02 |
Damn insect! — Dex4_EngageBug_02_03 |
Damn insect! — Dex4_EngageBug_02_04 |
I fear not the elements! — Dex4_EngageElemental_01_01 |
I fear not the elements! — Dex4_EngageElemental_01_02 |
I fear not the elements! — Dex4_EngageElemental_01_03 |
I fear not the elements! — Dex4_EngageElemental_01_04 |
I will banish you! — Dex4_EngageElemental_02_01 |
I will banish you! — Dex4_EngageElemental_02_02 |
I will banish you! — Dex4_EngageElemental_02_03 |
I will banish you! — Dex4_EngageElemental_02_04 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_01_01 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_01_02 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_01_03 |
Nowhere to run! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_01_04 |
Face me! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_02_01 |
Face me! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_02_02 |
Face me! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_02_03 |
Face me! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_02_04 |
I shall overcome! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_03_01 |
I shall overcome! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_03_02 |
I shall overcome! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_03_03 |
I shall overcome! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_03_04 |
Prepare yourself! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_04_01 |
Prepare yourself! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_04_02 |
Prepare yourself! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_04_03 |
Prepare yourself! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_04_04 |
In my sights! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_05_01 |
In my sights! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_05_02 |
In my sights! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_05_03 |
In my sights! — Dex4_EngageGeneral_05_04 |
No mercy! — Dex4_EngageHuman_01_01 |
No mercy! — Dex4_EngageHuman_01_02 |
No mercy! — Dex4_EngageHuman_01_03 |
No mercy! — Dex4_EngageHuman_01_04 |
You have no chance! — Dex4_EngageHuman_02_01 |
You have no chance! — Dex4_EngageHuman_02_02 |
You have no chance! — Dex4_EngageHuman_02_03 |
You have no chance! — Dex4_EngageHuman_02_04 |
Submit! — Dex4_EngageHuman_03_01 |
Submit! — Dex4_EngageHuman_03_02 |
Submit! — Dex4_EngageHuman_03_03 |
Submit! — Dex4_EngageHuman_03_04 |
Cut you down! — Dex4_EngageHuman_04_01 |
Cut you down! — Dex4_EngageHuman_04_02 |
Cut you down! — Dex4_EngageHuman_04_03 |
Cut you down! — Dex4_EngageHuman_04_04 |
I shall put you down! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_01_01 |
I shall put you down! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_01_02 |
I shall put you down! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_01_03 |
I shall put you down! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_01_04 |
Monstrosity! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_02_01 |
Monstrosity! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_02_02 |
Monstrosity! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_02_03 |
Die! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_03_01 |
Die! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_03_02 |
Die! — Dex4_EngageMonstrosity_03_03 |
Bones to dust! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_01_01 |
Bones to dust! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_01_02 |
Bones to dust! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_01_03 |
Bones to dust! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_01_04 |
Return to death! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_02_01 |
Return to death! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_02_02 |
Return to death! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_02_03 |
Return to death! — Dex4_EngageSkeleton_02_04 |
Stay dead! — Dex4_EngageUndead_01_01 |
Stay dead! — Dex4_EngageUndead_01_02 |
Stay dead! — Dex4_EngageUndead_01_03 |
Stay dead! — Dex4_EngageUndead_01_04 |
Return to the earth! — Dex4_EngageUndead_02_01 |
Return to the earth! — Dex4_EngageUndead_02_02 |
Return to the earth! — Dex4_EngageUndead_02_03 |
Return to the earth! — Dex4_EngageUndead_02_04 |
Back to the dirt! — Dex4_EngageUndead_03_01 |
Back to the dirt! — Dex4_EngageUndead_03_02 |
Back to the dirt! — Dex4_EngageUndead_03_03 |
Back to the dirt! — Dex4_EngageUndead_03_04 |
I can take you! — Dex4_EngageVaal_01_01 |
I can take you! — Dex4_EngageVaal_01_02 |
I can take you! — Dex4_EngageVaal_01_03 |
I can take you! — Dex4_EngageVaal_01_04 |
Out of my way! — Dex4_EngageVaal_02_01 |
Out of my way! — Dex4_EngageVaal_02_02 |
Out of my way! — Dex4_EngageVaal_02_03 |
Out of my way! — Dex4_EngageVaal_02_04 |
Empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_01_01 |
Empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_01_02 |
Empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_01_03 |
Flask's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_02_01 |
Flask's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_02_02 |
Flask's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_02_03 |
It's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_03_01 |
It's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_03_02 |
It's empty! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_03_03 |
Need a refill! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_04_01 |
Need a refill! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_04_02 |
Need a refill! — Dex4_FlaskEmpty_04_03 |
It's empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_01_01 |
It's empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_01_02 |
It's empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_01_03 |
That flask is empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_02_01 |
That flask is empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_02_02 |
That flask is empty. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_02_03 |
Nothing left in that. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_03_01 |
Nothing left in that. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_03_02 |
Nothing left in that. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_03_03 |
Used every last drop. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_04_01 |
Used every last drop. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_04_02 |
Used every last drop. — Dex4_FlaskEmptyNoCombat_04_03 |
Stay light, stay alive. — Dex4_InventoryFull_01_01 |
Stay light, stay alive. — Dex4_InventoryFull_01_02 |
Stay light, stay alive. — Dex4_InventoryFull_01_03 |
That would only slow me down. — Dex4_InventoryFull_02_01 |
That would only slow me down. — Dex4_InventoryFull_02_02 |
That would only slow me down. — Dex4_InventoryFull_02_03 |
Got no pack space for that. — Dex4_InventoryFull_03_01 |
Got no pack space for that. — Dex4_InventoryFull_03_02 |
Got no pack space for that. — Dex4_InventoryFull_03_03 |
Rather not break my back. — Dex4_InventoryFull_04_01 |
Rather not break my back. — Dex4_InventoryFull_04_02 |
Rather not break my back. — Dex4_InventoryFull_04_03 |
I need to be more agile to use that. — Dex4_LowDex_01_01 |
I need to be more agile to use that. — Dex4_LowDex_01_02 |
I need to be more agile to use that. — Dex4_LowDex_01_03 |
I should train a bit harder for this. — Dex4_LowDex_02_01 |
I should train a bit harder for this. — Dex4_LowDex_02_02 |
I should train a bit harder for this. — Dex4_LowDex_02_03 |
Lean... but not lean enough. — Dex4_LowDex_03_01 |
Lean... but not lean enough. — Dex4_LowDex_03_02 |
Lean... but not lean enough. — Dex4_LowDex_03_03 |
Need to be lighter on my feet. — Dex4_LowDex_04_01 |
Need to be lighter on my feet. — Dex4_LowDex_04_02 |
Need to be lighter on my feet. — Dex4_LowDex_04_03 |
Haven't figured this one out yet. — Dex4_LowStr_01_01 |
Haven't figured this one out yet. — Dex4_LowStr_01_02 |
Haven't figured this one out yet. — Dex4_LowStr_01_03 |
That's beyond me at the moment. — Dex4_LowStr_02_01 |
That's beyond me at the moment. — Dex4_LowStr_02_02 |
That's beyond me at the moment. — Dex4_LowStr_02_03 |
I'll need to focus on improving my strength for that. — Dex4_LowStr_03_01 |
I'll need to focus on improving my strength for that. — Dex4_LowStr_03_02 |
I'll need to focus on improving my strength for that. — Dex4_LowStr_03_03 |
Not with these muscles. — Dex4_LowStr_04_01 |
Not with these muscles. — Dex4_LowStr_04_02 |
Not with these muscles. — Dex4_LowStr_04_03 |
An incredible artefact! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_01_01 |
An incredible artefact! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_01_02 |
An incredible artefact! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_01_03 |
It does exist! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_02_01 |
It does exist! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_02_02 |
It does exist! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_02_03 |
I... cannot believe it. — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_03_01 |
I... cannot believe it. — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_03_02 |
I... cannot believe it. — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_03_03 |
What a find! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_04_01 |
What a find! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_04_02 |
What a find! — Dex4_MirrorCurrency_04_03 |
Out of Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_01_01 |
Out of Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_01_02 |
Out of Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_01_03 |
No Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_02_01 |
No Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_02_02 |
No Mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_02_03 |
I need more mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_03_01 |
I need more mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_03_02 |
I need more mana! — Dex4_NoMana_Combat_03_03 |
I'm out of mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_01_01 |
I'm out of mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_01_02 |
I'm out of mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_01_03 |
I don't have enough mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_02_01 |
I don't have enough mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_02_02 |
I don't have enough mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_02_03 |
I need more mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_03_01 |
I need more mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_03_02 |
I need more mana. — Dex4_NoManaNoCombat_03_03 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_01_01 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_01_02 |
I need more spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_01_03 |
My spirit is spent! — Dex4_NoSpirit_02_01 |
My spirit is spent! — Dex4_NoSpirit_02_02 |
My spirit is spent! — Dex4_NoSpirit_02_03 |
My spirit's gone! — Dex4_NoSpirit_03_01 |
My spirit's gone! — Dex4_NoSpirit_03_02 |
My spirit's gone! — Dex4_NoSpirit_03_03 |
I lack the spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_04_01 |
I lack the spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_04_02 |
I lack the spirit! — Dex4_NoSpirit_04_03 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_01 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_02 |
I need more spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_01_03 |
My spirit is spent. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_01 |
My spirit is spent. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_02 |
My spirit is spent. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_02_03 |
My spirit is gone. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_03_01 |
My spirit is gone. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_03_02 |
My spirit is gone. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_03_03 |
I lack the spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_04_01 |
I lack the spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_04_02 |
I lack the spirit. — Dex4_NoSpiritNoCombat_04_03 |
The blood quickens. — Dex4_NotableTaken_01_01 |
The blood quickens. — Dex4_NotableTaken_01_02 |
The blood quickens. — Dex4_NotableTaken_01_03 |
With each trail, I advance. — Dex4_NotableTaken_02_01 |
With each trail, I advance. — Dex4_NotableTaken_02_02 |
With each trail, I advance. — Dex4_NotableTaken_02_03 |
Survival. Adaptation. Growth. — Dex4_NotableTaken_03_01 |
Survival. Adaptation. Growth. — Dex4_NotableTaken_03_02 |
Survival. Adaptation. Growth. — Dex4_NotableTaken_03_03 |
I continue to hone my skills. — Dex4_NotableTaken_04_01 |
I continue to hone my skills. — Dex4_NotableTaken_04_02 |
I continue to hone my skills. — Dex4_NotableTaken_04_03 |
A survivor never discards anything useful. — Dex4_QuestItem_01_01 |
A survivor never discards anything useful. — Dex4_QuestItem_01_02 |
A survivor never discards anything useful. — Dex4_QuestItem_01_03 |
I should hold on to this one. — Dex4_QuestItem_02_01 |
I should hold on to this one. — Dex4_QuestItem_02_02 |
I should hold on to this one. — Dex4_QuestItem_02_03 |
This will come in handy. — Dex4_QuestItem_03_01 |
This will come in handy. — Dex4_QuestItem_03_02 |
This will come in handy. — Dex4_QuestItem_03_03 |
Can't lose track of this. — Dex4_QuestItem_04_01 |
Can't lose track of this. — Dex4_QuestItem_04_02 |
Can't lose track of this. — Dex4_QuestItem_04_03 |
Now this will come in handy. — Dex4_RareCurrency_01_01 |
Now this will come in handy. — Dex4_RareCurrency_01_02 |
Now this will come in handy. — Dex4_RareCurrency_01_03 |
That's quite nice. — Dex4_RareCurrency_02_01 |
That's quite nice. — Dex4_RareCurrency_02_02 |
That's quite nice. — Dex4_RareCurrency_02_03 |
What luck! — Dex4_RareCurrency_03_01 |
What luck! — Dex4_RareCurrency_03_02 |
What luck! — Dex4_RareCurrency_03_03 |
Don't mind if I do. — Dex4_RareCurrency_04_01 |
Don't mind if I do. — Dex4_RareCurrency_04_02 |
Don't mind if I do. — Dex4_RareCurrency_04_03 |
An easy trophy! — Dex4_RareKill_01_01 |
An easy trophy! — Dex4_RareKill_01_02 |
An easy trophy! — Dex4_RareKill_01_03 |
An easy trophy! — Dex4_RareKill_01_04 |
Too weak, too slow! — Dex4_RareKill_02_01 |
Too weak, too slow! — Dex4_RareKill_02_02 |
Too weak, too slow! — Dex4_RareKill_02_03 |
Too weak, too slow! — Dex4_RareKill_02_04 |
Quick and lethal! — Dex4_RareKill_03_01 |
Quick and lethal! — Dex4_RareKill_03_02 |
Quick and lethal! — Dex4_RareKill_03_03 |
Quick and lethal! — Dex4_RareKill_03_04 |
Barely broke a sweat! — Dex4_RareKill_04_01 |
Barely broke a sweat! — Dex4_RareKill_04_02 |
Barely broke a sweat! — Dex4_RareKill_04_03 |
Barely broke a sweat! — Dex4_RareKill_04_04 |
The winds change direction. — Dex4_RespecTree_01_01 |
The winds change direction. — Dex4_RespecTree_01_02 |
The winds change direction. — Dex4_RespecTree_01_03 |
One must always be willing to change. — Dex4_RespecTree_02_01 |
One must always be willing to change. — Dex4_RespecTree_02_02 |
One must always be willing to change. — Dex4_RespecTree_02_03 |
Time to learn something new. — Dex4_RespecTree_03_01 |
Time to learn something new. — Dex4_RespecTree_03_02 |
Time to learn something new. — Dex4_RespecTree_03_03 |
A shift in my training can't hurt. — Dex4_RespecTree_04_01 |
A shift in my training can't hurt. — Dex4_RespecTree_04_02 |
A shift in my training can't hurt. — Dex4_RespecTree_04_03 |
I can't do that here. — Dex4_TownCombat_01_01 |
I can't do that here. — Dex4_TownCombat_01_02 |
I can't do that here. — Dex4_TownCombat_01_03 |
Not here. — Dex4_TownCombat_02_01 |
Not here. — Dex4_TownCombat_02_02 |
Not here. — Dex4_TownCombat_02_03 |
Don't want the whole town on my back. — Dex4_TownCombat_03_01 |
Don't want the whole town on my back. — Dex4_TownCombat_03_02 |
Don't want the whole town on my back. — Dex4_TownCombat_03_03 |
I could do without the attention. — Dex4_TownCombat_04_01 |
I could do without the attention. — Dex4_TownCombat_04_02 |
I could do without the attention. — Dex4_TownCombat_04_03 |
The past continues to influence the present. — Dex4_UniqueItem_01_01 |
The past continues to influence the present. — Dex4_UniqueItem_01_02 |
The past continues to influence the present. — Dex4_UniqueItem_01_03 |
Such ancient power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_02_01 |
Such ancient power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_02_02 |
Such ancient power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_02_03 |
Inspiring. — Dex4_UniqueItem_03_01 |
Inspiring. — Dex4_UniqueItem_03_02 |
Inspiring. — Dex4_UniqueItem_03_03 |
This holds great power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_04_01 |
This holds great power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_04_02 |
This holds great power. — Dex4_UniqueItem_04_03 |
A welcome relief. — Dex4_UseTownWell_01_01 |
A welcome relief. — Dex4_UseTownWell_01_02 |
A welcome relief. — Dex4_UseTownWell_01_03 |
A cool drink. — Dex4_UseTownWell_02_01 |
A cool drink. — Dex4_UseTownWell_02_02 |
I needed that. — Dex4_UseTownWell_03_01 |
I needed that. — Dex4_UseTownWell_03_02 |
I needed that. — Dex4_UseTownWell_03_03 |
This is like no sickness I've ever seen. Let's track down this... Miller. — Dex4_Gameplay_ZombieIntro_01 |