Flicker Strike
Melee, Strike, AoE, Movement
Level: 10
Cost: 40 Mana
Attack Speed: 50% of base
Attack Damage: 354%
需求 Level 47, 40 Dex, 40 Int
需求 Quarterstaff
Teleport to a enemy and strike them. Consumes Power Charges to perform additional teleporting strikes on nearby enemies.
Teleports and Strikes 3 additional times per Power Charge, with 285% more Attack Speed
You cannot gain Power Charges while using this Skill
Skills can be managed in the Skills Panel.
Flicker Strike
Melee, Strike, Movement, Duration
Level: (1–20)
Cost: (5–8) Mana
Cooldown Time: 2.00 sec
Attack Speed: 120% of base
Attack Damage: (177–409)% of base
Effectiveness of Added Damage: (177–409)%
需求 Level (10–70), (29–155) Dex
需求 Claws, Daggers, One Hand Swords, Thrusting One Hand Swords, One Hand Axes, One Hand Maces, Sceptres, Staves, Two Hand Swords, Two Hand Axes, Two Hand Maces, Warstaves, Rune Daggers
Teleports the character to a nearby monster and attacks with a melee weapon. If no specific monster is targeted, one is picked at random. Grants a buff that increases movement speed for a duration. The cooldown can be bypassed by expending a Frenzy Charge.
Base duration is 3 seconds
10% increased Attack Speed per Frenzy Charge
15% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
Buff grants 20% increased Movement Speed
(0–10)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Hit
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.