Support Gem /3
怪物 词缀 /11
1传奇monster explodes on death text [2]
1传奇monster explodes on its target text [1]
1传奇monster explodes on its target text [2]
1传奇base monster will be deleted on death [0]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as fire [260]
伤害 元素 火焰
狂怒邪血:雷霆1传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as lightning [300,360]
伤害 元素 闪电
狂怒邪血:冰雪1传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as cold [300,360]
伤害 元素 冰霜
剧毒的50传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as chaos [8]
伤害 混沌
狂怒邪血:业火2传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as fire [300,360]
伤害 元素 火焰
狂怒邪血:雷霆2传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as lightning [300,360]
伤害 元素 闪电
狂怒邪血:冰雪2传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as cold [300,360]
伤害 元素 冰霜
1传奇base monster will be deleted on death [1]
explode on death % main hand damage to deal as chaos [20]
伤害 混沌
其他属性 词缀 /1
chest play warning sound [1]
物品 /3
Expert Crumbling Maul
物理伤害: 113-138
攻击暴击率: 5%
每秒攻击次数: 1.1
武器范围: 1.3
需求: 等级 79, 212 Str
Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Advanced Crumbling Maul
物理伤害: 93-114
攻击暴击率: 5%
每秒攻击次数: 1.1
武器范围: 1.3
需求: 等级 62, 142 Str
Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
Crumbling Maul
物理伤害: 62-75
攻击暴击率: 5%
每秒攻击次数: 1.1
武器范围: 1.3
需求: 等级 38, 88 Str
Causes Enemies to Explode on Critical kill, for 10% of their Life as Physical Damage
传奇 /1
护甲提高 (60–100)%
+(10–20) 力量
战吼速度加快 (20–30)%
造成其生命 10% 的物理伤害
战吼技能的效果范围提高 (20–30)%
Passive /1
效果区域扩大 15%
被你击败的燃烧敌人有 5% 的几率爆炸,造成其生命上限十分之一的火焰伤害
升华试炼 Passive /2
升华: 死士
角色: 战士
造成其生命 25% 的物理伤害
升华: 猎巫人
角色: 佣兵
你击败敌人时有 10% 的几率使其爆炸,
造成其生命上限 100% 的物理伤害

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